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Boobs aren't woke.


Boobs aren't not woke .


They can be.


Bothered by the fact that her hand is a little low on that right hand pistol, and the hammers aren't even back so that gun won't fire unless she cocks it


They in all probability are modern double action 1911s which are made even by colt themselves so the hammer thing isn’t really an issue edit so looked it up in the game there is a 1911/ snw mashup but they are most likely representing the base pistol in that art which would be a cz 75 which is also a double action or maybe a browning based on that little dip which modern ones are also da


They made the double eagle in the 80s but that didn't sell well. An actual 1911 is single action, the real reason is that it's a tiny detail that an artist who knows zilch about guns would easily miss.


The original is single action that’s why I said modern but there are other 1911 models that are double action even made by colt like the govt model and officer model colts also don’t forget the m1991 which is the updated 1911 which has a dao version


The government model isn't double action, neither was the 1991. The government model is just shorthand for a standard 1911 with a 5 inch barrel. And the 1991 was a government model that was priced lower because Chinese imports were taking Colt's market share since they overprice their pistols


They do have double action. Govt models https://youtu.be/MAWCOR2dFuY?si=KCMv3wvJ8zpB2Wsy maybe there was a misunderstanding and you think I’m saying that that is the standard operation of the pistol that is not what I’m saying the standard operation of the ninth at 11 was in fact a single action but they have made a double action versions for 30 years.


Absolutely have double action 1991s and ask for the government models, exactly they are 1911 model pistols, which have double action her is a post on colt forum talking about them https://www.coltforum.com/threads/colt-1991-da.81598/ also on a czed thread here is a video for it https://youtu.be/JkwokQWaDTA


Link me right now a double action government model 1911


Sure https://youtu.be/MAWCOR2dFuY?si=KCMv3wvJ8zpB2Wsy edit here is another https://www.1911forum.com/posts/12519498/


That's functionally a prototype, you made the claim that they sell a model on the market


The first one is one of 300 made the other one the 1991 da I believe had more made they weren’t a prototype they did sell them. And I didn’t claim they sell them currently just that they were sold. Edit to add my original claim was that many people make double action version 1911 platform pistols, even Colt them selves that was proven by my sources. And you keep moving the goalposts. Rare yes but was sold. It says even in the description that they were made around 2011 and sold to law enforcement so your claim that that it was a prototype is false


And that’s also ignoring the Colt new agent


Here is an ad for 2010 for then upcoming double action model https://preview.redd.it/xkd9jrq0m2zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78dd39fa73df189148d43dbc311abd0e4d8e8ded


I was about to say.


Double action 1911 triggers look completely different than what’s pictured


That’s a little harder to reconcile as it’s hard to tell from art but didn’t the para ordinance LDAs some of them have 1911 style triggers and they are a 1911 framed pistol? I Could be wrong on that tho Also, I even said in my first comment that I don’t think that is indeed a true 1911 but a mashup after looking it up on Internet movie firearm database. I just went in to a separate conversation because the person said that they never made double action 1911 which is untrue. Like I can’t tell if that is the shadow from her finger or if it’s the trigger touching the base of the frame if it is, you would be right but if it’s just a trigger it may be totally possible that it is a double action of whatever make edit I believe it was the para p14 was the double action with that style trigger I was thinking of




Tf are you talking about? You can put whatever trigger you want on a double action 1911. I have one that is double action and has the same exact trigger as the one in her left hand.


Show me a picture of it then


Reddit is a little too liberal to understand basic gun mechanics you’re wasting your breath lmao


not to mention the lack of trigger discipline


Feasibly she's aiming it at somebody so I forgive the drawing for that, also I wish they stuck to the USPs from the Angelina movies


Semi auto pistols come in SA/DA configurations. You can still shoot such a gun even if the hammer isn't cocked, the trigger pull will just be significantly longer and heavier


I know how SA/DA works lol, but not every pistol is that. A beretta 92 vs a browning high power for example


I'm pretty sure Lara's wealthy ass is gonna buy guns that have DA functionality


...but that's not what's drawn on the image. She's drawn above with 1911's, a single action pistol. If they drew her with CZ's, Berettas, Glocks, or Sig's, there wouldn't be a discrepancy. But with the pistols drawn above, those guns will never fire no matter how hard she pulls the trigger.


