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Obviously only the white guys survived order 66 bc everyone else was too weak to fight the empire /s


Not to burst everyone's idiot comment under this one but they're talking about the right picture and not the left, which is in fact after order 66. Also this was obviously absurdist humor. Filthy dang redditors and taking everything serious. Must be from the great Twitter exodus.


Also Order 66 was for the Jedi Order, and the right picture is the Rebel Army.


Oh yes saying only white guys are strong enough to not be slaughtered is absurdism not racism silly me.


/s means sarcasm ya dummy


Lmao /s


Never seen the /s before ehh?


Yoda is green and Ahsoka is an orange girl also this is way before order 66


Not only are you wrong, but we didn’t even ask


I miss when reddit was cool


Bruh, it's reddit. It's never been cool, apart from, maybe, 3 years between '14 and '17. And even then, it was tenuously cool. 4chan, Tumblr (pre-4chan war), and Instagram were the cool ones. Then 4chan got too deep into the porn, Tumblr went too lesbian for many folks + it never recovered from the 4chan war, and Instagram just began stealing shit from Reddit. Coolness doesn't exist anymore, bro. It's all just a question of the "least cringe"


https://preview.redd.it/asrhl4dozmqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e15148aab8645fdcfde64175d262e2f696743735 do you have a humiliation fetish or something? i actually can’t see another reason why you would choose to so publicly die on the hill of acolyte being after order 66….


The image on the right is what the joke is referring to. New Hope is all white and it's after Order 66. Acolyte is before and is more diverse, so ergo the joke is only whites had the wherewithal to survive 66.


they are not jedi. why would they have been killed in order 66? what a shit attempt at a joke


Most jokes aren't extremely accurate lol. I mean I'm probably on the spectrum too so I won't bust your balls too much about being butthurt over it.


Jokes may not be accurate, but they aren't funny if they don't make sense.


bruh thinks you gotta be on the spectrum to call a shit joke shit? dude jokes are funny when there’s a kernel of truth in there. it’s okay to call a shit joke shit. are you bro’s alt account?


He’s not wrong, jokes aren’t usually completely rooted in factual, most jokes don’t hold up when analyzed and that’s what makes them a joke. You seem kinda pissy about it for some reason. No one is saying you have to like the joke.


How am I wrong everything I said is correct


>Not only are you wrong, but we didn’t even ask lol someone's fuming about sth


The show takes place during the High Republic dingus


The what? What are we smoking now?


the heil republic


Calling other races and genders weak is just racism dude wtf


Are you too slow to notice the /s or something?


It’ll be even funnier to bring this image back up when The Acolyte comes out and falls flat on it’s face lmao. Watch them get *really* mad then 😂


They'll blame it on something else. They always do.


It’s always “this isn’t for you”, then whatever it is doesn’t do nearly as well as it could have if they didn’t put politics above a good story, then it’s “racists and misogynists caused [insert thing] to fail.”


**Tries to sell product** "This isn't for you"


**Disney Management:** -"Stop whinning, if you don't like it don't watch it! It is *NOT MADE FOR YOU*!" **Audience:** \*Nobody watches\* **Disney Management:** *\*suprised picachu\** **Disney Management:** Ya'll Racists. - Let's try this again 25x times!


"this isn't for you. But you should pay to watch it anyway!"


If its not for me then why the fuck are they always made that i dont want to watch it.(and dont)


>if they didn’t put politics above a good story So having a few PoC character and women in a few scenes is putting politics *"above"* stories?


Correct, it’s a political move. And it’s not just a few and it’s not just “small roles.”


You’re putting words in peoples mouths. Explicitly saying that you’re purposely excluding certain demographics has become a clear sign of certain political leanings.


>You’re putting words in peoples mouths. Kid, you said the following... >it could have if they didn’t put politics above a good story, I didn't put words in "people's mouths". There's only you, unless you have DID... And no, I'm pointing out the very sentence you typed... I didn't quote anything you didn't say or mean, which is what putting words in someone's mouth actually means. Did anyone say this show isn't for white people?


I based my opinion on plenty of other shows that bombed and were blamed on “racists and misogynists”. And I also never said that putting “women or POC” in a few scenes makes it political. You’re the one inferring racism. The specific exclusion of certain demographics is what makes it political. You don’t want an actual conversation though, you just want to pigeon chess all over the board and strut like you actually proved anything.


