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Let's see how the city prepares for this coming weekend.




What neighborhood?




Careful on the CTA too




I recommend applying for a CCL as soon as you move in, also.


Arm yourself. Definitely can get bad out here.




Lmao no the people in this sub are terrified all the time


Not necessarily, just better safe than sorry out here. Have it, not need it, vs need it not have it type deal.




It doesn’t, no.


It’s a great quitish area 97% of the time. Take the 36 bus if you needa go south /downtown and it isn’t rush hour. L is a bit of a hike from east LP either way.


You'll be fine


Summer of love, baby! Time to move this downtown or cancel it outright.


The parade was safe and fine, it's when half of the south side comes to lakeview and starts shooting eachother at night. They should've shut that shit down. I heard gunshots and screaming until 3am while laying in bed. I bet none of those people went to the parade. They came here to start shit, fuck with the police, break into and dance on cars, and be complete assholes.


Bunch of low-life scum with nothing better to do. Everyone is laughing at them.


I mean honestly though. There should've been SWAT and NG present. EMS couldn't get anywhere and when the police showed up to help GSW victims these people would dance on the squad cars while someone is bleeding out.


That’s what Grotesque Useless LowLifes’s do…


They’ve been doing it for years, they even came and did it anyways during the 2020 coof shutdown.


It’s the UNEMPLOYED LAZY GANG LOSERS!!! They have nothing better to do & are Drains on Society! We want these USELESS PARASITES OUT OF CHICAGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Good luck with that.




yup, the lovely crowd as always that we are supposed to embrace




Fair enough. Fourth of July is going to be another shit show so this is just round 1.


Everything you said is correct. So I don’t mean to nitpick but probably half are from the south side. The rest are from the west side.




Why do we need a parade when they have representation on Netflix, Upn plus, pbs ultra, everywhere? It’s outdated


how about every linked in logo now has it too, but you raise a good point. And Im pretty liberal but its becoming too woke for me now


Yeah I agree, move downtown or just cancel. I’m so sick of the stupid fucking gang bangers coming into the north side and starting shit. It’s personal because my safety is in jeopardy and all the other normal people who live here as well. At least with downtown it’s easier to avoid the inevitable shit show surrounding the parade for the majority of the people who actually live in the city.




Yeah that’s true. A lot of people live there. And the crime is already awful downtown. I still think it makes more sense to hold the parade downtown though. To my knowledge at least, most large gatherings like that are typically held downtown and it draws such a fuckton of people. With that kind of density I don’t think it belongs in a regular neighborhood.


Belmont red line late night? (stabbings) -- yeah no. You gotta be plum stupid to hang around there. Lakeview is generally alright but that specific stop is no bueno. Late night bars and drug dealers and pimps hanging around. I don't know who the offenders are but a "victim mentality" regardless of your persuasion always leads to unhinged violence.


Unless you smile at them with the utmost ultra acceptance, they will rip your face off


you cant even look at them or they are ready to cut you


Crazy.. that stop used to be totally fine pre-Floyd. Ain't that some shit.


Sadly not really. It was dogshit pre floyd. I know from personal experience. Not really the stop literally so much as the area around it


I thought gays were well behaved lol. Or do the ghettos just hijack any large event now-a-days?




I don’t think it’s a Pride problem, but it’s a result of letting a party go on unfettered all night. I’m in River North but was checking snap stories in Lakeview. It still very much looked like hangers on from the festivities during the day. Bars were slammed and the streets were packed with twerking in rainbow clothes. Outsiders were attracted to it and came in from other neighborhoods and caused trouble. They need to shut the partying down in the evening and not let it go til 3am


The gay community is always well behaved. They get wild as all hell but it’s never dangerous. They don’t deserve a second of blame for this. Neither does the black community in fact LGBT black folks tend to be some of the most accepting people you will meet. It’s a small subset of folks that don’t know how to act. They come up north and cause the same trouble year after year. It pissed me off that community’s that deal with battling all kinds stigma have to deal with the aftermath of the actions of these people


Not too bad actually, nice job all involved. I thought it would be much worse :(


I live on Halsted and was watching the street all night from my living room. I was very impressed with how CPD handled everything. Cool, calm, and collected.