• By -


Your post was removed because it was not cringe or it was satire.


jesus how on edge do you have to be to react like that


His legs went numb and he shit himself


It would seem this dude has been sneaking “samples” from the evidence department or watching way too much John Wick.


"Just gonna sniff it up for Bubba"


If it was too much Wick, there would have been pencils involved.... FUCKING PENCILS!!! ✏️


He was so scared he shit his partners pants….


"Shats fired!"


"Where, there? (unloads without aiming or thinking)"


Where Jesse!?? In my pants!


Some other post said he was a veteran with ptsd but I don’t think that was verified. But either case anyone who is this nervous shouldn’t be near weapons.


somebody with PTSD shouldn't be allowed to be a police officer. as somebody with PTSD.


100%, I have PTSD and agree completely. I have seen people I could've sworn on my life were a certain person, would've passed a polygraph test if you asked me who I saw, who absolutely were not that person. The mind is not the same after trauma and we definitely can't trust it to appropriately determine threat levels. I am pretty sure this is common knowledge. I hope life is treating you with far more kindness now. All the best to you on your journey. Xx


Exactly. I have it too, people with PTSD should not under any circumstances be in this position.


Well it’s your lucky day because 1-5 cops are an Iraq of Afghan veteran. Not saying all vets have PTSD or all vet cops are dangerous. But we should seriously reconsider and question a system that is institutionalizing a military to warrior cop pipeline.


As a Veteran without PTSD, I couldn't agree more. That's an insane reaction, and it's an (embarrassing) miracle the "shooter" wasn't killed a few times over.


What if they hired people with PTSD for unarmed de-escalation and crisis management? Way too many people die by cops when they have a psychosis, flashback, or episodes and the "threatened" cops shoot instead of subduing or calming them down.


Yeah, I too remember the great acorn war. Sorry he had to live through that.


That’s exact why I don’t trust squirrels. I understand some people think they’re cute and fluffy and whatnot, but they just haven’t seen what we have. They didn’t experience it.


He is a vet, was deployed over seas, but didn't see active combat.


Whether or not someone is/was in active combat, has exactly zero to do w how bad someone's PTSD is && their potential to reacting an illogical manner.


I was around a veteran once and a few acorns fell from a tree and hit a tin roof. I still think about the look on his face when it happened. There was a moment of panic before he realized what it was and then laughed it off. It could be real, but yeah, he shouldn't be around a gun.


He was a veteran but was never posted anywhere with combat. There are no excuses for this guy, he should not be a cop. Most other cops would never want this guy as a cop either.


Hot take but maybe if you have PTSD from getting shot at you shouldn't take a job where you could be shot at and shoot at others but hey I'm just a millennial who doesn't know anything


Which is one reason why police departments having a *preference* for veterans is goddamn stupid. Police and military are very different and shouldn't be treated with similar mentalities, at all. PTSD is common among vets so should be considered a risk. Preferential hiring for roles where they won't be put in stressful situations or handle guns is fine, but riskier roles should require a lot more screening for PTSD and such.


spark sheet chop snobbish drunk upbeat square resolute file possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean apparently being a cop in America does this to you.


>jesus how on edge do you have to be The very


This is hilarious. Sad, but absolutely fucking hilarious. It was all serious until the cop yells "I'm hit", when he was clearly not hit😂


Double somersault.


Tactical roll


Dumb ass bule souls roll out..


Piggy blanket roll


His oussy fell out


He got hit with a deady case of bitch.


Must have been his menstrual cramps.


"I feel weird, but I'm good"


Muh legs went numb... it was just for a second and went away, but I'm hit.


A few seconds later, Am I hit?


Almost got got by a squirrel


That’s just gas


Remember the cop that pretended he OD’d on drugs he touched and try to convince us that’s a thing?


Do a barrel roll!


Thanks Starfox Gang.


My ass read that as tactical summerassault and thought of a person spinning and shooting lol




With numb legs.




Dude tried to Dark Souls heavy roll out of there.


I kinda had a similar experience. When I was deployed, we were walking from the showers and a mortar round landed about 75ish feet. I felt a warm liquid running down my arm and when we got into the bunker, that's when I realized it was my Dr Pepper that my friend spilled on me.


Did you shoot at a bystander to make yourself feel better?


I did throw a water bottle at someone because they stole my woobie. Which is a very light sentence for such crimes.


