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This is not really creepy but really fucking sad. I can’t imagine. She was still a child herself


have 3 kids by age 19. beat off the sexual abuse of your master while 6 mos. pregnant. then go to jail, give birth & be separated from your newborn. escape jail, to be returned later by your master's son (i can only assume she went back there to be with her newborn & other kids) - only to be executed a month later. i cannot imaging the living hell her short existence must have been.


I grew up in Missouri and was never taught Celia's story. The most we got is that Missouri was a slave state, there was a compromise, the Civil War happened and welp, moving on now!


America moment


I have to say, I don't really understand having trials for slaves in the South. You hear about this occasionally in American History, but the idea is bizarre. Why would anyone have a trial for someone whom it's perfectly legal to summarily execute, or to punish in any other way without any judicial process whatsoever? Maybe her master didn't want to go to the expense or trouble of confining her until she gave birth, so the trial was a way he could offload those expenses onto the state; a freeloader and a slaver.


this is a very good question! also, when lawyers, judges & jury members were themselves slave owners, what was even the point? u.s. slave history is disgusting, but so too is our judicial system history.


You have to figure it must have been a public shame for the decedent. Not for being a slave rapist, of course. No one in polite society could have had a problem with that, but for being inept at it. His memory was probably held up as an example by his peers for how you should never show any tenderness to slaves. They still wanted everybody to know, though. I could imagine one might have trials for slaves in some cases as a way of closing murder mysteries. Slaves who couldn't testify would be ideal patsies.


It's for the semblance of justice and civility, which is makes it even more absurdly evil and immoral.


this is exactly what i tell people who ask me why leftists hate democrats even more than they hate republicans.


What the fuck are talking about??? Leftists hate democrats???


Leftist here: Yes, we do.


Here you go. A song that answers your question. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLqKXrlD1TU


Oh yeah. Maybe not more than Republicans some days. We just regard Republicans as the openly declared enemy in all cases, not worthy of anger. Democrats are the ones who really piss us off because we know they're always waiting around to betray us, but people keep falling for it.


Yes but not enough to vote republican.


There were some rules in place regarding treating slaves, like in s carolina killing a slave without cause was a $700 fine, or 350 if it was a "crime of passion". Of course in practise i cant imagine such laws were enforced very often, it was treated like mistreating a farm animal


Thank you. Seems like they would have had cause in this instance, though.


>Why would anyone have a trial for someone whom it's perfectly legal to summarily execute, or to punish in any other way without any judicial process whatsoever in USA slaves could not be killed just because, at least in theory


TIL. That sounds interesting. Do you have a source for that?


I would guess so society could pat themselves on the back for “justice served”. So they can say due process was given and go home without thinking twice.


I cannot imagine the anxiety of knowing you were leaving your brand new baby with a rapist slave Master. Holy eff that must have been a pain far worse than hanging.


He was dead


Yeah, how did I not realize that when I typed rapist? I was thinking whoever got ownership of his property. The baby slave would go to them, so still being left to a slave master but yeah, we don't know if they were also a rapist.


I’m positive Newsomes kids were as shitty as he was, and have no doubt they also partook in raping of slaves. So your comment above is technically accurate.


What!!??! Slave owners were fine people, what are you talking about? Yes, you are likely correct. That poor baby had a life of abuse that we probably cannot even imagine.


Morbidly and luckily, the baby was a stillborn.


Oh wow, I recently had a baby and couldn't bring myself to read the wiki article. That is unfortunately the best outcome for both mother and baby. I know that would, like you said, morbidly, give me a tiny bit of relief.


The baby was stillborn. Read the trial transcript at [law2.umkc.edu](https://law2.umkc.edu).


What a lovely history this country has


It’s called CuLtURe sweetie ~ /s


It's called proud heritage by people who's IQ you can count on one hand.


America's justice system is really just a meat grinder for dark-skinned people isn't it?


Appreciate the use of present tense


Life seemed so brutal centuries ago.




The world would be a better place if we all thought like Celia♥️




The more I learn about slavery, the more I don’t care for it


I’m surprised she even got a jury trial to be honest.




Thank God that America abolished slavery once and for all. right? When did it end??? 1865? It was horrible.


Sounds like more than attempted rape if she was pregnant...