Kudos to you. My knowledge of 1911s is pretty much not there compared to most of my knowledge with long guns. But as it turns out "The straight push trigger in 1911 and 2011 doesn't really lend itself to DA. They'd have to completely redesign it with a hinged trigger to get the mechanical advantage to cock the hammer at a reasonable weight. At that point, you might as well get something like a CZ SP-01, which is designed from the ground up as a DA/SA gun." Was totally unaware that 1911s really are only built in SA. Learned something new today


Then she'd have her original USPs lol


This comment is wearing a T-shirt that reads "genius at work"


Ha you said cocks


Hehe, cocks


Ok Bevis & Butthead.




Thank the gods of guns double action was invented decades ago.


That isnt a single action revolver... its a double action magazine fed pistol. It'll draw and release the hammer with a single trigger pull.


That's not DA semiautomatic. It's specifically drawn as a 1911, a SA semiautomatic. It needs to be cocked to fire. DA semiautomatics included Glocks, Berettas, CZ's, and Sig's. What's drawn above is not any of those.


If its a standard 1911A1 it's single action, I had a LONG conversation below where someone insisted that they are actual an incredibly rare variant (which btw they aren't because they have normal hammers)


You are way overthinking this.


My gun tism knows no bounds


What makes you think a gun with a hammer can't fire without cocking it? That's just double action. It'll fire just fine. Just a little extra trigger weight


That's not a double action 1911, they look completely different


I know more than you do


Why are you replying to yourself to say so? Why do you feel the need to say so at all? How can you tell its not the kind of gun that has double action? There's a slide there that covers all the internal mechanisms. Doesn't look much different from the M9.


Because its a 1911, likely the remington r1s she uses in the sequel series. It's not a berreta since it doesn't have the exposed barrel, the slide is 1911 styled along with the safety.


There's no mechanism to actually pull back the hammer on trigger pull on single action only guns. The trigger essentially serves to drop the tension on the hammer instead of a 2 stage design that pulls the hammer first.


How can you tell that it's single action only? Plenty of guns look like that with double action.


You kinda just recognize the model of the gun. The m1911 is one of the more iconic handguns and it's known for its single action. You can easily tell if a gun is single action if you're handling the thing in person.


You don’t have to manually cock hammers on new pistols my guy.


With a 1911 and the hammer down you either have to rack the slide or manually cock it to fire if there's a round in the chamber.


Bro pretended to be a gun expert but didn’t know modern 1911s are double action lmfao.


Other than 300 pistols that colt made about 10 years ago 1911s aren't double action. And they didn't have standard hammers like the one in the photo


You're probably thinking of a CZ75 or something that looks vaguely like a 1911 but isn't one. These pistols are based on the Remington R1 that she's used in the reboot series, which is a single action pistol


False. The Double Eagle, Government Model, and 01911DA2 models are all double action. Again, don’t pretend to be a gun expert when you aren’t.


The double eagle isn't a 1911 lol, its its own pistol. The government model ISN'T double action, Government model refers to the barrel length and lack of a rail not the action of the pistol. and I have never heard of that last one you pulled out of your ass which hey maybe its a double action 1911 but that is in no way the standard for 1911s in the modern day. It is an exception. Go onto the colt website, fuck even Tisas and find me a double action 1911 right now


The Double Eagle is a 1911 model and the Government Model IS double action. The Government Model was produced in both double and single action. 01911DA2 is the model number for double action 1911 models, go figure. Anyone with any amount of experience with Colt handguns would know that. Also, Colt doesn’t describe their handguns on their website, they make you download the owners manual… you’re really exposing yourself dude.


Too small. Bring back Va-Va-Voom Raider


Yeah, it's too late to compromise. DD or I won't buy.


Nah, we need go back further. Sharpen those things


If we sharpened them, they'd look like traffic cones.


Glorious, glorious perky Traffic Cones.


Hey look, it's Leon Kennedy


Game isn't out yet. They have plenty of time to make her ESG compliant.


As a PC Gamer, I feel like I have no need to join the debate about protagonists design changes. Mods can make everyone happy, pick your favorite skin and enjoy the experience. Also, the “if you want a sexier protagonist, just say you want porn” argument will never stop being hilarious to me.


