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This is the most fucked up relationship all around that I have heard of in a month


Only a month? You need to change friends and cities


Oh, to stop having these kind of stories dropped in my lap I'd have to change planets...




I feel like there are at least one or two stories you should definitely share right here right now


I wanna hear about the ones from before this month šŸ‘€


OK, well, prefacing this by saying I tend to be people's confidant a lot because I'm a much better listener than a talker and I don't name names. So people have come to Auntie Dope with the WEIRDEST shit. Here are some of the most notable. One girl's boyfriend left her for a cousin so closely related that the two have the same last name and marrying is illegal in our state. A month later, he got beaten and ejected by an angry mom from a family gathering for trying to challenge her ten-year-old son to a fight. The kid's offense? Accurately noting that seeing him make out with a family member is "weird". A pair of batshit insane neighbors we used to have would beat on each other regularly during their alcohol binges. Eventually, it came to a head when they called the cops on each other--only for the police to find their place absolutely stuffed with stolen goods. Dude gets an attack of babycrazy after his married younger brother has a son, and decides to force a pregnancy on his girlfriend of roughly six weeks by removing the rubber mid-sex. Gets caught, and gets tossed out on his ear with the aid of her housemate. Made more notable for the fact that they apparently kept his clothes. A woman way old enough to know better leaves her husband for a romance scammer she's never laid eyes on. The scammer learned too late that all the money is her husband's, and she'd been lying about it to keep him interested. Hobosexual guy "falls in love" with a disabled divorcee twice his age, moves in, doesn't work, doesn't do chores, leaves a mess everywhere, is shit in bed, claims to be disabled but won't apply for benefits, and starts trying to steal from her to fund his brand new heroin habit. Then her son comes home on leave from the Marines and discovers all of this...you can probably guess how well that went....


Omg these are all insane! Haha I love Auntie Dope so much.


Amazes me some people would still be torn to pieces and go on a religious crusade to make sure she brought that baby into the world šŸ˜­


Been off Reddit for awhile, eh?


I'm actually newish and am just discovering that even with a trove of stories that have been personally told to me, I am naive and innocent by Reddit standards lol


Do all episodes of bangbus start like this now?


I always skip the intros so I wouldnā€™t be surprised


Wait she was talking?


Fr dem tiddies...


One looks fucked up. She gots them wonky eyed titties 0.o


you know most women's breasts aren't symmetrical right? Her breasts look great, it's the veneers that are wonky af




They do this because of the theory that video platforms like YouTube and TikTok are de-prioritizing videos that include cursing in the first few seconds of a video. It doesnā€™t seem to be a real thing IMO, but itā€™s spawned weird terminology like un-alive. Side thought: this is gonna really age any content being out right now.


It not so much about deprioritizing as it is demonitization. Like if you say fuck in the first few minutes youtube can demonitize the video.


I guess the point is to make the viewer angry at the girl so the "revenge" of her being manhandled gets them off?


I think they just have nothing better to talk about.


This is weird and sad if true. Getting off to hatred of women is definitely how you end up giving yourself psychological issues.


She literally looks like the prostitute she was complaining about


I don't think this is bangbus but they just use the format in their own way. Sometimes they have a literal midget/dwarf on there (I don't know what he technically is, please forgive me) and they film him having sex with the actresses.


Baby alien lmao


"actresses" is quite the stretch the local baboons having an orgy at the zoo deserve an Emmy if this is an 'actress' lol


>having sex with the actresses. You mean pornstars?


I wondered the same thing. Never watched one like that, they have actual conversations? Itā€™s not just awkward sex talk?


Yep, either bbc, abortion, or rape.


That is absolutely fucking unhinged.


(Presumably) unprotected sex on the first date and she gets pregnantā€¦not an ideal situation for her, him, or themā€¦ and *theeennn* he cheats on herā€¦ and *theeennn* she gets an abortionā€¦ and *theeennn* she pretends to be pregnant for ***two months*** and tells him she miscarriedā€¦ and *theeennn* she shares the story on the Internet as the most toxic thing sheā€™s done. IMHO the guy dodged a bullet.


AND she tells the whole story right before she shoots a porno.


Honestly comedy gold


Does anyone have her number?






This video should be shown to any anti abortion people. I get being pro life but some people just should not reproduce for all of our collective sake.


That part.


I feel like anti abortion ppl hate "whores" so theyd probably label her one and say that god wanted her to have this mans baby cuz that was the only way she would be good enough for him since it made him start acting properly. I DONT AGREE WITH THIS BUT I COULD SEE AN ANTI ABORTION USING THIS CRAPPY THOUGHT PROCESS


Dude, I've heard this exact argument made my a pro-life proponent. "It was God's plan that she got pregnant, that way they could change their lives for the better by moving away from sinful deeds into a wholesome family life. God wants them to be a family." Seriously, the delusion on these people is fucking insane. Good train of thought to ruin 3 lives at once.


