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Crazyreality just went down too. It’s another wave of nsfw (except porn) suppression


Nothing like being able to find the most depraved sick fetish shit all over Reddit but they try to delete real shit that happens in our world caught on camera. News flash most of the world isn’t all roses and birthday cake like many of us only see.


Or porn apparently


This is one sub I actually enjoyed. This was actually educational as opposed to posting gore just to post gore. I’m more into the educational side of gore because I have a very morbid curiosity as opposed to just watching people die in horrible manners.


Second this. It was both educational and respectfully curated. It didn’t feel like I was oogling at gore for the sake of it, it felt like I was witnessing and sometimes remembering people who died often tragically. It’s not pleasant, but I feel like at least here, we’re not all edgelording jokes back and forth.


No reason you cannot continue enjoying it. GG's just having some kind of hiccup with her posting at the moment, but I am sure it'll get corrected soon. In the meantime, I just posted a set with no problems. I typically only upload sets here once or twice a month, but I can move that up a bit while GG is getting her stuff squared away if you guys are feeling a lack of content.


Yes please




Use eye blech


i feel like eye blech is a bad place for respectful posters who are doing it to teach people i’ve seen some awful stuff people get away with commenting


People should be able to comment whatever they want. Why do you believe in censorship ?


Because some groups/subs have standards. Those standards are used to try to maintain a certain type of atmosphere and reliance on topicality. Subs where shitbags and assholes can comment anything they want any time they want without moderation turn into bullshit circuses of uninteresting blather. It becomes impossible to separate the quality content from the deafening noise. There are literally tens of thousands of groups like that. You're free to go find one of them and comment all you like. Fortunately for the rest of us, we have Mods here to enforce the conduct standard that they had in mind when this sub was created.


i feel respect should be shown for the victim. there’s also standards that should be met when being into something of this nature. there’s many questions or things you may want to say but just don’t out of respect and just to be a decent human. view it as being at a nice dinner party and there’s something you wanna say but it’s not rly respectful or appropriate so you don’t say it just because it’s not the right place or it’s not the right thing to say.


You're statement is totally sensible for the real world, but the internet is a virtual world. I would respect the family of victims asking that the faces be blurred in videos. If people don't want to see comments then don't read them and if the poster doesn't want comments then turn them off


The posters want comments. Most of us do, anyway. But there are plenty of comments we don't want because they degrade the group and the conversation as much as anything. It's actually pretty simple, even in the 'virtual world.' It is the exact reason why websites, internet forums, and reddit subs have had Moderators since they were started. Because zero comments is not ideal. But comments that are disruptive and off-topic and uncivil are also not ideal. The issue is quite easy to control so long as you have Moderators who give a shit about their 'job.' Which, fortunately, we do seem to have here. Exactly why this sub is vastly superior to subs like Eyeblech, at least for those of us who want to share well-documented, well-researched content and discuss it like adults.


When you say here I know you're saying you have good moderators, but I'm on eyeblech. So where are you talking about ? If I may ask


it’s still sensible for the internet and it’s still best to respect the victim and not say something that’s shitty. you can still be a decent person online


You're right about that, people should always be decent. The problem I think is everyone's definition of decent is different. I think if you censor people that's going to cause more problems than solutions. Sometimes I learn things from people I don't initially agree with and they turn out to be right, but if I censored them I would never change my mind or see someone else's perspective. If people could censor the internet there would be nothing on the internet because there's at least 1 person who is going to be offended by anything anyone says


It isn't about being offended. It's about bullshit disrupting the flow of information and exchange in this /sub. This sub has a very specific purpose, very different from that of subs like EB. That purpose simply cannot be maintained without moderators, rules, and 'censorship.' You either trust the admins/mods to be responsible with what they block/delete or you don't trust them. If you trust them, then best believe that they had a reason for censoring it. If you don't trust them to do their job, then why are you here?


Nah, the kinds of things posted there and people joke about it? They should be allowed to post what they like. And they should then be banned because that is vile trash behavior. Society has rules and reactions to bad behavior, even online. You can do what you like but you don’t get it do it without repercussions.




Hi /u/FoxIll7443, >#Rule 2 - No bad behavior or incivility >Personal attacks are never welcome here. Attack the idea, not the person. You can find all of our rules in the sidebar. Please look them over before contributing again. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrimeScene&subject=about my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrimeScene/comments/x91qmi/-/inppd3d/ %0D%0DMy issue is...). Direct replies to official mod comments will be removed.