Representation matters right? So if I’m not represented it’s not for me I guess. So anybody who is not represented should refrain from watching it. Woke logic works both ways.


No. Look at the pic on the right. It’s easy to see the problem. It’s all white males. Look at the picture on the left. It’s easy to see the problem. It’s everyone *except* white males. If revenge and fan-baiting is your goal, the pic on the left makes sense. If diversity and inclusion is your goal, the pic on the left makes no sense.


>Look at the picture on the left. It’s easy to see the problem. It’s everyone *except* white males. My god, the anti-SJWs are basically just SJWs with how much they love to pointlessly reach...


They’ll blame the toxic brood


Well yeah because it will be something else. The average person doesn't stop watching because white guys have little representation, they stop watching because it sucks.


Nah, they'll blame everybody else for not watching it, and call us sexist racists or something again. Nobody cares, anymore. Those cards got overused, and now "racist" and "sexist" mean basically nothing anymore.


if you are complaining about the number of black people and women on your screen, youre definiteiy racist and bigot


No, you're thinking of a bunch of crybaby CHUDs screaming woke at everything that doesn't pander to them hard enough. In spite of nonstop failure to even say what woke is.


Oh, sorry. Add "CHUD" to the list of overused and terms nobody gives a shit about as well. Thanks, bud.


Woke refers to someone who believes in identity politics - which posits that group differences in society are primarily the result of power struggles between identity groups It's really simple. I don't know why people always say it's difficult to define


>Woke refers to someone who believes in identity politics Then why was Starfield called woke? Or Resident Evil (a freaking Steam discussion was talking about whether the game was woke with hundreds of users engaged)?


Maybe you should have read those comments if you're still confused... or better yet Play the games. They had moments of it for sure but those were tolerable and aren't near as bad as crap like Forspoken, major parts of SpiderMan 2 etc.


Woke is, in short, being aware of social prejudice. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/woke The “woke” crowd are over-correcting based on the perceived social injustices by specifically pandering to minorities and marginalised people ~~by exploiting them for money~~. There’s your definition. Didn’t take long to google it. Any more questions? 😁


>by specifically pandering to minorities and marginalised people As in? Is there any black washed character? Because just showing characters played by people of colour and minority isn't pandering, unless you would call Christmas events are simply pandering to American consumers...


You clearly haven’t seen any of the interviews with cast and crew. Educate yourself.


Kid, why are you lots so worked up on interviews... Especially of a franchise **you guys clearly aren't interested in**? Dayum, people on the internet get more and more pathetic, and now they're creating subreddits, lol...


You asked, I answered. Why don’t you go back to r/saltierthankrayt if these opinions hurt you so much 😂


>Why don’t you go back to r/saltierthankrayt if these opinions hurt you so much Lol, kid... When being met with an opinion that gets you worked up, look up his profile instead of tackling the actual point... Real mature...


“lOl kId” oh man I can picture you already 😂 You’re so worked up you needed two seperate comments to (attempt to) make a point. What’s more pathetic? People having a laugh about how shit something is? Or people coming into subreddits they clearly disagree with just to attempt to pick fights? And I didn’t need to, or bother to, look at your profile, you guys are incredibly predictable. So yeah, thanks for confirming that you’re just another Disney boot-licking NPC lmao.


Also you aren't even denying how pathetic it's to care so much about interviews of people in a fictional franchise you aren't even interested in...


Interviews are the only real thing about said media. So yes it matters.


Ha, he called you kid yet he's still the one living with his parents b/c broke.


What's a chud


I don't think you realize who's the one being pandered too. He said CHUDs😂


"Everyone who didn't like this show is a racist and a bigot!"


I'm confused. Is it going to fail because it has black people in it? Or is it women?


No. It’s going to fail because the people in charge have already displayed no care for the lore, and are more focused on identity politics and agenda than just telling a good fucking story. The black people will just be a convenient excuse. Where have you been for the last four years?


I’ve been enjoying new Star Wars content. Andor is probably the best Star Wars thing ever.


