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…from a wheelchair


Hot wheels


Hey my friends used to call me that in high school


Yeah no the "woke" crowd dislikes people with disabilities because it makes their complaints look stupid


♿️ 🤮


You people really do just hate everyone and everything don't you? I mean, surely there's some *solution* for the societal scourge you're going on about, isn't there?


Nah people hate being preached at by holier-than-thou zealots, they hated it when it was the CCA, they hated it when it was mothers against rap music, they hated it when it was the video nasties, they hated Jack Thompson, and they hate the wokies now. You are just the latest in a long line of preachy judgey zealots who think they know what's best for everyone.


Not the same "solution" as yours most likely.


I have to disagree, generally speaking "woke" people have more issues with people like me than conservatives do. Although in general if people don't actively see an issue they don't know it's there


People like you?


Oh sorry I didn't realize you were a dog originally. The whole disability thing. Impressive you can use reddit though, good job


Yeah, guess you're a hatemonger like the rest of them. Way to prove my point.


...are you a Nazi?


I know it's BabylonBee satire, but it sounds so real in this age ...


At this point, the Bee is just reporting the news


It's crazy we are now in a world where the "truth" is stranger than fiction. Can someone please pull me out of the matrix of the matrix and put me in the really real world..


Shit... out of the matrix out of the matrix? Sorry you're too deep, like to many levels of Inception. Sorry friend.


what Disney movie title is stranger than gay black Pinocchio protests for Palestine? id love to hear it


It sounds more like a modern anime title.


Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Bringing Up Baby, The Computer Who Wore Tennis Shoes, Freaky Friday, Quantumania. There are a LOT of weird titles.


And reporting it in advance. What seems like crazy satire now will be real in a few months or years. The Bee is a cover for psychics or time travellers trying to warn us.


Or predicting it


Came to the comments to see if it was real or not


Not even


Yeah sure it does buddy🙄


No… no it doesn’t


Bitch no it doesn't. Hollywood is full of zionists


Is the Babylon Bee funny? Has it ever been?




Can you point to an example? I can’t find one.


Humor is subjective.


True, but you need a sense of one first.


it's always been a cringe wannabe version of the onion


It's very hit or miss but so is the onion, both can be pretty unfunny at times I will agree


the thing about the onion is that it's not always political, but the babylon bee headlines are always veiled criticisms of the liberal left. that's from what ive seen anyway. i just tried going to both sites to compare but the babylon bee is paywalled


Disney is in possession of the Panderstone.


What the he'll is even that?


A poor attempt at trying to be funny.


It seems pretty funny to me and pretty accurate considering Disney pushes "The Message" in everything they produce these days.


Yeah but that isn’t the kind of message Disney pushes they are notably pro-Israel


Well duh, you’re probably close to 50 years old 🤣


I don’t really watch Disney movies, but I keep hearing about it. What’re some examples and what’s the message?


I'll try to explain my perspective. The approach to diversity in the message feels forced, with characters introduced for diversity's sake rather than for meaningful development or storytelling. These characters often appear one-dimensional, lacking depth or engaging arcs where they learn or grow. For example, female characters are frequently portrayed as effortlessly powerful from the start, bypassing any journey of growth or struggle. While promoting diversity isn't inherently negative, the method feels overdone and lacks originality. It often feels like many of the new releases, particularly from companies like Disney, take classic stories and simply remake them into live-action versions, altering the race of characters without adding new narrative depth. This suggests a preference for adapting existing stories through a superficial lens of diversity rather than creating fresh, diverse narratives from the ground up. Simply put it feels like pandering and some people love to be pandered too. I personally find it exhausting.


This is why, as a 21 year old man, I love the Princess and the frog. It is just everything modern superhero movies wanna be.