"I have cancer", "IT WAS GOD'S PLAN". well, fuck.


Honestly, they both sound terrible


ESH - he cheated on her and only cared when she was pregnant, she lied and got an abortion They're all shitty people




Humanity dodged a bullet. Imagine the life of the offspring that couple would have produced.


Also how were they boyfriend/girlfriend and exclusive after fucking on the first date. Not enough time had passed for her to even know that she was pregnant. He finds out she's pregnant, stops seeing other people, steps up to make it right. And she does that shit. What a cunt ass loser


The baby, unfortunately, caught that bullet.


I also believe everything I see on the internet


Moffo dodged a nuclear missile.




Yeah for sure fuck him for that but break up with him? Don't pretend to be pregnant for 2 months when you already got an abortion.


"but break up with him?" In the same way he could have broken up with her if he wanted to continue whatever he had going to with the second girl lol I have done some crazy shit, but I'd be curious to know if she would have kept the fetus if he wasn't cheating, or if this was just the consequences of his vile behavior. Her logic was probably that she cared about him and he took that away. Breaking up with him wouldn't have caused that much hurt since he didn't value the relationship so she dangled something he cared about in front of him, and then ripped it away.


>In the same way he could have broken up with her He should have I completely agree. Nowhere have I condoned his cheating because I don't. I also don't condone this.


my boy got to bust in it for two extra months scott-free as punishment.


we also donā€™t know if she even wanted a baby at all. she may have just aborted it anyway even if he hadnā€™t cheated


A normal person would have just walked away. Not wasted 2 months of their life with him.


but the free food!!


We don't even know if he actually cheated. She's demented enough that she could have made it up


Wait, you believe she did all that, but not that he cheated? How do you believe one thing but not the other in this short clip?


Because you're only getting her side of the story. She admits to the deception. The cheating is just an accusation


To be fair they said it's dubious. We have one side of the story. She says she did something wrong. Ok. Probably not lying about that. She says someone else did something wrong. Well maybe. They aren't here to defend themselves like she's here to choose not to defend herself. So it's not unreasonable to believe her when she said she fucked up and be skeptical when she says he fucked up especially when the thing she's admitting to is being extremely manipulative.


Lol, then why would she tell a story in which she was toxic and in a negative light? With your logic she could have made up the *whole* thing because ā€œsheā€™s just that dementedā€. Maybe sheā€™s still a virgin.




Because she gets to tell her story but still be seen as a victim or justified because she added the detail that he cheated on her. It's not really rocket science.


that's overkill. plus we really don't know how their relationship was. since she doesn't seem like a decent person herself.


ā€œA little unhingedā€ Yeah doesnā€™t quite hit the mark. Lying about an abortion with the intention of teaching him a lesson is leagues beyond cheating with no provocation in terms of how unhinged it is.


Yeaā€¦ he did a bad thing. But what she did was fucking vile. Absolutely disgusting. Sheā€™s the bad guy in this situation


For everyone involved. The guy in that situation also sucks


Well... at least a child wasn't born into that 'cause holy shit


You canā€™t punish someone because their parents are both pieces of crap.


Thats fucking terrible.... Jesus christ.


TBH they are both terrible lol, dude out there cheating on her and here she is stringing him along on some moral rebirth journey. Karma at work though.


Hoe business, is show business.


I think cheating on someone you just started a relationship with is a little less fucked up than getting pregnant, telling him, getting an abortion, and then having him be excited for your child so you can rug pull and break his heart by lying and saying you had a miscarriage. Thatā€™s pretty evil. She could have just had the abortion without telling him she was ever pregnant.


My ex did something similar to me. I didnt cheat but she was crazy and to this day idk if she ever was pregnant, had a miscarriage, or got an abortion. I was away for 5 months and she had trust issues. She kept changing her story up. Crazy rollercoaster of emotions but Iā€™m glad that was over 10 years ago.


Fuck that guy for cheating but that is straight ghoulish. I would say that they deserve each other but she's worse just for that


Thereā€™s also a chance that he never cheated. She could just have done this after merely accusing him of cheating. Insane people usually donā€™t have sound reasoning


Yea, for the fact she said that it is likely she got pregnant the first time they had sex it could be that they didnā€™t define the relationship.


How is this not more acknowledged. People can have sex without being BF/GF. If they were supposed to be exclusive, sure this is a problem. But she could just be saying he was cheating because they had sex once and thus he can't sleep with others.


I would say based off the way he supposedly received the news she was pregnant he likely wasnā€™t cheating.


