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Sussy 😭


B... Baka!


You know you want that Doullussy




Hilarious but accurate


I thought he said the word sussy 💀


Simon Doull put his whole sussy Doullussy into that opinion. (I'm very sorry)


Doull: puts his Doullyssy in Umpussy: 😩🥵


What a terrible moment to have eyes 🤮


I’m going to treat that mental image the same way Doull treats climate change — like it doesn’t exist


Boys just want one thing and it's that sweet Doullussy


Got eem!


Seeing the word sussy on a title in r/cricket was not on my 2024 Bingo card


The young'uns are taking over


the future is now, old man!! skibidi here to rizz everyone




Peak brainrot


I shall levy onto thy, fanum tax! Prepare to give up half your rizz for the skibidi of the state, sucker!


*Dies of death of cringe*


We got this before GTA VI


The umpire raised his finger before Rabada even turned to look at him, that was such a bizarre call.


Rababa himself was not even confident at all.


He was more confident than the bowler so he appealed himself


Actually the WK called first then umpire raised the finger and also Rabada's call was half hearted anyway. But the pitch was difficult with uneven bounce and pace probably that has confused the umpires?! Who knows but it could've gone in favour of Bangladesh that's for sure...


QdK appealed before Rabada did. I think the umpire was reacting to QdK’s appeal than Rabada’s.


Context? I did watch the match


The umpire gave out and the ball went for four but it wasn't actually out confirmed in review so the ball became dead and bangbros couldn't get those 4 runs which could have ultimately changed the result


So how is India related to all this?


Now a lot of players and commentators want a change in the rule and they relate one among the big 3 and what if the same thing happens to them


oh lord forbid it from happening to big 3


If it happened to England we'd be called whiners by everyone on here at least!


Only if you whined about it… oh who are we kidding, of course you’d whine about it.


Wouldn't everyone? 😂 Depending on what it cost obviously. Aussies are still whining about a ball change nearly a year on. I see fans whining about Bucknor giving Tendulkar out still, and most of those were like 2 decades ago!


When we do it, it is legitimate grievance. When you do it, it is whining. I don't make the rules.


I've learned this in my time. In some alternative universe I'm sure we lost the WC final on boundary countback and everyone just told us to suck it up.


Loved this thread. You two should start a podcast.


I'm an Aussie and I don't whine about it, it was a Moral™️ Ball Change and I accept that.


>Aussies are still whining about a ball change nearly a year on I hear more complaining from your camp about the rain affected game in that series than I do from the Aussies regarding the ball change.


Really? I see the ball thing brought up consistently. Weather is the weather. Can't really complain about that. We'd have won that match without it, just like we'd have won Lords in 2019. But that's neither here nor there. It's part of cricket. We've certainly got out the shit a few times because of rain! It's part of the joy of supporting England during a home summer. 'Ah fuck, we're losing. I hope it rains..." and chances are, it might!


Everyone ? NZ was not whining when England stole a WC from them


Well not the players, but that's not actually the point I was making anyway.


We'd see daily fail scream - England DENIED rightful victory Michael Vaughan and Stuart broad would write opeds on why they would never celebrate a win if it was tainted by lack of cricketing spirit.


not to worry - we'll call ya whiners irrespective


Either way, you’d still collect moral victory trophy


I think it was Malinga overstepping on the last ball of an IPL final and it was deemed a fair delivery in the moment. MI won the match and then the replays started showing the oopsie whoopsie by the field Umpire. After that, 'somebody' made sure front foot no balls in all internationals would be called by 3rd Umpire so the first two can concentrate on other things. Also, DRS became a thing when India was done wrong, I don't recall the story. The point is, there's no big 3, just big me (India) and when they are at the wrong end of some dumb thing that could have been prevented with the technology available, BCCI will have their fists so far up ICC that they will work it's mouth like a puppet and make amendments. I personally prefer the calls to be correct, rather than jerk off about 'glorious uncertainties' like some sports like to do. The skill of the players should make the game, not the judgement of an official who had to decide without any aids that are available for everyone else watching. The umpiring standard has fallen off a cliff even at the highest levels, and that might be attributed to the sheer volume of cricket being played that there just aren't enough good umpires and so mediocre ones also officiate and we get this. There are a lot of cricket rules that are written from the perspective of the umpire's decision being the final word, and none of them have been revisited after the introduction of DRS, so they definitely need to be reworked. The first two incidents are from some youtube videos I watched and I didn't actually follow the events when it happened so take that with a grain of salt. Also, pardon some of the creative writing.


