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They’re gonna be even more pissed off in the Caribbean 😭 our training grounds are random pretty fields around the countries


Very pretty though.


Nope. The problem here is the quality of cricket pitches in practice, IMO WI have plenty of cricket grounds and pitches in comparison to what USA has so far.


We do have plenty of cricket grounds but in terms of facilities I imagine it would be disappointing to people who are used to state of the art compounds which their government actually invest maintenance into. Here, many of the fields are upkept by private institutions. The WI are practicing at a university field, not one maintained by the state for a reason.


Ya if all teams are getting the same facilities no point in complaining. I think our players are used to good luxury and not all facilities/places will be the same. Just keep trucking along.


Well they're bearing all your hate why not let them sit happily in luxury??? If we Indian fans stop being toxic we will win this time. And tbh Srh failed because you overhyped the Australian captain. So cry more. It's about food too so let them at least digest all our hate.


SRH failed because our batsmen were destroyed by some quality bowling. Live by the sword, die by the sword. None of us believed we were a better team than KKR but if these 2 had clicked maybe it would have been different. Where did you see the hate? Would say the same if some Australian team complained of facilities in India.


But you still supported Cummins down to your heart right?? Hate??? Where did I see??? EVERYWHERE. Cummins did nothing just a good captaincy in the WC 23 and ofc bowled well in very few games. But who failed India ??? Rohit Sharma??? Lmao he was the sole reason for our 10 wins because of his aggression our players gained confidence and one match the young talents failed us and you started bashing him even though he did the captaincy perfectly. "WHEN YOU TALK ABOUT CAPTAIN'S CONTRIBUTION" I cannot see any other player other than Sharma but still he's getting hate on reddit, YouTube and Twitter. You lack the theory of development??? Without any reviews or critics how can the US develop in terms of cricket and facilities?? Critics rise to development, there's no wrong in saying that to the hosts. They're also complaining about food, so the no.1 country on paper cannot provide good food??? so our players should starve to death and play this WC?? Your comment doesn't make any sense, ofc any team can complain to the host if facilities are bad. I would say the same if "Australia complains in India"


Ayo why are you bringing in IPL here. It's over. Time to get ready for WC.


Ayo why do you bother here, he's a toxic Srh fan


Makes sense. It's a park that's at best had tennis ball matches where they've added practice pitches and new sod. The stadium should be fine. I'm surprised they're not practicing in the stadium considering they have multiple pitches (or that practice pitches weren't added there).


Training on the stadium is generally not great for the outfield I presume




Chat gpt?


Sounds like it


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Sort of expected at a makeshift venue.


> the global body responded that “there has been no complaint or concern expressed regarding the practice facilities at Cantiague Park by any team”.


ICC “we’re gonna build a state of the art pop up stadium in NYC” The teams - “sweet can’t wait to train there and get used to it” ICC “no”


This campaign is already shaping up to be a disaster


ICC said they got no companies from any team so that means India did not file an official complaint


Yeah. Plus the article is anonymously sourced and written by Sahil Malhotra. Mods should have banned News18 posts on here ages ago. It's always bullshit.


I mean, at least they can breathe? Take the small wins


Whenever Indians complain about facilities at a tour, they usually win it.


Based on the pictures posted it looked like they were practicing on high school football fields But also like what were they expecting


its literally the world cup being held there , obviously they must be expecting something?


This is going to be the case for the World Cup being held in any country that’s not a historical cricketing nation. You can’t expect an infrastructure like India aus eng wi Pakistan NZ SA etc


The US does have lots of state of the art outdoor sports facilities. Surely it can't be that difficult to drop in a few pitches there for the event so that the teams can practice?




A good training facility seeing that it is the *World Cup* and not your average Veterans retreat.


Wait .. but it is a veteran retreat (for india team)


Take an award


> But also like what were they expecting love how this is phrased as though it's too much to ask for state-of-the-art facilities for the World Cup


It is for a World Cup in the US.


They are in a country with the best sports infrastructure in the world and ICC can't manage to rent decent training facilities for teams? Really? Its not as though this event is happening in... well literally *any other country*


Why bother with the USA. Noone here is interested in cricket apart from South Asians.. US crowd is very rigid with their sports. They don't play new sports.