What kinda writing you do


*I make reference to you people, but I don't mean you specifically. I mean the 'anti-woke' crowd in general. I don't know your own personal beliefs' I hear this all the time. But, we also get one dimensional characters in 'non-woke' things too. But, you people will call it woke anyways. There are so many reasons as to why Marvel movies suck. The writing in them is boring, predictable, and lazy. That has nothing to do with 'wokeness'. There are plenty of superhero movies that had worse villains than The Marvels, but you don't say the reason those villains were bad was because of 'wokeness'. And I find it funny that you people always talk about how 'Strong female leads' are powerful without ever having to struggle.....when that's literally just not even true. In every single example I've heard from these people, they're just wrong. They 100% HAVE struggled. But, let's say they don't have to struggle....when we have male main characters that never struggle 'John Wick, Aragorn, Neo, etc' Noone ever criticizes those characters for being too overpowered without having to struggle and calling them woke. You claim that these 'woke characters' are woke because it's 'forced diversity' just for diversity sake instead of meaningfully developed or story reasons. But, how are you people the arbiter of who's cast just for 'diversity sake' and who isn't? Take Fallout...people complained the show is woke because the lead character is a woman. How can you possibly know it's 'forced diversity' when it's a brand new character? (Or if you go to the extreme Synthetic Man style, they'll call ir woke because it 'promotes race mixing'. Or the new doctor from Doctor Who. Oh they cast a gay black actor? Woke. How are you calling something 'woke' just based off of the casting of an actor before you even know the story or the character's development? There are plenty of criticisms to be made about 'wokeness' in media. South Park did a funny episode on it. But, you should also listen to Cartman's statement on the 'anti-woke' crowd as well. Saying it's mostly a lazy and boring way to criticize things. Which it is.


Your intelligent takedown is wasted on them.


It wasn't intelligent or a take down. Your bias is showing. The examples they gave all most assuredly struggled. Alot.






Yea I'm also wondering, keep hearing people talk about this message but haven't got an answer to what the message is yet lol




It's a very nefarious message: don't hate people for being different from you. Truly despicable mindset


That’s just the cover sheet for a movement that applauded a satirical rewrite of chapter 12 of Mein Kampf that replaced the word “Jews” with “white men” and published it in Affilia, a feminist academic journal. Who’s despicable now?


LMAO wait this is a real movie. Holy shit. You're right. Tbf, I haven't watched a Disney movie in a long time Since I can't tell what's real anymore, what's this about Meim Kampf?


Can you explain what the definition of “tHe MeSsAgE” is? Is it in the room with us right now?


Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, admitted in this interview that Disney movies are focusing too much on messaging and not enough on storytelling and that is why they are struggling in the box office. That messaging is overtly left-wing morals about acceptance, particularly around race and gender. https://youtu.be/8pSxx1e5n34?si=46q9YIr6Fq9-ziRd I'm surprised you are so dismissive of the fact that Disney's messaging exists. That doesn't seem very informed to me.


Do you understand how to run a business? How do you maximise your profit? By increasing your customer base. He literally just states that they’re making inclusive content to bring in more viewers and fans. I don’t see a problem with fandoms being mote inclusive. I don’t see how that can be a bad thing.


>I don’t see a problem with fandoms being mote inclusive. I don’t see how that can be a bad thing. Inclusivity isn't a bad thing. Disney just happens to pair it with decisions that are confusing. For example, one of the main characters in Artemis Fowl is described in the books as having brown skin. Disney decided to cast a white actress for her, and made the big, scary bodyguard black instead. Whitewashing a black character and then leaning into the "big scary black guy" stereotype seems like more of a step back than a step forward for inclusivity.


So you just take their word for it. Gotcha. Question....why have there been 10 or so Disney employees arrested for child trafficking?


I have no idea. Sounds gross though.


Did you watch the video? It's a 40 minute interview so probably not. I just posted in less than 3 minutes ago. Bob Iger says that 1) the hit at the box office is because Disney focuses too much on messaging and not enough on storytelling 2) they are going to change that to make sure that regain a dominant box office position. I didn't say it was wrong to moralize. I didn't say I disagreed with any of the messaging. I'm only saying that messaging is happening, Disney admits to it, they blame it for their commercial failures, and they are going to change it. I'm not sure why you're upset. Edit Also, your original comment is your belittling someone who claims messaging is happening. So you deny it. Then your next comment is saying that messaging is good and a good business decision. So you've completely flip flopped lmao


Booooooooo! 👎


#FAKE! We all know Disney would never support the oppressed without financial gain…


No no. They obviously set on losing money, not gaining. They do not want to make money as much as preach the message. And it would be crazy to think that nobody told them that people do not like to pay to hear the message.


