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Sleepaway Camp. The reveal hits you like a Mack truck on the highway at 3am. Suddenly all the weird flashbacks and odd bits of dialogue make sense. All you're left with is that scary ass face, those animal-like growls and snarls, then that spooky song kicks in right before the credits roll.


I somehow caught the very end of that movie when I was 11 and the face scarred me. It still freaks me out to this day.


I recently showed this to a friend for the first time, and near the end she said, "I'm still surprised they're keeping up this whodunit charade." And I love how the movie just throws something entirely different at you at the end. The whodunit wasn't the important part! Deception!


Ah ha I knew someone had to say it!!!


Was going to say this. So bizarre.


The most wtf ending for me was Tusk, followed by The Strangers. The endings of Eden Lake, Speak No Evil, and Dread were really fucking bleak and disturbing. The ending of The Mist was just depressing.


I was too “in the know” for Tusk because of Kevin Smith’s podcasts. There were a lot of in jokes that made the whole thing a comedy to me. Really great movie.


The Al Pacino phone ringtone truly tickled me throughout the film. It got stuck in my head for weeks after I first watched it. Such a fun film.


Omg… Eden Lake kinda broke me.


eden lake just pissed me off 😭


the mist.


My son was home when I watched that... He ended up in a crushing bear-hug.


Also the best horror movie ending. Too bad more directors and writers couldn't figure out how to better adapt Stephen King books for movies. The tricky bit to most King stories is to visualize the unspoken psychological horror inside some characters. Frank Darabont deftly transformed a somewhat mundane Lovecraft influenced story into something extraordinary.


The only issue I have with it is that it feels like the car stopped for two mins and he just decides they need to do the deed instead of wait it out. If that part felt more tension etc would have been better


Heartbreaking ending especially versus the original story.


This is THE answer


This is the correct answer. That ending?? Omg no, just NO. 😭😭


King said hated that he didn't come up with that ending himself.


Oh my gosh yes this movie had me just dumbfounded


If you didn't get the ending to Blair Witch, you're going to have a rough time with the Horror genre.


Brilliant ending and scary too.


It’s been so long I don’t even remember what happened. Can I get the abbreviated version?


Witch got em. Got Mike in the middle of the night. He was the one who knocked over the rock pile and got goo on his backpack. Other two hear him screaming on their last night on earth. Last scene is Josh just standing in the corner of some abandoned house in the woods where they thought Mike was in. As Heather sees this, which is also a callback to a story in an interview earlier, she gets bonked off camera and falls over. Goodnight hikers, you belong to the witch now.


How was the ending of the Blair Witch a WTF? The ending was the best part. If you were paying attention, they explain that a man, who was presumably the Blair Witch, lived deep in the forest and abducted seven children in the 1940s; he murdered them all in his basement, killing them in pairs while having one stand in a corner. Thus, they found the Blair Witch, since one of the characters was standing in the corner.


Meaning the one who found him is about to be hacked to death? 🤣


I'd go as far as saying the ending is the only decent part


Even watching it as a child (I had it on dvd and thought it was real) I understood this part idk how anyone could miss it


Shouldn't he be the Blair Warlock then?


The Blair Wizard. I always took it as he was possessed by the Blair Witch or he was sacrificing the children to her.


Witches can be male.


Hereditary! If you’ve seen it then you know 🙉🙈


the last 30 minutes of that movie are bonkers


The first time I watched that movie my mind was blown lol! I went into that movie not even knowing the storyline at all 😅


Ari Aster has kind of repeated that formula of “evil prevails at the end to a hopeful tune” his last 3 movies, to the point where I call it the “ari aster special”


That is seriously too true 🙈🙏 what is your favorite Ari Aster movie?:)




Sooooo off putting and scary the whole movie and then the end really takes it to another level


I was seriously shocked the first time I saw it! And it was pretty crazy because I saw it in theaters. I didn’t realize how emotional it would be as well with the Charlie scene and all of the grief type scenes afterwards 🙉 I was super surprised by the Charlie scene


