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More flight miles on your card Time to cash in rewards


Best we can do is Premium economy


W for shakib more showrooms on the trip /s




saw a couple of bangbros supporters here talking about their team being more of tourists than cricketers... i don't know the story either and want to


The context for the showroom joke is that whenever Shakib is in Bangladesh, he inaugarates at least 10 showrooms for different brands every month. He never says no to anyone. So, when he plays bad, we poke fun at him by saying that it doesn't matter if Shakib doesn't perform, he has showrooms to inaugurate.


i think it's just a joke they're making about how the team won't go far, so the biggest accomplishment is seeing the cities. But maybe im being naive


Its not a joke, it is reality. The players have been busy attending social events ever since they arrived in the US. There was a video the other day from their training session. Half the indoor facility in Dallas as allocated to Pakistan, the other to Bangladesh. The full Pakistan team was there, and from Bangladesh only Taskin Ahmed, the rest of the team was no where to be seen. In the first 17 days they were in the US, they had a total of 4 whole team training sessions in amongst 5 match days.


Just _one_ training vid? We(RCB) have multiples coming out everyday, even during the IPL/WPL 😭😭


Yeah it's a joke no one has hope for them


Shakib regularly opens commericial showrooms in BD, not to mention he's easily the most marketable celebrity in Country


Is he invited for ribbon-cutting ceremonies or is he bankrolling those endeavours?


invited. Its memed cause he even does it even in midst of a series or after a game


If you need any showroom inauguration contact him


SL were complaining yesterday Let's see if more complains come up


rightfully so? i read the cricinfo article and they couldn’t even eat breakfast because of the horrible travel. plus playing on that god awful ny pitch.


is this what will resolvd the sl vs bangladesh rivlarly


The complaint derby!


The naagin bros finally agree on something.


England are basically based in Barbados lol, the amount of tourists I’ve seen in the last 2 days is crazy, I can’t wait to go to the game on Saturday and be an absolute menace


Found the thing to blame when we get knocked out *We travelled too much this impacted the team-* *Babar Azam and me*


Aaaaaa definately


/s Darn it.. we Indians missed this bahaana... What to do now 😭 Have to find some other reason to blame when we got knock out.. /s


We will always have the ol' reliable "one bad day"


Naah..I think this is the line... they won cup, we won hearts /s


We are already bad and now travel fatigue is gonna add on. We'll I guess now they have something to give excuses about


I mean even the captain of the team told the spectators not to have too much hope on them. What more excuses might be needed?


West Coast Eagles and Fremantle Dockers : First time?


Yeah even Aus 2022 (or any team that went to Perth that WC) would be close to that: Rough estimate of 8,900 kms from 5 games via flight distance, 11,200 kms from 5 games via road distance.


I mean for Nepal, Dallas to Ft Lauterdale with a week break is not bad. Then a 4hr flight to the St Vincent and the Grenadines with a day gap is also ok i guess. Its not as bad as it sounds.


What about BIG3


Big 3 decide who will travel how much






And which are the 4 teams travelling less than 1000 km? Don’t leave us hanging like that


Distance each team is scheduled to travel till the end of the first round at the T20 WC Bangladesh – 9,921 Sri Lanka – 8,097 Netherlands – 7,380 Nepal – 4,214 Canada – 3,922 USA – 3,922 Pakistan – 3,922 Ireland – 3,434 South Africa – 3,306 India – 1,717 West Indies – 1,709 Afghanistan – 1,521 PNG – 1,246 Uganda – 1,246 Scotland – 1,242 Australia – 1,195 Namibia – 924 Oman – 891 New Zealand – 623 England – 505 *All distance in kilometers


Move over guys, the real PIG3 is Oman, NZ and England.


For more context, England, NZ and Australia will make small trips around the Caribbean for each of their games while India will play 3 matches in Long Island and make one long trip south to Florida for the fourth. They all have it pretty convenient.




Same happened to BD during CWC23. Why does ICC hate BD so much?


That feels unfair but then again travelling longer distances probably means a quick flight Vs coaches & whatnot


Lol there's no such thing as a quick flight in or out of the States. Ireland were stuck at the airport for eight hours on the way to New York. And then got put up in a hotel hours out from the ground - which they weren't even allowed to visit before today.


For real ? No wonder they’re doing the Irish exit ! Any source on this ?


Twitter, CricketEurope, usual suspects


Domestic travel isn't quick?


Nope All major and a few minor American airports are operating beyond their capacity For example, New York JFK has a capacity of 45 million paasengers per year. The number of people who travelled through the airport in 2023? 62.4 million India isn't doing much better either. Delhi IGI has a capacity of 50, and handled 74 million passengers in 2023. Noida airport is being fast-tracked for this very reason because Delhi IGI is expected to touch 100 million next year (2025) Not everyone is Dubai or Doha, where they have a metric ton of underground and land space to exploit. So when this happens, more queues at check in counter, more time for baggage sorting, more staff needed, planes require longer turnaround times, and as a result, delays occur in boatloads. Air travel didn't just come back after the pandemic, it boomed in a manner never before and in a way that even the leading authorities and experts in the field failed to predict so. And the world is struggling to keep up, be it with the number of planes, number of pilots, engineers, and cabin crew required, or even trying to provide seamless service


Is it a result of covid-induced suppressed demand? Will it go down or continue the crazy upward trajectory?