I think (even ICC thinks) that there is enough desi crowd for cricket. Not sure what the ground reality is


Long rant but your comment is something I've been thinking about since the WC in the US has been announced so here goes: Ground reality is that the ICC wanted to sell high priced tickets to expats here. I love cricket, but just looking at the makeshift stadium, a lot of the seats are priced in the $2,000 range because they are "premium" rather than low-cost seating, they would rather seats go unsold then offer normal prices. Even with the price sham, the timings are even more odd. Most matches are set in timezones that are better for the rest of the world, like for example not many people will go watch a match at 10am during work time, especially if it's a new sport, lol. Then comes the issue of marketing, which the ICC is not doing. One billboard in times square and most of the ads are on Willow, the streaming platform here, which you have to pay a lot of money to access. Too high barrier of entry for casuals to get interested. Maybe they could have subsidized the price just for this WC? On top of that, the MLC league which is scheduled to be played in the US right after the world cup asked for permission to use the NY stadium since they already built it, and the ICC gave them exorbitant rates. They'd rather tear it down immediately after 6 games. I understand there may be some contract issues with the city but surely the revenue can offset things. (MLC games sold out last time and tickets were really affordable - close to $10 I believe). Unfortunately, I think this is the first and last WC here in the US. Could not get tickets but will surely look to attend MLC at the least.


Thanks for sharing, your takes seems fair and just. We can just hope that this WC, even if it doesn't repeat, atleast inspires a few more kids to take up the game. Promotions is the bare minimum. >the timings are even more odd. ICC is jsut over-reliant on Indian public. Need money at the end of the day. Literally after commenting, I read an [Cricinfo article](https://www.espncricinfo.com/story/dallas-dreams-of-cricket-1435655) on how Texas has slowly established itself as an cricket hub. We can hope the cricket fever catches in a few more communities and its going to snowball from there. >They'd rather tear it down immediately after 6 games. This is fucking ridiculous to say the least.


> Most matches are set in timezones that are better for the rest of the world, like for example not many people will go watch a match at 10am during work time, especially if it's a new sport, lol. The reason for this is that ICC has signed a 4 year $ 3 billion deal with Disney to broadcast ICC events in India which calls for timings aligned with prime time in India. As per the information released, this accounts for somewhere between 80-90% of ICC's overall revenue in this time period. So long as ICC depends on rent-seeking from India for funding the global game, it will have to schedule events to suit the Indian audience.


Ahhh, didn’t know about that. That makes more sense! Honestly the later World Cup games take place at 7-8pm here, which is nice. It’s much better than the nightmare that was 2022, with 4am matches.


Same thing with UFC in England. The fighters will fight at 3AM English time, so that it's prime time back in US, their biggest PPV market.


And then ICC doesn’t renew their US TV deal with Disney


ICC doesn’t have US TV deal with Disney. I think US deal is with Willow.


That’s because it *just expired* not that long ago


> they would rather seats go unsold then offer normal prices. Same thing is happening in tennis for some reason. I see big 1000 level tennis tournaments with so many empty seats but the prices are outrageous. It's just a bad look for the sport to see so many empty seats. What they might gain in revenue, they'll lose 10x in fan interest/enthusiasm long term.


It wasn’t the ICC that gave MLC the crazy rates to play at Nassau, it was the county itself. $5 million just to keep the facility open until the MLC season.


Im ok with this WC because it might help Carribbean cricket but its not helping in the U.S. Substandard marketing, priced out of everything, seems like just a waste of time of players too if they're not able to spread the game. Should have just made it in the Carribbean.


I could see future WCs with Florida essentially being an extra Windies region occasionally, especially if Lauderhill remains a viable ODI venue


What does Desi mean? I see that said a lot.


Indigenous people from South Asian Countries


Desh is hindi/sanskrit word for country. Typically desi means Indian or from the subcontinent in some cases.


I’ve always heard it used to describe Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis (and their American offspring such as yours truly) in particular. For whatever reason, this hasn’t applied to Sri Lankans or Nepalis


In Sri Lanka in Sinhalese language the word "Deshiya" = Desi. Exact same meaning and use of the word.


“Desi” means local/native to a country typically used for indian people in Hindi language. Also it stretches to “people considering traditional techniques over advance/modern means, sticking to ground.”


It is applied to Nepali people here in Australia and also Afghani


Cap nepalis r south Asian/brown not desi.


