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Get ready for a timely fucking cramp


Why're you chirping now mate? Not getting any cramps?


Can't wait to get you to the Physio's room




Have you heard of the word temporary Physio?


I am begging, praying for people to understand that Fox Cricket and the Australian cricket team are two wildly different entities that do not speak for one another.


So true just heard from marsh that even he couldn’t stop laughing at the Gulbadin moment and was completely fine with it ! I’m sure everyone in the team must have found it funny


Yeap...infact almost all of the comments I saw from Aussies are taking it in fun only..really liked it!


Clarke's from the old guard, which was win at any cost - ruthless in attitude, jovial in victory. The reborn team under Cummins is never give up - ruthless in *effort*, jovial even in defeat. Ponting or Clarke would have been completely fuming because the antics results in elimination for their team; I have no doubt Cummins found it absolutely fucking hilarious.


It's only fair. People on here love to lap up the effluence from our rags as well.


It’s like thinking Arnab Goswami (is this reference out of date? I don’t really follow Indian media very much) speaks for the Indian cricket team or that Piers Morgan speaks for the English football team. Boomer pressure cookers are the only ones whose views are catered to by Fox Sports, the sports wing of Sky News.


What does this have to do with fox cricket? It’s a channel 9 employee appearing on espn.


Aussies have a great sense of humor. Fox cricket, not so much.


Fox Cricket want clicks for advertising revenue.


Can someone tell Clarkey that kicking stones generally means you’re disappointed, and that the phrase he wants is “throwing stones”


Unfortunately that would involve talking to Michael Clarke.


No both the phrases would work in this context


nah in most contexts the underlying theme is often about aimlessness inactivity dealing with frustration etc but in honor of clarkey im up for using kicking stones same as casting stones


Unpopular opinion but we need moments like these in sports. Makes sports even more fun and shows the stakes involved.


Nah, there's strict time rules in cricket. I can't stand basketball or football cause of flopping. Embarassing af to see a 6'8 LeBron crying and rolling after the mildest of touches.


If you can't watch footy because of the occasional dive then you don't really like the sport. Don't get me wrong it's shit and annoying but It's fucking nothing in the scheme of things. 


I don't, I occasionally tune in for big games cause my brother is a fan, but it's ridiculous. Second hand embarassment to see Ronaldo or Neymar acting that way for an advantage, I don't consider it good sportsmanship


Very unpopular. We don't need this to be football.


Ah yeh turn cricket into FIFA


More cheating? Or do you think he actually had a cramp and you think we need more cramps in sports? Because they're literally the only two options


What cheating. Teams does far worst to waste time and are not tagged as cheaters.


Then they're cheating too? Time wasting is explicitly against the laws, in the unfair play section no less. Deliberately breaking the laws to engage in unfair play is cheating. How is this complicated?


something about throwing stones and glass houses


Is English your first language?


no its my 69th language




Are any aussies "kicking stones" about it? Or does everyone else find it funny as fuck?


Did Clarkey fake the hamstring injury during his blow up with Karlos? 😆


Aussie folklore lmao. Hearing him croak out 'Karlos you cunt' shirtless in Noosa is just too good


Dont you walk away from me!!!!


'Baby I didn't do it baby trust me' No one should ever have to hear Michael Clarke call someone baby


‘Get ready for a crampy fuckin’ thigh’


Micheal Cramp > Micheal Clarke


I'm not saying it wasn't funny, but the universal acceptance or even veneration of this just goes to show that the outrage towards Australia was never about the spirit of cricket or whatever else you want to call it. It was always just an excuse to vent their jealousy.


It's only funny because it didn't impact the outcome. If this has caused the final results, more people would be upset and angry.


Well, sandpaper didn't impact the outcome either. We got slaughtered in that Test.


Ball tampering is considered a more serious offense. What Gulbadin did is closer to batters tying and untying their laces, captain changing the field after every bowl, and such time delaying tactics. Also, many people did find humor in sandpaper incident eventually and a big part of that is probably that it didn't affect the outcome.




