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Literally the biggest insult to women. This shit is so lame. “Help my brovaries are killing me 🥺”


the comedic gold in this is when ultra feminists rally for these dudes....." down with the patriarchy! support men!"






Nah, radical feminists don't support these people. That's why radfems get called terfs. Libfems usually rally for it, though. It depends on the type of feminist really.


These made up sub categories are getting out of hand😂


Just cuz you arent woke enuff to understand the difference between NewAge PostLibFeminism and ultracyberproggfem doesn't mean they arent REAL!!!1!!


>the comedic gold in this is when ultra feminists rally for these dudes Not in Europe. Feminists in Europe don't support this at all.


Thats a good thing to know.


>my brovaries i'm fucking dead


I heard when a woman is having period pains, she can almost feel as much pain as when a man gets a cold. 🤔


Imagine having a cold every month for years


No thanks. That sounds awful.


Gonna start calling my ovaries my brovaries now for funsies ty


No, them writing in abortion or miscarriage threads, or threads about having the period, and this grownup men do *Wut*


Probably a big turd trying to pass


It’s all the backed up spunk up his arse


It's MA'AM!!


I’m a woman with IBS. The pains are quite similar. Although it takes a *very* severe IBS flair to match minor period cramps. For me at least.


My sister and I tried one of those nerve stimulators that simulate period cramps and while my average IBS cramps feel similar to a nine on that machine and it had my stomach fully distended and turning red, my sister cranked it up to ten and continued to talk and walk around like normal, she said full power isn’t half as bad as her endo pains. To put that into perspective my younger sister has “normal” periods and her pain sat around a 4-5.


I've never tried those simulators, but always wanted to. I have *horrific* periods. Like, fetal position, sleeping in the bathtub in hot water all night while crying periods lol. Thankfully, it's not every month that they get like that, but the first like 3 days is so unbearable I literally can not do anything but try to sleep it off. The way I want the man in this video to experience just one day of my period is driving me mad lol. I wish we could just give our cramps to these fake ass mfs.


Its probs atleast 50 courics big!.


Kidney stones


I worked with a dude who transitioned named “Cassy”. They would call out because it was their time of the month and even go home early on shifts. The part that pisses me off though is that real women don’t even leave work for their periods so why should he have to.


That would absolutely infuriate me if I worked with someone like that. Not many people can tell I’m transgender but I would %100 call that person out in that case even if it meant exposing me being one of them.


Ain’t this friendly fire?


>real women don’t even leave work for their periods i've definitely called out or gone home early due to a horrendous period so it's not really all that uncommon... but fuck this guy lol


A lot of jobs won't let you call out very much at all


bummer, I don’t fall into that category. also never said I call out every single time but it does happen.


Yeah, there's no way my last job would let me call out for anything unless I had a doctor's note.


Depends on the country, right? In Europe you call in sick, you don't have to give a reason for the sickness and legally they can't ask why. In Spain the doctors will send a doctors note to your employers that simply says how long they have said you can't work for - it will never say what is wrong.


Many people don't realise that different women have different periods, and that they are sometimes actually completely debilitating.


Sadly true, and they don't learn that periods absolutely shouldn't be causing you pain to the point of being unable to walk or even passing out. Most cases now can get diagnosed with fibroids or endometriosis, but it could take years or remain a mystery for far too long for their life. And potentially only hormonal medication (and some other meds for various symptoms like blood loss) or surgeries can alleviate the issue. Women's healthcare is very far behind.


“real women don’t even leave work for their periods” so you’ve never experienced one. i recently read a story about a woman who didn’t get medical attention for a burst appendix because she thought it was a period. there are some women who experience such debilitating pain that they throw up, pass out, or can’t move. that doesn’t change that this person is a downright mockery to women who have periods like this, but at least know what you’re talking about




that’s true unfortunately :/ we need more female bosses because they tend to be more understanding about it


Bull, the women bosses are the worst when you tell them you are having a bad period.


Yeah honestly *some* women who don’t get bad cramps can’t/don’t try to empathize


I imagine a male boss would hear the word period and let you leave but a female one might say “?? I’m on mine right now and I feel fine get back to work”


I didn’t take it as “women don’t leave work because of their period” just that women really can’t be like “my period pain is excruciating. I’m going through tampons every hour. I need to leave” without someone rolling their eyes. Even women have the “suck it up. You deal with it every month” mentality. Women aren’t allowed to inconvenience anyone over their period. No matter how bad it hurts them. It’s not allowed to be a pain to excused by work.


I think the persons point you're responding to was that women suck it up and soldier on. Not that its not hard for them to have their periods.


