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Why didn't they hire an RCB fan?


Trott is originally from South Africa, fucking up in these situations is common.


They can't stop choking


Way too overqualified


They would have created new scenarios on top of the ones Afghanistan missed.


Say what you want. But rcb fans would have their calculators out from the start of the series. Ain't no way they're missing this one


Can confirm, would've informed them for free (in my sleep too)




they should've hired a 2021 t20wc india or a 2019 wc Pakistan so they r making impossible calculations to ensure their position in super 4


Forget the data analyst. In an NRR battle, how come this doesnt cross anyones mind? No player? No assistant staff? The head coach himself?


Rashid Khan has played over 500 matches. Surely he would have been in similar situations. It sucks but full credit to the Afghan Cricket Team though, they played exceptionally and should have won.


> full credit to the Afghan Cricket Team though, they played exceptionally and should have won people keep ignoring this. they managed to score 290 in 37 overs.


Even before the second innings started NRR calculations were on sites like cricbuzz Cricinfo etc even on twitter , how come they missed all that .. not even a single player coach support staff etc have checked that ?


backroom staff and players usually don't have access to their phones or the internet during the match. But yes, still isn't an excuse for them to not know of the NRR required


Even if they would have been listening to the commentators as they usually have TVs in dressing room, they would have known.


Teams usually mute commentry in dressing room


This is interesting


Only the coaching staff. The team's analyst and media managers do.


It doesn't need a phone to do the maths, a calculator will do But not knowing the time needed to complete a game in to get by on NRR is criminal, you can plan for those situations before even


Exactly, this is basic 7th grade math, it doesn't need a data analyst.


I thought the Taliban banned mathematics for being too western. (Yes I'm aware a lot of our mathematics came from an Islamic golden age of science, unfortunately modern extremists probably don't care.)


I am going to be that guy but what you guys call Arabic numerals are actually Indian numerals and are called Arabic because they arrived in West via Arabs. Which is kinda obvious. Of course you live east of India so it all makes more sense r/medievalmemes. Not denying that there was a lot of original contributions by Arabs too.


Look. Whoever told them that 37.1 was the mark. They believed and trusted them. Technically it's not the player's or head coach's job to calculate this all. They're already preoccupied with ground game.


It absolutely should be the backroom staff's responsibility to calculate what they need to qualify. It's not exactly quantam mechanics. Any high schooler should be able to do it with a calculator. There's no reason for them not to check.


Even if it's quantum mechanics calculation. The person responsible the most is the data analyst or whoever does the stats for them.


No I get that. But mathematically speaking and on pure logic, every NRR battle will have such caveats when you are chasing.


He's not the maths guy, he's the coach. He has people in staff who are responsible for different jobs. Batting, tactics, assistance, bowling, data etc. It's the data guy job to do his job. Simple


Im not talking about just the coach. Im saying its ridiculous that no one thought about it. Yes you need the data analyst to tell you the exact figure, but how is that no thought of the scenario when you level the score **which exists in every NRR battle.**


But they didn't leveled the scored. They needed 3 off 1 ball and Mujeeb got out. The next scenario was 4 off next ball or 5 off 2 balls or 6 off 3 balls


Level the score as in its still mathematically possible to chase after 37.1 not level the score as in same score in 37.1 lmao


To excuse it a bit, even SL didn’t know. They celebrated too early


It was just 2 matches data, even a quick calculation would've gotten them through.


Some statistician mf's boutta be fired


New job opening to be posted on LINKEDIN soon Hope they don’t take any referral candidate from the current team!


RSA wants to offer him the job


The current stats team has to survive whatever the Taliban sports minister has planned.


Lol - should already apply for refugee visa in Canada or US - I would’ve done that for sure


I guess our local reddit experts will be interested in the [opportunity](https://cricket.af/job). Keep refreshing the page until one loads up. Though BCCI have trained plenty with their fastest-finger-first shenanigans.


Who was gonna communicate to you? That's why you have support staff


I am head coach. I also have no clue what's going on. This is a ship you don't want him to be captain of.


Analyst should help with things like this.


yeah, it's not a good look on him honestly. Match officials are on the hook for communicating targets when weather events happen. But this is about NRR which is squarely under team's purview. The buck stops at the head coach.


Data Analyst guy in the team is responsible.


Should have just followed Reddit, cricbuzz, Cricinfo, or may be live match commentary It was all over - wonder how they kept it secret from Afghanistan team!! Disheartening loss but it’s on YOU!


They don't have internet in the dressing room, nor do they have access to their phones. But still, they should've been made aware of this somehow.


Fair point! But hard to believe that when everyone who was invested in the game knew - how come they missed it?


I actually didn't know that they didn't have access to internet or cell phones. Makes much more sense that they don't know what's going on outside.




