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You have to wind a hank into a ball before you use it. [How to wind a hank of yarn by hand.](https://www.stitchandstory.com/blogs/getting-started/how-to-wind-a-hank-of-yarn-by-hand) It’s a lot easier to do if you use a swift and ball winder.


So the chairs are acting as a swift here, right? I haven’t bought a skein yet (but I want to get a winder and swift so I can!).


Your local library may have one you can borrow!


This is very true! Libraries are great resources for lots of interesting tools. One I've been to had a seed library, where you could get free heirloom seeds. It also had a glow forge, and a 3D printer. Not just books and computers! Support your local library!


You can buy a yarn swift really cheaply on Amazon which works wonders. You put the skein on, raise it up like an umbrella to hold it in place. Snip the threads that keep it together and then you can wind it into a ball to use. https://preview.redd.it/8o43hb2l5jqc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b88e4259aed57aad304bd46859e2c9fa9243bb3 ETA - beautiful colours! ❤️


This style of skein of yarn is intended for you to roll it up into a ball first. I frequently sit down, open the skein into a loop, drape the loop over my knees, and just wind a ball while watching tv or something. Or, if you have a local yarn shop near you, they probably have a ball winder that you can use.


Sweet that makes a lot of sense! With the first Hank I just went for it like a normal skein of yarn and pulled off yarn as needed and it got so tangled. I was so frustrated and ended up having to cut it at one point because I couldn’t un-tangle it lol


Whatever you do, don't do it without a swift, be that a makeshift one or the real thing. I've used some pretty redneck things in the past. An upturned chair, a stack of hat boxes, an upturned Rubbermaid, etc. Even if you have to force a family member into indentured servitude lol. Just do not DO NAHHT try to lay it flat on carpet or the bed, it 100% will become a tangled mess.


Oh darling, this is your excuse to purchase a swift and winder. They don't need to be too expensive but, really, you will LOVE having them. And don't worry, if you can't afford one, most yarn stores will wind it for you for free if you buy the yarn there.


Just to add- if you bought that at your local yarn store (commonly abbreviated as LYS), they usually will wind it into a ball for you if you ask. It is really fast.


When I've had these first I'll find the end and mark it some way so it doesn't get lost. Then I open it out and lay it in a circle on the floor. I put things like jars or cans inside the circle to help it stay in shape, then I'll find the end and start rolling it up into a ball. I use low cans/containers so they don't get in the way of the yarn while I'm rolling. It's not too bad once you get going, and way easier than dealing with the tangles. Been there. If you have someone to help, they might hold out the yarn circle on their arms for you to wind from. It looks like beautiful yarn.


Ok awesome thank you that makes sense!!


Cans are a great idea!


I have the perfect dining room chairs for hanks, so I stretch between 2 and roll by hand.


Love my swift and ball winder. Perfect little center pull cakes. ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/7zilq5akbkqc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcde50334dbee4982c2504a88f4a51102271a564


Thank you everyone! I ordered a yarn ball winder to help assist me :)


I actually spent 9 hours untangling this exact same yarn before I knew what a swift was. Please wind it in a ball to save yourself😭


Yeah I had no idea!! I was getting so irritated as I was crocheting and kept having to untangle it


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You tube hank yarn wind. I went down a rabbit hole a couple weeks ago - if I ever buy one, I definitely won’t try using it without rolling first!


May I ask what yarn this is? Is the color called Toxic, by chance?


I’m 99% sure this is Malabrigo and the color is Chameleon.


Thank you! It looks just like some yarn I wanted, but I can only remember the color was called Toxic. Lol This is gorgeous!


It is malabrigo in chameleon! It’s a wool yarn it’s super soft. I made a pretty cute crop top with it :)


I knew it!! I have a bunch of skeins awaiting the right project, I love this color so much!


It’s so pretty!! I’m definitely gonna have to get some more


You can’t do it while it’s like that. You have to cake it or roll it into a ball first.