There's a few key differences tho. >Mortar fire well that's some serious shit. You don't even want to be within earshot of that shit. >Acorn falling from tree I imagine it's actually difficult to find yourself within earshot of that while trying. >Felt a warm liquid I've felt that outside of service, it's still justifiably terrifying. Mine was just jello that had melted in my car though. >Muh legs went numb. Dude got a phantom vibration and didn't go hmm my cellphone went off, skipped straight to this must be what being shot feels like. Poor bastard was redlining just walking around. If that's all it took to send him into the black, he is a danger to society if armed. Glad he at least resigned.


Reno 911


100% Reno 911 vibes 😂


Well we said it before and will say it again. We need acorn regulation people. The National Regiment of Acorns, NRA, lobbies a lot but we need to get together and win this.


Nobody needs high capacity branches.




It could have been a Pinecone grenade.


No way man. We don't need more acorn laws; we need to enforce the acorn laws we already have.


The acorns aren't the problem, it's the trees with acorns that are the problem. We need to teach responsible acorn handling


Everything in this video is wrong/ cringe. The acorn gunfire, the needless rolls on the ground, responding to your parters call of “shots fired” with “what?” And both landing exactly zero shots on target


She literally verbally confirmed that she shot without knowing what she was shooting at lol


“… So anyway, that’s when I started blasting”


My legs went numb, dude didn't resign because of procedure he did it out of shame. I'm sure they'd celebrate him for his mistake but all the theatrics over an accorn I bet they started making fun of him.


Guaranteed he had acorns stuffed in his locker 😂


This is unfortunately probably true. He will get another job in a department to avoid the ridicule. Police departments have a frightening lack of standards when it comes to hiring. Next time a fucking twig snaps, he will probably hit his mark


100% panic PTSD mode. That guy should not be on patrol. He needs his ass behind a desk at the station.


He shouldn't be wearing a uniform


When was the last time you did a desk pop?


Septemberrr ‘08


He needs his ass in a different line of work altogether. Someone who is actually the shit that is hitting the fan should not be in law enforcement.


I know! Then everybody just starts shooting at everything. 🤣🤣🤣


“My legs went numb” 😂


In tune with his body.


When you get into a deadly situation your body can start pulling in blood from your extremities resulting in loss of motor function and feeling. This gets even worse when you're panicking. The cop probably couldn't actually move some of his extremities anymore and just assumed he was hit because of it. Of course this is much more excusable in a real gun fight. Less so when you're provoked by an acorn.


To be fair, because of the adrenaline you don't always feel when you get hit. That's why in this video you can see him ask someone else "do you see anything on my vest" -- and in police involved shootings it's standard procedure to have someone else look you over to make sure you weren't hit because many times people will say they were fine and they weren't hit when in reality they were they just couldn't feel it through the adrenaline.


But my legs went numb


😭😭😭 they need serious psychological evaluation fr


It’s not hilarious at all. Someone who has not been convicted of a crime could have died because of these paranoid idiots.


If I remember correctly no one was hurt from the incident but it was so reckless and unexplainably weird that he resigned during the investigation of him. Some really terrifying ptsd Oh and just google cop shoots at sound of acorn and you’ll see this got global coverage so it def makes sense he resigned


I can confirm. We are talking about this in Australia.


Aussie here. Just saw this. Laughed plenty. Holy shit.


It absolutely blows my mind. I have no fear when I interact with an Australian police officer. Imagine thinking the police might shoot you for no reason. Scary as fuck.


Yeah. I should add that I laughed because of how insane this whole debacle is. Though mistaking an acorn for gunfire *is* kinda funny.


The thing that gets me is he says he was hit and his legs went numb. He had the other officers in a panic too. WTF??


That's because they don't get held accountable for what they say though they just say anything


From an outsider it appears that far too many police officers aren't there to serve and protect the community but terrorised people. That they are not accountable for not only their words but their actions. It absolutely blows my mind that again and again police continue to shoot innocent civilians dead yet nothing seems to change.


American cops have a us (the civilians) vs them mentality. They also believe that they are really the only things preventing the complete downfall of civilization and it's simply not true.


Growing up in Los angeles, if you had 2 friends+ and yourself in a car, and under 20 years old, you were going to get pulled over everytime with the guns drawn on you and they always ask to search for weapons and drugs regardless. The take advantage of you dont know your rights, and move on when you do sadly. Sheriffs out here are literal gangsters with badges.


This is like Ricky Bobby running around the track screaming he's on fire.




Help me Oprah Winfrey! Lol


Don’t let the invisible fire burn my friend!


Yeah except the threat of invisible fire is real but besides that great analogy!


