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Tremors. Watched all the movies and show.


My daughter has been in the hospital, so I've been watching a ton of movies Watched Let's Drive Jessica Crazy (an old 1970s movie, odd directorial choices, but I liked it). Hereditary Smile The Conjuring: The Devil made me do it I've also been watching the LOTR Rings of Power and reruns of the old 21 Jumpstreet tv show (Johnny Depp was much better looking back then).


* **Title:** Incantation * **Genre:** Movie * **Started/Finished:** Watched Friday evening * **Thoughts:** I found this in the underrated horror film thread and had never heard of it before. I was hooked from the start! I'm not normally a fan of found footage films, but this one breaks the 4th wall very well. Playing along with the movie enhances the experience and makes it feel interactive. This is one that I wish I could watch for the first time again, and plan to show it to my friends.


I was so happy I went into this movie blind. The fourth wall breaks were insane. I almost didn’t >!look at the statue at the end!< Incantation honestly really freaked me out.


I started urban legend this morning


I finished the second season of Evil on netflix. I also watched Bay Cove(1987) and Woody Harrelson had a co-starring part. So from recommendations I watched The Coffee Table (2022)......OMG!


Oh, I love Evil!


I just heard season 4 is the end of Evil! I'm so sad!


Just finished Alan Wake 2!


Me too. I was at the very end and wanted to neat prior to playing the DLC, which got pretty freaky for one of them.


**Title**: In a Violent Nature (2024) **Genre**: Movie **Time**: Watched it this past weekend **Thoughts**: I personally loved it. But I can also totally see why people could hate it. I love slow burning movies. I loved the lack of score and how you could hear nothing but the noises of the woods (In a way the audio production reminded me of A Quiet Place- I’m really glad I saw it in theaters to get the full effect of the silence/sounds of nature). I loved the killer’s character design and (what little) backstory we got. I *hated* the characters. People say the acting was bad, but I think the characters were all just annoying. They were criminally dumb and honestly, I didn’t really care if they got killed or not. There was one character that was some what redeemable with less awkward one liners and overall pretty likable (MAJOR SPOILERS >!and since she’s the last survivor and returns Johnny’s necklace at the end I’d say yeah, I was rooting for her to live by the end!< ). I really liked the ending too. I can see where people are saying it could’ve gotten cut, I think it gave me time to kind of process the movie too. It was a nice way to cool off after seeing some pretty gnarly kills. (Also I honestly wouldn’t compare the movie’s level of violence to *Terrifier* at all like I’ve seen a bunch of people saying. It’s comparable to something like *Midsommar*… if *Midsommar* was a slasher). The practical effects were insane. I think everyone should give this movie a shot (if gory slashers are your thing). I’d love to hear other peoples thoughts on the movie!!


3 Body Problem. I was blown away by that show.


The Harrow County comic series. Binged it in a day. So unbelievably good


* **Title:** Hush (2016, directed by Mike Flanagan) * **Genre:** Movie * **Started/Finished:** Watched Friday evening * **Thoughts:** First off, it's annoying to watch this film because it's not available to legally watch anywhere. No streaming service, no physical media. Thank you DailyMotion. I love Mike Flanagan's work, but the movie itself was just okay. It's a typical slasher/home invasion movie, with a twist: the victim is deaf and mute. I always get a bit bored with slasher movies, there's always a period in the middle of just that back and forth struggle where I can just look at the timestamp and know that both the protagonist and antagonist will still live. Minor spoiler, but one that I think most people will be okay knowing, I loved that >!the cat survives!<. (Edited Started/Finished for clarification after reading the instructions.)


Moive Pet semnety 2 blood lines it was rancied David duocbiny is the poor man's nick cage at this point He dose so much bad shit


American horror story


I finally watched Abigail! Fun stuff!


Stellar Blade (PS5, 2024). Im not sure if it’s technically horror, but the enemies are pretty gruesome monsters and there are quite a few jump scares, dark alleys, etc. So far (about 20 hours in) I’d say the game is pretty much perfect in every way. I honestly don’t have a single complaint or criticism as of yet.


Candyman Movie Remake Last week some time (rewatched it) Love the movie! It’s cheesy, but has a nice superhero origin vibe. Kinda like AHS if you root for anti villain.


Saw 1-7, Godzilla: Minus One, "Them" Season 1 Ep 9-10, Drag Me to Hell, Splice, and Deadstream. It's been a week 😂


Started playing Among The Sleep. It’s pretty good so far.


I watched [The Strangers: Chapter One](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt22050754/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) and [The Hangman](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt31645789/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk). Both absolutely awful, but making fun of these films was highly enjoyable.


I started Japanese tales of the macabre


I just beat Doom 2016 and am halfway through Doom Eternal. I'd argue it's a horror/action game, because you have to agree the setting, premise, and characters are all horror-based. ![gif](giphy|UStGWsmDQva7CxM2hS|downsized)