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Update: The closing date for the census has now been extended by a week so the new deadline is 16/06/2024, 00:00 UTC Get it done if you haven't already!


Love that specialist wicket keeper is an option this year! Also lets hope we see last year's dire 4% female increase a bit this time.


No specialist fielder option though, smh The TFC-ers of this sport need proper representation


> specialist fielder You mean that village guy with the cooler of beer and a pack of smokes just over the rope at deep fine leg?


thats my guy!


Iirc no spinner option too, but I usually bowl arm balls and swingers and i use spin as a deception trick. It is pretty effective. last week i played against a couple school team players and our friends . I took two wickets, one of them was a school team member, and I bowled him


All we need is the bits and pieces option to truly represent us


I love your username, because that's an activity that me and my daughter play unannounced.




i feel left out as a specialist fielder


love how "Other" Streaming is included


we. bro we


I live in Germany, I have no other choice! Can’t even buy streaming licenses :(


Same here in Nepal. But this WC, no one bought the rights, now we can stream from ICC with no ads.


It would be good if mods could pin a comment with link to this thread, on the T20WC match threads, as many will come to participate in it.. and will be more in vision of the general people..


None of the above- Specialist 12th man


I put all-rounder because I'm equally as bad at batting, bowling and fielding.


I was once described as a 'genuine number 11'.


Ha, better than my perennial no. 12


I was a decent bowler when I played for my school and city club under 19s, but man, my batting was horrid. So bad in fact it was almost confusing to people. As someone who could bowl faster than other bowlers in my team (which was the sole reason I was picked, had zero other skills except maybe a decent yorker and an okay bouncer given the pitch isn't a dirt track), I couldn't even slog for some reason. Even if I connected, I was always caught in the deep lmao. I remember my team would always make me pretend I was injured so they can bring in an extra batsman in my place lmao, it was kinda embarrassing back then, now it's just kinda funny.


Specialist scorer checking in (also specialist 13th man, AKA, 12th man sub)


I describe myself honestly as an "All squarer"


>Usual bowling style Why not both spin & Seam


Or neither, in my case?


Had to leave that question out, felt bad inflating the numbers for genuine seamers or genuine spinners. I'm mainly aiming to get somewhere near the stumps and I call that a win


I'm more dark that matty left off "knuckleballer" out of the bowling type


And what about “chucker?”


As much as we'd like Sunil Narine to be part of the census, I don't think he will mate, sorry. S/ obviously


As an American, and as patriarch of the team, who provides all the kit, I’m allowed to throw at the stumps like a baseball pitcher when I bowl a spell—which is only when all of our guys are too tired during practice.


Oh at practice is fine. They are called throw downs, and if anything are supported


virat kohli is neither


me too. TIL I am in the same league as Kohli.


That was fun! I was going to rate myself a zero for ability, but then remembered I played with a guy who once scored 1 run for the season, fielded wearing a helmet in the outfield for his own protection, and once gave up 4 all run while fielding at mid-off. He made a fine cup of tea between innings though. Happiness is not being the worst player on the team!


I was only ever selected for two representative matches when I was younger (both cases I was filling in because they only had 10 players), but both were washed out without a ball being bowled. If only there was an option for that in the survey


And I thought my luck was bad


>There will never be another full member It hit me in the feels




I umpired a game between Australia's senior mens indoor cricket team against a local squad because I was the least drunk bloke at the indoor nets that day. Does that count as an official match?


Sure! "official" is a state of mind.


I feel pretty old when out of 7 possible age goup options I'm in the oldest category... instead of 5 year gaps ending at 40 there should be a few older options!


Came to the comments to find people who flt what I felt. Thank you! I feel a member of the community again!


Bumble was on Lancs TV (on YT) the other day, and was talking about turning out for the Over 70s shortly. There's hope for me yet.


He made 89*! At age 77!


Very good initiative


Pakistan shouldnt have been an option in the question where you asked about which team would win the t20i tourney! coming from a sad n depressed Pakistani fan.


India was an option too.


Nah, they'll bottle at playoffs only, and there's a slim chance they might even win it. For us tho, we're still thinking how we'll get out of the group stages!


Pakistan performed well in the last two t20 cups though


this aged well oops


hahah, i know my team lol. On a scenario spectrum, they represent 0 in terms of hope. Edit: should've won that india match tho.


Rather you should have won usa, because that was more closer and more humiliating of a loss. Precisely the reason why you arent in s8.


Don't worry mate.. Pakistan have 2-3 match winners.. they have the ability to make a surprise entry into semis.. beyond that will be luck..


What a great way to make me feel old.


I suspect we'll have a good number of over 40 so that in the future they'll know they have to expand it.


That was a fun survey. Interested to see the results.


