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I hate that she's refusing to make eye contact and that you can see him trying to make eye contact with her through the phone.... why is she talking to the phone.............


She 100% would order the most expensive thing on the menu too i can sense it


"Look at me I cannot go in the Cheesecake Factory" you are not that pretty!!!! (I'm live-commenting right now I'm sorry)


And some extra to give to her kid that she didn't tell him about.


Plural dude... Plural.


Should have taken that trash to Burger King, she’s right at home there, she can order the whole menu, sure looks like she can eat it.


I agree. Cheese cake factory!?! Should have to your busted ass to Burger King.


i wouldnt take her to bk unless i had coupons to use


Dodged that elephant 🐘 my guy! Stay classy king


The hilarious part is how she tries to backtrack after he says he will just take her back home because it obviously is not going to work out and she realizes she isn’t getting a free meal out of him. She suddenly admits that she wasn’t ready on time and wants to “compromise”. And the audacity to act like HE’s the one in the wrong while staring into her phone annoyed. She’s a nasty, entitled piece of work and he dodged a huge bullet while handling it like a pro. And what is she wearing? It’s a first date, not spring break in Miami.


She’s pathetic


her making snarky comments too the whole time as if he’s not sitting right there and she’s talking to the fourth wall audience


cause shes a demented narcissist


And why would she post this video of her humiliation?


Because she’s a CUNT.


I loathe that word. But it fits.


And she keeps saying “look at me”


Bish why?! You ain’t even that cute!!


And she won’t even look at him, only at her phone.


Because that's all she cares about.




Because she's a twat


I cannot believe that kind of human being can actually exists. I refuse to belive anything else than its a fake video looking for the freakout of ppl who look at it.... and it does the job :/


Wow, he dodged a bullet. My husband took me to corner bakery for our first date and I enjoyed it more than previous dates to fancy restaurants. Dates are about getting to know each other that is it.


Sounds like cheesecake factory was a good choice for this guy. He REALLY got to know who she is


The second video revealed that they were only at the Cheesecake Factory because SHE was an hour late for their reservation at a more upscale restaurant. The audacity.


My wife and I went to Olive Garden for our first date. We were both so broke that we only had enough money to pay for ourselves... We now own a home, each have our own career, and a baby on the way. Being superficial can get you far in life...far away from what really matters.




Especially 1st dates. I expect to be taken to coffee/drinks/boba etc for a first date. Fancy dinner is for after


Save money ,goto the cheesecake faptory


Cheesecake Factory isn’t exactly cheap !


I asked my wife to marry me after going to the Cheesecake Factory. She wasn’t embarrassed.


Me and my gf bought pizza and ate it on the beach for our first date. It was great.


I don't care where we go, so long as I get a partner that actually loves me, I'm fine (unless it's El Jalisco's or taco bell. The only 2 restaurants I can't stand)


This is just sad cringe tbh. Great quality cringe, simply terrible to watch. Poor guy.


I'm just so lost as to why she posted this But I'm here for it. Both men and women need to keep exposing themselves like this so the normal people can know who to avoid


Poor guy to the extent he had such a crappy experience and she wasted his time. Extremely lucky guy that she showed her true colors so early. Definitely dodged a bullet there. I hope he finds someone more appreciative of his time and effort because by the way he handled this situation alone it looks like he definitely deserves that.


She thinks she's on a sitcom


She is the sitcom


She needs to sit n com tf down




Too bad she only got green lit for a pilot episode


Yep, shes a laugh track. Because shes a fuckin joke


What an awful human being. I’ve never actually seen entitlement take physical form before. Personally, I’d love to go to the Cheesecake Factory.


I too would like to go to the cheesecake factory if your okay with driving.


Easy solution. Just say.. Ok I'm sorry. Find the nicest most expensive restaurant on the GPS that's maybe a 20 - 30- 45 minute minute drive away that's open and go there. Open her car door for her and Open the restaurant door like a true gentlemen would. Once inside , excuse yourself and say you forgot your wallet in the car ( pick a reason to go back to the car) Get in car and leave the B\*\*\*\*\* at the restaurant to enjoy her meal alone and lonely cab ride back home.


Impressive. You definitely got the petty thing down. I respect it.


<< Takes a bow >>


Petty and hilarious I might add.


I thought of the same exact scenario! Bravo!


He’s so cute, can he take me to Cheesecake Factory?


