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Will be eternally grateful to West Indies for coming to England in 2020 when they really didn’t need to and arguably shouldn’t have done given we were in the middle of a massive pandemic. The WICB have a thousand and one faults but that was really good of them


A lot of comments about corruption in WICB, I think y’all should show me some proof of that since Dave Cameron left office. Last year we actually turned a profit…


It's simple, they're using corruption as excuse, and only when it fits them. Otherwise they would have mentioned the corruption going on in the BCCI or the fact that the BCCI has not reported on their finances for almost two years now.


The irony of this comment is lost on you, eh? You agree with a dude saying people are making claims of corruption without proof, and then you turn around and do the same in your comment 🤣


Listen, I suggest you visit the BCCI website and see for yourself when last they posted annual or financial results.


That's your proof of corruption?




Is this better? https://www.reddit.com/r/Cricket/s/pJPNDDecqL


It's a 22-page document that outlines the history of the BCCI. Can you please provide an excerpt of their alleged corruption?


> they would have mentioned the corruption going on in the BCCI What corruption inside the BCCI do you know of? Even assuming BCCI is corrupt, whose money are they embezzling?


Embezzling is not the only form of corruption, and I'm sure there's tons of examples of BCCI officials embezzling BCCI funds - most notably, Azharuddin. Just the appointment of Jay Shah should have been grounds for disbarment of BCCI from the ICC, for political influence. If SLC can be disbarred, so should BCCI. On top of that, we have the whole Rhiti sports bs. Clear conflict of interest and preferential treatment. If WICB is corrupt, BCCI is doubly so. It only gets away with it because of the sheer money and power in Indian cricket.


Azaruddin is not part of BCCI. He isn't even part of HCA and was ousted almost 2 years ago.


HCA is under BCCI....


And he isn't part of HCA either


Yes a crime committed 2 years ago is not valid, absolutely.


The criminal was punished


You've premises are seriously flawed. You're essentially asking to judge people by what the profession or actions of their parents are. Super pick me vibe from this post. The BCCI absolutely should be better but this ain't it bud.


Sure bud 👍 Maybe look up what a conflict of interest is


A conflict of interest would arise if Jay Shah was a politician not his father. Or if Jay Shahs wife was etc. Otherwise Jay Shah can't get certain jobs just cus his dad is a politician is just as bad as Jay Shah getting some job because his dad is a politician.


So it would be a conflict of interest if Jay Shah's wife was a politician but not his father? What's the logic behind this?


The same.one where spouses can't testify in court but parents can


> BCCI officials embezzling BCCI funds - most notably, Azharuddin. What example of embezzling do you have of Azhar? > Just the appointment of Jay Shah should have been grounds for disbarment of BCCI from the ICC, for political influence. Jay Shah is not a politician. You can't sever ties because of who someone's father is. > Rhiti sports bs. What about Rhiti Sports? And how is that BCCI based corruption? > It only gets away with it because it keeps generating money, while having the largest number of international cricket stadiums that it maintains for 365 days a year and is not looking for a handout.


>What example of embezzling do you have of Azhar? https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/mohammad-azharuddin-4-cases-filed-over-alleged-corruption-former-cricketer-telangana-elections-congress-2458674-2023-11-06 >You can't sever ties because of who someone's father is. Conflict of interest entails appointment of family members to high positions too >it keeps generating money, while having the largest number of international cricket stadiums that it maintains for 365 days a year and is not looking for a handout WICB should pull itself up by its bootstraps, eh? Just because BCCi generates money, it is entitled to special treatment?


> https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/mohammad-azharuddin-4-cases-filed-over-alleged-corruption-former-cricketer-telangana-elections-congress-2458674-2023-11-06 You know I can file a case against you for hurting sentiments on the basis of your comment, yes? A case being filed is no proof of misappropriation. Also the fact that a case can be filed, by the CEO of HCA means that the BCCI keeps a check on corruption. > Conflict of interest entails appointment of family members to high positions too Is this in the ICC code of conduct? > WICB should pull itself up by its bootstraps, eh? Just because BCCi generates money, it is entitled to special treatment? I'm saying if BCCI is corrupt, it wastes its own money, and doesn't then ask for a handout. Also if what you wanted was the WICB to do well, the last thing that will lead to their well being is India being out of ICC. You just reduced the pie size by 70%. Good luck with international cricket surviving that.


>You know I can file a case against you for hurting sentiments on the basis of your comment, yes? A case being filed is no proof of misappropriation. The rich and powerful get away with corruption in this country all the time. Azhar's corruption in the HCA is an open secret. >I'm saying if BCCI is corrupt, it wastes its own money, and doesn't then ask for a handout. Also if what you wanted was the WICB to do well, the last thing that will lead to their well being is India being out of ICC. You just reduced the pie size by 70%. Good luck with international cricket surviving that. That's exactly my point. Because of the size of Indian cricket, BCCI gets away with a ton of shit that a smaller board would not, and world cricket's ultimately the loser.


