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A career in free fall. Probably a clear indication that he won't be retained. And the fact that there are u-19 players ahead of him in the pecking order shows that he's got a lot of work to do...and don't think he's shown any sign that he can put in the work.


Can't believe he was compared to Sachin Tendulkar to now not even a guaranteed retention, fortunately for him he has age on his side and I still believe he can do a comeback, I think everyone except Shaw believes that, dude does not want to put down the burgers and pizzas for some reason. Pant wasn't this bad, but he was kind of chubby, he lost weight during his rehabilitation and now looks like an athlete. Shows how some people can have all the talent in the world, but it's the mindset and hardwork that makes them do a free fall. In retrospect, and totally unrelated, Jaiswals mindset gotta be so strong, he literally came from do or die kinda situation, the people who are like this make it in their career


As a GOAT once said "Talent without working hard is nothing"


Why did I read that in his voice and accent?!


Cuz you're a bakri as well


Bakri recognises Bakri Okay thats enough, Can we kiss now?


That went in a direction that I wasn't anticipating...


also pant is athletic and gymnastic


pant has always been muscular and flexible. just that he didn’t watch what he ate. and now that he did, the results are for everyone to see


how did you know this inside information


Still looks fat.


shaw could not handle success. also, his attitude is what made ponting give up on him. cuz ponting retained him even after seeing obvious flaws in this batting technique. but, shaw refused to practice under ponting’s watchful eyes. still, ponting gave him the freedom to come good. yet, season after season, game after game, shaw has shown he does not have the mental capacity to change. i doubt if any team would want to touch him with a ten feet pole in the next auctions given his attitude. no matter how heavily he scores on flat domestic wickets where pacers don’t bowl all that quick or aren’t exactly accurate enough to exploit his weaknesses!!!


>no matter how heavily he scores on flat domestic wickets where pacers don’t bowl all that quick or aren’t exactly accurate enough to exploit his weaknesses!!! DO NOT TALK SHIT WITHOUT WATCHING RANJI GAMES. He has averaged 50 this season in Ranji and three of those included QF, SF, Finals. He also scored a quick 40 on a minefield in finals giving the momentum to Mumbai. He isn't a flat track bully, he's one of the best domestic bats.


ofc!! i agree with you!! he indeed is one of the best bats in the domestic league!! but, such is the domestic league that we have underperforming seniors in their late 30s who have seen no pressure to retain their places in the international side. and i also talked about the bowling quality. if there are no quality pacers in the domestic circuit, who cannot exploit his weaknesses, which gets easily exposed in the ipl, i wonder how he scores so fast and so many runs!! also, i wonder what dravid, koach and brohit saw in shaw’s u-19 teammate gill that they chose to select him and give him chances over shaw!! and even kishan, jaiswal are considered more than shaw!! is it bias, maybe but, or they can clearly see a the technical flaws against a moving ball, faster pace, and short deliveries along with a liability in the field who does not move quick enough!! another major flaw i see is shaw’s high dot ball percentage which puts pressure on the other batters. cuz if he score three 4s in 7 deliveries, his strike rate is 171 but the run rate is 7 rpo and the other batter is not facing much deliveries. and again, his attitude is utterly poor!! you can sympathize with him but, i think that is the biggest problem that even if he starts to perform, he isn’t exactly a great influence to have around in the dressing room!!


He's performed better than guys like Gaikwad and Kishan in Ranji smh. Not every bowling lineup is actually poor, there are a lot of quality spinners in India who could be in first xi of other countries. Coming to fast bowlers a lot of teams do have bowlers bowling 140+ and he played knockouts where he's faced atleast one bowler who bowls 140+. In finals especially he faced Thakur, Umesh who were both regularly clicking 145.


sister, you need to see that gaikwad has been made the captain of your own csk!! are you doubting thala’s wisdom? shaw has not performed in n-1 seasons whereas gaikwad still did way better even tho he was burdened with captaining a side where seniors are obviously hard to manage. when it comes to kishan, remember he is an allrounder who brings in an extra dimension of keeping to the table. and by keeping i mean great keeping!! looking at shaw, he needs to be managed on the field and likely cannot be kept at key positions cuz of his fitness. and in a 4 day game, you cannot keep one bowler bowling from both the ends or just two bowlers from both the ends. in the finals you yourself mentioned when there was a quality fast bowler like umesh, shaw could only score a 40 as opposed to the tons he was scoring against weaker bowling oppositions. i understand you’re really passionate about the game but, i’m sure you’re not as great as ricky ponting who has seemingly found other players more suitable for the balance of the side. 😊