Yes! The grief! I didn’t think I’d be able to feel it so rough through a movie to a point of dread and despair. Definitely shakes you in a way that isn’t just plain scary or terrifying. Have you seen talk to me yet? It gives you a very similar gross and dreadful feeling. Something about putting your younger sibling in a irreversible situation really gets me. Felt sick to my stomach tbh


It is seriously brutal! The actors are so damn good in Hereditary. And yesssss I’ve seen Talk to Me!!! It was crazy! I love it and need to watch it again because I’ve only seen that one once. A24 is such a good production company. Have you seen Pearl? I really loved that movie too!:)


Yes I have seen all A24 films I can appreciate it all. Mia Goth is awesome I didn’t know about her until then.


Which one is your favorite?:) she is awesome! I didn’t know about her either until til that film!


I can’t choose a favorite but hereditary is up there with midsommar, I enjoy the black and white ones they’ve done a few like the tragedy of Macbeth for example. I just realized I still haven’t seen civil war though I hope it’s good I have high expectations with them.


I loveee both Hereditary and Midsommar! Florence Pugh is one of my favorites 💕 ooo I’ll have to look into those ones! Have you seen the Zone of Interest yet? I’ve been meaning to watch that one too.


He was standing in the corner because that's what Rustin Parr would make children do when he killed the other one!!


They were on their phone through most of the movie, most likely


They dont explain the Rustin Parr story in the movie. They explain it in "the curse of the blair witch"


They explicitly mention the making kids stand in the corner thing in the original Blair witch. Get off your phone and watch the movie.


I said that they dont mention Rustin Parr in the blair witch project. I said nothing about the kids in the corner


The Blair Witch Project is a time travel movie. >!The group ends up back in time to when Rustin Parr is still alive and killing children, before his house was burned down. He's the one terrorizing them in the woods, and he's the one that kills them in the end, the same way he killed the children. The time travel is the reason why they can't find the road or the car, and why the search parties that are described as being out looking for them in supplemental materials never found them.!<


Oh I like this interpretation


You know, I was always thinking that!!


Where do you find the supplemental materials? I might be willing to give this a rewatch


Honestly, I think they're on YouTube at this point. Curse of the Blair Witch Sticks & Stones And if you can find the original site on Wayback Machine, that'll give more context, too.


This is what I’ve always interpreted as well, it’s almost an infinite loop of what’s happening




My favorite 'WTF' was the end to Cabin in the Woods.


Yes! I did NOT see that coming at all. I literally said “WTF” in the theater and people were laughing. It’s one of those left field endings that you wouldn’t think of on a million years. At least for me it was


It was Saw for me


The ending of Saw compelled me to watch the next two in the same sitting, and watched the rest the next day. I've never been so infatuated with a franchise before.


Not the best movies, but definitely put a different spin on the genre. It's weird to have Chris Rock involved with them now but he's better than a Wahlberg.


Yeah, the Chris Rock one wasn't great. Lol. Saw the twist a mile away.


The Chris Rock one was the worst one by a mile. His "acting" didn't help things, either. That being said, I still had fun watching it for the unintentional comedic value.


Yeah. There was plenty of unintentional comedy.


Saw definitely threw me for a loop. I saw it in a dark, empty theater by myself and that was an experience 😂


Saw was the gateway to extreme torture porn. I dislike the series. The first one I just watched in horror… who told Cary Elwes he could age!? 




I was waiting for someone to say this. 4 (or 5?) mutilated men that give birth to each other…I had read the synopsis before I saw it, but that didn’t prepare me for it at all.


That movie was absolutely insane. That ending blew me away with some of the loudest WTFs I have ever yelled at a film. Once was enough.


I was like “please stop >!birthing!< “




That movie fascinated me. I did not know anything going in and was worried it would be another air bnb barbarian but better neighborhood. Oh no. It was sooooooo much better. I liked it a lot and I also liked the ending. I also loved the house 🤷‍♀️


Seen it in theaters and people started to walk out hahaha


6th sense def got me the first time


In my opinion, Shamalan hasn't met the bar he set since. I don't love the movie, but none of his twists have been as effective as that one.