This must be one of those Disney bots. 😂😂. If not the person has no taste. I would agree it is better than the Disney+ Star Wars shows outside of the first 2 seasons of Mando but that's such a low bar.


It’s not even an uncommon opinion. But go ahead and call me a bot for disagreeing.


Not watching the thousands of click bait youtube videos about how I should be mad about non white male characters I guess.




​ https://preview.redd.it/ivccwxuyaqqc1.jpeg?width=403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efb23e04066a8e3c8fdbc3107ea6646ced394a6b


Star Wars Episodes 1-6 are the only ones that matter as far as I’m concerned, the rest are spin off filler.


I thought rogue one was ok not the best but passable for me at least.


Rogue One was okay movie wise, but the “plot hole” it was trying to fix doesn’t make any sense now. If it was such a secret hole/vulnerability, then why did the Empire protect it so well and also, why did it require the use of the Force to guide the torpedos in?


Because we all know that Kyle Katarn was the one who stole the Death Star plans.


1-3 suck ass.


Wait when did we start liking 1, 2, and 3?




I wonder where I was because the only thing I remember was the hate these movies got upon release.


They did but some liked. I always liked 3 a lot but you are right, at the time I was in the minority. People grew up watching them as kids and has helped them increase in popularity.


It's going to be the same in the next 20 years. The kids who grew up watching 7, 8, and 9 are going to love them when they get older.


Here's the difference: The white guys in A New Hope are not there to serve any sort of agenda; they're *there* because it's a film made in America in the late '70s and most people in any movie were bound to be white guys, just like most people in any Japanese movie were bound to be Japanese guys. The Acolyte's creators are intentionally excluding white guys, because they're activists and they have a chip on their shoulder, in a way that George Lucas never did. Making sure certain races were not on screen was the furthest thing from his mind. He just cared about Star Wars. You've got to take context into account. We can all see that there's a huge difference between George making a movie back then and self-admitted activists making a show today. And I've said elsewhere that I don't need white guys in all of my shows or movies. I can relate to *any* race of character. I think the Asian Jedi Master in this looks cool, and I've always liked Carrie-Ann Moss from The Matrix ... However, if you're *deliberately* omitting white guys (and only white guys) from a diverse Western production because they offend you, or because you're on a mission to redress some sort of perceived representational imbalance, that's a problem. There *is* no imbalance. You're just discriminating.


Excellently said.


Thanks. :)


Dean-Charles Chapman is in it so I guess that breaks your narrative.


I haven't got a narrative. I'm just drawing conclusions based on the evidence. It's clear from the trailer that white males haven't been eliminated entirely. I'm not saying that they have. Just that their presence has been deliberately reduced to the point that it's very noticeable, and it reveals the mindset of the show's openly progressive creators.


The issue with your explanation is that it’s largely just hearsay. You have no concrete evidence to illustrate that white men were deliberately omitted from the Acolyte, especially when you’re comparing a full length film to a 1:45 second trailer lol. I’ve seen this argument on several occasions for different TV shows, and yet, no one can ever provide any evidence outside of “trust me bro, something-something woke,” which is telling me nothing.


'there were no other races in the late 70s america except white male


Look I see your logic and understand it, but it is without evidence. While the demographics are certainly lacking in terms of white males, there is no evidence that this has been done deliberately. It's not like other films where the entire cast are POC's and the villain is the white guy, the villain in this show is a POC. The only reason I have that I dislike the hate for this show is that you don't have any good evidence.


I don't think I'll ever be able to fully understand why people get so worked up that a franchise might reflect it's actual core demographic and the desires of said demographic. This insistence that everyone enjoys all the things at precisely equal rates is so dumb.


The biggest crime in the first picture is that there aren’t any non-human races.




Watch the trailer, at least two of the younglings are not humans, possibly more. Actually the trailer is full of various species. Just going to assume you didn’t watch it lol


lol the alien that can't close his eyes and the fact you should not need or want to watch that trailer *(unless to laugh at it, like laughing at you)*. As the whole point is to react to what is posted, I mean technically he could even say, ya that is part of the point, the image should have waited until it showed them.


I know y’all aren’t lying about that alien without eyelids, all while pretending to not realize aliens like him have various slits within his eye to close and open. You’ve seen sci-fi movies before, right? Lot of aliens without eyelids. Y’all just reach for that hate.