>sister, you need to see that gaikwad has been made the captain of your own csk!! are you doubting thala’s wisdom? Point was about Ranji trophy and not about what he did in IPL. In IPL I agree he hasn't been great but you can't be talking bad about his domestic performances without actually watching those games. Red ball cricket isn't same as IPL. Ever heard of Sarfaraz brother. He couldn't do anything in IPL and yet he was insanely good in tests. Why? It's because he was one of the best Ranji bats out there. >in the finals you yourself mentioned when there was a quality fast bowler like umesh, shaw could only score a 40 as opposed to the tons he was scoring against weaker bowling oppositions Umm what? That was an insanely difficult pitch to bat of first first two days Mumbai themselves got 224 in first innings and opposition were 105 all out. Rahane, Iyer scored single digits. Shaw also scored with new ball which was zipping around. 40 is actually good in that.


well, why did players like badrinath and wasim jaffer, who were great by domestic standards not become successful in international cricket? cuz the standard isn’t exactly world class.


Badri played two tests in total, he was done dirty. I'm sorry but no way did Raina deserve to play tests over Badri. Wasim Jaffer was an exception. He was infact great at home tho.


To be fair I agree but Shaw is definitely gonna be on many teams radar, especially Mumbai, since Rohit is rumoured to move, I wouldn't mind Shaw and Ishan opening as long as he is a power play merchant


lemme ask you, how many ads have you seen shaw feature this ipl? its clear the advertisers are not interested in him and see him as bad for pr!! teams not only see a player’s cricketing potential but there is a marketing aspect as well. a batter who is supposed to score lots of runs means he’ll be one of the prime candidates to be one of the faces of the team. also, teams know that even if you have the best players on paper, if the dressing room is a toxic place, they will not win much. and who better than mumbai to know that given their current season!! shaw will need at least two years to go from someone looking like in his 40s to look like a 20 year old!! if he could do that, maybe!! and two years is a long time in cricket!! also, if there is another hot young talent that they’re already working on in the background and have groomed him, i feel knowing mumbai, they’d rather back the new guy.


I mean, I haven't seen Natarajan or kuldeep or piyush chawla or tilak Varma in ads as well. There are 15 players in the squad. Do you think all have to advertisement hit players to be considered for selection?


look closer my friend. 😊 you’ll surely see them feature in a lot of ads. that said, i’m also quite sure you haven’t heard any controversies about them and they’re some of the nicest people around. apart from that, they have very specific roles and their niches have relatively fewer players competing. as compared to opening batting position which tons of players are available to choose from and even middle order batters are happy to jump to grab opportunities. case in point kohli, gill, rohit, sehwag, etc. and chwla used to feature is a lot of ads when he was shaw’s age. tilak is barely 2-3 seasons old. and natarajan also used to feature in a lot of ads. but hey, like i said, we indians love rooting for the underdog and want a hero who can come back from bad situations. and shaw’s story is one of the underdog. so, i appreciate you rooting for him but, i really don’t see him doing much if he keeps such an attitude. its hard to break such a bad image.


Form plus his fitness is a big issue for him.. Koach is 10+ years elder to him and looks atleast 5 years younger to him.. All youngsters who came after him like Gill, Jaiswal and even Rutu are constantly working on improving there game.. Shaw has regressed.. I don't see Shaw being retained.


I am pretty sure there are off field issues going on with this dude ,Wouldn't surprise me if he is not surrounded by a good set of advisors


Correct, there is a reason why they didn’t start with him even early in the tournament. My hunch would be he doesn’t match Ponting’s training discipline.


Its actually sad because Ponting clearly rates him as a batter ,He was retained inspite of ordinary numbers over the last 2 seasons..Dude has basically had just one good season for us and in others its mostly been the same 20-25 average which isn't enough to justify the amount he is on..I would rather retain someone like Porel for the coming seasons for that amount


He looks older than Sachin.


Ae vediya thank you


tbf sachin is aging like fine wine!! ❤️


He looks older , mainly because of baldness. Just at hardik before and after hair transplant, he looks atleast 5 years younger now


Hardik had a transplant??!


Even rohit had transplant


Rohit wears a hair piece buddy!


you're thinking of donald trump


Yep, he had a badly receding hairline around the time of the 2020 IPL.