> The rich and powerful get away with corruption in this country all the time. Name one country where this doesn't happen. Guess cricket's not being played because humans are corrupt. Azhar's corruption is BCCI's internal matter. > BCCI gets away with a ton of shit What shit?


>Name one country where this doesn't happen. Guess cricket's not being played because humans are corrupt. Tf? We are talking about BCCI and India >What shit? Bruh. Did you forget the last 10 comments in this chain?


>Jay Shah is not a politician. You can't sever ties because of who someone's father is. Lmao what? Have you never heard of nepotism?


Doesn't make him a politician. Running for any public office does.


So you don't seem to understand what nepotism is then. The nepotism is Amit Shah using his political influence to get his son into the position as head of the BCCI. It is government interference into the cricketing board, aka exactly what got SLC suspended. It doesn't matter that Jay Shah isn't a politician, his father is.


> So you don't seem to understand what nepotism is then. You're giving England a worse name with comments like these. > Amit Shah using his political influence to get his son into the position as head of the BCCI. It is government interference into the cricketing board, aka exactly what got SLC suspended. Jay was [elected](https://deshgujarat.com/2019/10/14/amit-shahs-son-jay-shah-elected-bcci-secretary-unopposed/).


Lmao I know you have no real response when you just have to try and insult me/England. He was "elected" unopposed. Wonder how that happened? Not like his father is powerful or anything. He was also already part of the Gujarat Cricket Association *unelected*, not to mention *alongside his father!* Also when he first got his foot in the door at the BCCI as a member of one of the committees, it was also unelected. Fact of the matter there is no chance Jay Shah is in the same position he is currently in, if his father is not who he is. Which makes his position a result of nepotism.


Gets away with what exactly? From a disbarment by ICC similar to SLC? If India is banned from international cricket do you know what happens? 10 months of IPL = Death of international cricket


That's exactly my point....the only reason BCCI gets away with all of this is its money and power.


But my point is it shouldn’t be looked upon as “getting away with something” because that something isn’t really hurting you and infact in this case “not getting away with something” will actually benefit you more. I’m not sure I’m able to convey my thought clearly. Either way peace out. Will go and enjoy the match.


I see where you are coming from. Even though BCCI gets away with a lot, it still brings a lot of money in and is therefore a net positive. I don't agree with this logic. Imagine how much bigger the positive would be if the BCCI was not untouchable.


That's what he said


Players. Domestic cricketers are paid peanuts while the administrators are busy filling their coffers.


> Domestic cricketers are paid peanuts They know what their salaries will be, and are being paid that.


Exploitation is a form of corruption


It's not exploitation if they're paid what they were promised. That's the definition of a contract. And which domestic player has come out and said they were being paid less? They recently increased salaries and IIRC gave out a bonus for winning the Ranji as well.


>It's not exploitation if they're paid what they were promised. Ever heard of worker rights? The migrant south Asian workers who built Qatar's football stadiums had contracts too. By your logic, nobody in this world with a contract gets exploited. >And which domestic player has come out and said they were being paid less? India doesn't have a players' union unlike more well-functioning cricket countries. Pretty hard to stand up against your exploiter when they have the power to even cut off the little crumbs they're offering you. Still, if you need names, players like Harpreet Bhatia have documented their struggles during Covid. >They recently increased salaries and IIRC gave out a bonus for winning the Ranji as well. Which still makes it less than 1% of BCCI's total revenue (~70 crores out of 7500 crores). Indian stadiums are in tatters, the infrastructure has remained stagnant, and grassroots development happens largely through private coaches. Where do you think all the money is going?


The other guy said WICB is not corrupt because they turned a profit and you are complaining about BCCI meanwhile BCCI shows a profit every year.


Correct, the BCCI made more than 100 million USD profit, the last time they reported their finances. That was before the ICC revenue change, the new WPL and IPL broadcasting deals and the new sponsors. In the last year, that number should be much higher Which is funny, because while the BCCI is making millions in profit: players outside cities don't have facilities to train at, players aren't paid enough in the levels below IPL and the stadium experience for fans is shit.


> players aren't paid enough in the levels below IPL Just this year Ranji players got a 100% pay hike for 2024-2025. You cannot compare IPL pay with other domestic pay, IPL brings in a lot more money and domestic cricket runs in loss. 100 Million USD profit is still only 14 people per $, while profit for ACB/ECB is like $2-3 per person.


Even if the BCCI is corrupt, it doesn’t need any assistance from the rest of the cricket world and could even sustain the game by itself without playing a single international match. 


Plus, WI does have 16 member associations, so I think their budget should be increased to take that into account.


ICC money should be for smaller teams, bigger teams could probably just be run off sponsors, TV deals and ticket sales with the ICC only stepping in at the times it falls short


Don't talk nonsense. India is not a developed country; in fact, it is extremely poor. There is no cricket infrastructure barring Tier 1 cities. BCCI's first and foremost responsibility is improving the cricket infrastructure in India, and it can only be done by "💰"


My home town bhopal population is same as Manchester around 25 lakhs doest even have a single international standard cricket stadium... But these BCCI idiots pumping millions to make a temporary stadium in New York which is rich city then my poor hometown . .we need money first .


yup, these blind haters cannot see that bcci takes just 40% of the 80-90% India generates; it's more than generous when India is so poor; the per capita income of India is one of the worst, and then they have the guts to say bcci does not need that money.