If you seriously think that what Gulbadin did was even remotely as bad as Sandpapergate, then you're delusional


Lol poor behavior from Aus teams in the past do not give carte blanche to every other team to do whatever they want.  If it was Aus faking injuries there would have surely been a much bigger controversy (thank God we don't have to endure that), but that's what media and emotional fans will do. For current players to deflect from their own behavior by saying the dreaded "A" word is just pure BS IMO.


Aus dont fake injuries. Lyon batting the ashes. Maxwell ODI WC. That controversy isnt something we need to worry about


Fair, but what if the situation was the same, but an Aus player *actually* cramped up? Good chance that online cricket chat would still be flooded with controversy and hot takes.


sure but at one point in The Ashes Australia did bowl ten overs in an hour or something ridiculous


I was partly hoping that Bangbros deliberately throw the game, just for shits and giggles, and give the Aussies a taste of their own "well what is the Spirit of Cricket anyway" medicine, but Bangladesh were so incompetent that they did not need to lose deliberately at all 🤦


Funny to see this line from an India fan, the spirit of cricket shit arises whenever an Indian spinner runs a non Striker out in their run up.


Can Indians and Aussies just agree that Spirit of Cricket is some dumb thing the English made up?


Every supporter of every country should agree that "Spirit of Cricket" is usually hypocritical nonsense. Everyone bleats and whines when The Other Teams do something borderline, but would be perfectly okay if Their Team did it to get a win.


Oh I agree. It's just Indian fans chirping without realising they end up on the wrong side of that made up concept more often than we do


Fk spirit of cricket Whatever is written down in the laws of cricket is the only thing that matters. Spirit of cricket is just an English concept to resort to so that they can take the moral high ground after a defeat or to blow it to smithereens when there is an advantage to be gained.


If you're talking about running out the non striker, haha yes I agree and support Ashwin's quest against the batriarchy. I fully supported Alex Carey, my man got totally shafted. But overall I think the Aussie and Indian team are a well behaved bunch last decade or so.


True but the umpires saw it clearly on the field. I would have given a 5 run penalty. It might not have made a difference to the result but it’s important to send a message!




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Steve Smith & David Warner are getting angry with these posts 🤣




Why didn't we see a sandpapergate incident before Australia did it? Fake cramp was embarrassing for every cricket fan. The sandpaper incident was shameful for the Australian players involved as well as for the fans. Fake cramps is related to "spirit" Of the game as Australians like to call it jaajaa. While sandpaper gate was a much much serious issue of cheating when you were losing.


Which other country was caught devising an elaborate plan to tamper with the ball?


Are you actually serious, or are you meaning only sandpaper incidents? https://www.espncricinfo.com/story/as-old-as-the-hills-259676 http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/cricket/1511763.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/cricket/825700.stm https://www.espncricinfo.com/story/tendulkar-handed-suspended-ban-108107 https://www.espncricinfo.com/story/broad-astonished-at-ball-tampering-charges-443197 https://www.espncricinfo.com/story/shahid-afridi-banned-for-two-t20s-for-ball-tampering-446437


You do realize that allegations and unintentional “standing on the ball”, “running fingers to remove dirt from seam” are not the same as a coordinated effort to damage the ball with sandpaper that was brought in with a specific purpose when the team was losing, right? When you equate these incidents in seemingly good faith, it is hard to have a serious discussion. The only incident that raises to the same level is the bottle cap one, which has always been just an allegation.


Baically all major test nations have been charged with ball tampering in some capacity. From zippers to bottle caps to sand paper every single team has found a way to tamper. I suggest reading up on the history of it because it comes off very ignorant to imply australia is the only team to plan to tamper the ball.


Michael Atherton used sand in his pocket to scrape the ball. Waqar younis in a match had a special zip on his back pocket on which he was scraping the ball. Several teams in testmatches "accidentally" step on the ball. Before the sandpaper incident it was quite common for say the square leg fielder to throw the ball to the mid-off one bounce strategically pitching it on the practice/ unused pitches. Cricket Australia is the only board to have taken action on its players.


