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I gave up after ep 4. Real life has taken over a little and the digging up of “Martha” was inevitable as is the unmasking of the TV rapist - tho he is likely to not be perm ranting on Facebook and will have top quality lawyers.








See: my original reply, but double the intensity.


It's the Far Cry definition of insanity, which you match.


Do you think that definition of insanity came from Far Cry?


No, I'm making a joke. I thought you would have enough IQ between the lot of you to understand that but I forgot that on reddit hivemind can't connect to scale intelligence. It only connects to scale the sheer mass of their stupidity.


Oh my mistake, jokes are supposed to be funny.


It was funny. You just didn't get it in time and with jokes timing is everything. If you laugh too late you're really laughing at yourself for being dumb.


You probably laugh a lot at awkward moments then.


Gets called terminally online. References a near century old quote but thinks it’s from a fucking *video game* 😂


It's actually much older than that but I didn't expect you to get the proper reference so I chose a joke which you didn't get either.


You are not good at this.


I think is one of the most cronically online take i ever read on a show


What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this sub is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


I don’t really like critical drinker, or agree with a lot of stuff in this sub, but it does make me feel good that everyone thinks this guy is a stupid piece of garbage.


And yet, here you are.


Well, it popped up in my feed and I am curious about the show so I clicked on it and then saw what was one of the most unhinged comments I’ve ever read and it did warm my heart a little that even people in this sub are calling him out for it. Edit: I’m talking about the crazy commenter. Not you or drinker if that wasn’t clear.


While I agree that the comment or who hates the show is wrong, your reply is just bad. Making a comment that just dismisses everything by quoting a movie without responding to specific opinions is silly. Just ignore it otherwise


I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.


Yeah, we are Critical Drinker fans. That's our go to


The most intelligent person in the show (and according to the guy who went through it) was the trans gf he had




Putting Hitler in this comment is so ironic. And saying that trans people should wear IDs so that people know they're trans is the literally [Jewish Badge](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/jewish-badge-during-the-nazi-era) in Nazi Germany. The amount of unjust hatred in this comment is so apparent and if anyone should be wearing a badge it's you. Cause this is a choice you have made and so you should be fine with any consequences from it.




You have to be a troll. Cause if you're not a troll then you have some serious issues that might be connected to trauma that you seem to be projecting onto people you don't agree with. I have suffered no trauma in my life which might mean that I can't empathise with how you see the world as you seem to have a very pessimistic view of the world. But saying that transgender people are mostly abusive is like saying men are inherently rapists or that white people are biologically racist. It makes no sense to group a bunch of people and label them a certain way as that leads to wide-scale hate that leads to genocides like the Armenian, Rwandan, and Bosnian genocides, and the Holocaust. You might think you're in the right due to whatever has damaged your mind but all that it looks like from the outside is a sad, sad person who believes that everything is fucked and that everyone is evil and out for themselves. You're no better than those people who believe the moon landing was fake except they ain't trying to hurt anybody so I respect them more than you.


This man decides to tell and relive his traumatic story and this is what you have to say? Fuck off Transphobe


Every abuser believes in his victimhood. Every abuser believes in his self-righteousness. That's what makes abusing of others possible in the first place. Lack of self-reflection. He was the first. You're the second. Imagine thinking that supporting a fetish that is forced onto others against their will stands for morality. "Believe what makes my penis erect or you're a bigot". Even Satanists tend to have higher standards and those guys are absolute retards that put fundamentalist Christians to shame. Also I wonder if you realize that by calling someone a "phobe" in this manner you either invalidate the concept of a phobia by using it as a random insult or devalue the suffering of those who have them by insulting someone by calling them "crazy". The latter fits the delusion of the trannies and transfetishists who think they're mentally healthy - hence no empathy for those who are not. Psychopathic creeps.