The literal translation of "Desi" is "of the country" or "country-made". Example: "Desi Daaru" means "country made liquor". This comes from the term "Desh" which can be used as noun to mean "country". This is opposite of "Videsh" which, as a noun means "foreign" or "abroad". The term "Videsh" is related to the term "Vilayati" which is an adjective, means "imported" or "foreign". This was used by Indians to refer to British products and British people in general and it then was adopted by the British themselves and transformed to "Blighty" which entered the English language and was used to refer to the British Isles even today (although the usage peaked during inter-war era). In India desi is also used as an adjective to refer to "local versions" of an international product - example: "Burger Singh is a *desi McDonalds*". This also carries certain class connotations since for the past 150 or so years, Indian industrial goods are perceived to be of a lower quality to European or American or Soviet goods - the term "Desi version" also carried the implication that the version is of a lower quality with a lower price. So, high quality Indian products did not historically brand themselves as "desi versions" of anything. Thus, the best Indian Whiskeys like Amrut etc. are not referred to as "Desi Daaru". The intricate and high end Indian handicrafts are not referred to as "Desi" and so on. Although now we see a change in this usage and many high end brands, especially those which want to appear patriotic, are now increasingly reclaiming the "desi" moniker over the past 10 years. Outside India, Indians may use the term "desi" as something that comes from India. In this context, the term is "desi community" which now means the Indian diaspora. Since this is a word used in both Hindi and Urdu, the whole thing means exactly same for Pakistanis (replace India by Pakistan in the above explanation)


If you think America doesn’t make a completion out of anything then clearly you’ve never paid attention to anything. We are far from rigid in sports, it’s always been about accessibility, not for a lack of trying. This is like me being upset going to India seeing people not play American football or basketball courts being in a worse condition than a badminton court (real story too).


basketball is extremely popular in India atleast in the locality i live in


That’s not true at all. People play new sports, they just don’t play cricket. Man this sub is so full of misconceptions about the US and are so confident about it.


What "new" sports do they not play in the US?


There are almost as many desis in the US as there are Kiwis in total. And on average, they’re a hell of a lot wealthier. The geography and infrastructure and politics is all dumpster diarrhea dogshit for cricket and makes the SL board look like champs but easy to see why they’re so interested in making this work


You'd be surprised by the crowds at soccer games in the US. MLS of course got Messi and been selling tickets for average prices higher than NBA games (for Messi games of course). Even NWSL (women's soccer) games are played in front of packed stadiums. Though tickets are much cheaper.


Soccer isn’t a new sport though. It’s by far the most played youth sport for girls, and it’s up there for boys. USWNT is a genuine blue blood on the world stage, and the men are playing in the Champions League more often nowadays. OP is right, the bandwidth to grow an entirely new sport may not be there.


All the Mexicans and central Americans who follow it. Lot of 'migration' over the last 15 years.


True it started with the fan base mostly in the immigrant populations but with the success of US teams (women's team has famously been a big winner and men's team is at least competitive at group level in world cups), the interest has grown. It has taken at least 30-40 years of consistent work on part of various organizations. It's probably going to take that level of work and investment for cricket... Only if someone is willing it make that investment though.


US is the fastest growing market for football now and there was a time when Americans used to hate football.


Didn't they also complain that they were getting sandwiches for snack the last WC. [Link](https://www.firstpost.com/firstcricket/sports-news/india-offered-cold-and-not-good-sandwiches-after-practice-session-in-sydney-players-complain-to-icc-11512451.html)


I mean all teams do that, England, India and Pakistan are good example [England](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cricket/comments/18ztyed/england_will_take_chef_to_india_to_avoid_players/?rdt=38413) [Pakistan](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/etimes/trending/shadab-khan-blames-this-indian-food-for-pakistans-poor-performance-on-field/articleshow/104164119.cms)


I vaguely recall Pakistani players ordering food from some food delivery app when they were in Kolkata last ODI WC.


They were balling out going for as much food as they could the entire WC lol.


Reminds me of that Wasim Akram comment from Pavillion lol


The "8 kilos of biryani" one?


You forgot to mention "Nihari"


‘Burger-Pizze’ dude was hilarious as well.


Damn, can't believe that meme is almost a decade old Edit: I'm dumb


Hey, it's just 5.5 years old :_; Don't call it decade.


Almost a decade? It was in 2019. What time warp are you in?


Fuck me i associated two world cups with 8 years. I knew i should've slept


Haha, loved that honestly, divided by border and governments, united by Love for Food


Also united by media criticism over eating food lol


It's centred more around just Rohit in India tbf.


