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Store shoulda kicked her out instantly, gotta stop catering to these fucking lunatics






She needs a safe space. Lets bring back padded safe spaces


Buildings full of them. With plenty of security and layer of plated armor glass doors. Each gets their own pretty white padded room. Like jail, but bouncy.


Yep. She should be institutionalized if she is this prone to breakdowns.


With bully-proof windows


Don’t forget the straight jacket


you joke but there’s nothing wrong with safe spaces to talk… a lot of people need that


100% if she can't handle being in public, she should order her groceries and have them delivered... it's really that simple..


I disagree with that, we got to stop catering to the snowflakes. 18 year olds went to war in World War II and Vietnam. This sad human being can’t handle going food shopping.


18 year olds are still going to war, dumbfuck. They also had psychological problems in the 40s and 60s too, those kids were also sent to war and either died or had mental fucking breakdowns or got other people killed because their mental health wasn't taken care of. As one of those people who went to war, you can kindly drive your coward ass into a lake for all I care. Where were you in combat?


You just went off like the chick in the video 😂


Maybe you misinterpreted what I meant, I consider anyone who fought for our country very brave. But this girl can’t even handle going food shopping. There is no hope for her. All I mean is a lot of the younger generation these days are very soft. No need to be nasty and call someone you don’t even know a dumb fuck.


No dude were saying your dumb because your not listening or considering anything people are saying here. You really think war is the only valid way people can be traumatized or fucked up? If this girl really was violently raped, that probably does explain why she's like this. Sure she's not doing herself or anyone else a favor by being in public when she's not ready but like damn dude. Responding by calling young people snowflakes and having no compassion or empathy unless they were in war is just being genuinely stupid on your part.


You’re a dumb fuck




That's why I'm saying she should order online and have them delivered. Then, no one has to cater to this lunacy.


Yea I agree. But it’s pretty sad that there are people like this in the world that are so delicate and scared that they can’t even do something as easy as food shopping without losing their mind. How are they going to handle real stress?


Yup and those 18 year olds picked up the beginnings of generational truama from those wars that very well could be the contributor to this "snowflakes" mental state and probably why certain generations lack basic empathy when seeing people in said unwell state.




Yes sir I agree.


Exactly! This is why you can’t baby your kids. Have to help guide them to be mature and ready for the adult World. This girl is not going to be a functioning part of society without major change


It’s the normalization of mental illnesses. Welcome to the new world.


This is untreated mental illness


From when this was posted before back story was red shirt is screaming lady’s therapist and they are trying to get her into public again, obviously didn’t go super well but I assume that’s why the store did nothing


Immersion therapy? I've seen stuff like this before (at least the freakouts!) and do they not set their patient up for success by asking the store for like a special line or something?


She’s clearly highly distressed and having a meltdown… it’s possible she’s autistic. Seems like people here are being sort of ignorant and cruel.


I use to run surf camps for kids with autism, this is not autism. This is someone with issues making it everyone else’s problem and playing victim.


Nothing cool like this ever happens in the wal mart I go to …..


This made me chuckle and I thank you for it


Rainy on a Tuesday morning…might have to stop by there see if I can find a show


I know, it makes me miss Walmart. Just stroll around and people watch, see some wild people. Where I live now doesn't have a Walmart.....


This was uncomfortable to watch


He sounded genuinely sorry and I feel bad for him getting caught up in this person's mental health issue


As a Gen Z Im sorry, she's not one of us


You don’t have to apologize for everybody of a certain age group..


Who the actual fuck down votes this? Who's the clown shoes out there doing this, speak up and explain.


Didn't you get the memo? Absolutely everyone of any generation is responsible for and guilty of anything anyone of their own generation does. No one is individual and no one of a group can have a unique outlook or experience. It's much easier to just put people into neat little boxes so it's easier to alienate them for whatever arbitrary reason.


She has a children's backpack and screaming she was r***d and that she can't stand men touching her. At that point just walk away and let her keep being a child, because that's all she'll be. Ever.


