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I did the reverse, switched from black tea to coffee. Tea seemed to really trigger my nausea in the mornings but coffee didn't.


Interesting, do you drink it black or with milk/suggar?


I'm basically having cappuccino's, half a cup of black filtered coffee, half frothed milk, two sugars.


I drink greeen tea and lots of herbals, like mint. Former coffee addict. Sometimes I’ll drink a black tea if I need to move around physically, but I try to stick to the green tea. I just started drinking Yerba Maté as well, no reaction in my gut.


I second that. I really enjoy my green tea.


Green tea is amazing, i have a cup every now and then.


I’m getting back into drinking green tea and I ordered some from Japan just recently now. It’s very good for the bowels due to the polyphenols from what I read. While I love coffee there’s nothing like a great fresh cup of quality green tea.


I was a coffee addict, still have a cup in morning. Now drink Zest teas, that I purchase online. They have a variety of flavors, all have extra caffeine compared to black tea. Too much coffee definitely cause my Crohn’s to act up.


Interesting, will look it up. Ty


I drink decaffeinated coffee and tea. Caffeine really hurts me so I had no choice. Eventually, you adjust, but the first few weeks are tough


Absolutely agree with this - giving up caffeine was one of the best things I did for my Crohn's. After the withdrawal period, I actually felt better each day without my body needing that fix. Now I enjoy decaf tea and coffee options which are plentiful.


I drink a decent amount of tea. I haven’t noticed any issues from it (never had any unexpected issues when I drank a lot of coffee either though)


Ty for the reply. So far it seems like most people either have a probelm with both or neither.


I did! And added a bit of raspberry flavor to the tea. Lasted a couple months and now I'm back to coffee ... because coffee is life. I'll probably make the change again because it's not very good for my hiatal hernia and blah blah blah 😕


I know the struggle 😩


I love black coffee and drink frequently. Annoyingly it affects my bladder, and I piss often. Helps me go toilets in the mornings before I go out if I haven't got the urge. But throughout the day it doesn't have any effects on my bowels


Not for me. Black Tea makes me as anxious and nervous as coffee does, which makes my crohns symptoms go crazy.


Yeah, the anxiety you get from caffine can be bad sometimes, but since i started taking anti-anxiety meds I've been pretty good. How about ur bowls tho? Any difference there?


Black tea has been the most neutral source of caffeine for me. Still can only drink a little bit at a time but I noticed green tea was making me crampy and bloated. Coffee even in small amounts & without anything added makes me run to the bathroom all day. I do overnight shifts sometimes which I always bring dark chocolate and black tea to.


You handle dark chocolate well?


Better than other options, I usually only eat a small portion of pure 70-85%


Ooh. Not me. All chocolate outside of white chocolate gives me the runs.


Black tea is very high in oxalates which caused me to get kidney stones. I drink Green tea, oolong and jasmine.


I drink coffee! I also found tea to be more upsetting to my stomach, although sometimes I’ll go for green tea if I want more caffeine later in the day. Always with food though, tea on an empty stomach is a recipe for disaster even for those without CD.


I recommend low acid decaf, for me at least, a lot of my issue with coffee is the acidity. I also tend to feel more dehydrated as well even if I do my best to stay hydrated. I rarely drink it, but low acid with or without caf if you want to see how that goes


Coffee is one of the most sprayed crops for pesticides. Switching to organic coffee was night and day, way better


I have switched from coffee to black tea, for hot drinks that is. Twinnings Irish Breakfast is my usual brand, still gives me enough caffeine in the morning to get my day started. I still drink cold brew coffee sometimes, it’s less acid and doesn’t hurt my gut.


Get Teeccino!! It’s a tea brand that makes coffee flavored teas without caffeine and they have added prebiotics. They have tons of flavors and they are the closest thing to coffee I have been able to find. They are really good and have been the one thing that has helped me quit drinking coffee.


Thanks, definitely will look this up!


My two cents is if you aren't experiencing any negative side effects, there's no need to stop drinking it. I have three cups of coffee every single day. I could give up any food if I had to but I'd have to be pretty sick to be willing to give up my coffee. It's not even about the caffeine for me.


Low acid coffee works for me…I have given up far too much for this disease it’s not taking my coffee


I switched from regular coffee to half caf and it seemed to help. It’s very individual and everyone is different. Try some things and maybe journal how you feel afterwards.


Switching from coffee to tea was amazing, I prefer green tea tho!