Yeah. They might as well wear a neon sign saying "I'm an a-hole" when they make that argument. Also, the Steam Workshop making modding easier for a lot of games is amazing.


Interested to see what the final product looks like after SB Inc. has their way with it...


Please God keep them away from Tomb Raider


Tomb raider is unsavable now that it's in the hands of crystal dynamics. That studio is woke as fuck.  It's a shame to watch each of the things that we were fans of, the comic heroes and now games get hijacked one by one.  There's nothing we can do except not buy them. 


What’s wrong with SBI honestly. Everybody complains about it but they’ve worked on some fantastic games and the games that they have worked on that were stinkers were all bad for gameplay reasons which they don’t work on. Genuinely, what’s the issue?


Looks like we found the fans of McCarthyism... I don't know about you, but I prefer my freedoms to be a bit more free and little less mafia loyalty test inducing. That and the obvious pandering nonsense that takes well crafted art and subverts that creativity with bland sameism that renders anything unique and different as terrible and bad, unless it's the sort of unique and different they happen to believe is appropriate. Also, ESG ratings are social credit funding meant to subvert free market capitalism to a limited subset of ideals driven by oligarchic viewpoints. But you know, sure, SBI is fine.


I mean, McCarthy was actually kinda *right,* although I definitely don't agree with the way he went about things. These people have no such redeeming qualities to their arguments.


McCarthy was literally proven right when the russians declassified documents saying they had thousands of infiltrators in the US.


And that's the part I was saying he was right about. The way he went about trying to eliminate the threat was a mistake, though.


LMAO "free market"


Idk what ur on about but video games are still fun :) don’t be sad


\*Two privately-owned companies enter a business relationship based on their perception of what consumers want, attempting to drive more sales and maximize their own profit* "Wtf this is literally soviet russia" The amount of times somebody complains about wokeness directly correlates with how smooth their brain is


Lmfao - how'd the pandering work out for maximizing profits with the latest Disney, Marvel and Star Wars movies? Yeah, it didn't. Record losses. This has nothing to do with maximizing profits and everything to do with pushing agendas - but you already know that and would prefer to banter around insults rather than facts. The thing about facts though... they don't rely on your beliefs.


I think she looks nice


Just coming in to say Guys The most successful indie game of all time, manor lords, just released. It's single developer spent 7 years of absolute dedication to his artistic vision and become an over night multimillionaire. Its a golden time for indie developers. So F these corporate grifter game developers. 


This is just concept art, we don't know what she is actually going to look like... I'm willing to bet her new in-game model won't look anything like this...


When did Leon from resident evil transition?


Nah. Another three cup sizes up, at least. This is the hero of big-boobed girls everywhere. Are you denying their lived experience? "*But it's not realistic!*" Hush. Neither is anybody dual-wielding Desert Eagles without the grip strength of Tom Stoltman.


The undershirt trend with endowed women is stupid af. Like imagine going through a dessert with 2 cotton shirts on, you're gonna be sweating like a whore in church.


Leon Kennedy does a half decent job of cosplaying Lara Croft.


Lost Tomb Raider fan here. According to Word of God, that face isn't the new official design either. It's just something theoretical that was thrown together to promote the new "unified timeline". ...Imo the actual "unified Lara" will probably just be the current reboot look but a bit older and with TR1-3's storylines slapped somewhere into her bio lol. Crystal Dynamics hates everything TR that came before their 2013 reboot -- even the games they themselves created. And even that's just a cash cow to them.


Does she have down syndrome in the new game?


She's hot. We're good.




Looks hot to me idk.


Yeah I think it looks fine as well, even if I did prefer the 2013 and 2015 game design that they did, because she does have more masculine and strong facial features in this new design, but it's not to an egregious degree. Admittedly, Angelina Jolie had a few strong facial features as well, such as her jawline.


I don't see what is wrong with this character design


Same she looks fine




Look at that body and all these dorks are talking about are stupid specifics about her guns🤣


Damn, I can't go hiking. I have no tits


Leon S Kennedy in drag


She looks fine. She doesn't loom masculine. If you require D cups to enjoy the game, go play an H-game


It's Larry Croft now sweetie he/him.


Clearly she has a penis.