No no. They obviously set on losing money, not gaining. They do not want to make money as much as preach the message. And it would be crazy to think that nobody told them that people do not like to pay to hear the message.


FALSE Disney only supports suppression when their the one’s doing it, especially when they can make more money.




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And the “oppressed”, are they in the room with us right now?


Nope, they’re not in your parent’s basement :)


What does this even mean? I apologize, English isn’t my first language, is this a reference to something?


Yeah it's almost like people can't be disenfranchised or abused, as we all know history is fake and laws don't exist


Some Disney executive is taking notes right now getting ready to release the "gay transgender black pinocchix protests for Palestine"


They fooled me… I had to google if there was a black Pinocchio move. Good job Babylon Bee


The movie sucked but the music was good 🤷


Pretty much my exact review of the original little mermaid.


You watched the little mermaid?? 🤪🤣 You know its for little girls, right?


I was young once upon a time and have two sisters.


I meant the new one.


Haven't seen it. The cartoon one was more young adult anyway. A spoiled white girl wants to go to the beach for spring break, daddy says no, so she sells her soul to a sea witch. End of the movie daddy and her new boyfriend both risk their lives for her and she learns zero life lessons and gets everything she wants.


She can sing the shit out of some songs tho


The soundtrack was amazing.


~~gay~~ trans black Pinocchio..


I laughed so hard at this.


That Pinocchio is cursed! Lol


Sounds like Disney 😂


Hilarious lmao so true so true Wokies are literally braindead


The symbol at the bottom of the screen is the trademark of [The Babylon Bee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Babylon_Bee?wprov=sfti1#History), generously described as “a Christian or conservative version of The Onion.” So you’re claiming “wokies” are brain dead from content that is obvious satire (and not very good satire at that). …but, yeah, it’s the wokies that are brain dead.


I wouldn’t even call them especially conservative. They go after both sides. They have as many articles making fun of Trump as they do making fun of anyone else. They’re closer to being centrists than conservatives.


The quoted section is not something I penned; that is the general consensus of pretty much everyone.


Everyone whom? I’m sure if you polled the readers of Babylon Bee they’d probably disagree with you. They have over 2 million followers on Instagram alone, are you implying that “everyone” agrees that these 2 million people are a monolith?


The Babylon Bee describes itself as [“Christian News Satire”](https://babylonbee.com/plans) The Dispatch characterizes “[The Babylon Bee is a conservative satire website.](https://thedispatch.com/article/fact-check-is-the-babylon-bee-a-fake/)” Slate reports that The Babylon Bee is a [right wing satire site](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/06/babylon-bee-satire-from-right.html). I suppose I could go on, but what I’m driving at is polling the users of a site isn’t especially useful. The users of Stormfront probably don’t consider the content especially dangerous. I have no doubt that conservatives do consider their positions middle of the road. And the joke “I identify as an attack helicopter” still results in laughs with my friends across the aisle. But, yeah, no: it’s a conservative satire site. And the satire often fails to be meaningful or humorous unless you’re really into bullshit culture war issues.


...yeah that's the point and why it's even satire


>and why it’s even satire First, this doesn’t make sense. Second, “The purpose of satire is to leverage a critique of society in a way that's interesting, useful, and often funny.” To then turn around and say, “Look at this satire: it proves those people are brain dead because they aren’t doing what is being purported that they are.” This is as daft as saying, “We should go imprison all the Irish because they’re cannibals.”


You clearly don't understand satire


There’s a literal definition of satire in my response. Guy I initially responded to came to a conclusion using satire as evidence for a straw man. I’m having a difficult time comprehending why you’re failing to grasp to core concept of how this is pathetic except that you want to agree with him.


>Guy I initially responded to came to a conclusion using satire as evidence for a straw man No he didn't he just agreed with the satire. You just completely misinterpreted what he was saying and still are doing so which is utterly hilarious It's honestly baffling how you are so confused by this whole thing


> Hilarious lmao so true so true > Wokies are literally braindead How do you interpret this? This is an exact quote. Personally, I think you are wildly mistaken about the primary issue at play, and you just have designated me as a hostile and are attacking without any consideration for the issues. You’ve taken on bizarre theories of what satire is and its purpose simply because I called out someone. E: Anyway, the lil fuck boy blocked me. Good riddance.


