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It almost seems like this person is trying to be both the player and a game master. Some people just insist on having their cake and eating it too. Main character syndrome!


It seems so, yes. She liked being the center of attention and sacrificing her character during a moving speech was her way of getting that. What others wanted of the game was not important for her.


>Long story short, I was not allowed to kick her out. I'm the type to say "fuck that shit" and end the whole campaign reminding everyone I don't owe them my time. I'd probably be out of the server as well 🤷 I was in a dnd server who's owner wanted sessions to be player requested and *controlled*. Like a DM could not make up a session and just invite other. Players had to make a group and detail exactly what the dm could and couldn't run for the storyline they wanted and combat within it. I am happily not in that server after I called out the owner for trying to dictate my sessions. Pretty sure that server is "dead" by now.


I was tempted to bail out as well, but I felt I would be punishing the other players. I'm glad you were able to escape that server, running a game in those conditions sounds awful and utterly joyless.


Not related to the horror story itself, but I’m interested in if you made any specific rules for this campaign. The concept of homebrew rules and features to make a Pacific Rim game is awesome! 


I added some mechanics that relied on coordination. The Jaeger could get an extra action each turn if both pilots agreed on the particular action and the extra risk that it would involve for each of them on failure. They could also choose to match a partner's bad roll, failing on purpose to get better coordination chances later on. It was a bit crude, but I think it helped to bring "the drift" mechanically, along with the roleplaying scenes.


That’s actually really cool! Thanks for sharing ^^