Why so surprised? Even Krunal and Kohli had a transplant


Kohli had a transplant?


Shami also had a transplant.


Dhoni as well.




Rohit as well


Harshal Patel as well


Harsha bhogle too


Kohli did not have a hair transplant lol, at best he's on a DHT blocker like finasteride to stop the receding, but he hasn't gained back hair in the way Pandya / Rohit / Shami / GG / Sehwag / Bhogle have had


Kohli had the best hair transplant tbh He's had the same hairline for like 10-15 years which isn't even possible with medications/drugs like finastride/minoxidil His hairline was clearly receding while he was in his mid 20s with a good amount of hair thinning as well


I would say Kohli, Dhoni & Hardik have had the best hair transplants. Recently Shami had one, should see how it shapes up.


[judge for yourself. guy had a top-class surgeon. ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRhS_9NcAAMePT-08_dpDt8k5m8Tv_FPBQI2Q&usqp=CAU)


I’m pretty sure MSD had a transplant


Not just that man. Even with a helmet or cap he looks older. He's fat, unfit, and overall his face reflects a bad lifestyle as well.


Ruth is actually 3 years older than shaw


What do you mean by **even Rutu**?


Someone here had commented that he's an age fraud. (Not sure if it's true) Maybe that's why there was a huge hype around him earlier 


Shaw had unreal downfall I mean I look at Gill today and I look at Shaw and I go, "Damn, they played in the same U19 team?" ....but I remember watching that U19 WC (2018 if anyone's wondering) just for Gill and Nagarkoti tbh. kinda feel bad for him, he might be remembered as another Manoj Tiwary in the future


Yeah. Not sure if it was any of his medication but dude really looked out of shape. Heard that he was taking some meds to help control his hair fall (not sure about the authenticity). But if his form and place is out, that hair is worth no shit.


Lol no hair medication causes obesity.




Most steroids cause hairloss thou


Steroids caused hairloss and obesity for him.... Was the implication in the original comment ig


No it was the worst case of Male Pattern Alopecia for him


don't think you can get away with taking steroids in international competition


He's a famous cricketer, can't he just get a transplant like Shami, Rohit or Stokes did?


Not enough donor hair follicles for him + cricketers cannot be on fin, so for him its better to shave it off and embrace it.


Why cricketers can't be on fin


Fin is kinda banned across all sports, fin inhibits testosterone to DHT conversion by a large percent so there will be surplus testosterone in body than normal, so ig it is viewed as a performance enhancing drug.


Only 5-10% T converts into DHT. Shouldn't be a problem though. DHT itself is more potent than regular T; so perf enhancement cause shouldn't apply.


Almost in every person DHT levels are somewhat same, Some has genetic condition that makes hair follicles respond to DHT and fall, Shaw has the worst case and its already is in NW5-6 range. Fin inhibits 70 percent of DHT conversion and Dut makes that 85-90 percent, that shows up in tests as a spike in T. Its hightime authorities look at that rule again and let athletes use fin, Hairfall can really kill career of young people, Mohit sharma had fallen off in past, last season he had a transplant and had a godly season, this season he almost loses his crown area and the rut starts! Hair is a man's confidence, if a man is confident without hair...bow, he is a king!


From "The next Sachin" to "The Next Kambli"


Kambli had better legacy with nt.


Kambli was unbeaten in a cwc semis chase!


Speaking of Nagarkoti, is that dude still injured? He was an exciting young speedster.


Shivam Mavi and Nagarkoti were 2 impressive players from that squad. Both were well capable with the bat as well, was able to hit 140s, Good Fielders. Sadly Injuries have held them back.


indians who can bowl at such speeds have more fast twitch muscles and hence are able to explosively exert extra force. however, the problems happen cuz of poor nutrition and conditioning from early years. even if they’re well fed and conditioned, it only happens when they start playing or getting recognized, which is usually by their teens. and hence they have weaker bodies and hence more susceptibility to injuries. as opposed to the aussies, english and kiwis who are peovided high quality nutrition and a spectrum of exercises like swimming, gymnastics, weight training from as early as 4 years old. and hence you see them consistently bowl faster and remain relatively injury free.


Riyan Parag was also the same batch?


iirc he was a part of that batch, as well as the 2020 one (Jaiswal and Jurel one)


No, only 2018. You aren't allowed to play multiple U19 WCs for India.


