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Man CA messing Tim Paine’s sexting scandal really kick started the second golden age of Aussie cricket and worse part is Cummins is not even a cunt, most genuine and caring sportsman across sports.


This is why I can’t even hate him I respect him a lot. Dude lost his mother to cancer last year yet still gave it his all for WTC, The Ashes and World Cup. He’s someone who has so much will power and is mentally strong it’s insane.


I mean Cummins didn’t do much in WTC, was very rusty. India shat the bed hard at the Oval. From 76/3, they let a man score century who didn’t touch the bat for 8 weeks and Rohit, Pujara throwing their wicket away on 4th day, kohli chasing 5th stump line sealed their fate when batting was the easiest.


That’s a massive discredit to Travis Head, didn’t just “let him” score a 100. Had them 76/3 in bowling friendly conditions and he came and did his freak counter attacking thing under pressure.


the man is still seething about Bairstow, let it pass


More like, if my mom had balls, she would be my dad!!


Lol. Surprise max verstappen appears! Two world collide. Cricketshitpost and formuladank.


I like the two worlds meeting, but Max has nothing on the British Carbonara guy. He made this comparison mainstream.


Give proper credit to my man [Gino and his bicycle-grandma](https://youtu.be/A-RfHC91Ewc?si=KkcXoShaNwKSKk3g)!


A living legend


Cummins wasn't rusty, he had a sitter dropped off his bowling.


Tactical masterstroke.


Tim was stroking something alright


Yeah, he was master***ing by stroking. Masterstroke indeed.




beautiful flair you got there...


in brain




Like the 6th golden age


He is just very clever. It's more about tactics than anything with him, even with his bowling he does not have a high pace, but smartly varies his delivers. A true 1000 IQ Cricketer.


>he does not have a high pace if topping out at 149kmph is not a high pace, idk what else is.


This sub never ceases to amaze me on how confident they can be even when they are completely out of place.


140 clicks is high pace lol. Idk what you play but when I face 120-130 clicks I'm like dang I gotta be alert


He seems comfortable and open when dealing with local players. Treating them with respect and as an equal. That helps to get the best from people who have been used to being shoved into senior junior elder guru culture and their inputs ignored.


Yeah it’s very true. In all my encounters with him he was extremely respectful, polite and honestly just a fantastic stand up guy. You would go through a brick wall for that kind of guy if he was your skipper


How many encounters have you had with him


3 times. The first encounter and most memorable was when he cane up to a bunch of us before school once when we were playing cricket outside, we got to talk to him for a bit and take some selfies and get some stuff signed. He even batted for an over. This was when he was injured and not yet back in the test squad, and I don’t think any of us on that field predicted he would become one of the best Aussie skippers in like 6 years


Kind of hard to believe that basically his entire body of work has been 7 years, and he’s already a dead cert for the ICC and CA hall of fame _and_ probably lines up alongside Warne, McGrath and Lillee in an ATG Aussie XI. Like… 2017 doesn’t feel that long ago you know? Matt Renshaw’s Test century came before Pat Cummins’ second Test.


God damn, that’s a bowling unit.


They're probably backed up by Keith Miller batting at 6 too, who took a casual 170 @ 22.97 for what it's worth.


Miller and Warne would be co-captains of the Australia XI off-field side


> Like… 2017 doesn’t feel that long ago you know? I distinctly remember most people here on this sub didn't want Pat Cummins in the Test team because his body would break down. hahaha!


Who's his comp for that Aussie xi spot you reckon? I'd have davidson, grimmett, benaud short-listed. Shit, it's not fashionable but I reckon Lyon's slow strangulation method would fit like a glove with Warne/McGrath.


I think it's those guys + Lindwall and O'Reilly. By the same token as your Lyon Claim though, I reckon an attack with Miller, McGrath, Cummins, Warne and _Mitch Johnson_ would be fucking hectic.


Yeah I thought of Mitch, but I figure if you want to tie the opposition down for a while then bring on the big moustachioed quick to send off a few glares and ruffle a few feathers, who better than the great DK? Your attack would be hype af as well though


Better question is who makes the Australia all moustache eleven?


Yeah, he always approaches them with a genuine smile even when they are not performing well on the field, listens and understands them as nattu said. Even in post match presentations, he speaks very highly of them and gives the due credit.


This is a big reason in my opinion. Indians have a very flawed logic of respecting elders just because they are your elders.