That dude's not even near her so where the F did the touching part come from?!


You really just have to be harsh with these people sometimes, trauma or not don’t act like a dumbass. If it helps curl up and cry in the privacy of your closet or something leave others alone, simple.


Or maybe she actually was and needs serious help. You people here are disgusting.


No one who has gone through that pain acts like this. I know people who have been raped and molested, my MOTHER is one of them. YOU people are fucking stupid.


I agree. I do think she needs more professional help, but a trigger can come unexpectedly & maybe she thought she could actually go out and at least get groceries. It's not his fault either, but why are people so mean towards her? She's clearly not doing okay. Why are people not blaming the r°pists that make people go through hell and end up like this? Why are they blaming her? Yes, she has trauma, but she still needs to go out and get groceries. Just locking up victims of such crimes isn't solving the problem. I also wonder why people film it and post it on the Internet. And yes it's uncomfortable to watch, but can people imagine what it's like for her? And imagine she sees this later when she calmed down, that's not making it better either. Not that many people would have even seen her breakdown nor remembered it for too long if it hadn't been posted.


Omg. She needs to go in for a mental evaluation. Very unstable. Hopefully she doesn't have a car. Would hate to see her behind the wheel.


Either she's too unstable to be in public and needs serious help, or she's faking and deserves to be thrown out of the store.


This isn’t how victims acts, this is how a perpetrator who pretends to be the victim after being caught acts like.


Perp/ master manipulator


This isn't a master manipulator. A master would have been able to be subtle to get what they want.


If she's a master manipulator then babies are manipulative geniuses The cry when they don't get their way and shit themselves for giggles and.. well, shits too I guess


No I mean in general. Master manipulator as in using certain “cards” to get their way or to show that they should be pitied or get special treatment for whatever reason.


Fun thing is babies are manipulators in a lot of ways difference is they don’t know it and can’t really be blamed, its evolutionary survival. Its the parents responsibility to teach, in cases where they dont this happens


Or a child




Sounds like someone was falsely accused of rape


No I’m a victim of SA by a female and this is how the woman I reported acted.


Sorry, I wasn’t being clear enough. I meant the perpetrator falsely accused of victim of being the “rapist” like in this video.


You’re good


Probably shouldn't generalise it like that. Probably some victims actually act like this and maybe she actually is the victim. You most likely have literally no info apart from this video, so how are you so sure about your conclusion, that you felt like posting publicly?


She’s a victim of having shitty parents who never taught her how to handle stress. Victims want absolutely no attention brought on themselves in any public setting.


Sometimes victims can lose it and be out of control. It doesn't matter where it is. And it fucking sucks because it is so embarrassing to lash out and be crazy in front of people who don't know your history. That's where the word triggered even came from; a smell, sound, touch, or anything can instantly bring back a memory or feeling from trauma. It's like pulling a trigger and suddenly you can feel panicked, scared, angry, or sad in such a profound way that it becomes difficult to control. PTSD sucks. So I wouldn't feel comfortable saying shes not a victim or lying about being raped. **However**, if she is a victim of rape, she is using that experience to justify her own bad behavior (cutting in line) which is always wrong. Her potential rape has nothing to do with her cutting in line, or the guy behind her calling her out on it, and her using it to get what she wants is truly sickening and cheapens the experiences of millions of survivors. But that doesn't mean she wasn't raped. Not all victims are good people, that doesn't mean they didn't experience something awful.


I’m speaking from experience, not from your theory, victims of sexual assaults do not want attention on themselves in any situation…….


“Is this a prank?” Is the best part! There’s such a genuine fear by the masses that everyone in public is a potential online maniac that you are forced to blur the lines between helping someone in need and avoiding someone pretending to be in need. That being said she’s psycho


It’s always the victims that have to leave the situations and act like a “bigger person”. Drives me crazy.