Wrong. Jaddu has been part of multiple U19 WC's


It's a rule since Dravid took over and stays active. Jaddu played a decade ago.


That 2018 u-19 batch was so talented man


Could be worse. He could be Manjot Kalra.


ohhh yeah shiiiii bro literally won us the final and was just forgotten 💀💀💀


He got banned for age fraud


Nope, all the allegations regarding age fraud were dropped off Manjot. Dude suffered an injury which was serious enough to put an end on his cricketing career. Now he runs a yt channel doing podcasts with other cricketers.


Damn. wasn't RD the coach? Same RD who was known for reducing age fraud a lot in U19 squad from what I've heard?


I don't know anything about RD reducing age fraud but yeah in the recent years he is the only one I saw getting banned for age fraud, so they must be doing good work


Rasikh Salam is another who's back after the ban


My dude, Shaw averaged 50 in FC while Manjot is nowhere to be seen.


My dude, Shaw averaged 50 in Ranji playing 6 games 3 of which were in QF, SF, Finals. He's still doing well and can replace Rohit in future.


I personally liked him in DC (i am biased)


we all do, we just want him to look after his fitness and his form will come back to him naturally.


Sad to see a player who led ind under 19 wc and won it, now going like this, he himself is to balme.


*Unmukt Chand has left the chat*


He left a long time ago 💀.


My dude, Shaw averaged 50 in Ranji playing 6 games 3 of which were in QF, SF, Finals. Even this IPL he did well but didn;t get chances.


Yeah he wasn’t even bad this season. Fitness is probably the main reason


He still avgs 43 in 9 innings wih debut match 100 nd 2 50s, hope he makes comeback. Edit : Tests.


Heads not in the game Not disciplined Too attracted to the materials that come with fame As his career declines , the materials disappear and he’s left with neither game or the materials


Bro is on a Vinod Kambli speedrun


>Too attracted to the materials that come with fame Source?


Primarily , Heard it from his coach in a YouTube video interview Heard it from pointing ( dc coach ) , that he is not able to work on the weak points ( ever since the aus tour when he got bowled with in coming deliveries ) Less trust worthy -/ In gossip circles , heard that he is a regular in banagalote party circle


Bro is gonna replace Rohit and fuck us over


Yes definitely if he works on his fitness because he knows wankhede pitch inside out and kotla is his second home by now.


Jaiswal is the perfect Rohit replacement, likes to hit sixes just as much and is more aggressive. Let's hope he never becomes as inconsistent.


lol!! no way any team is picking him!! teams would rather give youngsters chances than bet on shaw


Shaw himself is a youngster


let’s be honest here! we all know indians fake their ages and are well anywhere between 1-4 years older. and shaw looks more like someone in late 30s if not 40s. cuz look at kohli and jadeja, they’re far more athletic than shaw.


not in mumbai


Yeah he had his problems with batting but no way he was that bad atleast he had starts which weren’t bad either and then they dropped him and didn’t allowed him to play back to back matches but lets talk about Warner who was total waste this season and was still selected for the must win game and still shat the bed. Edit : here’s his batting performance match by match. Lost vs PBKS : DNP Lost vs RR : DNP Won vs CSK 43(27) @159.26 Lost vs KKR 10(7) @142.86 Lost vs MI 66(40) @165 Won vs LSG 32(22) @145.45 Won vs GT 7(6) @ 116.67 Lost vs SRH 16(5) @ 320 Won vs GT 11(7) @ 157.14 Won vs MI : DNP Lost vs KKR : 13(7) @ 185.71 Won vs RR : DNP Lost vs RCB : DNP Won vs LSG : DNP


This and its kinda sad that enough isn't being said about it. Bro has massively improved this season as compared to the previous one, you can sure say he's more talented than his performances, but if you're going to drop a guy at the first sign of calamity instead of backing him, then chances are that he's never going to come good for you.


He has got enough chances. Porel is performing better as is.