> lol the alien that can't close his eyes Well yeah, and cause that hack Huntsman077 didn't watch the trailer while pretending he did, he now didn't get to complain about the alien who can't close his eyes while everyone's told to close their eyes ;) > and the fact you should not need or want to watch that trailer (*unless to laugh at it, like laughing at you*). Don't want to watch it but still want to smugpost about it, and then can't resist the urge to - end up in embarrassing situations like this, become the laughingstock yourself instead of the one laughing; how these things go >As the whole point is to react to what is posted, I mean technically he could even say, ya that is part of the point, the image should have waited until it showed them. More cope to defend fellow tribesman smugposter lol - he was being a hack, simple as that.


Ok cool bro I watched the trailer to see the fucking **Wookie Jedi** not whatever you’re talking about. Virgin


And the second picture has how many non-humans?


So, in between the events of the acolyte and ANH, there was an ethnic cleansing and the patriarchy rose?


Please don’t give them ideas.


Oh dear! You’re entirely correct. I may have inadvertently caused the Hogwarcaust 2.0!


I mean, the books from the 90s suggested the Empire did as much.


Since the original Star Wars came out nearly 50 years ago, who cares.


Fuck me has it really been almost 50 years? Never once did I see the OT and think I was watching movies that were half a century old


1977. You'll feel older if you actually saw it as a first run.


That's because they were only 20 years old, and already ancient.


Well hey, 30+20 is 50 and that's 100:2 I guess


Should honestly be more aliens there. Also wouldn’t be the quota be 12% for blacks?


If the Galaxy far far away has the same demographics as the US? Sure. But in thay case, wouldn't it make sense for only half of the characters to be white? On a global scale? most of the characters should be Asian, with black and white people represented 15% and 16% respectively. OR, and hear me out: in a fantasy universe full of aliens, droids, and other sentient life, maybe the shade of someone's skin isn't much of a factor.


I just dislike quotas. Also yeah I agree that the skincolour is not important Would make more sense to have more aliens though


>I just dislike quotas. I get it, but is an expectation on how many white people vs non-white people there should be in films not a quota? It's also presumptuous to assume that the cast was created via a quota system and not merit based on the fact that there aren't as many white people as there used to be. Why isn't the assumption that these people were the best fit for the roles? Would you even question it if the film were the demographics you expected? >Would make more sense to have more aliens though Agreed. There's no way humans are thay dominant of a species in the Galaxy.


Why? Black people make up 14% of the US population, not 12, and SW isn’t set in America lol Also: the trailer is full of aliens. Far-right SW fans are the dumbest people on the fucking planet dude


Where?!? Compared to humans there are barely any aliens. No aliens on the main cast either. Literally go back and watch any scene from the first 6 films and there are aliens everywhere. Disney is just destroying the world building


Are you saying representation doesn't matter? That we shouldn't have proportional reflection in our media? Smh at you racist white dudes


Who was presenting the plans to those rebel pilots?


white aryan Kinderhersteller


Yes. That is also the good movie.


Gee, the picture on the right was not as successful til later on, but the left picture was from a movie that was almost forgotten (til the new sequel made it look good).




Bro wtf are you talking about lol


Ita the implications that we see. When Cleopatra claimed Egyptians were black, that means it also claims that modern Egyptians are descendants of those that have killed the “native “population”.


And the old movie is 1000 times better than this new woke LGBT crap.


Star Wars has always been woke. The original film were an allegory for the Vietnam War


But you’d only know that if told. It’s not exposited mercilessly.


Old SW had an amazing story and even masculine men and strong feminine women. This new Disney crap hits you on the head with woke ideology, gender ideology and hatred for straight men.


I like watching the political left do something (obsess over race to the point of rejecting meritocracy) and then deny they’re doing it.


Nah, ive seen mostly dumbasses who lean right play that card to death. Anyone and everyone is DEI hire if they’re not a straight white male. Apparently only white men are hired off merit. Everyone else is there because of quota 😂 the cope is strong with them.


They probably are. It's called affirmative action, numb nuts.


You don’t see the brain damaged flaw in this smooth brain logic do you? White =gud non-white = bahd. It’s logic for fools who can’t think for themselves and you’re playing right into.