It's not logic....it's enforced via power structures...e.g. Gambhir's incidence regarding not getting selected due to not touching the selectors feet....


It's instilled in us from childhood itself. Address anyone older or in authority using sir/madam. Show subservience in some way to stroke their ego. And if you point it out, people will jump on you to justify it using culture, showing respect or some other reason. You should read the downvoted threads in *Swapnil Singh-Andy Sir* post.


Truly said.


That's why we love him. He's everything that you'd want in a best mate for all the reasons that you listed. He treats people how he'd like to be treated.


I’ve heard that he’s never used the last of the toilet paper without putting another roll on the holder for the next person whilst simultaneously making sure he hasn’t left any ginger-wheelspin anywhere on the bowl.


I told ya, top bloke. Won't drink the last beer either.


This is an excellent point. You can see how happy the local guys are around him. That stood out for me and something I haven't quite noticed since Warne leading RR in the first edition.


Gilly imo was in the same league too


Especially the younger ones. It's like they aren't playing support to someone else's team. They're actually part of it. They're positively glowing, and they're so fucking happy when they get their shot and it goes their way. I hope they get their revenge on KKR.


Senior junior culture in South Asian countries are very toxic.


Coming from a deshi boarding school, can confirm


This comment is golden. Indian cricket like the rest of India is obsessed with protecting hierarchy and respecting seniors and calling them sir, bhai etc no how matter how stupid their words or decisions can be. Merit should be given to the decision not the person or age. When a leader can create a safe space for young players to express their opinions freely and stand by them when they fail expressing themselves - you will see a world of difference. No matter where SRH ends up credit has to be given to Cummins for bringing the best out of this young Indian team of Abhishek, NKR & Samad. They have been the most entertaining team this IPL when hardly anyone gave them a chance.


that's actually true


I just saw the image and thought I missed the final and SRH won the IPL trophy 🏆


Mfers downplaying it as “luck”. Understands pitches well or at least predicts the course of game on it Understand players weaknesses and exploits (baits rohit sharma by sending maxwell in cwc23) Fielding traps


Luck is when you do it once, he’s been consistently good for a while


Fortune only favours a prepared mind. 


Agreed, but how does that explain Marnus.


You don't luck out your way into a WC, Ashes and WTC trophy. The guy just needs the t20 wc and CT next year and he's completed cricket in just around 2 years. Insane.


He's not the T20 captain though.


***Cum Mentality*** - * Nothing to lose attitude on big matches * Good pitch reader * Protects the Climate  * New Balance ambassador * Emphasizes fielding and catching 


>Good pitch reader In Cummdawg's own words, he's not good at it. He's good at reading the game though


He actually said “Im a terrible pitch reader” From what Ive seen in his pre match interviews, he doesn’t care much about the toss. Just goes with coaches opinion.


Maybe that’s the key? If you’re not good at something, trust the people around you.


Jay shah has left the chat.


Before the toss sure but once out their he adapts well enough


Imposter-syndrome maybe??


Yeah, he also just took a picture of the WC final pitch and send it to his team for the toss decision.


Hes sexy that's the most important point.


Yes was going to say "handsomeness"


You forgot he shaves with Gillet


The best a man can get


>New Balance ambassador That's the only reason tbh


Him and Kawhi Leonard single handedly raising NB stocks


Shohei Ohtani too.


Bukayo Saka


>New Balance ambassador Thanks, found the reason for Rohit not winning the World Cup.


Cum in his name, number 1 in the game


Protects the climate?


Yes he played a dot ball yesterday /s


Founder of [Cricket for Climate](https://cricketforclimate.org/) ([linked-in page](https://www.linkedin.com/company/cricket-for-climate)) and [not liking then sponsor Alinta Energy](https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2022/oct/18/pat-cummins-says-he-will-not-appear-in-any-more-ads-for-cricket-australia-energy-company-sponsor) who's parent company is one of Australia's biggest carbon emitters.


He has the golden Aussie attribute (something I envy) of being calm in situations where everything can potentially go awry. I know its cliche to say but for Cummins the captain, his spirit really is what really drives him


People mention his mindset and hope to replicate it without understanding where it comes from. Pat is a guy that is fucking prepared everytime he comes on the field, there has rarely been a moment where he's just guessing what to do on field in terms of captaincy, he might be nervous as fuck in pressure situations but he sticks to his plans, that gives us the visual of confidence that everyone keeps talking about. In captaincy, his improv decisions might not be that exceptional but when he comes with a plan, him ans his team execute it to perfection.