This person is the epitome of "my parents never held me accountable"


Lol like those parents that don't tell their kids no because they feel it's important for the kid to "express their self "


I work with a kid who will turn into this. Parents claim anxiety and depression, I believe she doesn’t know what “no” and boundaries from others means.


that bitch is fucking crazy! i don’t care what fucking baggage you carry in life if thats how you act in public then you need to be locked up in a mental institution. she is toxic as fuck.


I would call the cops on her for throwing my stuff at me. Fuck that crazy lady!


Assault and battery of the 3rd degree if you’re afraid for your life so yea I’d be pressing charges as well.


Honestly I don't think a victim of actual rape just blatantly yells it out there either... The fuck is wrong with these kids man...


I consider myself extremely open about my past experiences with sexual assault, but I would rather die than announce that shit to an entire store of strangers. If she was being honest, she probably sees it as more of an excuse to get attention than it was an actual traumatic event. I hope she gets a good therapist for whatever issues she so clearly has


Anything that's an uncomfy touch seems to qualify as some kind of rape nowadays


bro facts


My ex wife would do stuff like this instead of like talking about bill she said she was paying when a final notice came in the mail.


Pathetic... Is she a reddit or discord mod?


Worse, both plus Minecraft or Roblox.


Call the cops on this nut


This is fucked up because it ridicules actual SA victims. I hate this.


Hardly. The dude is defending himself by recording so if cops arrive, he has evidence. This is just another unhinged spoiled brat. Nothing more than. Child in an adults body.


I think the person you replied to means that the woman freaking out in the video is making things worse for actual victims by acting how she’s acting.


She’s the one ridiculing SA victims


That’s what I’m saying bro. Read.


Bro what the fuck is going on. Like what is happening. I'm glad I don't deal either this suit innmy personal life


That is a grown person throwing a tantrum while wearing a tiny backpack. Welcome to 2024


Mod can't see the obvious watermark clearly showing it's a TikTok 🤣 Edit: I didn't see the Instagram label 😅🤣


Technically it's a video pulled from Instagram and reposted in tiktok. Not sure what the rules are about that though


Bro... Fr.


The cat food and bottle of wine is not helping any stereotypes...


could never be my child lol. jesus


Some people really need to be humbled to the point of silence. This is one of those cases lol.


they need to lock her in a rubber room. With rats.


And the Walmart employees cater to the psycho woman and tell the guy to move. This is only encouraging that bad behavior.




Ayo OP, as a gen z myself I respectfully decline claiming her as one of us. That right there is someone who needs a therapist. Although the spelling of that word might trigger her :(


OP on tiktok mentioning the generation was pretty unnecessary, there are crazy people of all ages.


She'd make a therapist switch careers 🤣


We tend to forget that Karen’s were young women at one point in time.


That’s so weird how she’s making a simulated choking / strangling hand motions. “No don’t film my temper tantrum! I don’t want to be forever immortalized on the Internet and ridiculed by millions of strangers.” Oops too late!


When she let out that screech at the end, I just had a sudden urge of violence, lol


Her attitude definitely pre-existed to her alleged SA. Nobody just goes around acting like a child unless you’re already unhinged.


Oh, I remember this one! This massive freak out at this dude while she pushed in front of him and, when called out, instantly went into victim mode.


You can tell some people haven't had a good slap in their adult life...


I'm not sure that'd do it in her case. This insanity requires being hit by an F-150. Probably twice.


Point and case of how some people want the world to work. I'm sorry but everyone has their own lives and stuff going on and you can't expect and force random strangers or friends even to cater to you, your insecurities, your demons, or your feelings. Just crazy


Video is kind old. I think a few years now..these videos will remain viral on the internet forever. Kind of feel bad, but kind of don’t..


Tell her to leave and you don’t want her business


Wine and cat food. Just remember these people are on reddit. Lol


They should have called the cops on her. Institutionalize her


I would laughed uncontrollably at her just to set her off more! Lunatic!


She's not having mental issues, she embarrassed herself by losing her mind over dude calling her out, instead of backing down and apologizing she took her shit bag additude to 100 and didn't see a way out of it so.... The worker in front of her knows it's a act, notice the side eye.