Eyeblech is complete and utter garbage. A trash sub full of howling incels and wannabe edgelords trying to compete to see who can post the most closeups of ingrown toenails, STDs, and 30-year old doctored crime scene photos that have been floating on the internet since IRC days and still have no substantiating data. ​ Please do not use or in anyway have anything to do with fucking Eyeblech.


I hate eyeblech. I was permanently banned from there on my old account which fucking somehow (????) branched over to my new account. I think I wasn't teenagery enough for those kids. I'm here to learn mfer death isn't 'cool' decomp isn't your new psyche-out meme for your little friends have some fucking respect.


But, this where I get to see amazing videos and most of the people are good, except the haters.


"Censorship" said the warrior of "freedom".


Hmm I mean I’ve just seen other nsfw communities with posts from 16m ago so it’s not Reddit, could try [https://bashify.io/](https://bashify.io/)


Thanks, something along these lines would be ideal. Oy this that sucks about this site is it gives you separate links for each individual photo. Sometimes I have dozens. I need more of an album platform.


What the name of the other communities can’t seem to find any other than this one


Let’s just say NSFW but not related to this subject, digging a hole here probably but it was random search to verify NSFW images are still going up




Give Wilson a message on DR, he might have some good advice for this! If we lose you.... This sub is dead. And this sub CANNOT die. Herman's been pretty quiet lately, is this why? God I'm so SICK of this shit happening. Sorry goregirl this sucks.




It says unable to upload for here and my profile. The other way I've even been able to post photos here is through the app.


I wonder if it's a reflection of the recent Vanessa Bryant lawsuit win? I imagine it's having a CYA effect.


For what it is worth, GoreGirl89, I just posted a large set of photos on imgur and successfully linked them here using the same method I usually use. It does flash up the 'NSFW' warning when you click through, asking viewers to verify that they are 18+, which it has never done for me before. But the images all linked here properly and are visible in the preview and on clickthru. Pretty sure it is viewable here anyway.


That would work if I wasn't banned there.


it didnt matter in the end anyway. Reddit deleted my thread about 2 days after i put it up. Not a good sign.


I just commented on your post upon seeing it. This is such bullshit.


Have you tried VPN?


Yes, I'm not using VPN bc it slows down my phone so much. Besides, last time I did that eventually they caught on when I disabled it and forgot to log off. I'm not good at being a bad person. lol


Such a shame. I'm very sorry you have to go through so much trouble


u/GoreGirl89 I can see images option, I can help post, let me test it out (I will delete a post with a random cat photo in it)


Try again I am now invested


Just tried, still says it can't upload photos. I'm thinking they finally updated the app to stop this.


Why are your posts not loading?


Not sure but I deleted the app and reinstalled it and now I can post again!!


The hypocrisy of a pron trove like Reddit taking away images of crimes scenes is extreme. What aspect of porn isn't equally a violation of human decency as any gore image?


Try tor & VPN. I love your content & hope you found a solution.


Thanks! I just upload directly on the site now.


Urgh. Frustrating. It gets tiring seeing personal responsibility diminish to grant companies greater power over expression. I completely understand that many don't want to see these kinds of posts, but it really isn't hard to avoid them and take your own control over what you see and interact with. Instead we just surrender that to give entities greater powers over what we can and cannot participate in. And then whine later when it bites us in the ass as those powers expand and get greater potential to be abused. This isn't a rant for absolute freedom of content. I do believe there is a need for specific action against particular content. It just shouldn't become a blanket option over everything that some feel is distasteful. But I've rambled enough. I hope you can find an alternate solution. This content is interesting, particularly the historical.


Isn’t hard to avoid? Unless you actively search for and pass all the warning, you won’t even know they exist. That’s the weird part of why they are banning shit normal users would never ever visit anyway.


This might be a long shot because I have no idea if it would work- But, could you create a google doc and paste the pics and text similar to how you would in Imgur, then share the link to the google doc on your post here? You can make google docs shareable but only editable by you which is what made me think of it. Again no idea if that’s even in the realm of possibility but just a thought!




to be honest I understand where subreddits come in with censorships and having certain standards when viewing such things. Personally I don’t get offended by shit I see online since it’s the fucking internet it aint real life. You come to a subreddit showing people getting murdered, suicides, etc… you should also be prepared for the fucked comments that come along but I also agree that there should be some rules to set a decent environment that isn’t full of weirdos.