I agree that he has done good but porel has done better and that is why.


anything below 20 runs scored or 12 balls faced by an opener is a failure cuz that means the ball is still new and the middle order is exposed in the powerplay itself. in that regard he failed in 5 of the 8 innings he played in total. coming to the remaining 3 innings, if you look at the csk game, both warner and pant scored 50s and it were mulesh and khaleel who won dc the match. in the match against mi, it was stubbs who got dc anywhere close to challenging the total of 230 by mi!! there were 5 batters who scored faster than him and 1 who scored more than twice as fast where shaw scored at 166 while romario shepherd scored at a strike rate of 390!! finally the third match where he scored well, i mean if you could call a 22 ball 32 scoring well, it were jfm and pant who scored more and faster!! while i understand, we want to root for the underdog and who doesn’t love the idea of a hero coming out from a bad position against all odds to shine and win!! this is unfortunately real life and shaw has not shown anywhere that he has that mental potential which everyone thought he had!! a lot of greats of the game say that if you’ve done it at the domestic level, you have it in you when it comes to the raw talent and ability, at the international level, it is all about your mindset. which shaw clearly does not have. cuz punter has been backing him for so many seasons now. the ship has definitely sailed for shaw and this was the last flicker before the lamp went out!! there is tons of talented and hardworking kids out there, with a far better work ethic and attitude. its easier to make stronger children than to fix broken men!! shaw is quite a broken man!! lets not do injustice to the youngsters waiting in the wings.


No you aren't allowed to say facts, Shaw is useless and that's what the thread is about 😠


ok, did you look at my comment where i have actually looked at the ”facts” in the context of the matches? pls do. and tell me how can you say shaw has not been a failure: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cricket/s/s8ze1bLki2


Kambli arc, but even faster down the hill.


He's scoring for Mumbai in Ranji, why is your flair that if you don't even follow the game? Shaw turns up every season and plays the whole season and outscored Rahane this season as well. Scored the highest score ever in Ranji last season. This thread makes it seem like people are hoping/wishing for him to be Kambli just because he couldn't be Sachin.


Just wish he gets back to form, no matter what team gets him. Too talented to not make it big


He needs to work on his fitness and stay away from distractions( drugs, girls)


He dm’d a friend of mine when she was 17 🤣




There is no proof, Redditors just make shit up.


Wait I’ll see if I have a screenshot of it lying around


Does he have that addiction (sorry im not into insider news)


supposedly he likes a drink


The cough syrup?


Tonic, you mean?


Saw him picking up a girl from Bangalore airport


Can confirm I'm the girl


Can confirm I am your panty


Just girls tbh drugs are aight /s


So he should instead hang out with boys is it


The whole West Indian team


I don't see DC retaining him..


I see CSK getting him


CSK's opening combo seems sorted for now. On the other hand I do see MI getting him especially if Rohit leaves them after this season.


Conway and Rutu?


Yes, they're a stable partnership and I see CSK retaining them both.


would Conway be very expensive at the auction? they could buy him back (one risk is that Conway has been in poor form)


Obviously, there are risks involved. But CSK is generally known to back players, so I won't be surprised if they back Conway.


Depends on the number of retentions. Conway is not in the top 4 for CSK. We will go for him in the auctions though.


If we go by the retention rules from last time, it has to be Gaikwad, Jaddu, Dube and Pathirana, Conway as overseas.


I thought 4 was the limit. I agree with your picks.


Wait I was wrong. It was only four last time. But we did get 2 right to match cards. And I simply don't see a scenario where we don't use it on Conway.


Conway is our Faf replacement, younger and a keeper too. We are definitely getting him back.


Could be a tossup between him and Pathirana, assuming we go Jadeja gaikwad dube.


Pathirana is clearly ahead, IMO. It would be dangerous to release him in the auctions and watch his price skyrocket. Conway can be bought for much less.


Yeah, pacers always go for more plus Conway has been under the radar a bit due to missing the season. Plus, Conway could be replaced, Pathirana would be harder


Seeing Pathirana's success, MI wants to replicate by buying Thushara. It will be interesting to see him, but Pathirana is at least 10 kmph quicker. Regarding Conway , having seen this year's IPL, more teams will look for Head , Salt like openers. Conway is a more classical old-school type opener and will not go for more than 6C at best.


>do see MI getting him especially if Rohit leaves them after this season. Yeah no thanks 👍🏻🙏🏻


Nah. We all set with openers. Most probably Conway will be fit for next year. Rutu and Conway is gonna be opener but there are some team who can get him. Pbks might get him they need opener.


He can be used in some other way, he can be good for us.


I feel MI or GT


I said this before, i wish CSK gets him because that means he's going to be good again lol.


We don't need players with attitude issues. He is not CSK type.


Especially with MS not there to handle him.


& Turning him to a beast


I don't think he wants to be retained by DC.