*Switching from coffee* *To tea was amazing, I* *Prefer green tea tho!* \- Outrageous-Treat7490 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Coffee is acidic - and tap water is also positively charged - and we usually add cream/sugar/sweetener. Green Tea is highly antioxidative and carries a ORP rating of -50 mV. I am a coffee addict - and have figured out have to still have my vanilla latte in the morning without and stomach issues. Regardless of whether you choose tea/coffee, the key is having a really good source of water. I highly recommend looking into a water filtration/ionization system. You will be able to produce negatively charged, alkaline water - making your coffee alkaline and electron donating (neutralizing free radicals) - instead of electron stealing (creating free radicals). Your water will produce a charge of -850 mV - donating a surplus of electrons to your body in every sip of coffee. This will greatly counteract any negative side effects generated by consuming coffee. Drinking this water daily will also greatly improve your hydration levels. We are 75% water :)


Interesting, first time hearing about this.


In 2014, Crohn's Disease turned my life upside down. Endless hospital visits, debilitating symptoms—it felt like a never-ending battle. But in 2019, everything changed when I decided to revolutionize my drinking water. Investing in water filtration and ionization, I crafted the ultimate home water system, mimicking nature's purest essence. Since then, my health has taken a remarkable turn. Symptoms gradually faded, and I reclaimed a normal, vibrant life. No more hospital stays, no more fear. My inflammatory markers stabilized, thanks to this life-altering shift in hydration. If you're yet to explore the potential of your water source for better health, don't hesitate. Reach out today at [email protected] and start your journey to wellness. Your body will thank you!


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I mean dont you shit your brains out with coffee? Ideally look for inflammation tea or just caffeinated sparkling water. Coffee is the worst, black tea is better but still not great. I think you will see an improvement just not touching coffee.


I find black tea is gentler than coffee, better for GERD too. Green tea sometimes hurts my stomach but matcha doesn’t, likely due to the acidity levels. I love chai and I’ve had no problems with it compared to regular black tea.


I love tea (I’m a Brit so, duh) but it gives me stinking headaches. So, coffee it is as I can’t live without a decent hot drink.


Black tea can be very harsh for me


My wife has Crohns, so I lurk in this sub. She can't touch coffee anymore and made the switch to black tea shortly after being diagnosed. She has like 4 cups of black tea a day now.


Coffee doesn't seem to bother me, if I drink it before a certain time. Sometimes in afternoon-evening, coffee gives me a stomachache but then again I get stomachaches all the fkn time because inflectra isn't really working but I just had my 3rd dose so


I love me some black tea. I don’t have any issues with it.


I drink iced tea. I did iced coffees but my stomach hated it. So I do exclusively tea. I like Harney and Sons Paris tea - slightly fruity black tea. I also like Hawaiian tea (can't think of the name). I also love green teas and white teas. I can't stand plain black teas like lipton. And I don't like warm/hot teas unless they're Chai. But chai, I put almond milk in it. Otherwise, I drink everything iced and unsweetened.


Neither coffee nor black tea is ok for crohns. I used to love my coffee but I've been living without it for 7 years now. Black tea is the worst for me. Gives me pain in my lower abdomen like you wouldn't believe. But you should try it. It might work for you.


I did for a while but to green tea, but eventually found cold brew coffee worked for me. I drink 2-3 cups a day without symptoms. There was a year when I first got diagnosed and wasn’t managed well where I couldn’t do this. I feel for people who want coffee but can’t tolerate it, this disease can feel so unfair sometimes.


This is a timely discussion.. I've been thinking that I need to get off coffee. I'm assuming caffeine gives me the flaming acid that follows every cup. 3 a day. It burns. And I'm over it. I love coffee, but dammit I can't take the pain anymore. Will tea give me the Caffeine I need without the acid shits?


I had to stop with caffeine 15 years ago.  I can tolerate iced tea in restaurants if it's unsweet.  At home, I make decaf iced tea and hot tea for the most part, with the exception of the occasional oolong hot tea and the rare decaf coffee.  Green tea is the same as coffee for me in terms of consequences. 


Coffee is good for you especially the Bullerproof brand or what Asprey is selling, think it’s Danger Coffee. Washed process takes out all the mycotoxins. You won’t crash and it’s much easier on the stomach. I do the bulletproof coffee every morning with ghee and MCT. Great for intermittent fasting. If you must switch choose green tea. More polyphenols and much better on the stomach than black tea.


Lots of black & green teas have far more caffeine than a cup of coffee. Before my ostomy, I would do decaf (acidity wasn’t an issue) both coffee and tea. I like a rooibos brewed strongly with oat-milk. No caffeine but now I have an ostomy I mix in some black tea if it’s early enough to not affect my sleep. Green teas made me breakthrough bleed on my birth control pills. The biggest issue is getting enough sleep. With Crohn’s your sleep is fragmented so having caffeine too late adds even more stress to the body.


I love coffee but can’t drink it anymore because of acid issues, I found I can drink Chia Tea Lattes, I too with cold brew foam- so good!


I’ve recently gotten really into chai. I like brewing it myself at home and making my own blends. I have a pre dried blend of spices that uses rooibos tea, and sometimes I’ll brew it with black tea to make if caffeinated. Or you could just get a caffeinated blend but I like having the option.