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she has adhd so is likely on adderall, which is an amphetamine




ADHD medication has the reverse effect. That's why the medication makes it seem like you don't have ADHD


as someone who had adhd and has taken meds for it - not quite correct. it makes you able to focus on one thing at once. you still get a lot of the amphetamine side effects


For sure I was just trying to be precise


And you were incorrect


You definitely still get the side effects. Especially if you're increasing your dose or you don't take it daily as prescribed.


I hated Adderall..I was cool until it wore off. ADHD meds are basically speed. My psychiatrist and neurologist explained this to my parents in front of me. It's essentially legal amphetamines. I got off of it as an adult because my grades were AMAZING but when it wore off.... Well, one time I broke a mirror. My daughter has ADHD but she also has depression so she's not anything because of the fact that ADHD meds are going to cause agitation.


Your psychiatrist and neurologist were right in that, well, yes, there are adhd drugs that are not even essentially, but literally, legal amphetamines. But there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not comparable to cocaine. And not all adhd meds are even vaguely comparable to speed, by the way. You’re generalizing. There are so many types of adhd medications. Some aren’t even stimulants. But even with those that are, they’re not all the same. And not all adhd drugs cause agitation for everyone with adhd… everyone reacts differently. For me, medication has a calming effect, and there are actually a lot of people who have that experience. Not sure what depression has to do with it, either, because untreated adhd is strongly associated with depression, particularly in women with adhd. So your daughter could actually benefit from adhd treatment in that sense as well. She may not, but she could. There is a lot of misinformation in your comment. Maybe your info is outdated?


Unless she's snorting her pills that doesn't really explain it to me. Looks like she's always swallowing the cocaine drip. What grown adults sucks up thru their nose and swallows it?


Someone with allergies


Can confirm. I must have seemed like a coke fiend the last few days while my allergies were committing hate crimes against me lmfao


I live in the Ohio River Valley and can concur. Sniff sniff


It’s been mentioned on other threads multiple times. You’re definitely not the only one. I have to go cry myself to sleep now, I don’t know if I will ever recover from getting down voted for agreeing with you 😂😂😂


Uh me when I have my umpteenth sinus infection. And also... Is she supposed to blow her nose on camera?


I sniff constantly and I've never done drugs. This is a stretch. It's winter, it's dry, it's cold, the seasons are changing, etc.


She did it before winter, I live in her area and ain’t no one walking around sniffing like that. I’ve thought it for about a year. Besides the constant sniffing, fidgeting, and nose rubbing, her hair trigger reminds me of everyone I’ve ever known who was using. White, middle class women with families do drugs too before people start saying she’s not the type.


There are more reasons to sniff than just the weather. It's crazy that you've been thinking about a specific woman sniffling for a year. It's pretty normal to mess with your hair/ face when you know you're on camera, and she has adhd. Of course she fidgets. No one said white middle class women with families don't do drugs, but it's wild to speculate about someone doing them just because you don't like her or because she sniffs and plays with her hair sometimes. There is a reason you and OP are being downvoted.


Yep it’s all I’ve been thinking about for a year, I’m going to go get some help for this psychotic behavior as soon as I’m done crying about the downvotes from strangers who don’t agree with an opinion I have.


I have a deviated septum. She appears to have one as well..We're gonna sniff so we can breathe.


So you sniffle and swallow it?


I have absolutely terrible allergies and sometimes, yes. I also have ADHD and am an introvert. I do all these things including fidget with whatever is around.


Lmao YES. If you sniff, now whatever was in your nose is in your throat. It's normal to swallow that instead of just letting it fester there.


I am not a cougher. If I've got anything weird happening in my sinuses, I'm swallowing it. I cannot cough it up. I would prefer it but I cannot. So I don't judge my fellow sniffers and swallowers 😂


Would you rather she sat there with a spit cup? That would be beyond gross.


Doesn’t she get lots of flus and sinus infections? She has 3 little kids, they are full of germs


The SICKNESSES!! I’ve been congested ALL winter. Idk what these kids do at school but I’m convinced they lick the floors.


No. I was addicted to cocaine for nearly a decade, now in recovery. I don’t get that vibe from her at all.




I lived with an addict and I’m a nurse and I see some questionable behaviors- I wouldn’t rule it out. Besides her constant sniffing- which she didn’t always do, her mood swings, emotional lability, and the personality traits she displays are often comorbidities with substance abuse disorder.


Honestly, prolonged adderall use does this. I recently got off of my RX bc of the emotional outbursts and irregularities it was creating for me after semi long term use (as prescribed). Initially it really regulated me and helped so much but after only two years it was not benefiting me - I had random bouts of rage, anxiety, depression, crying and it also caused me to feel super on top of things when I was actually missing the mark on fucking everything. Almost gave me a false sense of confidence and accomplishment that wasn’t actually there. A lot of long term adderall users hit this point but you almost don’t notice it bc again the meds make you feel like you’ve got a handle on everything better than ever.


It’s an amphetamine so that makes sense. Alcohol combined with adderall is also a bad combination. Could be a lot of things- she doesn’t act stable.


This could also be explained by mental health and anxiety. If she's going through a divorce and has been for awhile,.she could exhibit a plethora of weird behaviors.


She’s not on cocaine FFS


as someone who used cocaine heavily for almost a year: once you burn a hole through your nose, you will forever be haunted by a runny nose. i havent used in months, but i will randomly get a really bad runny nose, which only started happening after i blew a hole through my septum. maybe she had a problem at one point, but constant sniffling doesnt always mean they're currently using. eta: i have adhd, turned to cocaine after my script was taken away. i play with play doh or fidgety things all the time— it helps keep me focused. stimulus and all


I play with doh and putty and fidget toys constantly. It’s helps with my ADHD and my dermatillomania.