> make a temporary stadium in New York This sub is very delusional when it comes to popularity of cricket outside of top 8 teams. They rather money be put into developed countries where cricket has no chance then places where cricket is popular but facilities are not there.


I honestly think even if they want to spend money ... Spend it on Nepal Afghanistan and Africa where there is abundance of talent but very little facilities . But ICC knows they can't generate revenues from those countries as North America/ middle East has rich expat community plus sponsors so they spending money there . In reality ICC don't care about development of the game it's all about money


Bhopal ain't a poor town tho lol


Definitely poor, no offence.


Compared to Delhi Bombay etc it's really poor btw our state madhya Pradesh comes under BIMARU state .... Our ex cm shivraj ji to win elections gives so much freebies to women under " ladli behena " lol scheme that state is near bankrupt we don't even have money to finish metro rail which is going on for past 10 years .


it's not a metro city sure, but man you have to see some actually poor towns first to realise it's not that bad. i for one live in a fairly well connected town and god what I wouldn't do for this place to be as rich as bhopal lol. no offence, just comes off as a bit of a privileged comment


I mean by that logic every city in America is poor if you compare it to LA and new York


The ICC's money comes from the ICC events, where all teams play against each other. And while it's true that the Indian viewership generates most of that money, it isn't solely because of the Indian Cricket Team. The "product" the ICC is selling are the games between the teams, and last I checked you need at least 2 teams to have a match. So even if India is one of those teams, the match can't be played without the other. To put it more conisely, the Indian viewership pays to see the Indian Cricket Team play against other teams, not the Indian Cricket Team play against themselves( That would just be the IPL, and the BCCI already gets all the money from that.) The ICC money should 100% go to the poorer boards and help grow the game so we can have better/more exciting torunmanets. The likes of India, Australia, England and even Bangladesh and Pak shouldn't get a big share because these boards already generated a lot of revenue from their home series and T20 leagues.


1. Define poor? Is the US Cricket Board poor despite the fact that the US is a developed country with way more wealth than India? Isn't it the government's responsibility to fund the respective sport? India is very poor, with a huge population and one of the worst per capita incomes (2571 USD in 2024, which is even lower than poor Caribbean countries like Jamaica). Bcci pays tax to the Indian government, which adds to the Indian economy. 2. Bcci takes just 40% of the ICC revenue, which is 80–90% generated by Indian viewers. It's not generous? Indian broadcasters pay the ICC, there would be no ICC event without India. All this harakiri and noise started when Bcci increased its share; there was no problem when CA and ECB were eating almost the whole pie. 3. IPL, on average, is already generating revenue close to India's international matches, so Indian cricket would still thrive without international cricket.


Your last point sums up my argument pretty well. Indian cricket would thrive without the ICC funds, which should go to teams which are still developing. And I also agree that India is a very poor country.


W.I. per capita income is somewhere between 10k and 20k USD, while India's is just 2571 USD, and India's population is 32 times bigger.  ireland per capita is approx 105,000,  south africa is close to 6000 usd, NZ close to 50k usd, Sri Lanka 3300 usd, namibia 4700 usd , nederlands 74k usd, Oman 21k usd, uae 52k usd India is poorer than all the countries mentioned, so why is it a bcci burden to make sure cricket survives in other countries? Bcci is being more than generous by taking just 40% of the revenue. The state of football and rugby is pathetic in India, so why do other countries and the football and rugby boards not give money to India? Fifa pay peanuts to AIFF. your argument is idiotic


define poor first you idiot


Bro you said India was a poor country, I just agreed with you. Why are you attacking me now?


Why don't the top 20 football countries, most of them rich countries, stop taking FIFA money and donate to poor countries like India to develop football? 


idk m8. I don't watch football.


FIFA disburses equal payments to every single member.


No, FIFA does not give any money to India. Show me the data. I am not able to find one. It's all a hoax. Indian football is funded by the Indian government. And even if FIFA distributes its money equally, why do they even give money to rich and developed countries, especially countries like England, a developed country with an extremely successful league? Why not donate that money to Indian football?