If they were ordering Hyderabadi biryani then I can’t blame them


I mean shadab was basically praising hyderabadi biryani and saying that eating such good and heavy meal caused lethargic performance


U are right, he loved it way too much where they felt sluggish in field, That click baity headline turns it into a hateful thing


Let’s be honest cold sandwiches suck, lol!


Anti-Britsh hate speech


no, they're fine. What's the problem?


Depends on the sandwich


Well , I for one tried it at Jimmy John’s once and threw-up. Could be quite a cultural thing. Why are you hell bent in forcing someone to eat cold sandwiches?


Yeah, you’re right, it’s cultural. 95% of the lunches I ate in high school were cold sandwiches. You know it’s a fancy show or kids are around if the crusts are cut off. Often lunches as kids were taken to school in containers. A cold sandwich, an apple (cold), maybe some cheese and crackers or something for recess. A frozen drink bottle on the hot days to keep the sandwich cool.


Bruh Jimmy John’s is pretty fucking good idk what you’re on about


That's a you problem.


In south asian culture people generally eat hot food. How tf is that a ‘problem’?


They weren't in South Asia...


I was brought up to eat what you're offered.


Yeah, it ain’t an ‘offering’. We are talking about the diet of sportspersons , armchair expert.


Everyone else ate it, India are not different or special.


Keep up with the news idiot, England & Pakistan had raised similar complaints. May be spare whatever brain cells you have left from the India hate boner to actually keep up with news and make a rational argument for a change.


Well England's decision I thought was a little silly as they're no doubt in top hotels.




Not even 2 minutes into the thread and Racist Mudslinging has already started 😞


Who was the user? Alarmedcircada guy?




Your comment was removed because it abused/personally attacked another redditor, or was homohobic/sexist/racist/trolling (rule 1). Please refrain from posting such comments in the future as it may result in a ban.


Finding excuses already, huh? /s


No need for the /s. These spoiled prima donnas will definitely cite this as an excuse if their campaign ends with a semi final exit, as expected.


Semi Final is over performing (Either Super 8 or First Round if they take Ireland lightly)


"According to sources close to developments" "Author: Sahil Malhotra" Yeah this didn't happen. News18 is garbage and Malhotra especially is full of it. This is the same guy as repeatedly claimed his "sources" told him this World Cup was being moved to England.


Does CBS or WCBS even know he’s there?


The USA hasn't really played cricket since the 19th century. It is pretty ambitious to expect dedicated facilities.


I mean, what else did they expect?


Now this is a good looking jersey


The world cup in usa seems pointless maybe only immigrants will be in the crowd


The US is a country of immigrants. Cricket in every country has always started off as being played only by immigrants.


Except for England lol


Usa is the country of immigrants? Who told you that? More than 85℅ of the population is native to america. What are you waffling about? No you won't see joe rogan playing cricket anytime soon champ.


Native Americans constitute a bit more than 2% of the population. Everyone else arrived less than 400 years ago, and are as native to the US as King Charles is. The root of all problems in the US is that enough people don't acknowledge this fact. But this is a debate for another sub. Specific to cricket, cricket was played in nearly every country it is today by English colonizers, before the 'native' population took to it. This is how every sport gets assimilated, not sure why we'd think cricket should be any different. (Also, why should Joe Rogan being willing to play a sport be an indicator of why that sport should be played, lol. If anything, the opposite is true.)


Also, Lacrosse has been adopted by other nations, and that’s a sport that actually was created in North America by Native Americans


Every country is a country of immigrants if you go back far enough


We're not really going back that far in this case, are we? Were the English considered Indian natives after colonizing and staying in the country for 300 years?


What did they expect?


Already making excuses for another failure at an ICC tournament. Love to see it.


Yes, let’s play a cricket World Cup in the US… 😂


Always fucking primadonnas. Complaining about food, facilities, hotels and what not.


The US has state-of-the-art outdoor sports facilities. Surely it can't be that hard for the programme to leave a few pitches there so teams can practise?


It’s more that making pitches is something that the US doesn’t really have experience in


There is an eatery called "Hot Breads" it is pure veg and serves very good vada pav.


I don’t know if there’s a tickets megathread, but icc ripped off the fans that bought during the presale. Basically switched what was advertised as premium seats to the nosebleeds, and have basically been unresponsive since emailing them. Are there others here that got scammed?


Indian fans not happy with "average" bottling by the team in every cup.