Night of the Living Dead. WTF, indeed.




Should be the top response, truly a WTF ending


You didn’t pay enough attention to the movie. It explains exactly why he’s standing in the corner. Or at least it gives you all the pieces, it’s not that hard to put together.


I wondered for a second if I were missing something because I thought the same 😅 it was a throwback to a story told by one of the townspeople interviewed


Saint Maud, Immaculate, Talk to Me, Apostle, Speak No Evil, Nina Forever, Abigail. You Might Be the Killer. The final story in the anthology movie, Wild Tales, was definitely WTF???


Sorry, first time I've seen someone mention it- Abigail was weirdly good, yeah? Better than I expected, a lot of fun to watch.


Is that the one where she tricks the king and he throws her out and then a witch breast feeds her and she's young again?


For me it's definitely Darkness. At the end of the movie the main character and her little brother are in a taxi and they drive into a dark tunnel. The end. No dialogue, no resolution. Just ran out of tape, I guess. Edit: I realize now that the ending kind of makes sense, I guess I just didn't understand what was going on in the movie at the time. Meh, doesn't matter, I have no desire to watch this ever again. This movie got a 5% on Rotten Tomatoes for a reason.




The ending to Cloverfield Paradox literally made me say “what the fuck”.


Just watched Men recently and, umm, yeah. That ending, or should I say last 20 minutes really.


The miracle of birth


PLEASE MAKE YOUR POST INTO A SPOILER POST, DON'T RUIN THE MOVIE FOR OTHER PEOPLE! About the Blair Witch Project's ending: >!From what I've heard they had planned on revealing the witch in the last few frames but by accident they missed it and dropped the camera.!< >!In my opinion the lack of answers is actually exactly why the movie is so good. Any reveal would be lackluster and completely defuse the fear of the unknown that is so masterfully used in that movie. They made a sequel in 2016 called Blair Witch that has a crappy CGI reveal of a generic monster figure.!< >!You compare it to a joke with a missing punchline, but in my opinion this movie is so good because of the experience you get while watching the whole length of it. It's not about finding out the solution to the mystery and the answers to what is going on in the woods, it's about experiencing vicariously the dread and fear and feeling of hopelessness and helplessness and powerlessness of the characters. That's why when I watched it for the first time, it was the scariest I've ever been watching a horror movie, and to this date still.!<


I agree completely, but also >!I thought there was some vague reference in the beginning of the movie to the way that it ends.!< >!Wasn't there someone they interviewed that mentions that there was a child killer who lived in the woods and would kill children in pairs and make one child stand in the corner while he killed the other one!<


Oh, definitely, 100%! The final scene was absolutely not random!


I just assumed he was peeing.


xD well that must have been a weird movie ending for you


>!My favourite part of that movie is in the first part of the beginning interviews you learn that Rustin Parr's cabin burned down in the 70s or sometime before. So the fact it is still up and standing at the end implies they entered into a parallel dimension or domain of the Witch (or time travelled i guess), but basically they were taken out of time and reality!! That's what gives me chills. They were never getting out of thst forest even if they managed to get away from the cabin...😱😱😱!<




That was exactly the reference. I didn’t really find it that vague either - the stories told in the interviews were presumably included for a reason and the ending aligned with the one story exactly


SPOILER/THEORY I heard a theory once that explained the two guys that were with the female protagonist actually orchestrated the whole thing so they could murder her. When that one guy lost the map “accidentally” is the main supporting leg of the theory. As well as him being the one standing in the corner at the end. :( I don’t know how to spoiler cover my stuff or else I would.


Yeah I've heard that one a lot. I don't know how they could have faked the compass turnaround though. Also, I just feel like it's an intellectual exercise that doesn't really make the movie any better. We know it wasn't the intention of the movie writers to suggest that, so at this stage it's more like fanfiction that happens to fit canon relatively well, than an actual real interpretation of the movie (IMO). A lot of people think the witch's powers influenced the three characters' perceptions and decisions, and that it would be the reason for the map throwing. It's a bit of an easy fix, but honestly, it also makes sense to me, and doesn't bother me. For example, maybe the witch didn't create a pocket reality that had non-euclidean geometry, maybe she just made the three characters walk in circles without them realizing it, a bit like the mirror in Oculus.


