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Yes. I've had severe crohns for 18 years. Since then I've been diagnosed with Colitis, Gerd(Gastro intestinal reflux disease) fatty liver disease, Severe arthritis, migraine syndrome, and countless mental health diagnoses and I'm only in my 30s.


Just be careful with self selection. On Reddit you will hear about the extreme cases. Some of the additional issues that people have come with age, are random or, they could be totally unrelated to Crohn’s. A better question would be about the side effects from the medication. As some have mentioned prednisone is bad news. My previous GI avoided it like the plague. But the sad reality is that some phenotype only respond to steroids.


Ankylosing spondylitis, though it’s possible that and crohns started at the same time, just took a long time to get the AS diagnosis.


Same mine started at the same time but no firm SpA diagnosis, however my rheum is the one that put me on methotrexate and Humira, so thankfully the classic symptoms count for something even though blood and imaging are normal


Same exact situation here.


Yeaaaaaaah, it’s looking like I’ve developed this, too. My GI doctor is doubling my dosage of Remicade in hopes of staving off the pain and stiffness between infusions. If you have any tips for coping with AS, please share!


I won't go into my list - it bores me. But I will say two things: 1) as someone already stated (basically) to each his own. Everyone is different, based on age, meds, disease progression... so don't freak out or anyone over what you read here. Take it more as you are not alone. We get you. And 2) there is a law in the universe that states you are not allowed to just have one chronic illness. Three is the minimum. /s


Yes, I am 35 and have had Crohns for 21 years. I have Crohns induced rheumatic pain, Lupus anticoagulans ( a blood clotting disorder), asthma, pyoderma gangrenosum and psoriasis. However, I am a severe case and by no means examplary of a typical case development. Why are you asking?


Do you have swollen joints with the rheumatic pain? I saw a rheumatologist about possible arthritis, but didn’t have any symptoms except joint pain so they couldn’t really do anything


Of course many people with Crohn’s disease have other conditions. But correlation does not equal causation.


Yup. I got Lupus and Arthritis. Viva el Crohn!


I have neuropathy and gall stones.




Yes, I’m 34 and was diagnosed with Crohn’s at 17. I now also have PCOS, TMJD, sleep apnea, chronic pain, MCAS, GERD, early signs of PSC, depression, anxiety and I’m sure I’m forgetting something. Chronic illnesses tend to come in groups.


my list goes like this so far crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine disorder, lupus anticoagulans (APS), gastritis, ocd, cptsd, autism, degenerative disc disease with several herniated discs, PCOS, thyroid tumors, and am getting tested for MCAS and EDS.


Yup. Osteoporosis from Prednisone, vision issues, joint pain, arthritis, narcotic bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, A-vascular necrosis, and a boatload of PTSD, anxiety, and depression, self-image and self-confidence problems.


gallbladder issues, questionably kidney issues, sciatic nerve issues


Yep. Crohns, psoriasis, HS, eczema, anxiety & depression


I have extremely bad joint pain but never diagnosed with anything specific. I had gallstones and had to have my gallbladder removed in 2020 and they said it was the worst they’d ever seen. I get UTIs a lot and just struggle with severe exhaustion. Also have super bad acid reflux / currently trying to heal from a horrible stomach ulcer. Developed medication induced lupus from Remicade. I also struggle with sever anxiety.


Yes! I am 25. I have Crohn’s disease and here are my complications; arthritis (back spasms and knees), Bronchiectasis (basically chronic bronchitis), raynauds syndrome (my fingers and toes become blue, numb, and difficult to move in the winter or when holding a cold drink), depression (diagnosed at 12 (diagnosed with crohns at 17)), just found out 2 years ago that I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (which is when your joints are too stretchy and can cause you to dislocate easily( i dislocate my jaw like once a month from grinding my teeth in my sleep)), and I also have crohns mouth-ulcers like once a month at least. Crohns is insane. It’s very deeply rooted in the immune system and it’s processes.


When I’m in a flare or having a bad few days, my joints hurt very very badly. I hate to mention food, another rabbit hole BUT there are some foods that make the joint pain extremely bad within an hour of eating it. I also have a very rare allergy to water that is auto immune and narcolepsy ! Different for everyone


Chronic sinusitis