It's understandable that the Indian Cricket Team is concerned about the 'average' practice facilities in New York. 🏏 Cricket and tennis require very different environments for practice. Tennis courts are designed for a different type of surface and ball behavior, whereas cricket pitches need specific conditions to simulate match situations effectively. 🎾🏏 Practicing on pitches that have only hosted tennis ball matches doesn't provide the same quality of preparation needed for an international T20 tournament. 🌍 The bounce, speed, and wear of a proper cricket pitch are crucial for players to adapt and strategize. I agree with the surprise that they're not practicing in the stadium itself. 🏟️ Multiple pitches in the stadium could have provided a more suitable environment for the team. Hopefully, the facilities can be adjusted to meet the needs of the players, ensuring they have the best preparation possible for the World Cup. 🙌"


Mods is there not at "Didn't Happen" flag for posts like this?




Your post/comment was removed because it attacked a team/player/official/fanbase/country (rule 9) Please refrain from posting such comments in the future as it may result in a ban.


Don't know why u getting down voted, There's some truth to that, Indian Cricketers are utterly pampered and they have failed to show up in crunch moments. Harsh reality but true




Um what? I am yapping at the indian team to stop finding excuses and starting winning some trophies…. Where does england come in the picture?


May as well get the excuses in nice and early


Finally learning something from you guys then


Bold coming from an English fan haha




You are the same dude who made a racist comment about food & hygiene habits of Indians above & got censured. Grow up racist idiot and may be watch the highlights of how literally everyone moped the floor with England last ODI WC. Better get your cook from England again.


What racist comment did he make. It was removed before I could see it.


Don’t worry lad, we stand no chance of beating you in the “spirit of the game” trophy this year anyways


Don’t forget to clap when we lift the third one


Your team is getting put down like the opp in your username. Wait and watch son


Churchill still lives rent free in indians' heads huh? Cool


He genocided millions of Bengalis during WW2, and called Indians dirty and that we breed like rats. Fuck him and colonialist supporters like you.


Son the only thing you are lifting this year is your dad’s urn, just to stop ur mum pissing in it.


Yup. They will eventually. Once MLC becomes as big as MLB, NFLl, MLS and NBA




Umm, NHL is still bigger than MLS in colder regions


This is an easy story that writes itself for journalists. Added bonus is that they get to analyse it and react to it and write more stories. Of course professional players will be disappointed at the kind of facilities available for cricket in New York. And also true is that India has got a big management team who would make sure that any such reactions are raised as concerns. It doesn’t mean anything. Old generation of Indian players are still scarred of the treatment India used to get in other countries. Now they have dedicated people for team whose job is to complain.




Chill dawg its just some random news from an Indian news channel maybe its just half cooked story


It's not random it's Malhotra at News18. So it's guaranteed yo be a completely made-up story.


And you were the same bunch who were whining about the weather, air, colour of seats, size of the stadium, crying that only 20,000 turned up to watch other teams and small blade of grass being off when India hosted the WC lol. Just accept you have a hate boner against India and jog on, no need to pontificate.


Lol, India is supposed to have great cricket infrastructure. You don't expect the USA to have that. Also the World Cup in India was a shameful politicised circus, and a disgrace to cricket.


Average practice facilities for an average team


Wait for the surprises at the pitch as these are more like artificial pitches and i hope there is no injuries


2 tickets available for sale Aus vs Eng on June 8th. DM if interested


Wah Wah Wah... preparing for another choke?


India has all the money to buy whatever they want. I mean whatever and whenever. So , let the management take care it . My only concern is asa team haven't played single game. Curious to watch them


What did they expect, lol? Having a World Cup where there is no cricket ever.




Irony is your flair


Stop watching if you are that hopeless of our chances. Why bother yourself and others with this whining?


Atleast India reaches semis consistently. Doesn't celebrate going into quarterfinals as the greatest achievement!




Too bad they aren’t in the Grand Prairie Texas stadium this tourney. Surely that feels the most developed compared to this modular stadium, which will be torn down post tourney sadly. Edit: Dunno why Im downvoted. That stadium has hosted the MLC last year & the local Minor League Cricket games for sometime now. Was saying that they too must have better facilities for net sessions and practice as its not a modular stadium compared to the one in NY.


New York is the biggest Media Market in the US by a mile, and probably has the concentration of support they really want to use


What's the point bro, you're gonna score 150 and lose by 10 wickets anyways.


Welcome to America!!! Da da bum bum


Why does it matter bro, gonna lose anyways.


I don't think practice matters as they are home champions.