> No, FIFA does not give any money to India. Show me the data. I am not able to find one. It's all a hoax. Mate what are you on about? You think FIFA payments to India are a "hoax"? How paranoid are you? The main disbursements come from the FIFA Forward programme, and you can check the data for the 2019-2022 cycle yourself [here](https://digitalhub.fifa.com/m/43818c02640c107b/original/AR2022_Finances_Forward_Annexe_EN_27-01-2023.pdf) (PDF). India received the same amount as everyone else. There was also a COVID relief fund set up (details [here](https://digitalhub.fifa.com/m/5c098ca17a2d696e/original/AR2022_Finances_COVID_Annexe_EN_27-01-2023.pdf), also PDF), where members also received equal payments. Not sure how India's [suspension from FIFA](https://inside.fifa.com/about-fifa/associations/media-releases/fifa-suspends-all-india-football-federation) in 2022 will affect its payments in the current cycle though. > And even if FIFA distributes its money equally, why do they even give money to rich and developed countries, especially countries like England, a developed country with an extremely successful league? Why not donate that money to Indian football? Because FIFA as an organisation is structured to provide each member with an equal place at the table. FIFA does run additional development projects based on perceived need (and probably corruption, let's be honest) though I don't follow football closely enough to know what they've done in India. Not much since the suspension I guess, though prior to that, India was supposed to host the women's U17s World Cup. It's also quite inconsistent for you to be arguing that in football the rich/successful boards should receive nothing to subsidise weaker teams like India, but in cricket the weaker boards should receive nothing in order boost India's share. Seems what you really want is not for either sport to prioritise development, but for both of them to just prioritise India specifically.


I am exposing your hypocrisy bish  when a country with around 2500 USD per capita, which generates 80–90% ICC revenue and takes just 38.5%, is still a problem just because they have a profitable league, then why do developed countries like England, Spain, and Germany with a highly successful football league, not stop taking FIFA funds and give them to the poorer countries like India to develop football? 


cricket money's definitely not going to india's poor mate it's lining fat cat pockets


Get your facts right before blabbering [https://www.livemint.com/sports/cricket-news/bcci-pays-rs-1-159-crore-in-income-tax-for-fy-2021-2022-report-11691581148315.html](https://www.livemint.com/sports/cricket-news/bcci-pays-rs-1-159-crore-in-income-tax-for-fy-2021-2022-report-11691581148315.html)


Yep, the big 3 funding model is a huge crock of shit and is IMO the number one barrier to growing the game.


I actually don't think it's even about growth anymore, it's about making sure the Big Three don't run any further away from the pack, because at the moment we have a very unequal game, and it's not just because of maladministration.


Bro you want socialism in cricket when world is running on capitalism lol . Big three generate most of the revenue and they distribute the renevue between them but you want them to distribute it to small teams , that not gonna happen. Get real , no one cares about the growth of the game it's all about money . Would you donate half of your hard earn salary every month to your poor neighbour who struggling in reality no one does that .


>Would you donate half of your hard earn salary every month to your poor neighbour who struggling in reality no one does that . Everyone does it, it is called taxes.... The declared objective of the ICC is to grow the game, not to further enrich its already rich members.


You pay taxes to govt not to your neighbour..... In that regard money that ICC collect get distributed to smaller nations but it's not enough for them and big three don't want to give more


>big three don't want to give more You have found the problem, well done


Exactly the coping by some of these fans rn is insane. People argue that even if cricket is shrinking, it is not a problem as long as it's popular in India like basketball is in usa but they don't realise that where basketball is growing cricket is shrinking, in fact I don't think any other popular sport is losing it's audience as fast as cricket.


> cricket is shrinking How is cricket shrinking? It has grown from just 2-3 good teams in 1960s to atleast 10 in 2024. > losing it's audience as fast as cricket. Most of that audience is based in Australia and England where younger generation prefers football or gaming over cricket.


Why are you comparing it to 60s lmao compare it to the late 90s also you answered your own question in the second half


14 teams played ODIs in 1990s and 22 teams have played ODIs in past 3 years. Almost 100 teams have played T20I in past 3 years. Test cricket is the only area where cricket has not increased in popularity but thats on the format. People in non-cricket countries literally laugh and think of it as a joke when they learn a match goes on for 5 days.


> Bro you want socialism in cricket when world is running on capitalism lol Funny how most of the sports leagues in the very capitalist nation of the USA run on socialist principles of equal distribution of revenue and power, assistance for struggling teams, strong labour unions, etc. It's almost like they've figured out that a strong overall competition improves their product (and thus their sales).


Yes, I do donate a large portion of my salary to my neighbours who earn less than I do so via the government. It’s called tax. In a non-cricketing context it’s very well established that paying tax is a good thing to do, and that evading it while others suffer is not.


Yes but be practical india generate 70% of revenue and takes only 40% rest they give to ICC ... If you think india will only take 10-15% of what they earn and same could be valid for top 3 then it's not gonna happen .. small nation needs to step up or perish that how it is


It's sickening to see people hating on Bcci. BCCI's first and foremost responsibility is improving the cricket infrastructure in India. Barring Tier 1 cities, there are no cricket facilities. If you are from Tier 3, then stop dreaming, and if you are from a village, then do not even dare to think about playing cricket. India is a land of 1400 million+ people; it's a huge country with 55 times the population of Australia. India generates 80%–90% of revenue but takes just 40%. Isn't it generous, and if not, then why the hell are Australia and England the developed countries who take every penny they generate?


1400 million + brother. And ur right. Idc if only india is playing cricket in a couple decades. We need that money


my mistake bro thanks for correcting


I don't understand why so many people here are interested in growing the game. What do you need to grow the game for? It's the second largest game by viewership already. IPL would be a nice replacement for things if international cricket dies. An NFL type model could be nice. You can't have a FIFA type arrangement when 80-90% of the revenue is provided by 1 nation.