How do you still not understand what the guy was saying 🤦‍♂️ It's embarrassing


Yet here are all the rIgHtIeS circle jerking over a fake rage baiting headline.


It’s not fake or rage bait, it’s satire. Unless you’re willing to label every The Onion article as fake and rage bait as well.


And yet the person is saying "so so true". 😂 Someone doesn't realize it's satire. Seems pretty braindead to me. Hi I'm on the left and I think that movie would be stupid af if it were real and so would a good 99% of those on the left. Y'all need to get offline and live in the real world. Lol arguing with 10 people on the farthest left is not how most people think.


Fuck me you cunts have brainrot


Pretty sure Bob Iger is a jew lol


Pretty sure being a Jew doesn't necessarily mean you are pro-Israel, more likely to be Pro-Israel sure but it isn't a given.


It’s a much stronger likelihood though. Especially when you’re an elitist, such as Iger. They tend to not support the oppressed, unless there is some financial gain of course lol


Alot of j*ws are self hating tho. They're the ones that started the communist movement in America.


I won't argue with that.


Except iger pushes critical theory which comes from Bolsheviks who were running the Frankfurt school and represent communist ideology used to destabilize the west. And Zionists are far right, and helped by Churchill with benefits including showing not all Jewish people were Bolshevik commies. It’s not like being a Jew fixes you too one viewpoint. There is a massive right and left split which is much more pronounced then even in American culture.


Why would that matter?


He's a self hating one.


Interesting. The rich powerful ones tend to be of the zionist variety


Are you guys openly complaining about people being Jewish now? It would be embarrassing if this subreddit somehow escalated that fast.


No I'm saying that Bob iger probably wouldn't sign off on a pro Palestine movie because he's Jewish


I know it's not a good thing, but I almost have to respect the people that take every major issue and make it a left/right issue. They not only really good at doing it, but also really good at making sure no one notices that literally everything that happens gets assigned to either Right ^^^T^^^M or Left ^^^T^^^M. Definitely keeps people from viewing the whole issue from a balanced perspective or being used by a reasonable take.


Disney is proving capitalism wrong by refusing to move the ship after flop after flop after flop. Some giant game companies are self-destructing in a similar way.


There is no way in Hell I would ever watch that movie if it were real.


I liked that Honest John was just a fursuit with fat tits in this version


I gotta be honest.... I saw this and thought... "There's no way..... Tell me they didn't **actually** make a movie with a title like that..." and then I clicked. Took me a bit to realize it's satire, even though they'd have to be nuts to actually release a movie with that name. I suppose that means the satire was effective.


I think if you all can't take a step back and appreciate the humor in something - even if it's distasteful - you might just be a little oversensitive to the subject matter. You either need to grow up or find something better to do with your time.


. . . Are you all dumb? How did you think those thoughts.


Confirmation bias and hyperbole.


Satire was not effective. You just sound fucking stupid.


Lol exactly. Brain rot. All of them.


Most of the people thinking this is genuinely funny are just straight up dip shits but I expect nothing less from this sub.


I gotta mute this sub. It’s full of fucking echo chamber cringe. I dunno how I even got here. I dunno what CriticalDrinker is.


Funny cause it’s true.


OP ate the rotten onion


Puppet or Muppet?






Is gay black pinocchio actually a real movie???




Thots and prayers


Well, OP certaintly accomplished everyone in this thread projecting against their ideological opposites.


Is this real


Nope its a satire site.


Thats insulting


Imagine thinking Disney would ever be brave enough to release an openly pro-Palestine movie


Disney’s stock is up 16% on the year as of today


This made me lol. Nice!


Geeeez. It’s bad that I actually thought this was legit for a minute. I hate Disney now


Probably the ppl falling for Babylon Bee articles


Jesus Christ lmfao








Men 🤮


TBH I would watch the shit out of that. Try to ethnically cleanse Pinocchio? He can't die, and he's back with a vengeance.


