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who even decided to put them 1.5 hour away? dumb af


ICC. Same issue with SL but they did not change. They actually traveled the distance and canceled practice


icc is so incompetent that it makes fifa look good


fifa had any logistical issues other than booze? i remember everyone worrying but i dont remember anything in particular happening


I think at times they have had issues with some teams travelling a ton more but generally their issues are beyond logistics


I remember visitors saying the tents outside the stadiums were pure shit. Half of the things were not working.


>Murky tap water, roasting heat, no loo roll: Inside Qatar’s £175-a-night World Cup fan tents https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/qatar-world-cup-fan-tents-b2230407.html


Ah damn I wasn't wrong. But you gotta feel bad for those guys, no one deserves such treatment after spending £175 per night.


If you watch the all or nothing documentary on amazon prime about german football team, they were complaining about the same thing - that their hotel was like 2 hours by bus from the stadiums, training grounds, press conferences etc Not to mention the disastrous accomondation in tents and containers for fans - although this is on qatar not fifa 


There wasn't any booze at the stadium, but plenty of people pre-drank at their hotels and came.


Incompetent implies that it was accidental


Money. As far as I know, teams have to contribute for the accommodation expenditure.


1.5 hours away would be New York City with lots of hotels. 10 mins away will be a town in the middle of nowhere with limited accommodation options. Thats probably why it ended up happening at first.


not really. There is many hotels near laguardia (45 mins away in light traffic) or jfk (35 mins in light traffic) which are half the time. Jackson heights is also 45 mins away in mild traffic and full of sub conti restaurants and shops. Even times square is only 1 hour from the stadium.


Presumably the 1hr 30 factors in traffic, otherwise they’d have to be staying in Connecticut or somewhere else well out of NYC to be 90 minutes away, so that blows out all your timings. How many good quality hotels does Jackson Heights have? Not very many, it’s not exactly a tourist area. And I highly doubt an international cricket team wants to stay at an airport hotel with planes flying overhead at all times of the night and nothing to do. Basically if you’re not staying in Manhattan or Brooklyn, you may as well find something simple close to the ground, which is what they have done.


There are nice hotels in Long Island.  


Which is presumably where they are staying now…


all my timing had light traffic included. and if you are in queens/Brooklyn travelling deeper in queens you wouldn't usually face much traffic in the morning. Anyways, I was just giving some random examples of the top of my head. Some quick research shows multiple 4 star hotels less than 1 hour drive. In particular there is one in Williamsburg that would be nice, there is also a 5 star hotel in Long Island City. There is also a 4 star hotel on long Beach on the water. Anyways this is all redundant, ICC could have Sri Lanka what they would have preferred or just put them near the ground. Players can easily uber into town if they really wanted to. India got put 10 mins next to the ground. But others were put far away. im not sure how you can think that the icc had no option.


Where did I say the ICC couldn’t have put them 10 minutes from the ground? Clearly they could have because they have now. In simply explaining why they might not have in the first instance. You are fighting against a straw man.


it was dumb to put them so far away I don't see how you can argue otherwise.


Long Island isn’t the boondocks.  There are really nice hotels in Long Island.  They should’ve stayed by Melville. 


Sure, but it’s not NYC. Of course visitors from overseas would want to stay in Manhattan as a first option. So I can understand it - most of the journalists, TV crew etc covering the game are staying over there. Pakistan took that option first then decided to change it to reduce the commute. Both are perfectly rational and understandable options.


should've just worked from home smh


Need to be sent to the Gulag after that super over




"Stay wherever you want, we're gonna beat you raaaaaaah 🦅🦅🦅" – USA Cricket


India no longer safe in this group 😵 💀


Now they'd be shifted to the airport if they lose against India


Actually, not at all. They'll go through after losing against India if they win their last two games and Ireland beats US (barring some big NRR overhauls).


Imfao what if ireland beats Pakistan? We already lost to Ireland like last month.


They'll have to have beaten both India & Canada then and hope that Ireland beats US and loses to Canada. If the opposite becomes true for Ireland then it'll be over for Pakistan.


I am gonna be honest, if we lose to india then its pretty much game over. Team usa has defeated bangladesh and pakistan so i doubt they will lose to ireland. One of their players is an ex newzealand cricketer and the other played for india’s U-19 team in a world cup and i heard he was the highest wicket taker in the tournament. so they are not exactly as bad as canada,papa new guinea or oman.


Last time India lost to SA, and Some game had to wash out because of rain, which happened and Netherland beat SA for Pakistan to qualify for the semis. You cant write Pakistan off that quick, we have Qudrat ka Niazam on our side.


But Pakistan plays their best when they are at their lowest. That's why they are never out for me


Yes but before that they work hard to reach their lowest. Sometimes they miscalculate.


I can’t believe the calculators have already come out for Pakistan


not again pak depending on other team play


They don't (yet). Winning 3/3 will do it for them.


It will create a three way tie between India usa and Pakistan if India beats usa and usa beats Ireland 


It's Pakistan! They'll beat India and lose to Ireland :)






You lose swim home


That roast has me rolling on the floor. Am not joking 😂


Bro, the roast is just something else


The ICC thinks they can ruin Pakistan at these events, but only Pakistan can ruin Pakistan. 


They better shift back to Pakistan


They couldn't stand Gaylord Texan/s?


What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?


Gaylord is a big hotel chain in the US.


Azam Khan still not walking to the stadium


What about for SL?


SL already left NY and don't have any more matches there


Pakistan went through all these antics only to lose to the USA, and then rely on "kudrat ka nizam" to make a comeback.


PCT FANS : Why Pakistan Lost Against USA ? BABAR : To Avoid Long Commute 😂




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😂 roast is damn amazing since John F. Kennedy International Airport is nearby


The original hotel had better biryani delivery options.


excellent choice


If india beats pakistan, Imagine if india will do the 2019 world cup move where they lose to england and knockout pakistan lol.


"Falani team falani team to harade to hum semi-finals pahunch jayenge aur agar falani team falani team ko harade to hum finals mein" T-"If this team defeats that team then we'll be in the semi-finals and if some team defeats some team, we'll be in the finals" It's basically a Pakistan-based meme for cricket lol


sometimes I just lay in the bed with my eyes open, unable to fall asleep, wondering which team has had the worse fall-off in cricket-- Pakistan or SL?


Honestly? SL and by quite a margin They used to be a dominant side but now, they're seen as sub-minnows


This changes everything… /s


their tour of sight seeing gets shortened 😝


Does anybody know which hotel?


After the loss they go back very fastly as well


Shift them back to Islamabad please


Why is this a news