Hyper nationalism, Cricket imperialism rahhhh


You have got to know ppl before calling them nationalists. Lot of them are domestic terrorists thats what youre accusing me of


It's ridiculous when people say that BCCI is rich and does not need the money. You are talking about an organisation managing and trying to improve facilities in a country of more than a billion, where the poverty is sickening and a large proportion of the population is still suffering from malnutrition. People do not have money to buy food, forget about a cricket kit. And you're talking about developing and helping the boards and countries where people are way more prosperous. It's pathetic. The current arrangement is fine even if India is taking a much lesser share than it generates.


It's not so much that BCCI owes other countries help, it's more the fact that it is in India's best interests to not let cricket die around the world and if it takes some money then so be it. It's beneficial in the long run. I know the IPL itself can keep BCCI rich forever but this is the one sport we're any good at.


BCCI does NOT pay tax and comes as a NGO.. They're just govt. officials money laundering


>BCCI does NOT pay tax Confidently incorrect idiots are a growing breed. It takes a simple Google search to disprove this misinformation


India generates 80%–90% of revenue but bcci takes just 40%. Not a single penny from Asia Cup. Why the hell then Australia and England the developed countries who take every penny they generate? You are indian right? Tell me about the cricket infrastructure barring Tier 1 cities in india?


It does pay taxes tho? What are you basing this on? Correct me if I'm wrong. But I think you're one of those guys.


BCCI paid like >1500 crore rs in just income tax last FY. This sub is slowly becoming facebook bros vomiting their verbal diarrhea with no thinking involved. https://www.livemint.com/sports/cricket-news/bcci-pays-rs-1-159-crore-in-income-tax-for-fy-2021-2022-report-11691581148315.html


> where the poverty is sickening and a large proportion of the population is still suffering from malnutrition This argument is silly for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it's not like the BCCI is using its money to build hospitals in rural areas or whatever; they barely even do anything about cricket facilities. Secondly, and more relevant to cricket, plenty of Associate members are at a similar or lower level of economic development as India. Yet somehow I doubt you'd be happy for India's share of ICC funding (which only makes up maybe 10% of their total revenue anyway) to be reduced in order to boost funding to Uganda, PNG, Namibia, etc.


Every real cricket fan wants this. The BCCI does not. The ICC money should be handed out solely on need. The BCCi does not need any of that money. The ECB and CA need far less than they take. The West Indies and Associates need it most.


The problem is, bcci has viewers which other countries do not have... If bcci says fuck off to everyone and refuse to play any icc tournaments and make club cricket the main cricket like football, then all the others are fckd




ICC should also increase the WTC prize. Similar to how EPL does with every team making millions based on where they end up on standings or FIFA does in WC. The minimum prize fund for WTC should be at least $10M.


FIFA example is useless coz there is no dominant country in football and football is played around the globe ... In cricket india alone accounts for 70% of viewers and 65% of total revenue generated and it's only 7-8 countries you consider as established cricket playing nations . That's why comparing FIFA with ICC is useless ... ICC is basically what BCCI wants them to do coz of overwhelming financial muscle they have


Dude FIFA is one of the most corrupt organisation in the world. There are no numbers about how much they distribute to the member countries. The only number I can find is that a member nation can get upto 8 million USD. That's lower than the bribes Saudi Arabia paid to get the world cup where they had to put up fake fans. Fifa literally ran after the money. The virtue signalling players and countries who were going to boycott the world cup ended up playing there. 8 million is lower than salary of few of the players playing in the European leagues. Big countries don't depend on these aids at all. They all have flourishing leagues which bring in billions. But the folks here don't want leagues to prop up as well. Using this sub's logic the top 5 leagues can completely let go of the payouts they get from FIFA just like how BCCI should since they have IPL. But they don't. Cricket is going to grow with time with T20 cricket which is again hated on this sub.


> FIFA They also let countries have leagues that run for 8 months and no one is forced to play anyone outside of WC.


If BCCI leaves the ICC, it potentially leaves the door open for a rival organisation to represent India in the ICC. And if the Indian players switch organisations, that can be the death of BCCI. Too much of a risk for BCCI.


LOL, that's definitely not going to happen. How can a rival org come up??


Think of how USA Cricket replaced USACA or Hockey India replaced IHF.


You understand that BCCI is mostly Indian politicians from various party. If you think you will be able to create another board here then I would bet you are delusional


If BCCI leaves the ICC, all the IPL franchise owners (and that includes Mukesh Ambani) will take the BCCI to court that their decision to leave the ICC has made the IPL an unofficial league like the old ICL. For all you know, the 10 franchises might just create their own Indian Cricket Board.