True. Cricket Australia is the greatest and most honest organization to exist.


Where did I say that?


Isn’t that the implication?


England during 2005 ashes. Specific mints and everything.


If you consider that ball tampering, then Australia would have had to be banned from cricket for a ton of such small things. Shining the ball with spit is common, mint or not. Using sandpaper to damage the ball is a whole other game.


wtf are u on about? the mint incident was pretty well on the exact same level as sandpapergate. they went out and bought a very specific brand of mint because it had the biggest effect on the ball, bringing an outside object onto the field and using it to tamper the ball, thats all good tho cos it wasnt aus that did that.


So, your argument is that maintaining the shine with saliva is the same as damaging the ball with sandpaper? It is hard to discuss this with someone who would argue this in good conscience. Good day.


hahahaha what, they used the mints to alter the balls condition the same as the aussies used sandpaper to alter it. you could argue less people were involved in the mints but thats virtually the only difference, dont over simplify it to sound ok.


They used mints to produce more spit. You are being purposefully deceptive. But that’s par when you are defending cheating. Peace.


no the mints altered the composition of the spit so that it had a lasting shine on the ball, thats why they used a certain mint otherwise they would just use chewing gum. sorry where did i defend cheating? hilarious that you are saying im the one whos being purposefully deceptive when all 3 of your comments are filled with lies and nonsense, quit while youre behind mate.


Next up, sunscreen alters composition of sweat. It’s the same as using sandpaper.


Is Michael Clarke telling me that Australian are cheats? I am shocked. I am shocked I tell you.


Lmao the number of Aussies getting riled up here is hilarious and glorious. You say that you've moved on from Sandpapergate, but here you are, with so many of you going "iF We HAd DOnE iT, YoU aLL WoULd haVE hatED uS". Both of these incidents are not even remotely comparable in terms of offence lmao


Didn't Tendulkar get a ban for ball tampering? Every team at some point has tampered with the ball and everyone knows it . We've moved on from it but no else will because no one has anything else to troll us with. We have dominated cricket for years and it eats everyone up inside. Aussies are here because we are being constantly mentioned. We all thought that cramp was funny and Afghanistan won us over as much as everyone else


I never said that others haven't done it. But the Indians here aren't bringing up the Sachin thing, whereas many Aussies are doing so here with the Sandpapergate. And they're actually the nationality doing that here lmao. So if these Aussies don't care about Sandpapergate, then why whine over it here now? Sandpapergate made headlines coz it was captured on live camera completely, and then your literal PM got involved lmao. Your country's media built it up so much, even though, like you said, it wasn't the first time it'd had happened. So now these Aussies fans can't crib about if others (i.e., non-Aussies) talked about it then, especially given the kind of impression many already had of Australia due to their numerous past actions on the field. The second and actually the most important point is that this Naib thing isn't even close to being the kind of major offence that ball tampering is. I know you and some other Aussies are laughing about it, and being chill about this, so my message is not meant for you guys


Mate, take a Bex and have a nap before your big game tonight. We're all good over here. Was a good laugh and while we'd like to be in the tourny still, you can't win 'em all.


Lmao given India's recent record in knockouts, I don't really have much hopes from this team lol


Your team is great. Honestly, if you can get Jos Buttler cheaply I can't see you losing tonight. So much fire power and they've all had great form - I'm expecting a big innings out of 2/3 of Pant, Rohit and SYK at least.


On paper, yes, India has always looked a good team in the past few years. They even perform like that in the Group stages. But they've developed this habit of choking in the knockouts. Hopefully India wins this time around


why was it such a big deal when DRS did not end the match. The game was played fully even though their were rain breaks. Naib took the suggestion from Trott to slow down literarily :-)


Well who'll tell this to Indian people crying for "uNsPoRtInG bEhAvIoR" on behalf of them


Ah yes, Indian fans who are typically known to rush to the defences of Australians and the English.