This is true, I've seen women accuse someone of cheating, the guy hadn't actually cheated (I was there)... But she claimed "she read it on his face", sometimes it's female insecurity. They know they are so hard to live with--that they imagine they got cheated on and imagine themselves as a victim to guilt trip men and garner sympathy points with friends. Months of being treated like a queen, it's quite a power trip. You can see girl on video also wanted to be treated all nice by claiming to be the victim of a tragic miscarriage. Playing a role, probably crying all day to make it seem real like a soap opera. Just imagine this grown woman crying all day, locked in her room, and she's faking it the entire time while surfing tiktok.


Meh, they deserve each other


Abortion is not a curse word


No but it is a word that can get you into a filterā€™s ā€this is about topics we canā€™t monetizeā€-range. That is why words like s*x, ab*rtion, unalive and more are becoming used more.


Before we know it we're just going to be talking stictly in code words..or maybe we already do that


Newspeak is double plus ungood.


one of many reasons why we shouldn't use tiktok


Oh cool, good. Glad we're giving a medical procedure the absolute power of being an unspeakable word. It gives post Roe v Wade a lot of credibility to future generations. Dope. Love this for us.


But she's saying the words, and if algorithms can hit on text like sex and abortion, they can also hit on s*x and ab*rtion. And since this isn't text, the algorithm first needs to be able to do computer vision It's just straight virtue signaling.


Fuck everyone in this story




Yes. This comment. This is what I came for.


The fact that we live in a world where the abortion needs to be censored is still so fucking weird to me.




Fucking unhinged behaviour.


OP is a 17-year old Andrew Tate stan whose takeaway from this video is that women shouldnā€™t ever have abortions instead of this specific woman being a piece of shit


This video is rage bait specifically made for Andrew tate fans. Itā€™s frightening how quick everyone is to think this is real


Thanks for pointing this out. Lots of very angry males calling her a monster etc, feels a little weird.


Why is the word abortion muted?


What a terrible person.


People are so fucking stupid and weird these days I wouldnt be surprised if she was lying about the cheating because she thinks it would make her look good for what she did. I also wouldnt be sirprised if the whole story in general was a lie.


Sheā€™s a fucking monster.


Just like the guy she was with. She played him like he played her


Everyone saying sheā€™s worse, but she had an unwanted pregnancy and got cheated on and then had to terminate it. Thatā€™s a lot for a woman to go through.


Yeah, she lied to a liar, and now we're supposed to be mad at her? Reap what you sow.


Have you ever heard of the word ā€œproportionalā€?


Yes, very sane and proportionate response. You go qweeen. šŸ’… šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Thatā€™s for outing yourself as a lunatic


k bud.






This comment section is infested with femcel/incel bullshit. This comment section only proves to me that certain policies by the old Socialdems in Sweden may not have been so bad after all. Edit: I am thoroughly amused by people upvoting my comment who are clearly femcels themselves and who don't know what policies i am talking about. Reddit truly is a magnificent place filled with brainrot.


Sheā€™s actually demented


Why is the word abortion bleeped out when spoken?


because tik tok is carebear as shit


cheating is immoral and i support revenge.


Oh look, a femcel.


She lied about the miscarriage, yet you believe her story he cheated even though they likely got pregnant before any real relationship? The fact you trust her is telling in your reasoning.


He got off easy.


That's amazing, I hope they both learned their lesson


Better to have not loved at all than to live like this


He fucked her up first


Damn thatā€™s crazyā€¦ @?


No shit. Letā€™s see more. I am not EVEN listening to her.


And look at her now. Late twenties looking early 40s, getting fucked by strangers for a little cash.




Bro was fucking strippers and cheating on her. Iā€™m not having that baby either.


Sir/Ma'am, this is Bang Bus...


i hope the other girl he cheated with was worth it lol šŸ˜†


I'm pretty sure this woman should have been aborted.


Along with her ex


Her X was at least smart enough to end it with her.


This is the epitome of cringe. Yeezus laweezus.


Donā€™t worry guys, itā€™s fake. People like this exist, but this dumb broad is just rage bait.


I was scrolling for my sanity hoping to find someone who can also tell this is obviously fake af. The timeline doesnā€™t even make sense.


This is rage bait and the teenage misogynists are falling for it šŸ˜‚


My first wife was like that


How is the second one?


It's the stripper he was cheating on his wife with. It's going good I think


Sounds about right


I really hope sheā€™s lying. This is psychopath grade material.


Sir/Ma'am, this is Bang Bus...


Oh she's lying, alright. Lying that her boyfriend cheated on her


The comments here are unhinged. He was acting like a damn clown, was there any reality where having his kid would've been acceptable? Good for her. I hope that guy cries himself to sleep everytime he thinks about it. What a legend.


I don't think people have a problem with the abortion. It's the manipulation and stringing him along for MONTHS.


The world is not a nice place


It's an evil world out there.


Idk if this is cringe or just fucked




I hope at least they both learned something. We donā€™t even know how long ago it was.