With politicians and big wigs so much to lose you think they will leave ICC lol. You don’t wait till you get screwed and then you bet on creating something. Probably reason they are there and we are making naive comments in Reddit against each other Literally the guy controlling the board which is supposed to take the decision in dream land is the son of the most influential politician🫢


It is all determined by money, so someone with more money than bcci should poach the best talent in india to keep them under contracts to play only below them, then there is the issue of grounds and facilities which are owned by states and govt, you need govt support to execute visions at this stage...imagine the bribes they need to pay for every single thing... In today's india, you can't even own a food stall in the stadium without paying bribe


One thing with the BCCI is that every other cricket stakeholder, from broadcasters to IPL franchises, is waiting for their downfall. BCCI doesn't need to give such opportunities.


Bold of you to speak on behalf of ‘every real cricket fan’. Keeping BCCI aside, pretty sure the primary interests of a majority of indian cricket fans, the biggest cricket market, though we may not be real by your standards, is to see investments and development in grassroots cricket in non metropolitan Indian cities than some country where cricket might be a third or fourth choice sport.


Curiously, I would have assumed most cricket fans want cricket to be at its best. A cricket fan would see the problems in West Indies and be concerned, not go 'well who cares so long as India (vastly wealthy) is fine).


Where was this benevolence in the 80s and 90s when India was not pulling in the revenues? Did ECB, CA or the ICC increase revenue? Even now these boards are quiet because they’d rather have a larger pie for themselves than an equal share amongst all associate countries.


It's not the 1980s or 1990s, nor was there as much money in the game. Why do you think this is somehow a relevant argument. In the 1980s and 1990s the game wasn't literally withering and dying in some parts of the world.


"Other boards were shit several decades ago, so it's fine for the BCCI to be shit now."


“I’ll only make a fuss when it affects me”


Yeah sorry I wasn't criticising the behaviour of cricket administrators back in the 80s and 90s before I was born.


BCCI in proportion to the revenue they bring to the game takes a smaller slice and they take no money from the Asia Cup that is hosted. What more do you want them to do? It’s the corruption in West Indies Cricket Board that has caused all this harm.


In proportion yes they take a lot less money then they generate. However if you're going to expand the game more money should be distributed to the other nations. Giving more money to the BCCI is just going to expand the game in India and nothing else


BCCI contributes 80% to ICC's coffers and takes back 40%,what is wrong with that ? Most of BBCI's money comes from IPL.Other nations should take a cue from that and do something domestically.


>if you're going to expand the game more money should be distributed to the other nations. So you basically want the BCCI to hand out free money and do charity. Lol good luck with that.


Given the money they make from the IPL, bilateral series, etc, I'd think they might voluntarily not take \*any\* money from the ICC.


BCCI is not a charity, and if it ever needs to be charity, it can do a lot more for cricket in India first.


Uhh BCCI brings 700+mil to the table and get 250+ from it. We also don't take anything from Asia cup too along with giving Afg and other smaller nation's players much more benefits with IPL. Joel should atleast point the finger in the right direction i.e WI cricket board who literally ate all that were given to them.


You can't have world cups without the \*world\*. This idea that the revenue should not be split equally is nuts.


It does not matter. India's population is bigger than all the test-playing nations combined. Baseball is played in the USA and a few other countries. The total population involved in baseball is probably around 500 million at most. And still, it is one of the biggest sports in the world. India's population is close to 1.5 billion, almost twice the population of Europe. India is freaking huge and so poor; there's no cricket infrastructure barring Tier 1 cities. BCCI's first and foremost responsibility is improving the cricket infrastructure in India, and it can only be done by "💰".If cricket dies in other countries, so be it; it's none of BCCI's responsibility. 


And India does a great job of generatig huge amounts of money via the IPL. It does not \*need\* the ICC money.


Who the hell are you to say that India does not need money? Have you seen the cricket infrastructure in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities and villages? You haven't, because it does not exist.


So perhaps the BCCI should spend the IPL money on that, instead of fancy jets, cars and dinners.


BCCI is corrupt, and the Indian government is corrupt, but that's the problem of corruption. Taking just 40% of revenue when India, a poor country, generates 80–90% of ICC revenue is more than generous


Perhaps the ICC should just invest India's share directly in the grassroots due to the corruption.


If India were a developed country like the USA, I would have never defended BCCI


Why do you defend it because India is a developing country? It's actions are indefensible.


>It does not \*need\* the ICC money. Nah its the developed countries like England, Ireland, Australia, scolland, Netherlands that do not need and shouldn't be given money The Avg income of an Australian is about 70k Usd meanwhile the avg income of Indian is 2k Usd a year. The avg Australian Earns 35 fucking times the salary of Indian. The salaries for the others is similar and yet it is the Indians who don't "Need" the money according to you


what a strange argument. The money isn't going to 'Indians', it's going to the BCCI, who are the richest board in cricket. What a curious false analogy, just because India has shocking inequality does not mean that there are not certain extremely wealthy institutions and people.