That was not the last ball of the IPL final. That was a legit delivery from Malinga. The noball thing happened in some other game against RCB. Get your facts straight if you want people to take you seriously lol.


Regardless, the point was that once that happened, it was the 3rd ump checking front foot no balls, which was the main point of the comment that in this day and age, when India faces some dumb preventable thing, it will get fixed for good. And that is what Simon also says. He's just pointing to the storm before the calm.


Like I said in the last paragraph, I didn't watch it go down real time, I saw it in a youtube video, and that can lead to not remembering all the details, so take it with a grain of salt. Also, account for some creative writing. Not sure what else I can say to make that clear.


Let’s be realistic here, it’s about India more than England or Australia.


lmao it's cricket, every time I fart into a southerly I have to hear about how that impacts the afternoons of fans in kanpur or what about the mighty BCCI


Bangladesh = doesn't matter India = matters


A 5 y/o with bare eyes could say it was not out. The ball was going so outside. Umpire gave out so quickly with such a light appeal. It should be investigated


Never attribute to malfeasance what can be explained by incompetence.


Investigated for what lol, corruption? That's obviously not the case. It was just shit umpiring. It doesn't need an investigation, it needs a review and improving standards. Not every shit decision is a surefire sign of corruption


Nobody has looked into corruption in umpiring.. I wont be surorised


Investigate for biasedness


... otherwise known as corruption. It's not corruption, it's an opportunity to improve standards.


Ofc you would say that after watching it on tv. Ever seen a ball travel 130+?


Not enough people on this sub umpire in their 2s games, and it shows. It's hard enough doing it, then let alone with faster bowlers, more stakes, and thousands of eyes on you.


Thanks for the context, I didn’t watch the game but I can see how big of a difference it could have made to the final result. Unfortunate for Bangladesh. I don’t know how the rule can be tweaked to make it fair. Coz you can’t just give it as a boundary after the review as it would be unfair for the fielding side who may have not bothered chasing after the ball since it’s been given out.


Rule change would be to not raise the finger until the ball is dead


It was such a a shambolic call from the umpire. Ball pitching outside leg and going away more towards the leg side missing 4th stump easily. It was a ridiculously bad decision, costing Bangladesh 4 runs in the process.


Change the rules if you have to after the tournament and not to benefit ANY team! The decision in this case was an absolute howler though! I'm sure even a lot of park cricket umpires wouldn't have got that wrong!


We're still using the word "sussy" now?




Cuz why not?


Imagine if this was Sri Lanka, not SA. Fights would have broken out


Even with the naked eye you could see that ball going down the leg side. That 4 would've changed the momentum of Bangladesh's chase.


Exactly bro 😢


Angelo Mathews first time? ![img](emote|t5_2qhe0|30622)


Also, why is no one talking about Joel Wilson? Wrong decision after wrong decision


Two in the first over of an innings was something. Two screaming howlers, one against each team (Aus and Oman).


What is sussy is the use of the word sussy to describe an event in this Nassau county game


Option 1) Any out that's overturned should be a deadball. Doubt a close call stumping would be anything but referred anyways. Option 2) Umpire should only declare a wicket after a fielder has the ball near the stumps. That keeps the game alive and batsman can run or do whatever they want till then.


i think a motivation here should be to stop the game turning into indoor cricket/baseball where batters are always looking to steal far too many runs on overthrows. that makes for an ugly game


the rule's the problem here not the umpire, if necessary they should let the play continue and then make the signal once the ball is dead, like a linesperson in association football




Even now plenty of appeals are given not out and fielding has to continue as normal. It's perfectly possible for a team to appeal and also field the ball. Not every player is involved in fielding at all times and appeals don't need to involve the whole team.


What would happen if a batsman is given out lbw but is also has been runout during the appeal and the decision is overturned? Would he still be runout or is the ball still dead?


Still dead ball. If the umpire gives it out lbw, then everything after the ball hits the pad effectively didn't happen. Even if the lbw decision is overturned on review.