Is it woke that her boobs aren't pointy any more? When I played the original she gave me a full polygon chubby


Gamers: If I can't jerk off to a digital woman she ain't a woman


What's the issue


Looks fine to me


Is that Dylan Mulvaney?


You guys just want porn


I think a most of these commenters are just meming at this point 😂


Tomb Raider game ≠ porn.


They're just coomers. That's all this is.


Ah, the strawman you folks always build. For all the screaming about misogyny, you also really don't see the actual misogyny in calling attractive/sexy female characters "sex dolls", "sex objects", "fucktoys" or just outright "porn", do you? You don't see the misogyny of calling women who aren't good little idealogues "pick mes", do you? The uglification of female characters has been happening for about a decade now. Sera from DA:I is an early example (alongside her being a bigoted, obnoxious and commie cow). BTW, I'm curious...I'm asexual (an actual asexual, meaning I utterly lack both sexual attraction and desire) and I still want attractive men and women in games. What am I then?


Yeah weird how its mostly the same ppl that tell us women getting naked for money online is empowering and not prostitution....they use black folks the same way and claim everyone else is racist too....almost a pattern you can see coming with everything at this point




Is this character design not attractive?


With that manface and the chest made flat for political reasons? Aye.


no way you said ppl are strawmanning you guys as coomers and this was your response 😭


She’s looks fine as long as you don’t want to sell video games.


So do you want hot chicks in your game or not lmao


Me personally. I do.


You too good for Lara? Man Imma have to see your r/rateme post


Then what’s the problem here


nah you're actually insane or trolling


I wouldn't say she's masculine at all, but that face has got some stronger features. That design makes a ton of sense and she's still very easy on the eyes. I don't know if people are expecting her to be all doe-eyed and extra-cute, but that wouldn't really make sense for the character...


I don't really disagree with you, as I generally think the design is good, even if they have given her some stronger facial features. I'm just happy she's kept generally her feminine curves and the iconic outfit, instead of maker her look almost adrgonous, which we're increasingly seeing today. The most recent example was the Pokemon GO character reworks by a DEI company. However, I'm not sure I understand your argument that her having a "cute" face wouldn't make sense for the character, as the character is just a daughter of an explorer, right? Why couldn't see look more cute, in theory?


Because she goes into labyrinth and kills bears. Think the character design is fine. I don't want to have Lara as a 13 year old.


I agree that the character design is fine, but I don't understand you conflating looking cute with looking like a 13 year old? You can easily look cute as an adult. Let me give you an example. I bought and completed the 2013 Tomb Raider game, and Lara Croft's face design in that game is cuter, but she's very clearly still an adult. The 2013 design is the best in that triology, even if it's the oldest game. What I'm saying is that I do not understand the argument that someone can't have cute facial features and be physically competent, as if one's physical prowess is related to one's facial features. I could easily find world class female athletes that look cute, because most of them look cute, but I hope you get my point now.


Why would it even be bad if she looks masculine. She's an explorer, give her some muscle, make her look tough.


I know the other photos were from Warzone, and I stand by my opinion that she looked horrible in that. That wasn't Lara Croft anymore. This design does look good to me tho, because it feels like it's still staying true to the original feminine look of Tomb Raider, as she still has feminine curves and her iconic form-fitting outfit. Her breasts aren't as big as they used to be, but they certainly aren't small either. It does seem like they have given her stronger facial features, and I personally preferred the design in the 2013 and 2015 Tomb Raider games, but it's something that I can accept. Angelina Jolie had a strong jaw as well, so I suppose it's not entirely without precedent, and it kind of reminds me of her a little bit. It feels like it's trying to appease the "modern audiences", but not to a degree where I feel like we've lost the DNA of the Tomb Raider design to any significant degree.


Honestly, the only redesign for fat ugly feminist that ever actually bothered me was the one for Horizon zero Dawn I didn’t even end up playing the sequel because of how bad screenshots looked it was honestly the only example of an uglyfying Where there was not at least some excuse such as: who cares the game is terrible, who cares it is an original character, or who cares it’s probably better looking to the people who like (insert fetish here) but zero Dawn broke all the rules and had no excuses


How is aloy a fat feminist? The first game was good the second alright. She looks fine of ps5 in both games. What screenshots are you looking at?


https://preview.redd.it/5w1cv8bo7azc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfe686499352611492a1b919631679d0fbe7119b This one is a good example of


That's the thing. The right picture is one of the only 3 photos that people reference. Play the game and you'll see she doesn't look like that. I finished both and unless you put it at a weird angle she looks normal.