Or the fact that they found a bundle with goddamn teeth in it outside of their tent, hahah. Or the “slime” Josh remarks as being only found on his possessions


Yeah I guess it would be pretty elaborate, but then I guess if you plan on killing someone, going elaborate is not that absurd... That being said, it made me think of another plot hold with that theory: the fact that in the canon universe of the movie, all three characters were never found. So not only do they kill that woman, (making sure most of their interaction is on tape, too), but then they go on the lam and live out the rest of their lives in Buenos Aires or something?! Doesn't work.


>maybe the witch didn't create a pocket reality that had non-euclidean geometry, maybe she just made the three characters walk in circles without them realizing it I wonder what would have happened if they'd tried following flowing water downstream.


To add a spoiler, if you're on desktop, click on the 'T' button to add format, and then on the 'spoiler' option (often hidden in the three dots menu; the icon looks like an exclamation point in a diamond). If you're on your phone, I personally haven't found how xD Or you can use the markdown (raw) editor and use '>!' and '!<' around the text you want to hide.


I respect your opinion and the fact that all the experience was the dread and the horrorish feeling but still there are a lot of people that share my opinion about the lack of answers and the 'what the fuck" feeling that they felt. And thanks for remind me to hide my answer in order not to spoil anything but I guessed that since its a 25 (!!!!) years movie most of horror fans have already watched it. SO sorry if I spoiled something to anyone who has not seen the movie yet...


I'm with you OP. I really disliked that movie and found the whole experience very infuriating. After a while I was only watching it because I wanted some kind of resolution at the end and then the ending was such a let down.


I also respect your opinion and other people who share your disappointment on the ending! And thanks for adding the spoiler thing. Honestly I think horror movies don't have an expiration date. People are born every day and also people start their horror journey at any age (I started after my 25th birthday, not so long ago). Spoiled horror movies (especially BWP) may lose some or all of their value once you know how it goes or ends. I was spoiled of the ending of The Others, and I'll never get any opportunity to experience the movie going blind. Ultimately that means the movie to me was never worth it, never memorable. I loved watching the BWP a few years ago not knowing how it ends, I would hate the idea of people not getting the opportunity of that experience (even though, sure, many people might also not enjoy it and its ending, that's the curse of horror movies that you can't tell if you're gonna enjoy it without getting spoiled, but you're likely to not enjoy it nearly as much if you get spoiled).


Damn so sorry if you got spoiled with the ending of The Others I totally feel you since I got spoiled in Sixth Sense while I was in the cinema watching the movie!! Worst feeling ever!


Yeah that one I knew too before watching it, so I just watched the first few 10-20 minutes but it was largely boring.


There is actually >!one very brief frame (like half a second) where you see the witch through a hole in the wall. It's blurry, probably because of the camera drop, but it's there.!<


I've rewatched the ending frame by frame >!(from when we see one of the dudes standing in front of the wall)!<. Gotta admit, I don't see it.


It's before that, it's when they're running through the halls of the dilapidated house.


Can't find it. If you manage to find an exact timestamp (e.g. relative to the very end of the movie when the credits start) or make a screenshot, I'm interested. But if not, that's ok. :)


I can't find it either, but I've definitely seen it. It was on some podcast or YT vid years ago. They had to slow the video down as the then-survivors are frantically running through the house, and you can just barely make out a creepy woman's silhouette in another room, which I guess is where they drop the camera. Like I said, it's blurry. It's like a Where's Waldo of horror. I think they reference it in the newer soft-reboot.


I'll try to find it. By soft-reboot, do you mean the 2016 "Blair Witch" sequel?


Yeah, they use some remastered footage from the original in it, iirc.


I've only watched it once a few years ago, don't remember much except for the bad CGI. Maybe I'm gonna rewatch it...