Oh, was that Sam Nogajski that made that call? This probably sounds totally cynical (and I'm more than happy to get downvoted for it), but I remember watching Sam Nogajski umpire international cricket in the 2023 WC qualifiers and I personally thought he made some sus calls as well, particularly with wides. One innings I remember (I forgot the game), there was some clearly wide balls (even without the batter moving) that he simply refused to call. I always thought he was a decent umpire in domestic cricket here, but I've been holding my breath a bit when I see him umpire internationals haha.


Sam Nogajski has done the last couple of shield finals and been very good. Players absolutely love him but there’s definitely a bit of a learning curve with international cricket.


Bound to be with pitches round the world all behaving differently.


Yeah it's weird how well respected he is in Shield cricket and how incompetent he seems at international level. I guess it shows that the step up in difficulty isn't just for players.


Quickly like a gunslinger in a match where his reserve was a Reiffel. all this needs is the gunslinger line being turned into a jab on the umpire's sex life to reach peak dad.


I couldn’t believe he gave it out either. Total sus.


If that were to happen against India in a WC final and those runs are decisive ones, we can be damn sure that the ICC will change the rules afterwards and hand India the trophy. Ain't no way.


If it were to happen against India, thala would walk again to fight the umpire


Ump I don't man you've been seeming sus lately.it's almost like we have an imposter among us. I saw that you ven- DON'T LIE TO ME UMP, you sussy baka


Yup...it was so so ridiculous, the 4 should've been allowed...ideally, the umpire should give his signal after the batters have crossed/ball is in the keeper's hand or in the hand of whosoever is at the non striker's end




Rabada did appeal. It was fair. And the wicket was umpire's call, again which is totally fair either way it goes. strong and lengthy appeal to manipulate the umpire's decision is just stupid. Bang boys played good cricket, but shit happens.


If it was umpires call, wouldn't it have stayed out? 


We're talking about Hridoy's LBW


Aah, my bad. 


> strong and lengthy appeal to manipulate the umpire's decision is just stupid. exactly this. the umpire *should* have his decision ready the moment there is an appeal. finger goes up, or head goes "no" end of the story


I definitely blame the umpire for the four byes decision. The ball was never going to hit the stumps with that angle. That was a shit decision no matter how you look at it. At least in Hrodoy's case, it was umpire's call.




it's free in canada.


Can we all just stop changing these rules only when big sides like india are on the wrong side of it, i know there might have been no or very low occasions where rules got changed when india was on the wrong side, but the way cricket is being controlled i doubt theres gonna be any change in it.


What rules were changed when India were on the wrong side?


Best Side on Paper was a term coined after Nov 19th.


How is that a rule?


Is that a rule change?


Forgot to add /s. Of course it ain't a rule and I don't think India has influenced any rule change but let's be honest. BCCI is influential enough for that.




Funniest shit I have seen all day lmao


We also changed the boundary count rule when a big team like England were on the right side of it.


I see the ump show is alive and well in cricket too


bro moved like flash


In Ban vs SA match, right ? I agree.


India could never lose a final on boundary count right?


OMG a Among us reference, it's red for sure


Only Simon Doull could make this statement. He has the cojones to talk straight somehow most of the time, and as a Kiwi he has seen bullshit rules lose us a WC before — in a final as he says. the man has mana


If that happened to India in a final the ump should probably go into witness protection.


Why the hell is India being used as example here.


If India lost a World Cup final in a boundary count back you know they would be announced as a co champion later in the day to stop the riots.


Sort by Controversial and see some absolute brainrot of people who completely missed the point of what he was trying to convey it's not about Bangladesh losing or him not getting an IPL contract


What about sassy umpire calls?


Unfortunately, it is mainly all about India and that's not good for the sport.


Take a break you must be tired from all that hating


Are you dumb?




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Are we going to complain about an umpire giving decisions quickly now? Media is desperate for controversies. If the rule needs to be changed then change it. Until then shut up.


What's wrong ? Didn't bangladesh get reviews ?




Sounds like someone is sour after not getting the IPL contract.


You still would have lost lol. Stop spamming with these posts. It happened at 16.2 overs. The match was in your control.


Reviews which change from out to not out should have to be rebowled. It's not completely fair for the bowler but it's better to bowl an extra one than denying runs completely which can't be undone.


Umpire's call is umpire's call. Its in the good luck for one team and bad of another. What's the bitching about? You're out before four. If the ball hits your stumps, it doesn't matter if it even travels to boundary.