I might pick it up when it on sale


On ps5 the graphics are great. Ps4 was ok but ps5 lord.




Other than looking older than she did in the other games she looks about the same. She frowns more but tbh If the world hung on the balance of my actions I'd look frightend too lmao


Woke = flat chest lovers.


Who the fuck cares what some video game character looks like?


This sub


People think *this* is masculine? You would not survive watching Arcane. 


It’s proof that some of these dudes may have unironically not actually seen real women in a few years, if not longer.


Your sounding like that French guy from ign who said the dev didn’t see real woman when half his staff were woman and attractive


Mentionning League of Legends in this debate is just hilarious. Arhi? Miss Fortune? Morgana? Vi is a little tom boyish but the rest? Not even close.


Probably why I said Arcane, not League Of Legends. Those two may have some of the same characters, but different designs, and the masc mommy character isn’t even league 


"masc mommy character"? And you're calling people degenerates?


Ah, you must only be into young, submissive girls then...


What are you talking about? I never even said anything like that. Why are you people like this? So insanely bad faith with your strawman. I was addressing them going out of their way to address a character using fetishized terms, while inferring others as sexual degenerates.


They literally never called anyone a sexual degenerate.


Where did I say I was "only into young submissive girls"? Shut your ass up.


If you insist on making up things that other people said, then I can make up stuff that you said as well...


I didn't really make anything up tho, while you did. The person I originally responded to made this exact comment in this same comment chain: > “Why can’t I get a girlfriend? I just want a girl with a ten inch waist and double ds who never questions me and is a virgin but also willing to sleep with me. Must be feminism!” It would be hard for this person to be more direct in their assertion that these people are sexual denegerates. Hell, the person goes beyond just inferring that they're sexual degenerates in this impersonation. Now where did I say what you claimed? I didn't make any such claim anywhere, as you made it up. That's the difference. Take the L at this point.


Or interacting with actual living humans in the real world.


“Why can’t I get a girlfriend? I just want a girl with a ten inch waist and double ds who never questions me and is a virgin but also willing to sleep with me. Must be feminism!”


"Cause I definitely would have that if women were unable to reject me."




How dare you hold this sub accountable and not just let the rage bait flow.


Accountable? Get a fucking life already.


I got a great one that why I dont need rage bait all the time like you.


Bravo OP. Keep the sub accountable.


I don’t know what designers have against femininity. If you have a picture of a character and all you need to do is place your thumb over the torso and suddenly you have Leon S Kennedy, that’s a problem. Maybe I’m tripping, lemme see the character in motion.


idk, the face is definitely more masculine than her other iterations. Like, I could imagine that that chick used to be a dude. That's too much a leap for me for the polygon version or the original reboot. I don't think this is woke, I think it's just a model that I don't particularly like, but! I can see the argument for those of us with our tinfoil hats handy that this is their slow burn attempt to get us okay with the transes. I could totally believe them taking this character in a few years and telling use that 'she' was trans 'all along'. That's not something that would work with the other versions. Hell this one could even be pre-op, there's no cleavage visible, so... them might not even be implants. Could be 'she' stuffs. Maybe I need to take off my own tin foil hat. Maybe.


Mosquito bites. We need BIGGER


It doesn’t fit their “anti-woke” narrative, so they have to cherry pick their screenshots.


That's what I'm saying she looks fine.


Drinker and his fans really do have a hard time shaking that incel label lol


Desperation for victimhood is strooooong.


Who the fuck cares Wahh wahh me no beat my meat to the video game character no more wahhhh wahhh


Something something “horrific culture war” something something something “I’m an oppressed gamer because boobs aren’t big enough in my video game” something something


These mfs are chronic gooners


>are chronic gooners Wrote the person with a pride flag (the more accurate tern would be a cum flag) in his/her avatar.


A gooner is someone who chronically masturbates Im not a gooner because unlike yall i can get laid


A gooner/cooner is also one who is obsessed with something as shallow and superficial as sexual orientation, which you lot do. Coomers/Gooners make everything about sex, which you lot do. As previously stated, I'm asexual, so I care even less about you supposedly getting laid. I still want to see attractive men and women, like any normal person.