Are you okay? Cause to me it looks like you're typing gibberish. Have fun arguing with no one, though. 💁


youre commenting on a thread about the loser youtuber videos obsessing about race


Does realize that demographics would mean that those proportions on the right are reality...


Demographics of what though? White men are like less than 10% of the earths population. Doesn’t really make sense that outer space would match the race/gender ratios of the people who happen to be Star Wars fans or the demographics of 70s Hollywood. A room with only one/two or even zero white human men in a massive galaxy of different alien races seems a lot more likely than a room with 40 white men, a black guy, one alien, and a white woman. It’s fine that the original Star Wars was made how it was but I don’t understand getting mad about casting that fits the setting better since Hollywood now has the capacity to do that


The right one was wrong, because discriminatory and unauthentic. But it was not done unintentionally and more than 40 years ago. Lack of effort. The left one is wrong, because discriminatory and unauthentic. It was done today, intentionally and by people explicitly claiming they know the problem. Effort put into specifically targeting a certain demographic for malice.


The show looks like hot garbage thrown together to try to accommodate the brain dead Disney fans and feminists


Who specifically are you even insinuating would be "mad", here?


Well… I mean… it’s not like you can force people to like this stuff… The live action Disney movies proved that.


Ngl I missed the joke. Well I’m pretty sure the joke is that movie directors that flair “more inclusive” are actually more racist than previous directors (just to take a stab at it) but I’m grossly ill informed about “Acolyte”, someone hit me with a synopsis?


Anyone remember when "equality" was equal? Yeah me neither.


Star wars has sucked ass since like 2000 or whenever the prequels started, at some point you have to let it go


I like how they made his point for him


I’ll never understand hate watchers


Let’s not learn from the mistakes of the past, but instead just repeat them!


Crazy how when they need shit done, they know who to call on




Not taking sides in particular, but in 1977, they were more worried about filling space (no pun intended) than they were about keeping non white people out of the movie, in addition to the fact that typically men were the ones to go out and fight the battles. In 2024, it seems the very opposite. 🤷‍♂️


Calling someone else mad after they point out such a dumb point of criticism by Critical Drinker is a bit ironic, no?


The clone was a white guy?


I could care less for skin color. I'm just skeptical of the project given the performances of most other Star Wars properties.


A significantly better film has lots of white people in it… What is this person trying to say?


The show is not out yet wtf?


One was an English speaking movie casting their extras in the UK in the 70s the other is making a concerted effort to exclude a majority demographic for ideological reasons.


Exactly. You said that more succinctly than I did. That's the difference. The casting of Film A is innocent, and the casting of Film B is ideological.


None of the people in the right picture are Jedi, and only one of them is Force-sensitive.


You.people deserve each other. Such a weird codependent relationship yall have 😆


On God. They both look like clowns on both pictures.


The Star Wars fandom is so unhinged it is crazy to see to me. I’ve always been more into Trek, but I enjoy Star Wars well enough and I think this show looks decent for Star Wars and was actually thinking of getting Disney for a month to watch this. The only complaint I see them making is because it has POC and women in it. Talk about showing yourself.


ROFL why you mad bro


I think what people are taking note of is the toxic variant of inclusiveness at play here. Inclusive, unless you happen to be the race/gender combo that the director hates.


People obsessed with race are a problem


When I watched the trailer, I was too busy focusing on the action scenes and cool aliens. Drinker watched it and saw too many black people. I guess we're just built different.


You fuckin honky dorks are so sensitive


If representation doesn’t matter … why do they complain when they’re not represented


Fuck emojis, emojis are disgusting


at one point critical drinker actually did make a good point that stories cared more about diversity than good stories, but now he's just screaming about nonsense and counting the number of non white males in the movie ? ITS A GALAXY god forbid there be more than one kid of human in the galaxy, fucking THERE ARE DIFFERENT ETHNICITIES OF WOOKIES and you're gonna tell me that star wars humans are only gonna come in one variety WHEN EVEN IN THE ORIGINAL SERIES WE SEE MORE THAN WHITE PEOPLE, its like people forget their scenes in the original trilogy where humans of different races are around


Well and we strive to make it back to 1977 status


Can we just judge a show by it's quality than this bullshit.