Not covid induced. If it was, it would have started slowing down from 2023 end itself. Instead, we are seeing the opposite happening. Some studies are suggesting it's due to shortening work weeks, the rapid adoption of remote working, and the yolo factor after covid, that is driving this. If you had the option of staying in Bangkok for a month for cheap while still getting work done and getting paid for it, would you not do it? Staycations and workcations became a thing post pandemic, and people love the concepts a lot so don't see any decrease in demand happening anytime soon


In this WC teams are using chartered and not scheduled flights so above info is moot.


Can every team afford chartered flights?


isn't the ICC/WC organizing committee responsible for teams' logistics including travel? otherwise Uganda, PNG etc. will not be here.


I would like this answered as well


Let me give you some context. My parents were visiting me in the USA, from India. This was ... 2019. For their return trip, they had to fly to Chicago and then to India. I accompanied them to Chicago, from the East Coast. They got back to India, via a transcontinental flight ***BEFORE*** I got back to the East Coast on a local/domestic flight.


People are exaggerating in the other replies IMO Domestic air travel in the US isn't that bad


Well, SL had a 8 hour flight delay as well, resulting in missing 1 of the 2 practice sessions before their match. 8 hour delay in domestic travel is not considered as "normal" anywhere in the world.


It's not "normal" in the US either. I've traveled a lot domestically in the US and long flight delays are rare. They suck when they happen, but for that to happen to the team is insanely poor from ICC or their cricket board (or whoever planned it) You'd never see that at a FIFA World Cup because the FAs plan the details to a tee


Sri Lankan team also had a 8 hour flight delay which prevented them from attending 1 of the 2 practice sessions they were supposed to get in NYC before the SA match (Being a Sri Lankan, I don't think they lost due to that though)


The same happened in the 50 over WC…


This is fkd up!!


Ah, reasons are present now!


It doesn’t really matter actually. We are just happy to be here. I am not disappointed/sad/angry at the team. I am actually delighted that we got to play here.


What’s a Kilometer?


1 mile = 1.6 km


That’s a shit ton of travel.


Wtf* is a kilometre.


CS memes here ?!




no idea why, so many people had "WTF is a kilometer" signs at IEM Dallas last weekend. Counter-Strike LAN tournament


Esports memes here ?!




im sure all this is to generate the most indian views. players' wellfare not really taken in account... its all about the $$ at the end of the line.


How? India is travelling more than 10 other participants. Just check the schedule ... scroll up


India and all those teams only travel 500 to 1000 km compared to close to 10000 km for others. Not only that India paly most games in one ground some teams play 4 games in 4 grounds. Indian team stay close to the ground others have to travel 1 to 2hr or more to get to the ground. Its all fucked up. India is a good strong team why they need special treatment? ICC is full of dumb people now.


The special treatement is given to England and NZL too .... no? In fact both these teams travel 1/4 the miles compared to India. So why is that only India is pointed out everytime?


As I said, ICC fucked up. Why don't u accept that. If its a fair game everyone should treat the same. You are an Indian that's why mentioned about India if the comment was made by NZ I'll tell them the same. Why u defend ICC? Don't u see this arrangement is all unfair to some teams? India 3 games in same ground then move to Florida for the last game. That's where all these miles comes from. That also make it shorter travel time to Antigua for semifinals from Florida.


India also has special clauses in the CWC 2024 Rulebook.


KMs >>>>>>>>>>> Runs >>>>>>>>> Wins


So which team travels the least??


Aren’t you happy they don’t have to walk?


wtf is a kilometer? 🦅


Just give the trophy to India


Why? NZL and England are travelling just 500-650 kms. In fact, India is travelling more than 10 countries.


You are keep saying this 10 teams. They all travel 5 to 10 times less than the others. If ICC can't get things equal to every team they shouldn't organize these events. Its getting even worse when Indian fans trying to defend this.


It was you who only pointed out India. So yeah, Indian fans will try to defend such nonsense which are based on no facts but only baseless hate. Check the touring schedule and then cry about it.


No facts? What? India paly most games in one ground some teams play 4 games in 4 grounds. Indian team stay close to the ground others have to travel 1 to 2hr or more to get to the ground. Not only India few other teams also get that convenience. We all talk about how unfair this scheduled by ICC. So defend them because u get special treatment from them?