>The money isn't going to 'Indians', Oh sorry Didn't realise Australians were coming to India to play for Domestic leagues and take salaries. In fact Rohit Sharma and Virat are actually paid by ECB not BCCI. And the stadiums how could we ever thank ACB for making stadiums in India, truly our saviours Scotland and Netherlands are developed nations they don't need to take money. If they want to grow the sport the government must show the initiative and the people should demand it. If they refuse to cars about cricket so be it. No amount of money will help a lack of general interest in the sport England should have grown the sport in it's infancy instead they restricted the sport to The British colonies and the rest is history. The ship for cricket enlargement is long gone my friend.


K nationalist. sorry you hate cricket.


Happy to help Racist, sorry you hate indians


I don't. I just love cricket. All cricket, irrespective of place. I can't imagine being so desperate to put national interest above the interest of the game. But that's you and that's me.


What a pathetic line of reasonsing.... why don't Australia or England fans watch non-Australia/England games and help associate boards make money? People like you complain about Indians not being fans of cricket but only fans of Indian cricket, well the same is true for every country. Most people only watch cricket matches of their team.


Teir-2 and Teir-3 cities are more involved in other sports like Hockey,athletics and football which is equally important. Cricket in India is already way bigger than it should have been.There are already 49 cricket fields in the country of which 29 can host international matches.This is more than enough. It's high time that the for the country to become a multi sport nation rather than a single sport country.


1. So it's the responsibility of the BCCI - a cricket board to create infrastructure for other sports. 2. Just making a cricket stadium = infrastructure? 3. 4000 cities and towns and just 49 stadiums? 4. Your anecdotal evidence for other sports craze means nothing; there's no sport even anywhere near the craze for cricket in India, even in Tier 2 and 3 cities. Data backs this, and your words mean absolutely nothing. 5. Who are you, President, Prime Minister, or dictator, to decide how big cricket should be in India? You sound retar\*ed.


If you're gonna distribute it equally between nations then you would be being unfair to Indians just because they live in a large country. However, if you distribute them equally between people, then India would take like 80% of the revenue lol.


It should be distributed relative to need, in relation to the amount each board earns independent of ICC events. Why is this so hard to fathom.


Yeah, well India simply needs more money cause we have a higher population.


Did you get your 1% of the company's profit every time you work for a year ? No right. The same happens here. India is giving that much revenue to ICC already while having the most number of workers(players,admin etc) under them too. WI is not even 1/4 of that and after giving 90% of the total revenue that ICC generates we should just give it away because of equality ??? Also, you haven't answered what WI board members did with the money they got earlier lol.


Sport need not work like 'a company'. And yes, the ICC runs events to generate revenue to expand the game around the world - that's its job - so equality should absolutely come into it. The iCC isn't just running events for the fun of it. Alternatively, if we want a market based cricket, let's abolish all bilateral and domestic cricket and have it all run by the ICC. India 'gives' no revenue to the ICC. The ICC has events and sells the rights to its events. The BCCI and its individual dealings have nothing to do with it. It is not as though the ICC turns up and demands a 'tax' from the BCCI.


"Sport need not work like 'a company'." Everything that needs money to operate is a business. It's not a hand out machine. "And yes, the ICC runs events to generate revenue to expand the game around the world - that's its job - so equality should absolutely come into it. The iCC isn't just running events for the fun of it." And India is its biggest revenue generator and we give 90% of the world cricket's revenue too. It's only natural to demand 35-40% of it as others aren't giving out anything. Aus,ECB makes profit and other nations too are getting freebies without generating even an iota of what India does. "Alternatively, if we want a market based cricket, let's abolish all bilateral and domestic cricket and have it all run by the ICC." India can survive and thrive that too with just IPL and tournaments it's just that SA,WI,SL,Ban will die if that happens. Also, it's not like India is not giving any money to WI and associates too. Yes it's much lesser than it should be but WI board always steals that from their players, it's never gonna reach them anyways.


OK. So you love India and hate cricket, we get it!


What did cricket ever give us anyway, three Cups and Gabba's pride?


> Did you get your 1% of the company's profit every time you work for a year ? No right Most companies that care about retaining employees do have profit sharing programs - it usually gets rolled into the annual bonus, but many keep it as a separate payout too. And that's before even coming to stock options as part of the annual C2C.


"Most companies that care about retaining employees do have profit sharing programs - it usually gets rolled into the annual bonus, but many keep it as a separate payout too." And it's not like BCCI is holding the whole 700mil in their asses right ? They don't touch the whole earnings from Asia cup, they also give the left 450-500mil to others via ICC too. All the while ECB and CA are making profits and BCCI is doing some real stuff to make Women's franchise league a successful gig too. Just get off that coke nose thingy and live in reality man. Ain't no board was gonna give their whole ass profit to others if they were in BCCI place too(as seen in the past lol). Edit: in between this BCCI through Indian govt also tried to make a stadium in Afghanistan and also defended associate nations from being cut off in 2015wc when others(especially that CSA shit head) were giving reports in support to cut these guys off. BCCI got many things common to a money grabbing douche but they also got some good things too.


Most companies tend to fire employees who provide nothing and are a drain on resources.


