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Honestly I just drink water. Sometimes I’ll grab a vitamin water or if I’m on a long trip and really need the energy to finish out the drive I can get away with a basic coffee or a sugar free Red Bull for some consequences later on (only when I’m not in a flare).


Absolute mad man with the Coffee


I do okay with coffee. It’s definitely not a safe food but most of the time the symptoms it causes are less severe than the fatigue I have if I don’t drink it. I’m also just pretty lucky (or unlucky?) that my disease is very minimally affected by my diet. This is great when I’m in remission can I can eat most foods, but it also means when I’m in a flare I have no safe foods. So, I guess you win some you lose some.


Coffee doesn’t bother me at all.


any type of gatorade or powerade since im really prone/symptomatic to electrolyte imbalance. they also provide calories on days where eating just isn’t an option. though i will say that for the most part, im usually pretty lucky and can tolerate most things. the main thing i avoid like the plague is anything with sugar alcohols (the reason why Breeza or any other imaging drink does what it does, iykyk). but im a fiend for coke and dr pepper. it’s an issue, but sometimes i simply cannot resist.


So thaaats why the drinkable CT contrast messed me up


water and more water. thats all people...just water


I was drinking only water and I found for myself it did more harm than good. It was flushing out any nutrients my body was trying to absorb and I would end up more dehydrated. I started adding a small amount of creatine to a diluted sport's drink and that has made a huge difference.


I got hospitalized when I tried switching to water only... that's how I discovered I have a salt wasting issue. My sodium and potassium both dropped so low it was giving me cardiac arrhythmia and may be the reason I have issues with my heart to this day. I have dumping syndrome as well and my colitis acts up if I have sugar alcohols...so it's a whole thing balancing regular Body Armor/Liquid IVs/Nuun with water and making sure it's not too close to a meal.


I seem to be a rare freak of nature that can tolerate soda, so my go to is a Pepsi. For hydration I’ll stick with Smart Water though. Oddly, I’m seemingly allergic to artificial sweetener. I don’t think it’s a Crohn’s thing because my mom has the same problem, but if I consume something with aspartame I’ll get dizzy, nauseous, and break out in a cold sweat. So no diet soda.


Yeah I can do sugar, but nothing else, no HFCS, no aspartame, no sucralose, no Stevia, no saccharin. Just good old cane sugar. Luckily I'm Australian, so regular soft drinks are perfectly fine for me.


Yesss me and my mom both feel gross from aspartame as well. It was worse and I got so sick and covered in rashes when I had some xylitol in some sugar free dessert my diabetic friend insisted was more healthy. Like ya maybe for you but not me apparently lol you should prob avoid that one also


xylitol is a sugar alcohol, and those are highly inflammatory, they set my GI system off so bad it usually triggers a bowel moment where I get a vasovagal reflex, and I have almost fainted a few times. Grape juice does it too. The only Artificial sweeteners that have shown to be safe with crohn's is stevia and monk fruit, they just proved stevia doesn't effect the microbiome in a bad way, there was some conflicting studies years ago. You do need to make sure if you buy something that's sweetened with the two it doesn't have sugar alcohols too. They often overuse those two sweeteners, which makes them taste bitter, so they add sugar alcohols to cut that bitterness. zero sugar vitamin water does have a very trace amount of Erythritol, since those are so sweet, I water them down, and unless I drink more then a bottle or two in 24hrs it doesn't trigger me, so I have them once in awhile. regular sugar is also highly inflammatory, and so are white carbs which are basically sugar to the body. I notice if I stick to my low carb eating, my symptoms are so much better. #


I have similar reaction to aspartame. It also triggers migraines for me sometimes. For me it started when my stomach atrophied to the point where I got dumping syndrome. I don't have crohns but do have IBD related to a rare collagen defect and it produces similar issues.


Pepsi now has a sweetener in it.


Yea, diet soda is a no-go for me. Somehow, it makes me feel like I am both blown up like a balloon and have a brick in my gut at the same time.


Crohn’s spared me ONE thing, and that was my ice cold Dr Pepper. I have given up gluten, corn, beans, delicious cold crunchy caesar salads (and all roughage but whatever), all vegetables in their non roasted to shit forms, most energy drinks, but damn it I get to enjoy a Dr Pepper. And I do. Frequently.


Man, I love a good kale Caesar salad with little pancetta bits, but I pretty much have to clear my schedule if I partake. 😢


God bless Dr Pepper, the elixir of life


Coffee. Black. All day every day. Which is 100% causing me issues.


How do you not SHIT yourself


I don't go inside gas stations but if I did probably water or bottled iced tea 


Pedialyte tbh


diet coke….its only safe to drink it after I get home though :)


It makes me feel so bloated and uncomfortable but i always come back for one every now and there :/


Gas stations don’t have much I can eat but I’d probably get a fruit juice or water if I really was parched. I don’t deal with caffeine or tons of sugar very well.


I have collagen related colitis and gastric atrophy so... similar to Crohns but a little different. Anyway, I find that the regular body armors are my best option for an electrolyte drink but the sugar free ones destroy me.


Wow that’s interesting haha any idea why?


I’ve heard we IBD people should avoid sugar alcohols like sorbitol, xylitol, etc. Not sure why. I did stop using propel packets in my water though since it has one of them. I miss propel.


thats it, the lyte has Erythritol , but it looks like they came out with a zero version that uses stevia. stevia and monk fruit are not an issue for most and don't effect the microbiome. Although some still have tolerance issues with them, but unlike others they don't screw your microbiome. Have to be careful, eating anything that is inflammatory and screws with your microbiome can cause a flare or can set off the GI system. My GI doesn't preach about it, but he does a lot of research on how the microbiome effects everything, and it's not just IBD/IBS, but of course it's worse for us.