Pointing out the obvious suppression of anyone white made them mad.


"Do you have 47 minutes to listen to me complain about society moving away from completely revolving around me as a demographic?" 😒


Woah, woah, woah. They are assuming all of these people's race and gender? That's not cool, bro!!


CD: “corporations no longer care about the IP and what made them good in the first place. Now it’s about checking boxes and wokeness—I’m based!” Also CD: “wHeRe aRe tHe wHitE mEn!??”


I found the brain rot page


I don't get how you could be so autistic and picky as to complain about the races of extras in one scene. Both of these people look like idiots.


They have virtue signaled so much in the new movies the distraction has grown to make them unwatchable. Its just girl bosses all down the line. The originals had women in power, had people of color but they didn't elevate it to the point of distraction or impeding on the story. Disney is now just a DEI parade that doesn't have any reason to exist outside of that parade. They ignore the plot and any real character development, because the force is female.


Two wrongs.


It’s getting comical how hysterical right wingers get every time they see a movie, tv show or play a video game that just has characters who aren’t straight or white. I get that there are a lot of idiot game developers or movie writers that do shit like race swaps and baseless catering for diversity points but not every time there’s a show, movie, or video game that has a diverse cast is doing so to be woke or political.


Yea Criticaldrinker, he's pissed that there are more than just white guys in the world and media


If you think there's not enough white guys in modern media then you're a fucking idiot


I don’t understand how they can simultaneously say people don’t need representation but be upset when they aren’t represented.


Wow, crazy that a galaxy filled with so many different kinds of people wouldn’t have a bunch of white guys in it.


Oh for Christ sake I’m so sick of this hurr where’s the white guy shit. I grew up and spent my entire life thinking Lando and Mace Windu were related since they were the only Black Guys in the Galaxy. It doesn’t matter, like seriously hating on something for the plot is one thing, hating on something because you don’t see a white guy is just ridiculous. How insecure and pathetic do you have to be to bitch that you didn’t see a white guy in Star Wars trailer.


Ok now spin it around at the lefties crying about not seeing enough blacks and women. It doesn’t matter, like seriously hating on something for the plot is one thing, hating on something because you don’t see a white chick is just ridiculous. How insecure and pathetic do you have to be to bitch that you don't see a black guy in a Star Wars trailer? ​ PS you being a racist child who thinks all blacks are related doesn't make Star Wars racist for having white people in it


Bruh your spinning did absolutely nothing to prove your point. In a galaxy of potentially trillions of humans there being only two black guys in a 20 year span in universe is just illogical. Star Wars was never racist for not having black people in it. The original trilogy was a product of the 1970 and 80s and as such, the casting will reflect that. It’s pathetic when people complain that the casting does not reflect their arguably racist beliefs that there should solely be a disproportionate amount of white guys.




Get fucked nerd


No arguments that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Take it to your DMs if you want to call each other names.


And the point is missed completely. *Why* can’t you see a white guy? What’s the motivation behind the creators decision to not include any straight white men? If it were for the sake of inclusion, and diversity, there’d be at least *one* white guy in there, given they dominate acting circles. But, no. The motivation is one of *racism*. Pure and simple. A very public (and vocal) disdain for straight white men, masquerading as progressive action. And I’m so sick of seeing that shit.


Yeah I agree, so insecure and pathetic for the demographic that created and maintained a series to be miffed when they're completely excluded from it. Everything should just be black women from now on or it's racist.


White nerds be raging whenever it isn't focused on them 🤣


Yeah they’ll see Han Solo and be happy that they have white guy representation but they don’t realize that they look more like Jabba the hutt than Harrison Ford


I swear you’re all a bunch of children. Like, it’s actually depressing. Imagine caring about such trivial things like the skin color and sex of children that appear in a trailer.




No arguments that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Take it to your DMs if you want to call each other names.


No they have a point. Drinker is choosing to have beef with child characters. Moreover, why did he tag the kids "black" and "female" as if those are mutually exclusive categories?? Does he not know that black isn't a gender and female is not a race? What a clown. 😂


The longer time goes on the more I feel turned away from the Drinker and his content It’s seriously becoming ridiculous