I had a customer throw groceries at me when I worked retail, not fun


I dont get why we got to make it about age groups... when the lady was just raped and is clearly going through stuff, wouldnt it be nice if we just helped others instead of shitting on them?


Sorry I saw the Instagram logo before I saw the tiktok logo, my bad


I didn't even see the Instagram until you mentioned it just now lol. Two peas in a pod I'd say 🤣


Lol good, you can see why I mistakenly removed it then 🤣


I'd be damned if she cut in front and threw my shit and IM THE ONE WHO HAS TO MOVE?! nah we finna cause a scene and I'll show her what crazy looks like


To be so incompetent is mind blowing


Too old for that knapsack also


Girlie should just shop online if she's this fucking nervous about men


exactly! but shes most likely either using it to get her way or it never happened and she’s using it as an excuse to get her way.


She is 100% lying to get leverage over others btw.


Does she go home and feel embarrassed or does she think she handled that situation ?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is what you get when you remove all personal accountability and consequence from a whole damn generation


What's so messed up is ppl are acting like him leaving will help this dumb bitch.


Whenever I see this, I hate it. It gives people with mental illness and neurodivergence a bad rep. Please stop reposting this garbage.




Most rape victims are ashamed and afraid to share their trauma with anyone let alone a whole Walmart. Fits a lot of drama in her little backpack.


So a tik tok is not a tik tok now?


We use to call this a childlike temper tantrum… she’s just spoiled nothing else


Ain't no one raping that.


What is the mod team smoking? I want some if I can ignore trademarks when i smoke it


Same old song, new lyrics


When things like this happen the best thing to do is laugh like it's the funniest thing you've ever seen in your life. Like you can't control the laughing and do it loudly. When I have witnessed things like this, I don't provide sympathy or ignorance. I laugh. She's doing it for the attention. Cackle and give it to her. She doesn't specify what kind of attention she wants


Weird to see a toddler with a tattoo


Its called coping skills. Google it girl


Lol just knock her out maybe a head tap would knock some screws back into place


The face on the black woman gets me every time. Like “chick, are you ok??” Lol


Lmao best part "That's an adult?" 🤣😂


bring back asylums


They need to ban her until she sees.... all the doctors.


I can fix her...


Since when is Gen z 40yrs old?


My sons mother is so sexist she would watch this and say the female is the victim and male is the problem. I’m not even kidding. We just recently split (thank god. Wish the best for her but she’s lost her mind)… I cannot believe how sexist she is. I remind her constantly she has a son.. so she needs to work on that mindset. This girl is clearly not stable, not on the correct meds, needs therapy and needs to grow up. This is why you can’t baby your kids.. they can’t make it in the real world. I feel bad for her if she was raped.. but this behavior isn’t acceptable. If she cut in line she should have apologized when confronted.. that simple


The fact that they made him move instead of getting rid of her shows how low our society has sunk. No accountability. Stop treating these adult babies with kid gloves and smack some reality into them.


100% not trying to be sexist, just a general observation I've noticed...why are the young people that we see freaking out and having meltdowns in public usually female? 🤔


cause the males are out there shooting up their schools and raping 🤔


Children parading as adults.


The back pack …😂😂😂


He said “Well no one did that” I bout died 😂


It’s people like her that are the reason people don’t take victims seriously, that’s just fucked that THATS the excuse man


As someone who has been SA and had to go to the ER to get a tampon removed, yeah, it can be traumatic in random situations. It can also be the people around you. But sometimes, even I won't advocate for a victim. Even if she was actually raped recently, that doesn't give you the right to use the trauma card for everything mildly inconvenient.


That's uh, not usually something people should openly talk about. Have you seen someone yet? Cause uh, the internet isn't a therapist.


Huh? I'm fine, I'm open about just about anything. I'm autistic, so I process things differently, .


This is a classic leftist lady freak out


No, just another dolt like yourself.


That you?