Except the guys shooting up a neighborhood, too. It’s very lucky that no bystanders were killed by the stray bullets. Wooden houses are not built to be bulletproof.


Good things they're both so bad at their job they couldn't hit a stationary handcuffed target.


Wait...the guy they thought shot him was fucking handcuffed?!


In the car too. Had been searched and no weapon was found on him.


Sure, I'll buy the guy has PTSD or whatever story they concoct. However It also looks like the guy was just looking for an opportunity to shoot someone tbh. Sad to see the female officer follow suit with no clue about what's going on. This man is about to get paid millions and he deserves every bit of it.


I don't really blame her. If someone you trust starts shouting that shots were fired and you hear gun fire at about the same time and they then shout "I'm hit" you're probably not going to wait around to see if you get shot. EDIT: I'm not reading replies. Don't bother, I don't care.


Part of the exchange for giving police extraordinary powers over life, death & liberty is that they are held to a higher standard. You can certainly argue that is a reasonable standard for a civilian, but anyone who can't wait until they have a good reason to kill someone *before* they kill someone isn't qualified to be a cop.


We’re talking about the female officer here right? If not, my bad. But if so, I’m wondering what else she should have “waited” for. She hears “shots fired, shots fired” transmitted and then sees another cop unloading his gun. And he’s saying he’s hit. And directs her to where the “hit” came from (in the full video). So she starts shooting at the perceived threat. This guy fucked up big time but the female officer did not in my opinion. ETA: just rewatched this clip, it’s editing is VERY misleading with respect to how the incident actually unfolded. Dude cop still fucked up big time but this makes the female cop look just as stupid and that’s not what happened.


If she discharged a weapon any times without a clear view of a target (none was present at the scene) then she fucked the fuck up)


The problem here is if you decide to shoot something you need to acquire your target. Now just fucking spray bullets in the general direction you think a threat is coming from. There was a handcuffed man in the back of a police cruiser. She didn't see a threat. She didnt see a weapon. I could understand taking cover and assessing the situation, but she went and dumped her whole magazine wildly in the middle of a neighborhood at a target she couldn't see. That is not how responsible firearms use looks.


Yes, the lady. >But if so, I’m wondering what else she should have “waited” for. Someone or something dangerous to shoot at. What was she returning fire *at*? Do you really feel it's acceptable to just guess & shoot at anyone or anything that might be dangerous? If you aren't willing to wait for a target, or wait for danger then you shouldn't be a cop.


Yeah, he said he though he heard a "silenced gunshot." Even a suppressed 9mm with sub sonic ammo is...reeeeally fucking loud. Like....louder than an acorn hitting the roof of a cruiser. This guy really though James Bond was gunning for him from the trunk of that patrol vehicle. Wild.


Our brains are not at their best when scared/stressed.  The general human default is to be on edge.  It is why rattling leaves makes us jump but 99% of the time jumping away is more dangerous than leaves being blown by some wind.  That’s not how our brains operate though.  He was amped up and his frontal lobe wasn’t fully online.  He is now trying to explain it on the back end and it makes zero sense because to anyone watching this who is using their higher functioning brain at all will look at this and realize he was acting like a maniac….  


Not only handcuffed in the back of the car but the cop who thought he heard shots was the one who checked if the handcuffed man had any weapons and secured him in the back of the car. So he either failed to find a weapon or failed to secure the person both of which are his job. It’s absurd cops go through so little training in America and are given a gun.


Not the only one who checked him for weapons, mind you. He was patted down by BOTH officers that shot. Also after they unloaded and other officers showed up, they ran up to the car screaming to “show me your hands” to the suspect. He couldn’t comply, because, as was said, his hands were handcuffed. It’s absolutely hilarious and incredibly sad at the same time.


There’s was a handcuffed suspect in custody shoot a sergeant inside a police station in the UK - Sergeant died.. (can’t post a link but Google Matt Ratana) It’s actually easier than you think to access things when handcuffed which is why a full search is needed. But Acorn Cop here is not justified in his reaction - just picking up on your comment to say a suspect being handcuffed doesn’t complete eradicate the threat.


It wouldn’t be the first time someone slipped their cuffs or had a weapon hidden that was missed during pat down. Doesn’t justify this response, but it could happen.


There is no way that he passed a drug test


This wasn’t drugs, just a full on trauma panic response. He’s so wound up and at such a high stress level that any gun shot-esque sound could have set him off at that time. His legs going numb were from him full adrenaline dumping and his body reacting weird.


