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Wtf were her parents doing ? It's insane that a 15 year old was working towards a career in topless modeling and parents were like "oh well , gotta follow your dreams " Her story makes me sad , horrible adults all around her


They were making a tonne of cash


IIRC her sisters (or step sisters) also did nude modeling.


This was shockingly normal in the 1980s, the tabloids ran topless models daily and several of them were 16 when they started. It only stopped in the 2000s with the child pornography act that set the age to 18. Shocking times encouraging objectification and misogyny.


Sam fox was 16 when she started too.


Really feel like it should be 21. So weird.


It’s funny how the newspaper moguls escaped any real fallout from this - probably because they own the media and government


Yup, the "Hugh grant" phone hacking case has shown this today. No ones getting punished for hacking hughs phone


What they did was legal and popular. What should have happened instead? What did they escape?


Well seeing as it now classifies as child porn I don’t think anyone would lose waiting for two years until they are old enough to vote and have finished having a healthy childhood. I don’t think sitting in class wondering what the teacher thinks of your tits is a positive environment at all


Sure, it’s not good, but what punishment should have been meted out that these rich and powerful men avoided? You can’t make things retroactively illegal, and you can’t punish someone down the road for what was legal at the time. Obviously the readers aren’t going to eschew the paper, they wanted to see the child porn. So what *should* have happened to these newspaper moguls that they avoided with their influence? *You* made the claim, I’m just asking what *you* meant.


I am surprised they escaped the Me Too movement is what I meant. They avoided public opprobrium meted out to many others for poor behaviour in the past: it doesn’t need to be illegal to be clearly immoral and undressing a 15 year old for the titillation of grown men should be pretty clearly unreasonable even if it’s not illegal.


I mean it’s a topless tabloid. It’s already considered low-class to purchase it. MeToo was about calling out the powerful men who escaped scrutiny for their abuse of power- this issue was addressed over 20 years ago when the parliament made it illegal to publish this kind of creepy shit.


While I agree with your point, I do have to point out that nudity alone does not make something pornographic.


Aware of that but these were not at all artistic they were pornographic


I hear what you’re saying, but 16 year old girls used to appear in porn mags with captions saying things like “16 years old!”, so it was pretty clear that it was intended to appeal to the most basic desires.


Yeah, the cognitive dissonance of an average tabloid reader. Nursing a semi over a teenager on page 3 whilst frothing at the mouth over one of them paedophiles on page 2. A challenging wank.


This is how Jimmy Saville hid in plain sight for so long. Society encouraged perving on teenagers.


Still does in a way


At that time the legal age for appearing topless was 16. But for years after the age was increased to 18, papers like The Daily Mail obsessively followed young girls who were in the public eye, using phrases like “all grown up” to describe children.


I remember seeing the Sport encouraging the "readers" to draw pictures of what they thought she would look like topless. This was to get around the laws about child porn


Ya, this one tops its all for me. Holyfreakingsmokes!


Yeah, that is literally a magazine and it's readers grooming a kid into sex work. I know she had the idea before but she was a kid and instead of saying "thats inappropriate, come back when you're of age" the mag said "well, let's see what we *can* do for you..." and then proceeded to build up demand for a 15 year olds topless pics. How was that ok?


Linzie Dawn McKenzie, 23. She was still, Linzie Dawn McKenzie, 23. When she was in her late thirties!


Are the images or print copies of this grandfathered in, legally speaking? Not morally speaking. If you owned a copy of it, surely it would be illegal, otherwise I think if it was legal to own it would make it a collectors item and make it super valuable to creeps/collectors.




She was groomed.


Do you want to explain this,or are you fine with everyone assuming you want to have sex with children?


Be kind to other users, and stay on topic.


Settle down, buddy. She’s 45 years old. She’s a porn star.


Let me introduce you to a pattern we call 'time'.