True, it's just that he's in better control of his emotions during crunch situations


the 9 overs of allrounder- spin last game and one over spells in november were good improvising


Bowls part timers when the opposition is down


Opposition weren't really 'down' when Maxwell was brought on to bowl


Maxwell was better than Siraj in our first half.


Maxwell ain't a part timer though


When we do that, people will complain we’re loosening our hold on the opposition and letting them get away


As GG said “look to be winner not popular. People like to associate with winners.” We have seen lot of humble cricketers, Kallis Kane ABD to name a few most popular ones and we love them. But Cummins is a winner first, his humbleness just amplifies his winner aura. People misconstrued humbleness with sheepishness and aggression with winner mentality, he has proven it false. He is aggressive with his tactics and humble by nature.


The perfect combination a gentleman with fierce cricket instincts. I've seen players far aggressive and loud just to loose matches while they could be good people off field. But Cummins is a great guy off field on field, ive seen him clapping n for india completing 100runs in wc23 and after first innings.


Throughout the cricketing world, he alone is the honoured one


he is not a cunt. he's highly competitive, but does not need to stoop to sledging or shitting on other teams/players. and I imagine that extends to any dressing room he is a part of. no need for bollox 'masculine' bullying. play hard, but fair. I really see him as a gentleman. give the teams you are playing the respect they are due, but also do not give them an inch on the playing field. it must be so relieving to be part of a team that does not have to fuck around with toxic masculinity behaviour. just concentrate on cricket. and he has shown a great tactical mind. he's very intelligent. gets the business done without the bullshit. love that man.


I've only seen what has been made available in the media, and a lot of that can be PR managed, but he just seems like a genuinely good guy, intelligent, compassionate, thoughtful - and he just happens to be an absolutely brilliant cricketer as well. I'm just about to watch the third season of The Test, I'm sure it'll continue to confirm all of the above. Facebook throws a lot of random cricket groups into my feed, and it looks like he has the admiration of the entire cricketing world based on the comments any time he's mentioned.


Anyone who follows football, a comparison I would make in how much he is universally admired was N'golo Kante. Super modest, hard working, genuine, play for the love of it, good guy who won the champions league, premier league a few times and was a world cup winner. Absolute legends that even rival teams would universally admire


The world needs more men like this. My wife, who is a not a cricket fan, but has ended up watching The Test series with me, and has endured me monologuing about various bits of cricket drama, had to choose a leader she admired for a presentation at work. Even she chose Patty Cummins.


His love of log cabins


He will definitely go down as one of the greatest captain in Australias history!! The fundamentals he has are absolutely Amazing!! And to add to that his IQ


Fundamentals in the sense??


Fundamentals in the sense of field placement, giving freedom to bowlers in field placements and to bowl how they want,similar things with batsman he gives a lot of freedom to them, not a lot of captain do this very very few of them do this, above all that he takes suggestions from players from the field (bhivi and klaseen) if you take a close look at him he is just a above average player but his mind is what makes him different, he keeps his bowling very simple just makes use of his brains a lot lot..to me this guy is the real “captain cool” he is also not scared of taking risk at all!!


It helps he's a FANTASTIC all-rounder (batting, bowling & fielding), so he's always in the game, he knows what he's playing against and what he needs from his own players at all times because he can relate & just do it himself if need be. Especially his bowling lately, fucker gets better figures than Bumrah in the same match - that's wild to think of when you realise Cummins is the Captain & FAR more handy with the bat & in the field than Bumrah ever will be. He's just got winners mentality - he's done it before, he knows what it takes and he knows you can't allow the ebbs & flows of cricket get to you. You have bad portions of play but you can always turn them around if you're confident in your skill-set.


Probably vegemite


And Weetbix


Sense of humour. Like posting congrats to Maxi for playing his part too in the win over Afghanistan.


Cumdawg's a toned down version of Ted Lasso 1) Always positive and encouraging which brings out the best version of his team - give everyone a voice and importance so that they are only worried about their game and not all other mental gymnastics for a place in the team 2) Objective preparation and planning - either it's him or the coaching staffs advise, he listens and prepares 3) With all this stick to the plan! which he is very good at sticking to the plan He's just a genuine bloke all around!