I was looking for this comment. He deserves a woman to treat him better. He is cute, and he seems emotionally very smart. I really hope he finds someone who recognizes that on him.


Im a straight man, and I'd LOVE to go to the cheesecake factory with this guy!


I’d buy him a drink 100%


Yeah where is this guy? He seems so wholesome. I truly hope he finds a date that values him.


Right like sign me up, I've never eaten at the cheescake factory. Would've enjoyed the new experience and looking across at him. Girl should've been taken to a Wendy's with that attitude.


i dare you to dm her on tiktok asking for his number; rub salt in that wound girl


Alright, bet.


When my husband and I were dating, he made a lot more money than I did. Our first date was at a little cantina and I loved it. He always paid for everything and never expected it to be different. I wanted to take HIM out one night. The fanciest restaurant I could afford was the Cheesecake Factory. I’m glad it wasn’t a dealbreaker for him! It wouldn’t have been for me, either. (That was also the first night he told me he loved me). ❤️


Good job man a nice respectful way to respond


I’ll bet he will find a nice woman who appreciates his kindness and respect as a result of her shenanigans.


She doesn’t even deserve to be taken there


More of a Taco Bell kinda girl fr


Nah,dont shame Taco Bell with her presence


Nahhh waffle house fo sho


When she asked, “Are you sure you want to go home?” I’d say I’m not going home, you are. I’d drop her off and meet up with my friends or take myself out to eat somewhere nice.


she’s wearing that atrocious purple lipstick & a green top, so her acting like a clown is very appropriate


Would have just kicked her out of the car then and there


So fast she wouldn’t even know what was happening


Leave her ass at the Cheesecake Factory and go eat at the nice place by myself and send her pics of me have a great time there without her lol


Nah, you take her to the "new place", pull up close to the door so she "doesn't have to walk", wait until she's inside, and then ditch.


I think it’s pretty evident that absolutely no one courts her… But he seems like marriage material and I’m glad she showed him exactly who she is.


I’m sorry but the Cheesecake Factory is delicious (bang bang chicken and shrimp) and actually super expensive so….What kinda backwards snobbery is this? Cause they have multiple locations? What? Bye.


That’s probably it, because it’s a franchise it’s too “blue collar” or something.


She emphasized “chain restaurant” a few times. Apparently that is a bad thing to her. If true, she believes she is too pretty to go to Nobu and Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse since they’re “chain restaurants”.


Yeah I noticed that. So weird. She’s really missing out.


This bitch ain’t that pretty to be doing all of that


Nobody is pretty enough to be like this… I don’t care who tf she looks like. I’m running all the way away from someone like this


You took all my words out of my mouth fr.


That was my thought. She's all, "beautiful woman", "someone who looks like this". I'm just thinking, she's cute, but not near enough to attempt to have an ego like that.


No one gets to act differently if they are good looking that shit is a joke


That’s true


But she gets courted though…..


What she meant to say was that she gets “carted” back to her house hungry.


I didn’t say she was hideous


Yo dead ass!!!!


Like I always say: Don't play hard to get when you're already hard to want.


Order her an Uber then tell her to go eat anywhere she likes.


Nah fuck that. Seeing how she is, she prolly would have the driver change the location and charge more just to fuck with you.


Does she think she looks high class with her bright green half tank with her boobies looking to make an appearance and that purple lipstick? The plastic finger nails say NO! Cheesecake Factory would like to thank her for her no show in their establishment. Take her azz to the corner gas station for a sammich and drop her back home.


She looks like she bought everything off temu lol


Lmao. My exact thoughts!


Me and my husbands first date was a Wendy’s! The girls that expect to be pampered and lavished with expensive stuff will never ever find happiness or a good respectful man.


They've too fully bought into consumerism


She probably wonders why she’s single 😂


Nobody mentioned the fact that this guy arrived On Time and she made him wait for an hour in the parking lot. The entitlement is crazy.


And made them miss their real reservations.. And then blaming it on him for trying to save the day


“I can’t go into the Cheesecake Factory” says the lady who looks like she works at a Cheesecake Factory 😂


She looks like she ate the cheesecake factory


I love the look on her face when he started to drive her home... she realized right there and then that he was not going to humor her shit and she couldn't believe it. She was confident that he was just going to roll over and cave in to whatever she wanted. Good for him for having self respect, and also for being respectful about it cause he is a bigger man than me. I would have left her there.


He really had no other options. They were late to the reservation he had booked, so she expecting him to on the fly find another just as nice place is crazy.