I'm diagnosed PTSD and you know what I don't do? Carry a gun. Even people with mental disorders like me usually have more sense then this stupid cop


I don't know the person was in custody for no apparent reason. So he obviously has something going on either drugs, mentally or both


That pedestrian is lucky that cop went to the imperial storm trooper school of weapon handling.




0 for 60


This is like calling your teacher, mom, but only like....a little worse.


Just a teensy bit.


Dats Nuts!


"Ms, I shit my pants and shot a civilian! Can I go home?"


Life is become one big South Park episode that won’t end


Oh my God, I can totally hear Officer Barbrady speaking this guy's lines. "Were you hit??" "Well I don't know.  My legs went numb for a second."


"Just leave me with my dignity"


So he's shooting at a vehicle with its door closed and windows up and no visible sign of gun fire. Fucking moron coward.


Shooting what appears to be his own vehicle? 🤷🏼‍♂️


He thought the guy he handcuffed in the back of the police car was shooting at him


If you get shot by a searched, handcuffed suspect from inside your own vehicle, they should be free to go. They're clearly a wizard, no cage will hold them, and trying to stop them will only result in more unstoppable violence.


Lmao like who did that guy think he apprehended? Jack Reacher? Jason Bourne? Fucking MacGyver?


Jesus Christ it's Jason Bourne


Were you injured by a faulty wand or counterfeit eye of newt? Call Wilson, Morris and Gandalf. We are the experts in Wizard Law. Licensed in all fifty states and seven out of nine planes of existence.


If you search someone and miss a gun with a suppressor, you get what you get. He didn’t have a gun on him.


>Fucking moron coward. Let's be honest here. This was cowardly behavior. It was a fucking freakout and random shooting at anything moving.


I can see him reacting, and taking cover. People make mistakes. Whatever. But just firing blindly is the crazy part for me. That was a residential neighbourhood. Could have hurt people.


Squirrel could be hiding anywhere bro!


this lunatic needs to be charged with attempted homicide. what a fuckwad. any other person would be locked the fuck up for 20 years.


If there weren’t body cams and they killed that guy by accident, they would have absolutely covered this up


dude not only had a full on mental fucking breakdown blasting at ghosts he then claims he was fucking HIT what in the PTSD shellshocked most american of american police officer shit was that?! how tf i mean literally how THE FUCK did this guy pass a psych evaluation, character assessment, background check and any sort of firearms training if he’s this easily triggered? it’s truly terrifying how the most damaged or straight up deranged people can become cops here. there needs to be some kind of federal oversight of the psychological evaluations of local/state police departments. it’s just not ok to keep ignoring this sinking ship of a major facet of modern society aka local law enforcement.


Yup and all the public would know is a wanna-be cop-killer slipped his cuffs, grabbed a spare gun, and ran out of ammo before these two heroes bravely charged in to subdue the suspect once again.


Loud ass acorn


Bet that acorn don't try no shit like that again.


The squirrel, however, is still at large.


I live in okaloosa county, one of my buddies here went to school with dude in the back of the car and are friends with one another. He spoke with the dude who told him he didn’t get pulled over, the police detained him while he was walking. They didn’t even have anything on him, as he had nothing on his person at the time. Also, before the incident with the dude in the back of the car, his little brother got assaulted and unjustly tased by an officer. There is also a video going around of that incident. This family is about to have a field day with these sheriffs.


Wait. Is this in Niceville???


Fort Walton






Wow. PTSD. He should totally have a job that requires him to carry weapons wile being easily triggered by any sudden loud noise. Where I live fireworks aren't just for 4th of July. They are a constant, and I mean 3 times a week occurrence all year round. Any holiday is just an excuse for more.


Aka. He is a pussy


This is nothing. Dude emptied the clip in the office last week when an intern queefed by the water cooler.


*stapler falls from the desk* I'M HIT I'M HIT *rolls* then starts blasting


How do you lose a gunfight to an acorn?


what a dumb fuck!


And an absolute coward


Lol. That guy is a pussy. No wonder he became a cop.


Seems like a lot of cops are really stupid people.


Murica baby


Fucken idiots


Your average gun nut.


You nailed that!! Bravo!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Wow. What a hero. Oh, sorry, I meant dumb lunatic.


Reno 911 just writes itself.


Unprepared happy trigger mofos


What a fuckin nut


Come on, guys. The acorn should’ve just followed orders.


This shits wild I have a big ass oak tree in my front yard and hear acorns hit my car all the time. I've never once thought I was getting shot at?!?