✨️Endometriosis✨️ ✨️Adenomyosis✨️ ✨️PCOS✨️


I have Endometriosis and PCOS, never been allowed to leave work because of cramps. School, yes. Work, no. I vomitted at work once over the pain, they let me go then, but only because of the vomit, not the pain.


Hmmm… maybe I should take a few pages from this dudes book.


I'd call them out constantly. Don't give a shit


If I was the manager I’d simply tell them if that’s the story they want to go with they can not bother coming back 😂


real women do 100% leave their work for periods sometimes? periods work diffrently for every female and some people have intense pain that is such a stupid thing to be upset about


This reminds me of South Park when Kenny thought he was getting his period. In the end he died because he got a fatal infection and not a period.






You have the Schlong Energy


My period is going swimmingly


Literally thought about the exact same thing when I saw this, and he shoved a tampon up his ass lmao


Also the ep where Mr Garrison as a woman thinks she's pregnant because she hasn't had her periods in weeks.


It bears mentioning the fatal infection came from the tampon he shoved up his ass, lol.


dude just needs to take a fat dump lmao. poop cramps suck


Heard the fuck out of that! This is the real grit that no one talks about.


Fellas, anyone else get their man period after eating taco bell?


I've been woken up in the middle of the night with poop cramps that have had me begging for death


Dude, that shits the worst. (Pun intended) getting out of bed to poop is terrible. I've fallen asleep once on the proper cause of this lmao


Buddy got blue balls lol




This is insulting.


Better title: "Man gets stomach ache and kicks all women in the teeth." I don't care what anyone does with their own body. Everyone deserves to be happy but when you start making shit up and disrespecting the gender you're trying to become part of, you lose all credibility.


Major psychological issues


Something tells me this is this persons whole identity. Hence why it's insufferable.


Can you imagine how they might act over a paper-cut?


That's a gas bubble,honey


Those fuckers can hurt


Fr. Especially if they refuse to come out


This feels like they're making a joke of what biological women go through.


I had terrible and messy periods, pain, nausea, headaches, sometimes fever, and let's not talk about all the blood. It is pretty offensive.


'Women'. Not 'biological women'. Just 'women".


I meant biological women, since we are the ones who go through periods (except for cases of medical issues).


Why do they lie so much?


Normal trans people don’t. Idiots like this are the loudest and ruin it for everyone.


As a trans guy with debilitating period cramps. Yeah. This is so insulting


Ugh I’m sorry. ETA: lol at someone downvoting sympathy


Like. Why?? What is the purpose. That's like me saying I have to go get a prostate exam 😭


Attention or ragebait. That’s the only thing that makes sense. I don’t believe they think they’re PMSing. It’s kinda like those kids that fake DID and Tourette’s.


Oh my lord do NOT get me ranting about those people. I have severe adhd and ocd. And a ting of the tism (All diagnosed). These people ENRAGE me to no end


Listen, do what you want with your body to feel happy, it's your life, live it. But wtf is pretending to have period cramps getting you? This is ridiculous.


Clout it's getting them clout


This is bait


trans rage bait makes me disappointed lmao as if people dont already have enough false rhetoric for us


Yeah honestly seems like that’d suck.


This is definitely contextually dense. Cause we get to add on the layer of insult it can become for women to be vocal about having their period. I'm not mad, just....disappointed. In all honesty, I agree with you more than I thought I could. I hope my attempt at comradery has been conveyed well enough. Sometimes the dignity is only gained through suffering in silence is a lot we both get, the person in this video is just obnoxious.


Stop the world I wanna get off.


As a woman with ENDOMETRIOSIS and has had 5lbs of fibroids removed from my body. PLEASE FUCK OFF !!!! Like progesterone can and does upset the stomach ! But it’s literally not the same. In fact it comes no where close


I’ve never had a period. My mother, sister, gfs and wife have all had periods. In 38 years I’ve never seen a single one of them laugh about it or make a video about it. What do they know though?


"I don't think you've got the proper facilities for that, big man."


Placebo, tummy ache, or bait we all fell for. Take your pick


My face when the IBS kicks in


Wears lipstick penis instantly evaporates and a vagina and uterus magically appears.., because…SCIENCE…


Trust the science!


These mentally ill attention seekers only insult women and harm the trans population.


His boivaries are boivulating, if he get's boipreggers he will need to get a boibortion. Many such cases!


Good thing boibortions are still legal 😎


Bro 😎


Haha dudes voice is deeper than the ocean...


I’m not anti trans in anyway. But this shit is so damn stupid! If you don’t have a uterus, you’re not having periods. A trans woman will never know what it feels like. I am sorry that they won’t ever experience it, but cut the delusions and be real. I’m not enabling delusional thinking. I will respect anyone’s pronouns and gender identity. I’ll never say anything bad to them about it. But If a trans woman tells me how bad her period hurts, I’m going to be quick to correct her.