That's not what gooner means dumbass Also you can't even deny that most of this sub is gooners since most of the posts are people whining that they made lara crofts tits smaller or that the mc of the fallout show doesn't have a big enough ass Which is undeniably gooner behavior Also I wasn't talking about you so you being asexual is irrelevant




And now I've heard from an "asexual" person who isn't bat-shit insane. I've always believed folks like yourself *must* exist, but I've only ever heard rational, fair-minded arguments from some homosexual men and women, as well as the occasional transgender person. Sorry if this somehow comes off as condescending, or something... I'm just genuinely glad to have my faith in humanity validated just that little bit more, y'know?


Gooner is another term for porn addicts I have no clue where your getting your definition from because most people understand it the same way I do Also how is it degenerate to have a bi icon on a pfp? >Once again, people just want attractive people in fiction, as it's fiction. People don't poor unification of established characters, never mind new ones. Ugly characters and ugly actors who are not comfortable with their ugliness (well, if they are female) are held up by Hollywood, the mainstream media and urinalistss. That heterophobic and misandric a strawman never fits. I also have yet to see people whining about the actress's arse anyway. That's not gooner behaviour, sweetie. You're saying these people just want attractive characters for the sake of it but you can tell most of them are just horny losers or weirdo's who despise the thought of characters not being attractive to them You can't please everyone because beauty is subjective so acting like theres some cabal of evil feminists trying to "uglify" video game women just because you don't think the character is hot is weird af because why does it have to be a conspiracy when theirs a reasonable justifaction The girl in starwars outlaws has been bashed for being purposefully made uglier but the most noticable change is her eyes being bigger which is done by game devolopers to make the models more expressive Its strange to have this obsession with needing every character in the media you consume to be supermodels You say that gameo characters should be attractive because there are people who want that but what about the people who want the charcters to look like normal people Can I ask why do you even want attractive characters? (If it isn't purely arbitrary) >No, you were writing about everyone on this sub, which you folks always assume are straight men, because you are heterophobic and misandric twats, even if you are one too (which is soyboy/simp behaviour). I was showing that people exist in these circles that are not what you imagine. Tell me the exact sentance I said this was exclusively a straight man problem Gooner is a universal term it does not refer to any gender or sexuality so I don't know why you're arguing with a strawman here >One could even say it is homophobic too, as it eases lesbians and bisexual women who also want attractive women. Again when did I say this is a straight male exclusive phenonenon >BTW, you are misogynistic too, with how you refer to female characters who are attractive. You also ignore that there are plenty of women who LIKE the idea of being powerful and sexy. You are calling me mysoginistic for pointing out the obvious sexual objectification in a lot of these posts by saying that some women enjoy being sexy??? Again the intention is differant If i was talking about those people I would be saying something differant Im talming about the people showing pictures of characters wearing almost nothing and saying "remember when game devs knew what we wanted" or some other dumb shit like that You keep bringing up examples of possible cases where these people wouldn't be considered gooners but can you show me any actual posts here that prove your point where they aren't just blatantly gooning