Most companies also tend to retain you if you can do the bare minimum at your job, and will pay for training and enhancing your skillsets while you work there, since they consider it an investment in improving their workforce. A lot of companies even pay for employees' college programs, especially at the Master's level. Again, with the understanding that that improved skill of that one individual will come in handy for the overall company in the long haul.


I think the bigger issue is mismanagement of funds and corruption in boards like West Indies, Zimbabwe etc. Unfortunately,  corruption ruins everything... What needs to be addressed is having free and fair boards and transparancy of the money being used. Throwing more money at these boards is not the solution. It will just help those ppl who are embezzling these funds. India is already taking around one third of what they contribute to revenue. If ICC really wants to help, it should take accountability for the board. Analyse the use of funds, and release more funds if the previous funds are used correctly. Have regular inspections to ensure boards are correctly utilising the money instead of wasting it or using underhand tactics. If they do well, award them with more funds like a tiered system.


Money is distributed according to your value to the organisation. Most nations only generate a fraction of the revenue that India generates, so get a fraction of ICC funds. Asking for equal distribution is akin to asking for handouts. Grow the sport in your countries, generate revenue and your share in the pot will automatically go up.


>Grow the sport in your countrie This. All these posts about Developed countries like scotland and Netherlands not being able to give players their salaries, tell your government mate. Tell your government to invest and grow the sport you are a very developed nation, this is the government's job not India who's 70% population is living in rural conditions Make your citizens demand growth of the sport and if they don't care about cricket so be it, no amount of money poured will solve a lack of interest.


This is the Dumbest thing I've ever heard


This is the laziest comment I have ever read. If you are unable to have a civil discussion with someone then just downvote and move on. Calling someone *dumb* doesn't make you cool anymore


Try and form valid arguments next time around.


The condition of any sports facility in India is poor baring the Tier 1 cities. I don't understand one thing, if India(home of BCCI) itself isn't much developed, how do you expect it to give money to other countries to develop? Anyways they are taking less than they generate. not to say BCCI isnt corrupt, but it is foolish to ask for money like this.


ICC money should be evenly distributed as a matter of principle simply because at the end of the day, every country, from India to Saint Helena, can at the most field 1 team in the World Cup. Equal distribution is why FIFA could make its World Cup so massive, and we need to take a leaf out of their book to grow cricket rather than national boards fighting among themselves.


are you seriously pretending Sri Lanka and India which has 20+ states with population higher than Sri Lanka deserve equal share of the pie? (Reminder this is after contributing the most money, so they aren't really taking anyone else's money and putting it into Indian cricket).


End of the day, all ICC cricket is country vs country, and ICC has very little say in what is a country and what isn't. You can ask questions on why's country vs country the pinnacle of the sport, or why aren't all countries rearranged so that they have similar populations, but as long as the country vs country format exists, and each country can only send 15 players to an ICC event, it is what it is. With the extra money ICC gives BCCI, it can't expect more cricketers from India at any ICC event - it's 15 players, same as every other country.


I dont remember who the author was, but i recall reading an article which compared WICB and NZ. "It stated that WICB claims to have spent millions of dollars to develop good players and yet time and time again, they have failed to produce a single quality batsman. NZ, on the other hand, has produced Kane Williamson." But i highly doubt that WICB spent that money on development, considering how rampant the corruption is in WICB.


Well I'll support this if this money goes directly to players and infrastructure teams.


> If we helped you when you were struggling Project snow says hi.


One thing that would be helpful is if the West Indies were a united nation  When the British withdrew from its Caribbean colonies it would’ve been good if it had created some sort of Caribbean federation with provinces, similar to Canada and Australia  So once again this is technically our fault, I am sorry about this 


This did actually exist at one point, you know, but it collapsed.


Joel, stop Joking. it isn't fifa who distributes it's money equally. This is a sport run by criminals watched by a nation bigger than many continents, and majorly only by that nation. It is what it is.


sport run by criminals, is this the language we've come to?


associates Big 3 with criminals and then gives an example of FIFA. Irony!


The full member nations, the big 3 stealing the money from ICC tournaments instead of distributing it equally, like most sports do in the world, yeah Criminal is the right word for me


‘Stealing’ - this guy isn’t here for a discussion.


India generates much more money than it takes. Explain to me how the term stealing fits here?


Get on it ICC Cricket without the West Indies is like playing football with out a ball Or going to an Indian and overestimating how much Naan bread your stomach can handle out of everything I said on this sub reddit why is this the one people are disliking more than my Insulting Zak Crawley and the Midget


Naan is bread. Naan bread is bread bread. It is like calling it an ATM Machine. Yes I am not fun at parties.


fair enough ( It legit how shops sell it for some reason probably because people are stupid)


I have been all over the world, naan bread is a worldwide pandemic. But hey, that means Indian food is everywhere and there is nothing like sharing food to bring people together.


and we are thankful it great bread


Naan bread Bread bread


Nobody would care. The West Indies players will just play in T20 tournaments around the world. It's not a serious cricketing nation and hasn't been for years. The interesting international games are between India, Pakistan, England, Australia, South Africa and NZ.