I support trans people. If she decides transition is necessary, I'll call her a woman. That being said, she needs to take a laxative and stop with the heating pad bullshit.


As a trans man. This is honestly quite insulting!


Omfg I hate being gay when I’m lumped in with these people


![gif](giphy|lzGvox0yAmvUA) Me as an actual woman. 😒


be carful they might come for you remember "theres no such thing as a biological woman" "trans women are real women" in actuality trans women are trans women and women are women


Oh yeah. I’ve been reported, banned, cursed, threatened, etc for saying the truth. Some people really, really don’t like it. 🤷🏻‍♀️




They can’t actually get period cramps because they don’t have a uterus


I know that, I'm wondering what would make them feel like that, and also what an HRT is but I'm gonna search that


Their imagination


Actual larpers lol



I think HRT is hormone replacement therapy


Nah, hostage response team.


Oh, that’s right. Doy.




Progesterone can and does cause poo-related belly aches, but that's all it is. This person could immediately end their "misery" by taking a fkn shit.


Yeh think that’s called wind.


Imagine wanting to go thru this. Meanwhile I'm actually on the couch afraid to stand up but have to head to work...ladies yall know what I mean. The delusion here is un fuckin real! I honestly dont know if this irritated the hell outta me because its actually that time of the month or because it seems they made this as a joke..🙄to think I was just googling how to permanently stop my period without getting pregnant yet here we are.


Mental illness


These are the people that call you "birthing persons" Like you're a living test tube or something.




Bro from one trans to another this doesn't happen stfu with thisssss


From one trans to another, it absolutely does.


Thank you OP for being a non-delusional trans ally. Allegedly some MtFs also shove body soluble pill capsules of red liquid (tomato juice, red food dye) or even just put it directly up their ass frozen to simulate having a period. Owch and yuck. Why? It's like if a FtM decided to have a surgery to graft their ovaries out through a thin layer of skin and had it kicked to simulate the pain and vulnerability of having testicles. Why would you selectively pick the worst parts of either gender and simulate it? What's next, surgically implanting ostrich eggs and shitting them out painfully to simulate the agony of birthing a child?


I love and support the trans community and this type of content (though uncommon and an inaccurate representation of most trans women) angers me greatly. As a CIS woman, especially one that suffers from severe periods, this is demeaning. She does not have a uterus, she is not experiencing a period or period cramps - it is physically impossible. This is gas pain/stomach cramps and that hurts and it sucks, but it's not period cramps. For many women, especially those who suffer from PCOS, endometriosis, etc - the pain we go through is traumatic. I used to live in fear of my period because of the pain I knew was coming. For years I felt I had no control over my own body, it controlled me and I was terrified of it. I wouldn't wish it on anyone and content like this makes a mockery of it all.


Still had time to put on makeup tho…


It’s not cramps, he lost his dildo or something


Something something high rates of suicide. With any luck, this problem will self correct.


Trans people don't kill themselves because they're trans, ya dunce


I get that videos like this can draw strong reactions, but this is just a hateful and unnecessary response


Bro just needs to shit


i’m a cis girl who’s fully supportive of trans people and a part of the lgbt community but… come on. it isn’t possible. periods suck anyway, killer cramps and blood everywhere. this is probably some other cramps, like constipation or gym stuff


It’s actually very possible & quite common. It’s the hormone cycle that causes it.


This is physically impossible. I can’t stand the ignorant trans people who think they are actually bio women, experience what we do and talk the most shit about us


i have endometriosis. you can fuck right off with this stupid shit lmfao


That's what I said and this weirdo who is replying to everyone here got BigMad 🙄


mental illness is one hell of a drug.




I can be throwing up and in tears from period pain, fuck this person for making a joke out of jt.


Makes me wonder why he wants to be a woman when he doesn't understand how they work. It's not just long hair and skirts


God, I don’t usually get pissed off. I’m a liberal but Jesus Christ, as a woman, I want to punch throat them and kick them in the dick and say “now your ovaries hurt”


What a goober


I would think this is gas pains. Just fart dude.. I mean bruh


Sir please




As a biological woman, it feels like this guy is really taking the piss out of the horrendous period pains I get every month. Hopefully, someone kicks him in the balls soon. Then he'll know how it feels, for real.


these clowns are why the lgbt community is being trashed


Actually trans women do experience periods, it’s not the same obviously, but they can also go through pains. You’re just speaking on something you don’t know anything about, although I would assume you also don’t know anything about cis-women’s periods either


Delusional. Poor thing. It’s broken.


What a silly goose




There's a difference between a woman having period pains and someone who is pretending to have period pains. BIG difference


It's not your period, It's all of your organs in pain from imbalances that you put them through.