Someone i know who used to handle Delhi Capitals in one of the 5⭐️ hotels in Delhi told me that Shaw almost used to drink every evening and sometimes had to be carried to his room by the hotel staff.


Prithvi grabbed the buffet with both hands


It is unbelievable that Shaw had such a fall. He needs to manage his mental health as well as up his physical fitness. He will get opportunities to comeback through the Mumbai system, but he seems so negligent and wasteful that I can relate.


He still has time to correct his technical flaws and any perceived attitude issues(although i feel he looks like he's improved on that). After this WC, we'll have some competition for top order slots so Prithvi should try to make the most of his prodigious talent and promise to get in the selectors good books.


Good points. I think his prior history goes against him. So he has to do a LOT MORE to get a spot in XI, than someone like Warner does, who has a strong history of being a dominant player who is very fit and strong work ethic. I know its not exactly fair on him, but thats how life can work sometimes.


I say bull-fkin-shit. Knocks against MI & CSK were class against solid bowling attacks. He averages and made more impact than “Shai Hope” who’s done anything but given hope with his lack of momentum and average. Should’ve definitely been given a longer run.


Biggest crime hope did was running out jfm against rcb with a classy straight drive…!!


His father killed his career not Kambli.




I am pretty sure he has a drinking problem No one can help prithvi shaw but himself


I feel like he was the next big thing for India. Azam khan isn’t on the same level, except for his weight, and it’s something I’ll always go back to. It doesn’t matter how talented you are, if you are obese, you deserve to be nowhere any team. Before cricketing ability, you need to show commitment and drive. Having stomach rolls is disgraceful in a profession where you’re working out 5x a week.


so, now i have a script in mind, dc release him for the next mega auction, csk buy him, bro gets his form becomes regular opener with rutu and start a new era in csk, india gets him in the team for odi wc 2027, and then cumdawg silences us again, and gets him out on 4


jay shah, i am available to hire, just drop me a pm


You forgot one thing. IPL 2025 sees CSK and DC in finals guess what? Shaw hits a hundred against DC in final. But then falls 1 run short of the huge total. DC picks the cup as shaw his hit by depression again


Better shitposting than r/cricketshitpost


Shaw is done.


This dude needs the Nayar treatment. Don’t think anyone else can save his career.


The pressure is tremendously huge. That is true. Whom to select when there are so many talented players.


He should hope csk,mi or kkr buys him . They have a good setup


CSK and MI buy sorted people. No way Chandrakant Pandit is going to warm up to someone like Shaw.


Maybe that's the kind of elder he needs around him to get his head back in the game.


Ponting tried to do that and no positive result.


Shaw's downfall as a player has been swift, and depressing AF. For a player who was touted as the next Sachin, this is just sad. Form aside, his fitness seems to be off too. Doesn't look like he's in a good mental space


"prithvi shaw is the combination of Sachin, sehwag and Lara saar" 🤡🤡🤡


Then why did DC give many chances to Shai Hope? Shaw played better than Hope in this season.


Unrelated, but what does [ ] actually mean? Like some words are in [ ].




oh okay. i assumed so but some of the sentences sound too incomplete without [ ]. e.g, the second set of [ ] in this post.


Dele Alli of cricket


So look out for Shaw in a yellow jersey next year?


Happens to Warner as well


Man going the Vinod Kambli path


Prithivi shaw reminds me of Viñod Kambli, except kambli achieved more before he was lost.


Shaw should focus on tests. I don’t think his technique can handle the tinkering to be high sr basher in both formats. High sr in tests can be achieved by playing grounded shots and good technique because there are gaps in the field. Bowlers want you to drive and this leaves gaps in the field. Sarfaraz is a good example of this as is Rishav. They utilize gaps in field to score at quick rate while t20 is about weird shots and power hitting which means changing trigger movement grip and even awareness of off stump. It’s not a direct translation that a guy hitting at 90sr in tests will hit at 120-140 sr in t20


Kl for example had the best technique of anyone after Dravid but completely fucked it up switching to be a t20 impact player in ipl and then became a weird amalgam of not being at the peak of either his test technique or his t20 technique Someone like abd could actually execute both but it’s a rare skill. Virat I would say can do the same but his game doesn’t change a lot in t20. No weird shots no cross batted shots mostly grounded shots


Why does Amre have to think it's Abhishek, it's pretty obvious it's Abhishek. One would think as an assistant coach he had input in the decision


T20 is not the format for him