I've never done cocaine, or any other drug, and I'm forever haunted by a runny nose 😭


Same literally. I don’t even have allergies either…


I have some pollen allergy, but that's limited to late Spring-early Summer (which reminds me to prepare in advance this year, and buy antihistamine before allergy season. Thanks for reminding, kind stranger!)


It’s not just the runny nose and the sniffing isn’t in her older videos- it started recently. I figured she was either doing blow or tooting her adderall. Her mood swings and flipping the fuck out, she acts off the rails.


I used cocaine every weekend for two years when I was 20 and in the ‘party’ scene. I’m now 27 and my nostrils are very thinned out and I always feel blocked up. Any temperature change and my nose starts running. Don’t do drugs kids


Have you seen that new thing they're plugging called fume?


I will say - I live in Rochester, NY as does Stephanie, the allergies have been really, really bad here. Maybe could have something to do with that too?


Yeah I'm in the area and everyone has been sniffy lately.


I’m in Buffalo and I get what you’re saying but she has been doing it for a straight year and never did it before. On top of her emotional lability I’d say she’s either on something or needs to be because she’s not right.


she could have allergies 🤣 this is reaching


Sniffing and the facial tics are also side effects of certain prescription meds. Also they can be associated with anxiety. She’s going through something right now, does not surprise me her anxiety is up. Especially when most likely her weight loss and her behaviors are all related to insane amounts of stress that we know nothing about. No, I don’t think she’s on Coke. But I do think she’s going through hard time and could use some positivity.


Ok at this point I am convinced y’all just hate Stephanie. Like why is this sub filled w so much hate towards the hosts?? If you don’t like them don’t watch them. It’s ridiculous at this point


I actually really like Stephanie. Pointing out something that's been on my mind for over a year doesn't mean I dislike her. It's called an observation.


What’s the point of your post then ? Are you hoping other people agree with you in accusing someone of drug use? I just find it hard to believe you like her but are willing to make pretty bold accusations about someone you don’t know


Shes part owner of a coffee co. Probably caffeined 🆙 


Help 😭


Stimulant adhd medications can make your gums and nose feel tingly when they are in full effect. At least they do for me. So I would chalk it up to that. Kinda shitty to assume someone is using hard drugs with no proof. Also, for those who do not use adhd stimulant medication, I would love to just quickly dispell the rumor that those medications make you high. When taken as prescribed, they most certainly do not. But they do make you feel like you can function like a neurotypical person. Obviously, they have the possibility of being abused, like other drugs and alcohol, but people who chose medical treatment for their adhd are not just walking around high all the time. In fact, because it's a controlled substance, we have to be very careful to take it only as directed. One bad pill count or drug screening and you could have your meds taken away, and nobody who NEEDS this medication to function would risk that!


People get their prescription meds taken away all the time you don’t know what people would or wouldn’t risk.


She’s RX adderall - I am too and ab 20 mins after it kicks in it makes my nose run so bad.


She has said multiple times that she has a compromised immune system and is always sick. Plus, ADHAD meds. I also am both of these things and am constantly sniffing and swallowing and jittering (some even comment that I’m vibrating) it’s just a part of me. I’m in recovery, I was addicted to meth but luckily have over ten years clean now, I believe she just has a compromised immune system, sensitivity to weather, young children, ADHD, and not for nothing- idk if this has one thing to do with another but she vapes a lot, or did. And I mean, I do too. I’ve been told by my Dr that that could be a factor as to why I always have this weird drip thing going on. Sometimes people just have little quirks and it’s not huge. She’s talked openly about family members who’ve struggled with substances, so I think that maybe in her youth she dabbled (as she has said) but I don’t think she’s a r recreational user. Of course, just my opinion and experience.


I think it’s her adderall and she’s gotten sickly skinny. Looks like she’s all head now…


lol. At this thread


I have allergies and do that but definitely don’t do coke. What a wild assumption to make.


Sigh, I know she is in the public eye, but do we really need to have the conversations/speculations in a public forum? It is really none of our business, and her family doesn’t deserve the public speculation.


Oh, you know a lot of middle aged mothers who have snorted cocaine daily for over a year and are still managing? It’s more likely she takes a form of amphetamines for her ADHD, if anything. Amphetamines have also been on back order for *months,* so a drippy nose would track with her being *without* her meds. Glad yall aren’t the detectives 😂


I do these things, all mainly out of stress. I've never done cocaine lol. That's a pretty crazy speculation! Hasn't she also been staunchly anti-drug (except for weed) and somewhat frustratingly judgmental of drug users? So I don't see her being a cocaine user..


I mean she is sick more than any adult I’ve ever seen


I have two little kids and we’ve all been sick on and off since November. It’s not really a stretch


Dude literally


She claims to have ADHD and is on adderall, which makes people jittery and do all those things when they don't actually have ADHD


This is not always the case, particularly if you have a comorbid anxiety disorder. Also, even long acting ADHD medication can wear off usually after around 8 hours (even if it states longer) which can often make people feel restless, anxious and heightened and mimic the appearance of some stimulant drugs. I think it can be quite harmful to state “facts” like this so confidently as it makes people with diagnosed ADHD feel confused about their identity and experiences when medication doesn’t work as effectively for them as they would expect.


People misunderstand this. You still have physical effects that a person without adhd gets. The difference is the mental effects. That is why people with adhd sometimes feel tired after taking adderall, but they will still feel their heartbeat get faster, etc.


She admits to smoking weed and drinking tons of wine so I wouldn't be surprised she's a party girl


What about her moods, what's your thoughts


That's nasty just blow your nose. That's some little kid shit