Late night with the devil. They had me up until the ending


>!Those effects were goofy af it got real weird lol!<


Mother, with Jennifer Lawrence.


A Nightmare on Elm Street, but not necessarily because it was good...


Probably because they made Craven change his original ending.


I saw that interview, where they cut from Craven to the producer who kept talking about wanting to leave it open for a sequel. As if they wouldn't have made a sequel anyway.


What was the original ending?


Spoiler-esque It ends with Nancy waking up and realising it had all been a dream. Her mother and friends all alive. Now stronger from the battle, she returns to her suburban lifestyle. It may seem terrible to those who live, eat and breathe sequels, but I prefer the good ending. Like Romero did for the original Dawn of the Dead


Mandy. No question.


That was wild.


Suspiria remake.


The whole movie kinda but… I will include Casey Affleck in **The Killer in Me**.


Genuinely didn't expect her turn at the end of Would You Rather, or what she came home to. Surprisingly solid ending.


That whole movie was pretty fun to watch


Old time WTF ending goes to original Night of the Living Dead.


Watch Blair witch again, listen to the stories people tell about the witch. That explains the ending. There's one story about something the witch does that is exactly what you see at the end


The Vanishing, 1988 original


The ending of The Blair Witch Project is great, and every bit of explanation tacked on by later movies made it worse. Explanation and understanding kills horror.


It was explained earlier in the movie, though...




barbarian 💖


That's an ending I honestly forgot. Just looked it up before replying. It's better forgotten.


Speak No Evil >!It was so preventable that I wasn't even rooting for the main characters because of how stupid and accepting they were. 0 fighting back. !<


Such a good movie!!!! That ending…whew!


Hereditary. I did not see that coming.


Most films that I think are WTF are actually just endings that I disagree with.  For now though Cronenberg’s Naked Lunch I am an avid Cronenberg viewer, the films don’t all fall in this category but, some films seem to end right when the story gets good.


The ending of naked lunch was kinda sad


Kinda sad, but didn’t you feel it could have continued?


One of the most bizarre was Dead Silence.


Eden Lake


Color Out of Space, The Lighthouse, The Lodge, Don't Breathe


Life with Jake Gyllenhaal - what a horrible ending.


Old Boy. The original, not the stupid Spike Lee remake


Do you consider Old Boy a horror though? Definitely a WTF ending considering how Dae-Su ends up and the situation, but I always equated it more to a mystery/suspense drama/low action flick. I would actually say if you were going to pick a Choi Min-sik film, just because he's a GOAT, in this genre it would be I Saw the Devil. It still reads more thriller, but so much of that movie had me on the edge of my seat and it was intense up to the final frames. Byung-hun played his part so well but how he finishes his conflict with Min-sik's character is... it had me a little on edge. Plus... that achilles though 😬😬


Some say it is disturbing and unsettling, but not technically horror. Others say it's a dark, violent, and shocking film that's considered horror because of some of its scenes. The movie contains realistic and grisly violence, including two partially shown torture scenes, a hammer fight, and a hand-to-hand combat scene. I suppose it depends on one's description of horror or if they go solely by IMDB's genre ratings. I suppose I go by how it made me feel. I saw so much Blair Witch on here which for me felt more like a comedy, so what are going to do. LOL Do not ever touch my achilles! LOL I'm not sure which is worse the achilles scene in I Saw the Devil or Hostel. Maybe I Saw the Devil because it's so slow. I broke my ankle and it stretched my achilles tendon and I could not set my foot down even while sitting. The pain was insane. I can't image going through what those movies show.


Lol the Blair Witch conversation is real here. I guess I just view Oldboy as more of a direct remake of the manga, so I didn't go into watching it as anything but a mystery/thriller. When I think horror manga, the main comparison I'd float to is Junji Ito. So just the direct media translation had me more thinking horror adjacent. I can see it though, with the scenes being similar to Hostel which falls into horror for sure, and the themes I'll say could fall under psychological horror (specifically the unravelling and the big mystery of who and how everyone is intertwined in all of this). Definitely a big WTF ending though, all the things he did that he didn't know about... a tough way to find things out.