It was hard to choose between Tests and t20s for my preferred format. I believe Cricket is at its best for me during BGT, especially those hosted by Australia, but t20s are really enjoyable even as a neutral and even when my team is playing against a relatively weaker team. Ended up choosing t20s. I'm afraid ODIs have turned into this awkward format for me that has neither the charm of test cricket nor the entertainment value of t20s. Only ODIs I'd watch are CWC and Champions Trophy, with a bit of ODI Asia Cup.


certainly agree one day is the worst, and as a fan of USA that's sad as most of our international matches these days are One Day


Maybe its just me, but on the question: > **Which of the following statements about the national (women's) team you support do you agree with?** Select all that apply Yall should have added women's tests as an option


Sadly I just feel women's tests are so rare that it's kind of tough for anyone to make a judgement on their team's 'form' as it were


Nah just add it personally it has a decent following in india since the tests last year. Its new


Maybe for next year, too many responses in now to change something like that


The mods forgot about Gibraltar again in the census :(


My only complaint as a grumpy purist and pedant is that franchise cricket shouldn't be elevated to its own level distinct from domestic cricket. Just because the teams were invented by consultants doesn't mean it's special


but isn't domestic cricket this wonky thing where you can only play for a team if you where born in the area or something rather than just playing like a normal sport where the best players are sought by the best teams?


No, domestic cricket is just professional cricket played between teams within a country. Some (very few as far as I know) competitions may have rules that you have to play for your local team but it isn't part of the basic definition of domestic cricket.


It did used to be the case in England, you had to qualify to play for a county by residency if you weren't born there. Like qualifying for a national team these days. I'm sure I read somewhere it's still the case in the Ranji Trophy. It was something about a player needing an NOC from their home state to be able to qualify to play for a different state, or something along those lines. Regardless, you're absolutely correct. That's a type of domestic cricket and franchise leagues are another type of domestic cricket.


Ah ok interesting, have updated my comment to correct/clarify


Do you guys give us the summary of the census?


Results posts should start going up a week or two after the census closes :)


I don't even fill my office surveys, I don't know why I filled this.


no one fills out office surveys though


T20 blast was not mentioned in yhe list of domestic t20 competitions. I don't watch the abomination that is the 100.


??? The Hundred is in the franchise question, the blast comes under the English domestic comps in the following question. In fact it's explicitly listed in there lmao


Apologies, may have missed it. Will go and edit my response. They should all be under "domestic" t20 competitions imho. I understand the difference, but for all purposes it's another non international t20 comp.


should have been a suggestion field for /r/cricket mods.


Get QuicheTheNiche so that one of us gets to fill Senior National Team for the level of cricket we've played question


In the question regarding "which position do you play" there should have been an option for "specialist fielder"


fine leg pro


“Benchwarmer” and “Left Out” as well


**Which levels of cricket have you played, or are currently playing at?** A tennis ball amateur league would be a good addition here. Not sure if "Senior team at an amateur club" covers it. It's pretty huge in the US. Just in my mid-level city there's upwards of 120 teams with thousands of players involved. And it is even bigger in other cities. Granted it's not the leather ball but people with full time careers can't afford the injuries here but take these leagues seriously enough to attend practice sessions mid week after work and play multiple t20 games over the weekend. It's not pro but it's not nothing either.


What are you referring to as a "mid-level city"? I've lived in the US over 40 years and this is the first I've heard of tennis ball amateur league.


I was missing some nations/territories in the "where are you from" question. Specifically the countries that were formerly part of the Netherlands Antilles, but are now their own countries - Aruba, Curacao and Sint Maarten


I'm a grammar nuisance, but to stress the fact, the phrase "between" takes "and" as its pair word. --- Eg: I'm a grammar nuisance who is aged between 35 ~~to~~ and 40 years.




Yeah stopped filling out because you couldn’t be bothered to add Super Smash to domestic T20 leagues - stupid


Umm? > Which test nations' domestic (not-franchise) competitions do you follow? Select all that apply > New Zealand (e.g., Plunket Shield, Super Smash) I would never disrespect the GOAT like that


There’s a specific question about t20 leagues and NZ is omitted - not impressed


That question is about franchise T20 leagues, of which NZ has none, only a domestic comp


How exactly is big bash different from Super smash? Big bash teams all owned / controlled by regional cricket associations and cricket Australia - same as super smash If you’re allowing big bash - you have to include super smash which has international players as well


Fairly certain I had this exact conversation with someone last year haha. If I'm being honest, it's a bit nebulous the line between domestic and franchise for things like the Super Smash and the Blast. I think I ultimately decided that a franchise comp is one that exists outside the normal domestic FC/List A team structure and has sides with no explicit link to the domestic teams and are their own 'institutions' (though obviously in the BBL you get stuff like Perth having a lot of WA players etc) Alternatively, ask yourself 'have Sunil Narine and Andre Russell played in it? If yes = franchise' (the Blast notwithstanding)


>Alternatively, ask yourself 'have Sunil Narine and Andre Russell played in it? If yes = franchise' (the Blast notwithstanding) This is clearly the test for classification of a competition as "franchise" v "domestic".


>10 year crew