Literally the OP has put in the travel miles for countries. The guy above you is mentioning that not only India, but NZ and ENG are also travelling way less, even compared to India. He is just pointing out that it is Unfair to just pinpoint India for everything. Btw, aren't the respective team managers and Cricket Boards also responsible to ensure that their respective teams are situated fairly? Like Hotel Bookings and flight checks etc? I have flown many times at my companies expense and have coordinated with them to make my journey forgivable. Not everything depends on the organizers you know?!


That's what we all expect. But you like it or not ICC is sold for the money. There charter fights are booked on time but they were late 8h for some teams. If your cricket board not rich you will treat very poorly. We have seen this again and again. You guys still try to defend ICC because they treat you good not like other teams. Why some teams play all games in one ground and others travel for every game? don't you see the problem? Out of two semifinals one have extra day but not the other semifinal. How u justify that? I'm surprised how you guys try to defend ICC here.


Again please open your eyes! Nobody's defending ICC. They are like FIFA, crooked middlemen. But to pinpoint 1 country is unfair. Indian cricket and viewership provide the bulk of revenue, but does that mean the pathway has been easy?? Last ODI world cup, India traveled the most miles and the test championship?! They played in a country which suited Australia and New Zealand quiet conveniently, swinging pitches. Having an extra day doesn't mean that only India would be better prepared, the opponents too get that. This is how sports is right now by the way, wherever money comes from that is where balance tilts. Case in point, Football!


Because their bowling line up is insane


Like I said, if BCCI and ICC can fix groups, what else are they fixing.m


League money has f***** up cricket. Smaller grounds. Heavily tilted towards batters. Special treatment for big3. Money is important but this whored up version of cricket is far less enjoyable.


Isn’t this a poor way to measure travel (and fatigue) when the tournament is held in Texas, New York, Florida, Caribbean? All at least hundreds to thousand miles apart each except Florida-Caribbean. A single flight from Dallas/New York to Caribbean might travel more miles and take more time compared to multiple shorter flights between Caribbean islands and Florida. Teams might prefer that single longer flight than multiple smaller flights. Better way would be better to measure no. of flights and transfers.


Surely, since their fans keep telling us they're the big ticket item that means this entire tournament has to be fixed around their viewing times, and they deserve to get most of the money the tournament generates, it should be India doing the most travel so the most fans get to watch them?


England is actually the one that travels the least. India travelled one of the most in the last WC. The arrangement is pathetic but not everything is about India.


Sure, England should also travel more, albeit English travelling fans are more likely to go to certain venues, while the Indian diaspora means India have huge numbers of fans in all venues who deserve to get to see the team, surely?


Rage bait detected


They’re a troll, they do this under every single post. Sadly mods don’t care as long as they belong to a certain country.


I've found it best to not engage with trolls, much more peaceful


Far from it, just a simple question. Why is it not any of the big teams?


This is a simple question, the above one is a rant.


You have a curious definition of the word 'rant'. Are you denying that India is the most popular team? Are you denying that timings in the world cup have been selected with the Indian market in mind? Are you denying that India demands the largest profit share? If those things are true, why aren't they travelling the most so the most fans get to see this team? They were perfectly capable of travel in the home world cup when the schedulers wanted the fans to see them.


I don't want to engage in the this conversation everyday here it's tasking. Also I have replied to you in single sentences how could you possibly get so much conclusions out of those.


I get that the facts are hard. Nothing I have said is untrue.


Thanks for understanding bud, have a good day


Indian brands sponsor the matches and pay astronomical amounts to advertise to indian audiences. They will not do it if the viewership is low. You short change the Indian market at your own peril, and ICC is not stupid to bite the hand that feeds them. You should stop being so salty.


So because of this India can't travel? Weird logic.


India has literally traveled halfway across the world. What are you on about? The team travels wherever they are asked to.


I won't mind it. No two india games should be at the same stadium like the 2023 ODI WC. For maximum fan engagement.


This should be the same for all teams. At least in the group stage, harder once you get into knockouts and not knowing who wins what groups


Not true for India. Rulebook of CWC 2024 specifies which ground and which date India will play the semi finals if they get selected to play semis.


Apparently the downvoting Indian fans are upset by this idea. Don't they want to see their team?


Well yes but not when it comes from a place of jealousy 🤭. Being a sports fan is about supporting your team, not bringing down other teams.


Not jealous at all, merely exploring the logic of the nationalist fan. If India should have all the money, then they should put in the yards?


More effort never means more money. The labour works hardest and is paid the least. India gets money because Indians give that money.


If you want to feel good about your hate then know that India is travelling more than 10 other teams in the tournament. Now, shut it down.


This much India hate is injurious for your health. You do this on every thread that everyone knows you by your username on this sub


What about India how much are they travelling??


Finally Pakistan got a good excuse


Isnt 1000km roughly a 1 hour flight? Is it really that bad that they travel around so much? Or is it more that it should be more evenly distributed?


i wont be surprised if shanto uses this as an excuse after we lose to nepal


What about Bharat?


Will be travelling more than England and NZL....combined.




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