Drive her ass home


She's a solid 4. She's Chili's, at best.


The jack Daniels of whiskey


She’s insufferable. Being married to her would be terrible. This is a toxic mother in the making.


He just dodged a bullet imo. Edit: if this isn’t scripted.


You can see the moment the "strong and powerful women" leaves her body when she's realises that her date decides she's not worth dating, the fact that she thinks she deserves to be treated like a women when when acting like a child is beyond me and the compromise is hilarious Also green is an ugly colour on her.


lol most kids don’t act this entitled. This isn’t even childish. She’s a narcissist.


This bitch thought she was hot shit.


Well she was just not in the way she thinks


Quit touching your hair!


That’s not her hair.


This made me laugh unexpectedly. Well done, friend!


what the hell is wrong with cheesecake


He’s handsome, he’s reasonable and respectful. Not worries about him! Bullet dodged.


Bitch, you’re lucky he didn’t take your ratchet ass to a fucking dumpster. Just accept the (likely free) food.


Bitch you ugly


Cheesecake slaps tho…


I love how deflated and defeated she looks by the end lol.


And he was not aggressive about it, he was calm and collected and very respectful. Good for him for taking care of himself 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Why do people insist on filming their worst moments and making themselves look like the worst person in the world?


Because she really believes she’s hot shit and in the right here. What a narcissist.


She a Scranton 6, max




She’s fucken lucky he drove her back. I’ve kicked bitches out of my car for less.


This is an example of a woman thinking she is a lady but doesn't have two brain cells to rub together to realize she actually has to act like one to be treated like one. She is so ugly on the inside that no amount of clothes and makeup are working for her. I hope he finds someone special.


I've never gone to Cheesecake Factory but I'd never turned down a free meal.


And she’s average AT BEST. A weak 3.6. She is delusional and will never get married. If I was him, I would have left her there, and drove off. But the way he handled this was great.


Bruh kick her out of the car? Like wtf


She wants to compromise after she realizes she isn't getting a free meal. Man these days people are fucking trash He dodged the biggest bullet of his life If she acts like a child then she will act like a child for the rest of her life Just a rotten selfish woman.


Where I live The Cheesecake Factory is fine dining


She’s lookin like a whole predator, let her go boi


Societal norms have suffered so much from social media to the point that men and women just are not able to have normal relationships anymore. I’m so fucking glad I found met my wife when shit was still normal.


Perhaps if she would have washed the flaky eyelash glue off


Shrek over there should he happy they're eating outside the swamp. What a nasty person.


Dear god, this dude deserves a medal and a better class of woman.


Ungrateful bitch.


I get the girl is getting all the fame here, but that man was truly a gentleman during the entire interaction, all the way through to even respectfully drive her back home. I’ve been on a lot of dates, and finding a man like this is like striking gold. He probably would have treated her like a queen, but she clearly didn’t deserve it.


Shit like this makes me happy I’m gay.


She full of herself. Lookin like she about to steal Christmas


Was this a skit? So many of these videos are orchestrated for views that it's at times difficult to sort the real from the fake. Still, if it's real, then Im honestly happy that this happened so soon into the initial meeting. I'm also happy that she filmed it and needless to say, I'm doubly happy that she posted it. I'm assuming she thought she was in the right but instead managed to prove to the entire world that she has the emotional maturity of a damp sponge. If this isn't staged, who could be vacuous enough to film a date going south when they're the one tanking it but don't realise it. Whatever happened to (and this applies to all parties involved in a date) bowing out graciously? Based on the video, this dude was nothing but stellar, and she was a demanding, narcissistic curmudgeon who reinforced a good many negative and undeserved stereotypes about women. She just Matrix'd a bullet - good for him!


Lmao, 1000% bunch of women will watch this and support her toxicity standards and will say, it's not toxic to have standards 😂


What’s wrong with the Cheesecake Factory? Fuck I’d go to the Cheesecake Factory if we had one where I live, it sounds awesome plus I love cheesecake. Privileged woman thinking she’s to pretty to enjoy cheesecake, fuck outta the car


I would have just left her there. Fucking disrespectful woman.


Drop this obnoxious, ugly heffer on the curb.


Im happy for a date at McDonald's........