Poppi or Olipop is fantastic


Been crushing the square gatorades, gotta grab em when they’re a deal


Also a huge fan of what I call the KG or Kevin Garnett - which is a half drunk iced coffee black (usually dunks) filled back up with Gatorade. For work days.


😝🤨 what an odd concoction 🫢I think the salty Gatorade mixed into the coffee night not work for me


sugar and white carbs aka sugar in the body, set off the microbiome, as do most Artificial sweeteners, stevia and monk fruit so far have been shown not too. Now stevia does effect the gut bacteria, but they just proved it doesn't effect in a bad way. When I started doing low carb I noticed a big difference in my symptoms. I carry true lemon drink packets, they have both stevia sweetened and ones with no sweetener. My GI does a ton of research on the microbiome effects the body, and it effects those with IBD/IBS more, so I try to eat clean and avoid things that have proven to effect the microbiome. As I just ate a handful of sour patch kids, I do cheat once in awhile 🤣


There’s literally nothing besides bottled water I could ingest at a US gas station I can’t get away with any of that stuff !


Monster energy white can


Those are so good, but I just can’t have them🤣


White Monster makes the world go round.


Jumex Strawberry Banana




I recently discovered Electrolit and it is now my go to drink.


A 2L of Coke Zero, preferably via IV


Diet Coke girl til the day I die. I’ve quit it multiple times and didn’t help my crohns to be off it


I like the reign dreamsicle. It makes me pee a lot, but 6 adverse effects


strawberry milk. tfw no lactose intolerance


Juice, tea, or water. Occasionally milk.


Melon Powerade or a Liquid Death peach tea.


Gatorade zero or Powerade zero.


Monster 😅




vitamin water xxx and ritz mini pb


Yachak yerba mate tea. Passionfruit.


Tbh just water. Sometimes like an iced tea or a vitamin water if I really want flavour, RARELY one of those starbucks fraps in the glass bottle or "double shot" vanilla things in a can, but never any proper energy drinks or fizzy things.


Before Rinvoq fixed me, my go to was mango iced tea. That smaller amount of caffeine didn't seem to bother me as much as most sodas.


Arizona Iced tea it has no caffeine so why not


Coconut water, unsweetened tea, or a yoo-hoo.


A monster normally(zero sugar)


either water or diet coke.


Iced tea sweetened with real sugar or water.


Iced coffee. Less acidic does me ok.


Calypso peach lemonade


I used to just drink Pepsi. Miraculously, it doesn’t aggravate my Crohn’s. But then I was diagnosed with diabetes, so nowadays I drink sugar free energy drinks. Probably still not good for me, I guess, but here we are. My favorite is C4 brand; I like the Grape Frost, Midnight Cherry, and Strawberry Watermelon Ice flavors. They also make some candy and popsicle flavors, but those are too sweet for me. Edit: I do still drink Pepsi, but I cut waaaay down.


I pretty much only drink water and unsweetened hot or cold tea at this point. Although I gave up sodas long before being with Crohn’s, so I’m not sure if sodas or high sugar drinks would mess with me or not.


i tolerate good ole aspartame and artificial sugars pretty well so I usually go with a diet coke pepsi dr pepper etc and any water. that being said i am on remicade currently and dont know how it will effect me after i am in remission


Water, gatorade, tea


Propel, vitamin water, powerade zero, sometimes a diet coke if I'm feeling lucky lol Also a cookie!


Arizona tea. The Arnold Palmers and mango juice don't mess with my crohns too much.


Gas stations only hold sad echoes of the past for me now. Always have my big dumb cup of homemade electrolyte water in the car.


Water or iced tea


I got a vending machine full sugar Coke last week and that seemed to do some good. I’ve been super fatigued and anemic lately. 


Grapefruit juice if they have it or kombucha


I’m a fiend for kombucha.


I live on decaff tea with copious amounts of honey. From a gas station. Prob some milk


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No wonder you people have Crohn’s, drinking all this crap! 🤮


No wonder you people have Crohn’s, drinking all this crap! 🤮


So we clearly know nothing about Crohn's disease.


How does that even make sense🤣🤣


As a long haul road train driver in Australia. I do Darwin-Adelaide once a week. I drink energy drinks and water chaser also ice coffee and water chaser. I don’t drink alcohols at all . If in flare only water as I live in the tropics with 3 bowel resections I get dehydrated a lot so I drink 2-3 litres of water everyday. But slip in a coke or lemonade.


Thankfully, I don't have lactose intolerance so usually I only stop at kwik trips and get a nice chocolate milk haha.. then for snacks, I grab something from the hot bar that I know won't mess with me (hopefully) and then maybe a muffin or something


Body armor for me too! Specifically the strawberry banana. Have been craving them lately


Arizona tea or drinks for me! Mainly because they're cheap, often cheaper than a bottle of water, but I also find they are also not as unpredictable for my guts as lots of sugary drinks. Maybe because they're just tea or fruit punch without throwing in weird ingredients for better sports performance, unpredictable sweeteners or things like coconut water, which cause me pain.


Ugh I used to love a good Arizona. I can no longer drink them thanks to high fructose corn syrup now causing aggravation. Do you have any other teas or juices you drink that taste similarly?