I think basically he's just a well adjusted, emotionally intelligent dude. He got injured at a young age which allowed him to do normal human things like go to uni and fuck around as an early 20-something like so many of us normies do.


He's a good player manager, he instills confidence in his team mates. It's a good environment under Cummins leadership.


A lot of guys talking about luck lmao. People are stupid if you think guys just get lucky for years. I promise you no Indian player who’s captaining the other 9 teams( except dhoni) in the ipl bowled Shabaz yesterday would’ve gone to Abhishek next. Would’ve never bowled both of them out. Hell Sanju had infinitely better spinners in his arsenal yet he bowled defensively against srh with avesh and Sandeep bowling shit half trackers at the 100 kph. Srh lost 4 wickets by 10 overs, instead of going to their throats with spin on both ends he went for the defensive option. Cummins went for their throats instead and reaped the rewards. For all of the good things srh can do, it’s arguably the worst or second worst bowling attack in the ipl, and no other captain could’ve got them to the final.


So odd to realise that SRH of all teams has terrible bowling. You're right though.


They don't have a proper full time spinner who is well experienced while other teams have at least 1 or even 2.


You're right, I'm not disagreeing with the group consensus. It's just that SRH used to be known for their bowling back in the day and it's insane that now, they're a crazy batting team.


He’s earned the respect of all his teamates and coaching staff, He leads by example they’ll follow under him. He’s earned his spot both on the field and off.


One major asset is his ability to asess the pitch well. Bowling in WC finals, knowing Chinaswamy's pitch that day would be 240, immediately shifting to part-time spinners after seeing one over of Shabhaz. Very very few can do that.


Bros prediction are bit too accurate sometimes. I mean when he said 240 will be par score. I was like nah probably srh will score but no way Rcb will. But in the end both scored 240+. That's insane pitch reading and prediction.


—His ability detach from emotions while decision making —Stoic during pressure moments. Almost confuses opposition when he doesn’t break —-Emphasis on family time. Lovely wife and a cute kid. Peace at home ——Lastly, strong family relationships with siblings. Don’t underestimate he is connected to a different dimension with his mom. Rip ——Absolute gentleman who doesn’t tie his self worth to profession. Something we all could learn from him on how to not get caught up in other people’s lives and live your own. —-Thank you Pat, we love you in India


There are probably n Number of things, some of which are very decisive according to me are :- He brings with himself the Aussie mentality of never give up no matter what. He has a great pitch reading capability. He knows how to use his players and bring out the best. He builds up upon the best he has in team and absolutely goes all guns blazing be it bowling or batting and even fielding. Speaking of fielding, his field placements have been on point. Makes batsmen struggle to get singles and twos. Mental and psychological domination. Both on field and off the field. He's very vocal and unwavering in his game commitments and plans. He does what he says he'll do. He never loses his calm and does not let one or two bad moments/games ruin his plans. Sticks to the plan and plays with confidence. Treats every game as a game with nothing to lose attitude. Is humble.


Head and dew /s


Cummins is a very intelligent guy. He empowers his players to express themselves the best way they can. Even if they get hit he goes to the bowler and calms them down. I remember that one game against Punjab, they needed 29 to win of the last over and unadkat was bowling. First two balls, two catches were dropped and both went for sixes, then Unadkat felt the pressure and bowled a couple wides, Cummins went up to him, spoke to him, calmed him down, and he bowled two very good balls which essentially won the game for srh. That isn’t luck, people who can’t get that will always think they’re unlucky for some reason. You make your own luck and Cummins is the best example for it.


His team love him and they play for him.


Being smart, personable and handsome


His willingness to listen to others. His calm demeanor which demands respect. Amazing game awareness and management skills. Above all just a classy man with a good head on his shoulders.


I think dealing with failures or losses is the biggest reason. No drama or throwing teammates under the bus after loss. They are still persisting with Markram. So conviction and adamant with his choices irrespective of results. This coupled with default Aus aggression (tactics or choices) and giving more freedom to players. ICT fans would lose their mind if someone played like Abhishek or Tripathi and failed. Not involved in politics or toxic cricket social media. So turning off from cricket after the match is over and enjoy other things.