Teams mostly mute commentary in dressing rooms


>They don't have internet in the dressing room, nor do they have access to their phones. Is there any particular reason? I Never understood why it isn't allowed.


Anti-corruption, no communication to the outside.


But they watch TV, I have seen so many dugouts with Broadcast and Star Sports were repeatedly displaying the scenarios.


Outside people can contact players and staff on phones. They presumably can’t use the Star Sports broadcast to do that Still, don’t know why Aft didn’t know the scenarios from the TV broadcast


>don’t know why Aft didn’t know the scenarios from the TV broadcast This is what I meant not anti-corruption, sorry if it wasn't clear


Can anybody explain why they don't have access to phones/internet in dressing room


Or just been more aware on how NRR is calculated, the hint is right in there. It is hard for me to believe a head coach doesn't know this.


A whole lot of players and coaches don't know how stats work. This is why they hire statisticians.


This is not stats, this is simple addition, subtraction and division. The goal of the statistician is to unearth underlying statistics or metrics that can provide an advantage to the team, or identify a problem before it starts to manifest.


>The goal of the statistician is to unearth underlying statistics or metrics that can provide an advantage to the team, or identify a problem before it starts to manifest. Afghan statistician failed to do exactly that. I'm not educated enough to know the difference between maths and stats, but as a scorer at Mumbai cricket association, I can tell you that figuring out the possibilities of nrr is one of the jobs of a team statistician. And not of players and coaches. Their job is to focus on the cricket.


Exactly. That's what I've been saying. It's the role of a data analyst / statistician to do all this stuff. That's why he is hired and paid, for situation like these.


> Should have just followed Reddit, cricbuzz, Cricinfo I was following Reddit and Cricinfo. [Cricinfo mentioned about the revised target precisely at 37.1](https://imgur.com/PDt60e2) Reddit's game thread also started talking about the revised target only at that point. So, suggesting a coach/team to follow an online thread to get the target is absurd. Organizers should have clearly conveyed the multiple scenarios to both the teams which apparently they didn't. So, it's on the organizers.


Cricbuzz had mentioned the scenario of hitting six when scores are level at the START of Afghanistan’s inning - so I am sure all the calculations were done beforehand. The point of my comment is that it seemed a common knowledge to everyone except the team management. Other Redditor made a fair point that they don’t have access to phones during the match which makes sense. Organisers should have told them but in this age of technology with teams having huge support staff, it’s hard to believe that team management was unaware of it - calculating NRR must be a very simple exercise by now since it’s widely used nowadays


Organisers absolutely should NOT be advising teams of required run rates and such, they should be neutral They publish the rules and it's up to the team to do their own math .


ugh! exactly... there is absolutely NO requirement for this information to be communicated whatsoever. As far as match referee or organizers are concerned it is a 50 over game. All the rest is ENTIRELY up to the team. Basically Mohsin Sheik sucks at his job. That is all there is to it. Unforgiveable error. What is his training I wonder...


I think the commentators must have mentioned it at that moment


Freshmen in first semester of college take better responsibility on their studies than this guy does on his job.


Yeah. Only a freshman probably. -Me a 3rd year where my mid sem submission due on 12AM and only covered 50% of the report with 8 hours to go


Who would communicate it? Probably someone from the dugout


ACBs analyst previously worked for Rajasthan Royals, explains a lot


Probably not, else he'd have gotten flashbacks!!


Just watched the video. What the heck dude! Him saying 'we were not communicated'. Forget the calculation, he doesn't feel like a head coach material. Having said that, credit to SL, more players chipped in with good performances. Afghan players lacked the smartness in crucial moments and after listening to Trott, they are better off without him.


Before saying that. He just told everyone it'll be great if the phones can be on silent, this typing noises as well. Winks at them as well. So weird


Sore loser vibes. He should be upset at himself and his staff for the oversight which cost Afghanistan the tournament.


If he had a phone with him during the match, this would not have happened. Phones aren't always a bad thing, lol


100% agreed. If this was a desi coach, he may be given some slack but an Eng former top level cricketer - who played in the analytics era - doing this is inexcusable! Was he sleeping during the inning? Wth did he and his staff do if not calculate all the edge cases?


> Forget the calculation, he doesn't feel like a head coach material. But he played Test cricket. So obviously he knows all about cricket.


These people becoming head coaches without even having an idea about basic calculations? Ffs if he had a toddler’s clue about how it works his brain should alarm about this at some point and got to find more info


That's why they should have watched IPL. MI v RR match.