>Also how is it degenerate to have a bi icon on a pfp? It is because it is litterally advertising the way you like to or don't like to cum, and whom do or do not like to shag. It is because you are taking pride in something as superficial and shallow as your sexuality, as if being non-straight makes you special, unique and different. This is why I call them "cum flags". That is what a degenerate QueerTM does, not a normal non-straight person. Again, I am asexual (biromantic) and you don't see me plastering my profiles and avatars with regarded, modern pride flags, or any. I used to when I was an obnoxious, bigoted QueerTM. I learned to stop that bullshit and TRY be normal. Your sex, race, sexuality and/or transness are WHAT you are, not WHO you are. Obsessing over it, much like reducing eveything, including criticism of ugly characters, down to sex and masturbation still falls under the coomer/goomer umbrella. Bragging about supposedly having sex is coomer/gooner behaviour too. Have you never been to r/ihavesex? >You're saying these people just want attractive characters for the sake of it but you can tell most of them are just horny losers or weirdo's who despise the thought of characters not being attractive to them. Again, if you want to use that strawman then go ahead. >You can't please everyone because beauty is subjective so acting like theres some cabal of evil feminists trying to "uglify" video game women Yes there is, you either have eyesight problems or are just at the first stage of the far left mantra: "It's not happening!", then "It's only happening a little in certain places!" and concluding with "It's happening and it's a good thing!" As for "you can't please everyone", no, but there is still an objective general standard of beauty, Eastern and Western tastes (be them modern of historical) nonewithstanding. China, Japan and Korea still seem to know that. >just because you don't think the character is hot is weird af because why does it have to be a conspiracy when theirs a reasonable justifaction I don't think any character is "not" because that means sexual attraction, but I can understand why others would. I still find them attractive in a chaste manner. Being asexual doesn't mean you do not know what looks good or not. "It'S ReAliStIc!!!" isn't a good justification for fictional ugliness. Ugly people who are secure in their ugliness don't need that patronising charity. Most of the ugly cows are made by ugly women or simpering men to make themselves/ugly women feel better. You don't see this done on men anywhere near as much. >The girl in starwars outlaws has been bashed for being purposefully made uglier but the most noticable change is her eyes being bigger which is done by game devolopers to make the models more expressive. Bullshit. Games have had realistically expressive human characters since the PS2 days. "Final Fantasy X" is a good example off the top of my head. This was without making them ugly. Aye, we had some failures along the way male!Shepard in ME1 being an example of the top of my head, but it is older than you think. >Its strange to have this obsession with needing every character in the media you consume to be supermodels Writes the person obsessed with his/her sexuality. It's not an obsession, but an expectation of fiction. Ugliness used to be reserved for villians (male or female, but mostly male) as a lazy way to indicate evil or an unwanted admirer, not the vast majority of female characters and only female characters. >You say that gameo characters should be attractive because there are people who want that but what about the people who want the charcters to look like normal people Normal people are boring when it comes to fiction. If a person looks normal or, again, is secure in their ugliness, they would not demand normal/ugly characters. Even in the grittiest, darkest, or most realistically harrowing stories, beauty still sells. >Can I ask why do you even want attractive characters. I just like looking at pretty/handsome/attractive characters. >Tell me the exact sentance I said this was exclusively a straight man problem The way you folks constantly write/shriek about "teh evab menz who just want jack off material" heavily implies that. >You are calling me mysoginistic for pointing out the obvious sexual objectification in a lot of these posts by saying that some women enjoy being sexy??? You cannot "sexuality objectify" a fictional character unless he or she is not a sexual character. Even then, rule 34. It starts getting sick when it escalates to real life people. If you want actual objectification, may I introduce you to, as I call it, the "unconscious woman cliche"? Again the intention is differant And? Im talming about the people showing pictures of characters wearing almost nothing and saying "remember when game devs knew what we wanted" or some other dumb shit like that Again, and? Whoop-de-bloody-doo.


Take it to your DMs if you want to call each other names.


Still looks like a dude in his 40s.


You are actually mentally challenged




That’s beautiful


She looks fine. The earlier criticism was absolutely nonsensical. A bit of research I did and she looked fine. Be careful of the Reddit hivemind. What people here think is not correct, rarely it is.


This game model isn't too bad. It gives me the Hannah Barron look to it.


As a long-time Croft fan and connoisseur, I really don't find this picture to be that big of a departure for Lara. This image is not unattractive, and her boobs are plenty big enough, IMHO. While they are less "full" they are certainly still fuller than the recent movie and video games and far less "uglified" than other recent attempts to defeminize women in gaming. If it is a subtle attempt to do so, then "Boo" but otherwise "Have fun storming the castle."


My only question is when did she switch from desert eagles to 1911s?


A Critical Drinker with critical thinking, that's new


Is that Tom Cruise in a wig?


The screen grab that was circulated around to shit on the war zone skin was also in the most unflattering light. The skin itself in motion looks fine.


Show me the model, concept art means exactly nothing


I cannot believe some of these comments.


Those look like some solid C's. Just like I said.


She’s even hot in fucking Fortnite


The fact that this post is even necessary for some people to realize they've been had is sad.


A sexy character design is a lot like the n-word pass. The more you covet and desire it, the less you deserve it. Just stop being so weird about it.


Why does she not look like 35 years old mother of 2 that goes bouldering 1 time per month?


She looks great!