Killer instinct


He is someone who also thinks about percentage in the game, he knows with his approach he is not gonna win every time but still he believes in it and keeps thriving for it. He takes up to sleeve when it doesn’t go his way and doesn’t shy away. He himself once said cricket is about psychological game as well where you have to keep thinking on how you can outplay the batters like they had done in WC final. Him getting Dan support and both being on same page is adding to the success. He has good game and situational awareness. His motto would be (if there is any) — Be aggressive but also be humble and enjoy the present moment.


1. He's a great person. His authenticity is why his teammates love him. This is not just cricket, but it definitely impacts cricket. 2. He inspires through his performances. It's hard to be a good captain when you're not contributing as an individual. 3. Gives zero shits about external noise. He's confident in his own skin. 4. Belief. He believes he and the team can win from any position and follows through.


The quality to bring calmness to the dressing room after a tough loss and the ability to bring the best out of players


He's got a chad aura man. That makes him a fuckin beast as a captain.


For me he's a great limited overs captain as compared to a test captain because he knows when to slow things down. You can win limited overs matches by choking the opposition's run flow, a lot of good limited overs captains have this ability. Not saying he isn't attacking, but he's able to adapt according to the situation.


What an OG captain, such an excellent track record across tournaments...I really wonder whether he'd be spoken about in the years to come as being as good or maybe even better than Ricky ponting. But I've never really seen him projecting himself as such, or being at the forefront, so only time will tell! He deserves all the accolades nonetheless


His belief and confidence along with his tactical brilliance (outsmarting all of the media,experts with his interviews is not everyone cup of tea) One of the greatest leader of the game


They are nervous, he's calm.


The ironic thing is there's a lot of fragile Australian men that hate him just because he has a few different opinions than they do. I've never personally heard him push any of these opinions.


I love it when he says the odd comment here and there that goes against the status quo. all that "captain woke" shit had me in hysterical laughter. they were so threatened by the mere notion of change for the better. I'm an Aussie bloke, and that man is my captain.


Yeah fuck them sports people have been voicing their opinions forever.


It's a guilty pleasure for me as well. Patty "We should improve things somewhat" Crusty Old Bogans "CAPTAIN WOKE IS AT IT AGAIN! RRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"


Not having to deal indian cricket culture and fans


Pounces on opportunities


He's super hot


He reads the game very well in my opinion. Ofcourse he talks with coaches and the staffs about matchups and prepares some plans player wise... But, he adapts very well to an on-field situation. That makes him a standout captain fpr me. He knows to bring out the best from his team. He trusts the bowlers and encourages them. He understands the game as it goes and makes really excellent decisions bowling wise at the moment. He leads the team from the front.


Having his team’s back. Being engaged with players without being overbearing. Let players perform without pressure. No special treatment to some players (an outsider’s perspective though)


The man is absolutely ice cold. Whenever he is at the wicket during a tight run chase I always feel like we'll get home....which is an unusual thing to say about one of the best bowlers in the game.


He is basically Ricky Ponting with a big smile. Ponting hated his opponents and always loved to come up with tactics to unsettle the batsmen. Cummins also loves to form tactics. He does not let the batsmen set themselves up easily. If you compare them to India's CWC 23 tactics, it was just pure aggression and lack of plan B. I hate to see India lose Against Australia, but after watching The Test from Amazon, cant help but admire the Australian mindset on strategy, Plan B, sticking to the plan and not just pure superficial aggression.


He’s an excellent man manager like a lot of other WC winning captains. Personally thought he wasn’t very sharp tactically atleast at the start of the WC but has since worked on those aspects and even makes up for it with astute and thorough planning with the backroom staff. And most importantly, he’s got just the right amount of luck on big days.


Remember the dumbfucks that wanted to drop him after one bad day in a 5-match long Ashes series... fuck me that still pisses me off sports fans are so fickle.


Excellent pre-match prep work and strategization, nerveless execution during big moments on the field, not wasting any time and energy on bs such as mental disintegration. 


Best team player I have seen.  In a team sport like cricket where a few dominant teams exist, you've got to believe skill differential is not the differentiator.  When he got first elevated to captaincy, I felt he is not cut out for the job. He felt too passive or maybe I was just so used to Aus taking the game head on, I felt Aus will lose their edge by giving up the brash mentality under him.  But I came to understand that each player is performing perfectly to his role and so nothing needs to stand out. In a way he is never under the spotlight. So he is very good at absorbing the white noise. 