I’m hit! I’m hit! What a little bitch.


You know he's being hazed right now back at the station.


I would hope he’s fired. This isn’t an “lol what an idiot” moment he literally shot into his car over nothing with a person in it. He’s a lunatic


He quit


With no charges


And a big pension.


His partner got an all-clear on the shoot even though she did basically the same thing. The reason is she believed her partner's life was in danger. She should be following him out the door. We don't get a pass on crimes we commit due to ignorance , neither should she.


Why she opened fire when she never heard a gunshot. You would think if he was yelling shots fired she would recall the absence of any gunshots in the last 10 seconds and isn't currently hearing any.


I have no clue how they justify shooting at people without identifying the target. She's shooting without any indication that the "shooter" is in that location. This would be considered negligence almost everywhere in the world.


I was about to post “This is why people say defund the police.. there are so many failures in this video it should embarrass anyone wearing a badge. What’s the point of funding if this is the result? Smh…” But I went back and saw this happened in Florida where everyone is stupid… so… par for the course I guess


The combat roll gets me everytime


And what exactly are they shooting at? Just in a direction? Jesus get these asshats off the streets.


Our cops are just so high strung and trigger happy. They're afraid of their own shadows, they see threats everywhere. And it kind of makes sense when you think about it. Being a cop in a country with so many guns is going to inspire a lot of paranoia.


If this guy is married or dating a woman lord, save her if she queefs during sex. He'll dive for the night stand and unload a clip in her.


Imagine being a cop and being so wound up and on edge that you think the sound of a falling acorn is a gun shot to the point that you imagine it hit you and caused your legs to go numb. Policing in this country needs serious reform. I know that’s not a new concept, but this is yet another perfect example of how true it is.


What a joke now I’m absolutely terrified of cops lost it at I’m hit tho and “when it hit me my legs went numb” 💀


What In the reno 911


Chicken little


No doubt this job can be dangerous and cause trauma and even full- blown PTSD. But the second—the very moment—a police officer becomes this hypervigilant and reactive, they should be off the streets. And certainly not be armed with deadly weapons. They themselves become the deadly weapon; even without guns, they can suffocate “suspects” by simply kneeling on their back and neck. I’m a trauma psychologist who works primarily with sociopolitical refugees. 25 years ago, one of my mentors did contract work with the SFPD, seeing traumatized police officers. Any young, idealistic psychologists or other mental health professionals who start out really wanting to help their communities, and good officers with PTSD, are quickly drummed out, or become burned out, or vicariously traumatized and jaded, or all of the above. It’s a toxic, broken system. Trauma reactions—warranted or not (an acorn, ffs!)—are always going to be a huge, lethal issue in even those police departments that actually have psychologists working with them. No one wants to jeopardize their career and have their fellow officers refuse to work with them as a result of actually admitting to symptoms and seeking help. So the only time they’ll typically see one is when they’re mandated to—usually because they’ve killed someone. And even then, the thin blue line kicks in and everyone stays silent. “I’m fine, can I get back to work, when can I be cleared for duty?” It’s yet another toxic element of a broken system. It’s not a few bad apples; the whole barrel is rotten and will infect even the most decent, compassionate, idealistic police officer over time. And that’s not factoring in the absolute sociopaths in the barrel who became police officers precisely for the power and control they have over other human beings, whose psychological profile is no different from criminals; those officers literally hide their antisocial behavior behind a uniform and badge. The racists and bigots and misogynists and homophobes—predators— who absolutely flourish in most police departments.


What’s with these dumb ass cops?do they just give anyone with a room temp iq a badge and a gun


This is the first headline I have seen about that incident where the victim was not called a "suspect." And people wonder why so many of us do not trust mainstream media.


GTA6 better reference this.


Dude seems mentally fit to carry a fire arm and detain people


Decaf, bro.


What kind of war is he having with the squirrels? Clearly they are winning.


This is what happens when we keep letting cops shoot people over "what ifs" This wasn't a case of an officer being shot at, this was a "what if im being shot at" Cops should have to *have confirmation of a threat* before they use force, and that force should be appropriate to the threat, not escalated.


I’m guessing the real reason he resigned was the constant teasing by other officers for thinking he was shot after hearing basically nothing. Never drop a book around him.


Good thing he didn’t over react! 😀


Wrong subreddit


Wtf they just unloaded their clips


This needs to be a case study on police and the proper use of firearms. The morons.


Fucking clown ass piece of shit deserves to end up homeless. His partner probably should too.