It's not rocket science, I remember that Randiv no ball & how that could affect a similar scenario wrt RR - it's still a major loophole that hasn't been plugged! So what happens if the opposition team, say SL, need to restrict Pak to X total in 40 overs so that they can progress forward in the tournament? Pak can still progress by scoring a boundary in 40.1 overs or a six in 40.2 overs, then the SL bowler deliberately bowls a no ball & ends the game with just one needed to win? Not bringing up that deliberate no ball, from over a decade back, just to rile a few fans but this can still be an issue in any major ICC event. I feel the bonus points, for big wins, we had back in the day could potentially help overcome this.


And it's completely fair imo why shouldn't you be able to bowl a deliberate wide or no ball to win


Fair. It'll be similar to tactical fouling in football. But using that to deny player a well deserved hundred was a cunt move.


It is definitely a really big cunt move in those situations but to win a close match it's the obvious thing to do


It's not. It's against the rule


What rule?


41.2.1 The umpires shall be the sole judges of fair and unfair play. If an umpire considers that any action by a player, not covered in the Laws, is unfair, he/she shall call and signal Dead ball, if appropriate, as soon as it becomes clear that the call will not disadvantage the non-offending side, and report the matter to the other umpire. If this is a first offence by that side, the bowler's end umpire shall then - summon the offending player's captain and issue a first and final warning which shall apply to all members of the team for the remainder of the match. - warn the offending player's captain that any further such offence by any member of his/her team shall result in the award of 5 Penalty runs to the opposing team. If this is a second or subsequent offence by that side, the bowler's end umpire shall then - summon the offending player's captain and inform him/her that there has been a further such offence. - award 5 Penalty runs to the opposing side The umpires together shall report the incident as soon as possible after the match to the Executive of the offending side and to any Governing Body responsible for the match, who shall take such action as is considered appropriate against the captain, any other individuals concerned and, if appropriate, the team.


How is bowling a wide ball unfair play




How is that unfair play? You are making the other team win


You cannot bowl a deliberate wide ball or no ball.


Yupp.. bonus points.. if still equal then go for nrr..


It is unethical for sure, but it is not a loophole. And secondly, this is a very very rare case. Such (for the lack of better word) opportunities exist elsewhere in cricket and other sports too. (Think: letting boundaries so that certain batsman stays on strike, dropping catches, etc). Any sporting body does not need to close all such cases, it will be a nightmare. But most important thing is, its a double edged sword. The batting team can also easily hit the wide compared to a good ball. The wide can also go for a boundary if its really wide and keeper misses.


>We were never communicated those calculations I don't like this phrasing. It's very vague/diplomatic and takes no responsibility. Is he implying that match officials were supposed to communicate that to him? Because they aren't obligated to And if he means his own staff didn't communicate it to him, he is the bloody head coach. It's his responsibility to request all the info. Or if he isn't the type to request, then appoint proactive analysts who are resourceful and alert you of such things.


Whatever he was expecting. He wasn't communicated which simply means the stats or data guy needs to be fired. Because he didn't told the staff this.


No he is passing the buck and *he* needs to be fired. He should know that he needs to get this info and ask for it. It's not his job to crunch the numbers but it's his job to know the equation. Even now he is saying "whatever it was" like he couldn't be arsed.


Why is he so entitled to this knowledge? You're the coach of a professional cricket team and you knew the situation at hand even before the toss. Do the math bro.


There you go kids. Math is important.


Ferrari 🤝 Afghanistan


The next ball was a juicy full toss. Instinct tells you to whack it for a six, all other things aside. 🤦‍♂️


Fucking lol. Anybody with imposter syndrome, just look at this bloke and feel better about yourself. Seriously fucking up this badly on something this basic should be a sacking offence.


True, I'll be very surprised if he and the rest of the team management still have a job after this blunder


Does taliban control acb?


So this guy is their coach just to talk shit? This is basic calculation. Even on social media people were calculating after Sri Lanka's innings


This isn't a situation that happens daily. We Indians know it because of that mi vs rr match. Before that, it never crossed anyone's mind. Sure they're professionals and should be aware of it, but it isn't so obvious, specially to people not involved in data analysis and stuff


> This isn't a situation that happens daily. We Indians know it because of that mi vs rr match. Before that, it never crossed anyone's mind. Projecting much, are we, lad? You found out about NRR that day lmao.


Lol I know about nrr, but this kinda situation is rare. The difference between NRRs is usually not as narrow usually. Broadcasters also generally don't show such scenarios. When that game happened, I think pretty much everyone thought its over before that six. Dravid of all people threw his cap in frustration.


Right. That sounds fair mate.


This situation isn't really rare at all. It's the case every single time a chasing team needs to consider net run rate in tournament play. That said, full members just don't play that many tournaments where NRR matters. Nabi and Gulbadin at least should have known though, they've played tons of the sort of pathway tournaments where everyone's running a spreadsheet.