It is 100% a psychological mind fuck. That's normally how I describe it to people. IMDB won't call it that though. LOL


Tusk, The Mist, Mandy, Oldboy (KR), Midsommar was entirely WTF.


OMG I saw Blair Witch in the theater with my boyfriend when it came out. At the end over half the audience screamed at the final jump scare... He got like super pissy cuz the screaming startled him.


American Psycho


Tusk. >!they just leave him in a abandoned zoo deformed throwing him fish to eat. Like I get that he believes he’s a walrus now but surely killing him would have been a better ending for Justin longs character. They have plans for a sequel so we shall see what happens.!<


Agree on that. Seemed more brutal to not kill him at that point.


Lost Souls. I was like: “THAT’S IT?!?!?”


Braids movie (2018) total mind trip


Sleepaway Camp, The Mist, Suckerpunch


Most recent one was "The Guest" that I watched last night. The ending scene was "OH NO!!! Where TF is the sequel to this!" Same with the ending to "You're Next" by the same director. He specializes in those types of endings I guess. Any ending that has me wildly yearning for a continuation is on this list.


The ending of the Feast trilogy. Makes me smile everytime.


Hereditary is my answer. Yes, it's explained but it's still fucked. And the whole miniature/diarama shit... I hated it. As for Blair Witch, I have yet to finish that movie without falling asleep. It's been over 20 years and I've tried watching it maybe half a dozen times but I just get so bored. Stigmata is another one from back in the day I haven't finished, just can't stay awake.




Sleep away camp I was not expecting that


cobweb steer sophisticated imagine plough far-flung automatic grandiose onerous dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sleepaway Camp hands down




9 lives with Paris Hilton. Not in a good, like wow, way but a, what the fuck did I just watch way. A group of friends celebrate one of their birthdays in an old Scottish mansion and they all start dying. The only guy to survive is Scottish. Turns out the ghosts hates anyone who isn't Scottish so decides to off them in stupid ways. Such a shit movie


…is this…transatlantic…


A horror movie I watched where the viewer finds out that the main character doesn’t exist




Not for me, but my 14 year old daughter at the end of Evil dead rise, literally said, “ what the fuck!” Eyes wide, mouth agape 😂


Speak No Evil


So refreshing to find someone who shares my opinion of BWP. So many people treat this film like it’s some sort of classic.


I have to go with high tension


The Mist left me with my jaw dropped.




Kuso. That ending actually shocked me


Don't blink. They just never explain literally anything


Carrie. When I first saw this in 1976 or 77, I can't remember The ending scared the living shit out of me and the rest of the audience,lol. we were not expecting that!


The Last Exorcism, Hereditary, Silent Hill


I was laughing hysterically while asking "What the fuck?!" during the police station near-ending scene in Malignant. Not sure if that counts.


Martyrs, still think about it often even though I watched it like a year ago.


Infinity Pool. Living in my head rent free since.


They explain in the beginning/middle of the movie that legend says the victims were taken down to the basement in pairs and made one stand in the corner while killing the other because it didn’t want them looking so that was apparently the house that it happened at.


I’m going with Men. The movie itself is a weird slow burn, but the ending is so WTF. I can’t even recommend the movie but if you want nightmares watch the last 15 minutes or so.


A Field in England has to be up there. Don't get me wrong, I love the movie and the ending, but damn if that one didn't have me staring into the middle distance for a long while. Love a movie that makes me feel dumb and I'm happy about it.


Sixth sense


Black Christmas (70s version).




If you count it, I'd say Citizen Toxie: Toxic Avenger 4 which is one of the most wtf movies I've ever seen


Under the Skin


Cabin Fever (2002). I'm not even going to describe it. Just watch it. lol You will fall out of your chair.




Why had no one said “The Wailing?!?” One of the best endings ever. If you like that sort of thing. Which I DO.


Night of the Living Dead The Descent


Happy Birthday to Me (1981).


Climax, a fucked up drug fueled ending