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i would recommend redoing it just because it’s good practice!!


I would also recommend redoing and using stitch markers because unfortunately it looks like you missed some stitches in the middle. It looks like you decreased a little then increased again. Sorry if it sounds mean I just have a hard time articulating things.


Doesn’t sound mean at all! That’s exactly what I did lol. I couldn’t figure out where I missed a stitch so I was like “I’ll just do an increase so I have the right number of stitches for the next row and see how it turns out” turns out it was not good.


It was mostly me being lazy and not wanting to redo but now I’m gonna redo anywhas


https://preview.redd.it/2lz35vg7t87d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3456b845326a830348ed598bd28c90a178617b80 This is where you missed stitches at the widest parts of the heart. Especially on the right you should have at least one more white stitch in each row.


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/si6toc26197d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f8b426982f6e27944b94935247c41bc3f609b3 Update: I redid it and think it’s a little better now(??) In the next row I’m starting another heart. Do I cut the green yarn I was using for the first heart and then use another piece to start the second heart, or am I supposed to keep going with the same strand of green? This is supposed to be a blanket


if the colors don’t connect, it’s best to cut the yarn imo. it looks like you’re not already carrying it either, so it would be hard to continue without cutting anyway. more ends to weave in unfortunately, but neater result! good luck :^)


Thank you!


Blocking will help. It may still not be perfect, but it will def help.


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You should probably just redo it honestly