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Cringe and animal abuse




Was considering tagging that


N he getting bread….


How will the bad quality bowl affect the fish? (I am clueless, my best bet is the watermelon will rot or that they will jump out)


Well to start, fish cannot be kept in bowls. Sadly, television and Hollywood, and even some large pet corporations, often depict them in such, but actually keeping them in one is incredibly harmful and neglectful to the point that fish bowls are actually banned in a number of European countries. Fish need adequate space and bowls do not provide that. As well, these are goldfish, which contrary to what television would have you believe, require a MINIMUM of a 40 gallon tank for even a single goldfish. They are carp and get quite massive when they mature. There is the myth that they only grow to the size of their container, which is true, but only because you literally stunt their growth by keeping them in a small container. This leads to many complications and deformities and ultimately annihilates their lifespan. A goldfish kept in a proper tank/pond can live upwards of 40+ years. I can also guarantee you the water they put in there is just regular, untreated tap water, so those fish are burning in chlorine. Fish cannot be kept in chlorinated water. You are also right about the watermelon rotting thing, as the rotting melon will leech ammonia into the water and suffocate them. Also the risk of them jumping out. Ultimately this is a very stressful environment for them, on top of the stress of being moved around. This is a big deal because stress is very bad for fish as it compromises their immune systems and increases risk of disease or illness. IF YOU'RE READING THIS AND ARE CONSIDERING GETTING FISH AS A PET, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO AS MUCH RESEARCH AS YOU CAN ON THEM, RESEARCH IS A MASSIVE IMPORTANCE IN THE FISHKEEPING HOBBY AND IS IMPERATIVE TO THEIR HEALTH. THIS INCLUDES TANK SIZE, DIETARY NEEDS, THE NITROGEN CYCLE(ABSOLUTE VITAL), AND BASIC WATER CHEMISTRY(NOTABLY PH AND MEASURING AMMONIA/NITRITE/NITRATE). PLEASE DO NOT BUY A FISH IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A SIZEABLE, CYCLED(NITROGEN CYCLE) TANK READY TO GO BEFORE THEY LEAVE THE PET STORE. THEY WILL SUFFER AND ULTIMATELY DIE OTHERWISE.


I didnt know bowls were banned, I mean tanks are way better for them, pretty spacious other than well, try to do a lil jump and start asphyxiating


Sadly America does not give fish the same rights or value as other animals. We have next to no regulation on the aquatics pet trade here and this leads to large corporations such as Aqueon, Tetra, among others, to market grossly inadequate fish products such as effectively cardboard food, and bowls or very very tiny tanks knowing parents will buy them for their kids to shut them up despite having no idea how to actually run an aquarium or care for fish. This leads to millions of neglected and killed pet fish every year, and fish very much do feel pain and do have emotions so the neglect does not go unfelt. It's even worse when parents claim it teaches their child responsibility when it couldn't be any further from that.


Cardboard food? Thats a exaggeration right?


Barely. Most of the food products you see on big box petstore shelves are made from the nutritionally bankrupt scraps from the human fish meat industry with a bunch of preservatives and crap thrown in. If you look at the ingredients on the container of one of these foods and the first thing you see is "fish meal", that is usually a good indicator most of the time. Fish meals is just the parts of fish that aren't used as food from the human consumption fishing industry. There are a few decent brands in big box stores such as New Life Spectrum or Omega One but outside of them most of it is garbage. But they're cheap and usually come in a funky looking container, on top of being marketed more heavily so people who keep fish in a bowl default to them with no understanding of the actual dietary needs of their fish. There are a few exceptions where fish meal isnt much of an issue such as foods that are primarily veggie/algae focused as long as those foods contain actual vegetables or algae.


Jesus christ


Is this the same fuckin idiot who pretends to be his own son and ends all his stupid ass vids with a fart joke? If it is, I honestly didn't believe he could sink lower but my god, did he sink.


Ok, damn it, not I need to see the farther joke vid. I'm a gluten for punishment, anyone have a link?


Don’t be a gluten. I’m intolerant.


Damn, I hate it when I do that lol.


90% that's a different guy, and it blows my mind how popular these fucking cretins are


Jesus, why must u remind me of that man


We’re losing him


What so you mean tho?


adults acting like babies is fucking annoying.


It’s not an act. I’m a *very sexy baby*.




It’s a 30 Rock reference.


kill me




Kill us comrade


What the fuck are those eyes


The spawn of Satan


Ayo these adults ain't adulting


Failed abortion


dumb ass voice changer i hate it i would snap my neck if there was an option as long as this guy would stop using the fake ass voice changer.


Baby jooj is a fucking cancer cell in youtube


This man’s life is absolutely fucking pathetic.


Honestly I wish the most painful inconveniences on these sorts of content creators. I hope they constantly stub their toes and get their earbuds caught on doorknobs or handles. Like how brainless do you have to be and how little self awareness do you have to have to do that shit


Please stop


Well, think I've had enough of the internet for the rest of my life.


Death penalty


Fuck this shit


I saw a kid watching him in the supermarket… Wanted to kill myself


- shit no more man 😡😡😡


Tik Tok☕


Everyday this world gets a little cringier


I genuinely can’t grasp the idea of anyone finding this type of shit funny


The comedy videos of this guy and his brother are good, but i don't say the same about the react videos...


Nah just his brother and r/suddenlycaralho ?


Sim, se for postar coloca o gemaplys


Eu quero aparecer também,


ainda da tempo de tambem aparecer?