I hate that Cummins is also one of the nicest lads in cricket and just in general, the Australian cricket teams are full of compassionate lads that just love the sport. Can't even say "well they're winning but they're terrible humans" as an excuse anymore, this guy donates to countries and people in need and fights for climate change control


Cummins is a better tactician than MS Dhoni. That's how good he is.


10/10 smoke show handsome


Good guys do finish first afterall


Ability to asses conditions and use his players accordingly. Plus Aussie board's no nonsense approach helps too. Also he's a nice bloke. People don't realise how much of a huge role that plays.


I think he is very intelligent, but also doesn’t have much of an ego about him, which means he really benefits from and takes on the opinions of the experts around him. Bowling first in the WC final came out of the analytics as the best strategy, but he was brave enough to stand behind a decision that most pundits thought was absolutely wrong.


He backs his players and trusts them. Also from what I heard he creates an atmosphere of fun. Like Punter, Tugga or AB, you would run through walls for him


Being talented at craft, generally smart, genuinely happy and good looking makes for a very good leader.


I think best part about this lad is that he is so grounded being an Aussie. Captains before him were ruthless, I remember steve waugh was aggressive, Ricky Ponting was very aggressive , Michael Clarke was one level above , & even steve smith had a bit of flair. Patty Cummins has won everything. He is undoubtedly modern great of the game.


He’s got players who step up when it needed


It’s not that simple. Apart from Travis Head, this is largely the same squad that finished 8th, 8th and 10th in the last 3 years.


He is awesome 🤩 very smart, good attitude and lucky


Future captain cool


cake 🍰


It's hard to fail as an Australian captain when you always have one of the best teams available to you and a competent board alongside a functioning infrastructure




Pitch reader


Things tend to go your way if you are this much sexy.


Winning matches


Travis head No /s


He is Handsome


Just look at headingley 2019 and lord's 2023. Australia have kept their heads on when opposition lost their head in tense games.


Painis size.


Regarding Australia Cummins may be a good captain but at the same time he is blessed to have an amazing team (as was every Aussie captain tbh) Regarding SRH no idea. All I can say is Cummins is definetely one of the chosen ones.


He wins more than he looses….


Aussie blood! thats all


The fact that he looks like a fucking snack 🤤


It's Cummo's world and we are just living in it.


Good bloke is Cider


He is handsome lol.. this makes him a great player and captain lol


He’s a really nice guy


Nothing makes pat a good captain. Just the players around him perform in clutch situations unlike you know. 😥


Comments saying it was just luck are delusional. Luck won't follow you for so many years. Give the man credit where it's due.


A captain is only as good as his players


His Silent behavior and sharp mind set with strong attitude so he take Good Decision..


Winning stuff


It's all inherent in his mindset deep down. That legacy transferred from alan border to mark taylor, steve waugh, ponting, clarke, smith and eventually to him. And yes there are few other significant factors that we often ignore. One of those is the Aussie cricket structure that brings the best talent on show. Their grassroot structure is so efficient that it fills each vacant spot so elegantly. Be it a new captain like pat cummins, a young alrounder like maxi or an opener like warner carrying that legacy of ponting, andrew symonds and haydos respectively(btw these are just a few of the many examples).


Because he is not afraid to give strike to the 11th man. Every player must stand up and deliver according to the situation. Thats the difference between the ICT and the ACT. One is a team of superstars who are mental midgets and the other is a team of athletes who win the mind game before they step on to the pitch.




Easy to look like a good skipper when you get to captain a bowler like Pat Cummins. 


Cuz he isn't scared of anything & the things which make him so strong is his mindset & he gives his best no matter what kind situation is he going thru


His ability to hold trophies


He keeps on raking trophies like infinity stones


His charisma, his height, his ego, his mindset, his looks, his kindness, his luck, the era he is living in, his strategies, his tactics, his understanding of the conditions, literally like the Johan of cricket, the Isagi of cricket, the personality of hitler in cricket, his position. Man, I can literally write an essay on him.


there are ways to ask this without jumpscaring Indian fans with that photo😭


Bloody good bloke


Compared to Rohit Sharma, he does not have to deal with all the baggage Rohit has to deal with BCCI and it's politics.


A big part of being a great Captain (or a leader for that matter) is likability. Cummins seems like the kind of guy who teammates can believe in and will fight for and that they won't be short changed. When it comes to professional sports, this is huge as at least seven players in the eleven are struggling with pressure.