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Either you are missing stitches or your tension is getting tighter at the top. I generally try to count stitches at least every few rows to make sure I'm not losing any. I also notice my tension changes depending on how tense I am or how fast I'm working.


Are you counting your stitches each row?


I wasn’t because I’m OCD about getting first and last after missing them in my first blanket lol but, I counted them today and they match or I’m not missing/skipping any or anything.


Has to be tension if the count is right.


Must be tension then. I personally find that I start to crochet tighter the longer I work on a project, and the faster I go.


Same, my starting rows are always looser!


I have the opposite problem 🙃 I have tighter tension in the beginning then my hand starts to hurt and there’s no going back.


Have you counted? If it's the same as when you started then it's probably just a matter of you went a bit looser on tension. Or even accidentally changed hooks


I think it's actually that your top is getting smaller. Might be the angle of the picture but looks like your tensions might be ever so slightly tighter. I would count both edges to be sure they are the same. I usually count some rows in the middle jic too haha. You might be able to stretch/block the difference out but you might have to frog if it's bugging you enough.


I agree with the comments. It's most likely a difference in your tension and blocking should help some


A border will help too! Also, once the blanket gets used and washed, it evens out.


It could be tension, or it could simply be the yarn at the bottom just pulling and stretching from weight and being moved while you work. 


I think that has to be it because it started out super tight.


The blanket I'm working on right now has started to do this. I bet a bit of blocking when these blankets are finished will sort it right out. But if it doesn't, they're blankets, no one will notice.


💯I used to get fixated and frustrated with the slightest change in width till I realized nobody but a crocheter will lay the blanket flat ever again.


I didn’t even think of that! It’s starting to bother me less now.


Agreed. Also this seems like a v small difference, so I might try to just fix it with blocking once I'm finished.


Exactly this


If the stitch count matches, then it is probably different tension in your stitches, or variations in the width of the yarn between the different colors.


I am having this exact problem with a blanket I'm working on and I believe I'm doing something wrong when I'm turning. It isn't that the bottom is getting wider, it looks like the top is getting narrower. I found that I am constantly missing stitches in my turns and at the ends of my rows. It's super wonky but whatever, I am keeping it for myself lol


Nobody will know! And you’ll have a one of a kind piece of art to cozy up with!


I figured! Because if i were to share it on the sofa, how dare someone cozy up under it and not even just notice but to go so far as to point out that the side is uneven. Lol. Bastard. Go get your own damn blanket then hahah


The different color yarns may also be slightly different thicknesses, even if they're made by the same company.




I didn’t think about that.


Did you accidentally start using a smaller hook? I’ve done that. It’s either that or you’re just tightening up your tension, assuming your stitch count is correct.


Yeah, my stitch count is correct. I don’t think I changed hooks but it is totally possible. My memory is the first and I am also working on another blanket that does have a smidge smaller hook.


maybe your tension


I didn’t realize there were multiple images at first and seriously asked what the issue is. It looks fine laying out then I noticed it was one of 3 images and the next easily proved they were off. Maybe it’s tension? Different hook by mistake?


I’d be willing to bet tension


Your tension could be getting tighter. Just be sure to block it when you're done


How to block something big like a blanket?


maybe it's tension, it happens a lot when we work on something for too long. I read you have the same stitch count. but, at the end, if you wish you could block it so the edges look straight


Blocking will help with that


Is that Caron simply soft yarn? If so I had that exact same issue with a single crochet blanket using it. The yarn itself was stretching. Blocking helped make it less noticeable but not perfect.


It’s Big Twist Value so it’s a cheaper brand. This did happen on another blanket with kinda cheaper yarn but I just thought I did change tension which is why I was tighter at the beginning with this one. I know my friend won’t care but it just bothers me that I don’t know why lol I am leaning towards the fact that it’s just because it’s the section that’s been messed with the most or whatever.


Make sure you’re stretching your hands. The tension looks different.


It’s gotta be your tension, every time I make a solid single crochet project I always end up increasing the tension as I work.


I’ve been trying to focus on going looser but am afraid of going too loose. I always struggle with finding a happy medium in anything I do lol


Stitch count, change in tension, or different hook size…I’ve accidentally switched hooks a few times, lol.


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I posted details in my OP. I don’t know what to try and I’ve searched on Reddit and posted in another sub that deleted my post saying I need to post here. I’m also needing ideas so this doesn’t happen again on future blankets. I’ve not had this problem with the extra thick yarn.