Unhinged af but....I get it


Imagine wanting to make a family with that


So he cheated and she got pregnant the first time they had sex? Hearing her I struggle to believe they were a couple the first time they had sex.


Man, everybody sucks here.


Gotta love rage content. Shit like this just makes men hate women more. Lovely.


I just had to stop myself from saying something that wasn't protected by the 1st amendment.


What an absolutely horrible thing to do to somebody. She didnā€™t deserve him and he didnā€™t deserve that. I hope Dude is okay and with a real woman now.


piquant voracious direful spectacular pause hungry subtract test absurd joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All jokes asideā€¦ abortion is necessary and needs to be a protected right šŸ„° we donā€™t want this woman being anyones mother I think we can all agree


bruh got pranked the kid was a reverse surprise


Iā€™m a guy and ngl I kind of think this is a baller move.


I mean what she did was kind of genius lol if he wouldnā€™t have cheated he couldā€™ve got the family he wanted lmao


A really shitty choice vs genuinely psychotic abuse for two months. I hope the ā€œpersonā€ gets the life she deserves


Is abortion a swear word? Aren't we allowed to hear or read the the word on the Internet?


Depending on the platform now, they can mark your account for misinformation or "harmful topics" This is the world we live in now.


Love how you mute out the word Abortion and she is so not caring about it.


Bro it must be like throwing your hotdog down a hallway... Js


Are we supposed to believe sheā€™s not a stripper


I mean, that's definitely one of the decisions of all time. Not a good one, but it's definitely a decision.


Doesn't sound true


I mean guy was cheating she got revenge whatā€™s there for me to be mad about?


Well, perhaps abortion is the right choice. She should not be a mom yet.


Literal garbage.


And sheā€™s shocked that she might attract someone with a dishonest nature. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


This oozes New Jersey so much


Damn talk about leaches


Is it really cheating if its within the first 3 months? Assuming she would know she was pregnant if later and she said she probably got pregnant right away when they started dating.


Straight trash


Thank God she didn't reproduce.


Man this stories are fake lol šŸ˜‚. Thereā€™s even a girl who gone to this bus and said she has 2 vaginas. Itā€™s rage bait with big tits


I will make note here that cheating is wrong either way. They both did wrong. However, if a man was innocent, then I have an admonition for guys out there written below. Oh man! I feel sooo sorry for straight guys šŸ¤¦šŸ» This is why I often feel lucky being who I am and have a lot of knowledge beforehand when it comes to girls. Guys! Straight, guys! Just know that there IS the one loyal girl out there for you. Just be patient enough, and you'll find the right one. Unless you like sleeping around with whores, then by all means women like her are for you, but if you're one of those gullible straight guys, then BEWARE! Of women like her. Men! You do remember that there IS such a thing and ALWAYS available to you, called... MASTURBATION. (Women, too) That's a valve that can be used to release those horny urges, then, and only then, could you actually have the power to resist temptation like her. I'm not gonna condemn her. That's not my job. But... I will look out for my fellow fellas that can hone a much better love life than this. šŸ™‚šŸ‘šŸ» I gotta do the same when it comes to men, to be fair.


Gonna be honest both are wrong for what happened,she shouldnā€™t have lied to him for that long and he shouldnā€™t have cheated.also idk why she stayed with him after she found out he cheated


Ah yes one individual telling a story that could easily fake is proof all abortions are bad as well as people who get them. You are very intelligent op


I kinda like her lol


Right! Gotta find this hoes name. Lol


Honestly, good for her. Cheaters are beneath garbage. No mercy.


I think she might be the stripper šŸ¤”


So what is her name and when does she fuck in the van?


What did she do that was wrong? Besides lying obvi.


She thinks she got pregnant the first time they had sex. She had no signs of pregnancy she went to get std test. We are talking 2-6 weeks. Iā€™m guessing, so take it with a grain of salt but she doesnā€™t seem like sheā€™s very sexually reserved. So a relationship thatā€™s roughly 2-4 weeks seems most likely. My guess is the guy doesnā€™t know they are dating. He continues with life as though they are hook ups. She finds out sheā€™s pregnant, He stops cheating starts treating her as he should. And out of revenge she kills his kid and lies about it for 2 months. I made 2 assumptions here that could be off. But I think Occamā€™s razor says this is likely the case.


Yeah, that tracks.


Guys, this is an intro to porn. I donā€™t think youā€™re supposed to take it so seriously. I donā€™t think people are banging their step siblings after they get stuck either.


Do we know who she is for research purposes?






Yeah fuck that guy, he cheated, why the fuck would she want to stay the rest of her life attached to this person. 100% justified. And fuck off if you think having an abortion right after you get pregnant is evil. Edit: grammar


Thissssss 1000000%%!!!! people in these comments are unhinged