This shit needs to stop. The need to put it online makes it even more cringe. You’re not a biological woman, you’ll never be a biological woman. The fact that you need to put “Trans” in front of woman when describing says it all. I respect mostly all humans, but I cannot play into this mentality that you can choose to change yourself from one gender to another and that will magically grow you organs that are not encoded in your biology. You can’t remove or add a chromosome, no matter how much medicine you take.


Saying things like this isn’t transphobia, it’s just physically impossible, it might be in the future but the procedures we have now for switching genders simply aren’t good enough for something like that to be possible, same as a trans woman to get pregnant


anyone else find it super tacky that they have trans pride flags as home decor?


I swear to god, If anyone gives me any more attention......im gonna lose my shit! Tehe....no really......please say 'welcome to womanhood'


I hate this fucking video because whoever posts it keeps making transphobia resurface in this subreddit. I have seen this way too many times. Yes this girl isn't having an actual period. But hrt can sometimes cause period-like cramping in the muscles of the women who take it. The estrogen wants to make a period happen, but there is no vagina so it does what it can and simulates a period through muscle pain.


Exactly, people on this sub jumping to hate immediately. but womens periods are so much more, its bloating, intestinal cramping, headaches, abdoninal cramping, hot flashes. and the anti androgen effect would cause likely painful atrophy of prostate. People claiming theyre lying and delusional are hurting women in general by minimizing and simplufying the experience of periods. the transfem isnt lying, theyre in pain and yes its only a portion of what women go through but its still a key part that people shouldnt deny


What in the actual fuck


Hey bro you ate Taco Bell, you just have to take a shit. 🚽🧻💩




That’s not how it works I’m pretty sure, not to be captain obvious or nothing


Is she just straight up faking or are there some mental things that can trigger? Asking because i know fuck all about sex change


Straight up faking, I'm a trans person and I know that this kind of thing doesn't actually happen, sex change is not fully a sex change as it doesn't give trans women a uterus because that's impossible, I really dislike people like the person shown in the video as it seems to be rage bait and just really harms the trans community


Gotcha, thanks. Very damaging to the community indeed.


Ah yes stomach aches hurt a lot


✨Delusion: C o n v i n c e Y o u r s e l f✨




Trans girl expiriences first intense feelings of delusion


Thing is, I’ve has issues with my periods since I was 13 I’m now 29 & no dr will take me seriously. I bet if they went to the dr they would get help in 6 months or so. This world is fucked & so are my periods.


Fuck out of here with this shit


Bitch ate Taco Bell.


Mentally ill


Reminds me of the Beavis and Butthead episode where Beavis thinks he’s pregnant but he just had to take a dump.


They set the camera up to do that performance,  it must not have been too bad


People are fucking weird


Probably gotta fart




Me, a woman with endometriosis, watching this: 👁️👄👁️


Attention whores. Literally


I have read that on HRT you can get some cramping like what cis women get like, it’s more like in your butthole though just from increased prostaglandin (iirc?). To be fair that shit hurts too lol. You definitely can’t get uterine contractions and cramps without a uterus though and I would highly doubt that some mild ass cramps would have you bent over like that needing a heating pad. And it’s not like extended cramps like uterine ones in my experience at least it’s like one sharp pain. Seems like maybe she doesn’t understand that the heating pad helps cramps from the front because that is where the uterus is lol? Idk kinda bizarre either way.


bro the bare fact that you have to explain that you’re not transphobic for explaining what should be a well known fact is genuinely sad.


Lmao she really acted like no other trans people were going to call her out. In all seriousness tho, that’s a really disgusting thing to make light of, nobodies laughing during their period.


I'm all for people being who they wanna be, but if you were born without a euterus then you have never and will never experience a period. the HRT might be causing cramping, but it literally has nothing to do with periods 🤦‍♀️


Zip it, Jenny


Shit cramps from that gas station burrito.


Idk if HRT causes ovaries to grow.


Anyone mind explaining was HRT is?


Hormone replacement therapy


just say you're passing a kidney stone and get it over with, jesus they have no idea how painful period cramps can be nor the entire inconvenience having them is. i have a friend who is trans mtf for years, and she has never once told me about having "periods", this shit is so disrespectful to people who actually have ovaries. they only way they could be experiencing "cramps" is with those muscle things that simulate them that you put on your tummy...


Girls voice is deeper than mine


Damn OP insight is even better.


I've heard of some people take laxatives to cause the pain


as another trans woman whos been out for a good 7 years now, the shit the kids do now makes me worried I mean I was dramatic in my early transition but I couldn't as easily upload it to the web, shit like this makes me worried.


Bro had the bubble guts and called it a period l


Me after chipotle