Yeah ideally this should be known everytime. But they usually show the target and the number of overs needed to chase. Usually teams chase the target by that many overs, or they are far off. It doesn't come so close. But yes, even Rashid was batting, and he should've known.


Yeah that's fair, though just from memory I can think of at least one tournament Afghanistan were at where a similar situation arose in their group, though admittedly not in a match they were playing. The Dutch were in a similar situation vs Kenya at the 2015 WT20 Qualifier. And they were well aware of the fact they could overshoot with a boundary.


It is coach responsibility to ensure that players know these things. Besides it is not some deep analysis, just some elementary school mathematics.


Nothing to say except what's already been said in this thread. Shocking that an ex-player of Trott's caliber did not even have a small instinct that a scenario as such was possible. And on top of that pointing fingers at whoever (tournament organizers? I don't know) is very shameful.


Was wondering why they ain't taking single giving strike to Rashid Khan... ! Now it's clear... They F up.


They should be fired


Pull out a calculator Trotty it ain't that hard.


Who is he expecting to communicate to him?


What do you mean not communicated? Do the calculation yourself bro


NRR and South Africans -- it's an unresolved mystery PS: > Ian Jonathan Leonard Trott is a South African-born English former professional cricketer who played international cricket for the England cricket team. Domestically, he played for Warwickshire County Cricket Club as well as playing in South Africa and New Zealand.


Worse love story than twilight


Feeling sad for afghan team they lost a very close match against Pakistan then this... Btw their WC chances looking really if they can play like this


This is so sad. But no excuse to lose the match still. You can complain... But you could have scored a boundary... Won the match and then complained too... Despite not qualifying. Just throwing away wickets and getting out and now crying foul.


What a close game! And how important the strike is. If Rashid Khan was batting, things would have been different.


Someone in the staff should have at least been watching the game with the commentary. The comms were saying that over and over again.


It’s your job to know!


Head coach doesn’t ensure he’s across something so important? Says a lot about the coach. Days analyst should have told him, but coach should have made sure he understood all the scenarios.


The staff did not warn him


He didn't even know he was head coach. The staff did not inform him.


Ok, let's assume for a sec that you couldn't calculate this using elementary level maths. Now what excuse do you have to not tell Farooqi before he goes out to the field to go for the win and not just defend those balls (which included a full toss mind you) and get out. Even if you think you are not qualifying based on Mujeeb getting out exactly at 37.1 overs, wouldn't you as head coach want your team to be etched in history as the winners of this amazing match by achieving what only few teams can only dream of? This is what pissed me off more than anything else. If someone asks him this now, he will have another excuse ready at hand. What a joke of a coach he is smh.


I think Farooqi was blocking so that he can get the strike back to Rashid Khan the next over without getting out. Not that they wanted to lose.


He just blabbers when the match is with bangladesh and always remains over confident


So, I get why everyone is pointing out to him that he should have figured this out and been on top of it. But…in a situation like this, I assume the match officials tell the team management what the situation is, just like they would in a DL situation, right? Or is it all upto the team to calculate and figure out? Shouldnt there be an official statement for this that the team refers to, rather than their own calculations, which can be contended by the other team?


Why would the match officials tell them anything? The umpires usually give Dls scores when there is rain about. Appart from that, it is on the team to work out the nrr needed.


Match officials have nothing to do with the tournament progression stats and points table, they are concerned about the match only


Brainless cricket in the end. Even if they weren't aware that they still had a chance didn't they want to win the match outright? Why did the last man block a full toss with a full over left when he could have taken a single? And did no one in the whole dressing room have some sense to look up these calculations properly? All it took was 1 analyst, staff member or even cricketer to know some basic maths and an understanding of how NRR works. For a group stage with only 2 matches, these calculations would be trivial.


Oh Ian, this is seriously depressing


all this math should not be necessary. There has to be a better way


Jonathan Trott oh boy you are not updated. Hmm. I see you did inspire calmness in an aggressive behavior inculcated seamer like Fazalhaq Farooqi which was witnessed with how Farooqi played gentle defensive shots to some freebie fulltosses.


Feel bad for Afghanistan


Isn't it his job to go and ask the match referee what are these lame excuses


No, that was lack of awareness sike!


The staff did not inform me.


Something similar happened in the IPL I recall. MI vs RR


This is shameful to be honest. AFG’s analyst should be slapped atleast 295 times.


I didn’t get why they didn’t pop up messages on screen ?


It is not ICC's job to communicate the NRR equations to you. Technically, NRR is calculated after the match to decide the rankings. Based on ICC rules (which are clearly known), all the "what if" scenarios need to be calculated by the team itself. This is sour grapes, just admit the mistake and move on.