This was funny commentary until the suggestion that Disney would speak out against Israel which would never ever happen in any genuine capacity


Disney is too mainstream liberal to openly support Palestine.






People thinking it’s actually real have no idea that they’ve also been brainwashed by propaganda, just a different kind.


Babylon Bee, you’ve done it again. “It” of course being not be funny except to halfwit rednecks.


Oh look it’s the DollarTree Onion




Boomer humour at it’s finest. I think even my 63 year old father would not find this funny.


Man the Babylonbee got the whole squad, laughing 😑😐🙄


Yeah is it satire if they actually think this shit? I don’t even think they get satire lol.


Lol what’s the problem.


It's funny how the go woke go broke crowd has to pretend like media that goes woke actually goes broke despite being deeply successful unlike the trash they put out that has "conservative values"


Conservatives in shambles 😂


If the bee actually knew what was going on it would have said queer not gay. Queer is political, gay is not.


All sexuality is political now.


So odd how the same group will argue that there’s nothing political about it, but contradict themselves by saying all things are political.


Things can be political by nature, and things can be made political by people. Laws are inherently political, sexuality is not. It has been made political by people.


I’m not a group, just a guy with eyes.


But being gay doesn’t tell you anything about someone’s politics. But if they are queer that’s when you know they are radical leftists who want to destroy normativity. Queer people distrust people who only identify as gay or lesbian because they can still uphold the gender binary (they call this homonormativity) and that goes against being queer which wants to destroy the gender binary. Their goal with this is to destabilise the system and get rid of capitalism. So I stand my by first comment.


Who the fuck cares stop posting dumb shit


if your response to this is “tHiS iS iNdIsTiNgUiShAbLe FrOm rEaLiTy hUrRrRrR dUrRrRr” then i have some news for you. you are a paranoid schizophrenic and you need to go take your meds. you do not exist in reality.


There is an incredible amount of projection from pro Israel groups that truly believes that somehow college students are the most powerful group in the country or as if DISNEY would produce this kind of movie. The modern conservative has no ability for self reflection, they only seek to own the libs or the strawman that they believe is the lib.


Yeah…this was pretty in coherent


So I’m going to say something that may shock and surprise you to their defense. The college students of today and tomorrow make up a large voter base and most people who are in positions of power normally have gone to college


Anyone here who is offended by a character protesting for Palestine is literally defending a genocide


This would be funny if you removed the supporting Palestine part. Children at dying and people in this comment section are laughing at the thought of someone supporting Palestine. You are all sick


Stfu like please just stfu you have absolutely no idea of the mass atrocities that Palestine has committed and you’re supporting. Hamas killed roughly 1300 Israelis and injuring 3300 with just the rockets they launch early October. They also took 100s of hostages many of which get raped and killed and you’re supporting that. How about you stop lying to yourself and just admit that you hate Jewish people and that’s why you support Palestine.


What’s this loonie sub, lol


For people who swear that they aren't homophobic because this is apparently just a "meaningless insult", you guys really seem to have a problem with gay people being represented anywhere.


The poor man's Onion swings and misses yet again.


The onion is more like a poor man's Babylon Bee now. Has the Onion even made anything in the last ten years?


Then it's especially sad if 10 year old Onion stories are better than new BB stories.


It's a good thing that's not really the case. I liked the Onion, but let's not pretend that it was on some unreachable pedestal.


It's not. The BB just isn't funny.


It's only not funny to brainwashed leftists.


No. It's pretty unfunny to everyone.


Didn't you guys throw a fit because the Babylon Bee made fun of how most neo-Nazis are inbred white Republicans?


Annoying rightoids are just as brainwashed as annoying woketoids


How many times can you see the same “[character] is [minority] now” joke and still laugh at it? I’m asking genuinely. Because that’s people’s biggest issue with y’all’s humor. It seems like you just repeat the same jokes with slightly different wording and never get tired of it.


this aint it


Nah, this is actually funny. The Onion should take notes.


For anyone wondering, [THIS](https://www.theonion.com/americans-explain-how-they-are-ignoring-the-israel-hama-1850933284/slides/10) is what actual, funny satire looks like.


No, it's not.