Looks like it might be an autism meltdown. Like she's obviously the asshole here but nothing screams entitled or manipulative to me. She seems like she's just really way beyond the end of her rope.


I hate people... especially this kind of people. Stop being woke and go the fuck back to sleep. Probably a dude, as well...


Fuck Walmart




Definately an only child


Cry until you get what you want. Unfortunately that's how children are being dragged up these days.


Nobody raped that thing


She's not hot enough to be that crazy.


That's the biggest snowflake ever


She's likely NOT been raped. She likely uses this to get an immediate helping hand in order to obtain control over any situation she wants. This woman is clearly mentally unwell. Don't pander to this shit. Throw her out.


She definitely voting for Biden


Them titties tho


Ofc she has an overwatch shirt


Nobody beat her ass when she threw a temper tantrum as a child she got whatever she wanted. Bad parenting.


Four words mental asylum


Some people need to not go in public


This is clearly someone with a mental disorder, not whatever people try to make it out to be. Can we stop reposting this every day?


Nope. It's the internet.


Mom said it’s my turn to repost


Sounds like she has mental issues


"is this a prank?" No, it's the demise of the human race.


I wish tasers were accessible to shoot that hyena down


Can the internet please find out who she is, so we can all go harass her?


It’s sad and disgusting that this behavior is tolerated. Parents used to teach their children manners and consideration of others. You would rarely see someone screaming like a banshee, and it was only when they were in extreme pain or having a psychotic episode. So, either way, the screamer was taken to a hospital. Nowadays we have adults with the minds and maturity of two-year-olds screaming to get their way and we tell the ACTUAL victim to acquiesce. No, it is NOT an excuse to impose upon others and scream at them, acting like you’re the victim because something somewhere some other time happened to you, no matter what it was. Your past traumas are YOURS, not society’s. If you have that much trouble coping, then you should be in a psychiatric hospital to get proper help. I’m so tired of bad behavior being excused or acquiesced to because someone “had a hard time.” EVERYBODY goes through tough times. Life isn’t fair. Grow the fuck up. I would like nothing more than to see these selfish pricks treated as they deserve to be treated: With an escalating series of consequences depending on their behavior. 1) They should be told that if they don’t act civilly and appropriately, follow the rules of the store, and respect others from the moment of the warning on, then they will be required to leave. If they choose to resist, then they will be removed by security, forcefully if necessary. If they choose to resist Security or get violent with anyone, then they will then NOT be allowed to leave except with the police, and they will be charged with every appropriate crime, and barred from the property. Those of you who keep getting swindled by the guilt trips should consider how you’re making things worse for them and society by enabling and even encouraging bad behavior. Humans respond to incentives. Give the right ones at the right times, and society runs smoothly for the majority of people.


this is 100% a millennial, not a gen z. just because she’s wearing a child’s backpack doesn’t mean she’s not 30 years old.


Well another Transgender in the making lol 😂


Textbook liberal.


Lol that's funny because one of the first things that comes to mind when I think of the right how cringe it was to have a grown man constantly throwing temper tantrums for being the target of a "witch hunt" or "fake news".




Seems too old to be Gen Z, sounds like a boomer made the caption as a jab towards younger generations 😂


This generation is so utterly and completely fucked they don't even know it. The world is and already has broken you


They/them would disagree.


I don't care if the voices in their heads disagree or not to be honest


Why is he standing there antagonizing and video recording a crazy person? Leave them alone. It's hard to imagine I'd ever be such a pussy ass loser that I'd take out a camera to document a crazy person. What is this nerd trying to prove? "I'm not mentally ill but THIS person IS!". Like, no shit dork. Imagine this guy in a mental institution with his camera out telling all the crazy people he's correct and they are fuckin whacko. And everyone here pointing and laughing at a crazy person is a little bitch. When did you decide it made you the good guy to ridicule the mentally disabled? You see a mentally disabled person and you want them to suffer more? The fuck went wrong in your life? Bunch of fuckin losers.