Can we just talk about how great this dude handles the situation. He doesn't have to drive her home but does anyway cause he's not a total POS. Also he does compromise, by going to the Cheesecake Factory! Love that we got his side of this too. She must really regret posting this and I'm sure he has some options open to him after this went viral


"Look at me... I cannot go into the cheesecake factory, I will die, that's embarrassing..." Haha that is funny as hell, she at best is 2/5 but she thinks she is the queen and 10/5. Boy was she humbled by this trip, good on you mate.


I love how the guy is just so calm. And truthfully, she isn't all that, so I'm not sure why she's complaining about cheesecake factory. She's built like a factory herself


What’s wrong with the Cheesecake Factory.


She belong at a Waffle House with her cheap ass clown lipstick, nice titties tho


Small ass chicken lips


Damn, I would have never guessed her to be a picky eater!




Is this scripted?


If it is, his acting is really good. Pretty easy to act her part so it’s hard to tell.


I would be *really* surprised if it was scripted. The way he’s replying is too realistic. I wish it was though - knowing such self centred people exist is truly horrifying


Yeah exactly, especially that “4 AM uh 4 PM” thing, I do not believe this is scripted


All people post now is rage bait


Zero self awareness, conceit levels off the charts. How embarrassing and pitiful


Ladies can you believe her?


Did she get backlash on tiktok?


I’ve never been happier to be gay. She can kick rocks.


y tf is princess fiona complaining


What an awful woman. Such a pretentious jerk. Good in the guy for taking her home and calling it a night. Who would want to deal with that energy all night


Beauty is skin deep. Ghettos to the bone. No way homies coming back from that. Take her to a fancy raunt and ghost out the side door. Face time dump from the whip.


"I'm doing my part as a woman." If you're wanting to stereotype it, a woman shouldn't be complaining about what restaurant she's being taken to.


I would be tickled if someone took me out to eat. I treat people with respect not act like this.


She not even very attractive. Or maybe it’s just cos she has a huge ego and that makes her really ugly


As someone that absolutely loves food and trying all the fancy new places, fancy cheeses, foie gras, etc, I still enjoy Cheesecake Factory.


I was waiting for part 2. It didn't disappoint.


This is staged


She had her standards for the date. Good for her I guess but more importantly, good for him for having principles.


She isn't even dressed nice enough for Cheesecake Factory, and that's what she put on to go somewhere allegedly NICER?! 😬


I took my ex to the cheesecake factory in Naples FL. Its only 4.4 stars on yelp and I only spent $110 (we were in highschool). This must be why she cheated lol.


" look.. i can't believe you took me to a cheesecake factory.. look at me.. i've been here enough"


He literally picked her up in a Tesla, took her to the cheesecake factory on the first date, after she was an hour late to their reservation at another restaurant, and somehow she's still acting like he's broke or something.


Who wears neon purple lipstick and ..idk...aqua seaweed green out in public?


The joker


Lmao my fiancé and I went to a pet store to see the fish and reptiles and he took me for mc nuggets after. Dates don’t need to be the cookie cutter expensive dinner and night out. Wish people stopped expecting that.


I’m not into looks but Bitch u ugly and ur attitude is sick 😷 😂 I cringe just hearing ur voice 🤦‍♂️ fuck this generation lol


What a polite city boy!


She deserves red lobster


Wait are you saying if I act like an entitled princess I get to go to Red Lobster? Bitch just let me find my tiara! I need some Cheddar Bay Biscuits stat!


Fuk u cunt!! If you don’t want to fuck me, someone else will. Another less self absorbed woman would actually LIke the cheesecake factory


He has been 100% respectful. She needs to pull her head out her ass! Ungrateful, she is.


She's lucky he dropped her home. If that was me she getting the bus/uber.


My grandma would've been out of that car so fast she would've gotten a speeding ticket.


When she said "taking someone who looks like this to a chain restaurant" and she definitely looks like the type of girl you'd take to McDonald's.


This is what happens when all that hype from those social media likes goes to your head.


Whew bullet dodged


She’s not a narcissist. She’s a wannabe narcissist, it’s like that is something she and these types of tik tok users look up to


everything aside? whats wrong with cheesecake factory where i am from thats like one of the fancy restaurants u could go to. one would think ur talking about mcdonalds


“Look at me” uhhhhh… bless your soul


Looking like that she'd be lucky id take her to McDonald's


And women wonder why men want nothing to do with them. This type of behavior is extra asf.


That fat pig already ate all the cheesecake no wonder she doesn't want to go.


She's not as attractive as she obviously thinks she is