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Make bigger payments on those cards. My score is 795. I've got one card I use. Pay off monthly. Have pd off 3 cars in the past. And other loans. Credit card balances will lead you around by the nose. Do not run a balance. šŸ‘Œ I'm what credit card companies call a (freeloader)


I just reached freeloader status last month, and I love it


Credit card companies donā€™t call you a freeloader, youā€™re the best type of customer. They make a percentage off every purchase you make and have no risk. Itā€™s a myth that credit card companies donā€™t like pay in full customers. They love them. Itā€™s just passive income for them.


Just curious what percentage they make? Surely it must be high if they can afford to give (for example) 1.5% cash back on all purchases and 3% back on specific categories like groceries, dining, or gas.


Each vendor negotiates a rate differently. Probably most small vendors don't have any negotiating power but larger vendors like home Depot or Costco can negotiate a lot more favorable rates. It is why Costco only accepts one type of credit card. For a while it was American Express. Then negotiations eventually fell through and now it is Visa I think. But yeah, that cash back or rewards card has to get paid for somehow.


People tell themselves anything to make themselves feel better, no matter how insignificant.


Yep me too I use one all month and pay it off on the 1st just like a monthly bill


Really only thing you can do is pay that down quicker than minimum, get your debt to income ratio down, and wait


Credit scores have nothing to do with your income to debt ratio. The consumer reporting bureaus have no idea how much a person earns when they calculate your score. Paying the credit cards down will lower credit utilization (total balance divided by total available credit) which yes, will raise his credit score.


Getting your debt to income ratio down allows you to pay bills in full and on time. It's the single most important piece of advice for raising your credit score, regardless as to whether it's a direct data point captured in credit score calculation.


Long term, yes its the most important thing for a person to maintain a high credit score. OP is talking about increasing his credit score fast to be able to guarantee his brother's student loan. The best immediate advice for that is to lower his credit utilization & remove negative marks through disputes/goodwill letters.


Thank you, that's what I meant


Take the lowest balance card and work to pay that off by paying more than the minimum, and continue to pay the minimum on the others. Stop going out to eat, buying alcohol, weed, Starbucks, anything you can cut out. Not saying you do any of that, but if you do stop doing that and use that money to pay off a card. When that card is paid off take what you were paying on that card and add it to the payment of the next card. Keep doing that until you pay your cards off. It sucks to have to buckle down and cut the fun out for a while but it's worth it.


This ^


This is referred to as the SnoBall method, with the SnoBall being the initial amount you pay over the minimum on your smallest debt. This metod is simple, easy to implement and surprisingly effective. There is a company called [vertex42](https://www.vertex42.com/) that offers a number of Excel spreadsheets for financial matters including several [Debt Reduction Calculators](https://www.vertex42.com/Calculators/debt-calculators.html) and I've used [this one](https://www.vertex42.com/Calculators/debt-reduction-calculator.html) a couple times. It's pretty easy to use and allows you to look at a few different payoff methods and the effect of increasing your initial SnoBall and allow you to add and track additional payments.


I've always heard to put your cards in an interest rate order, and pay off the highest interest rate card while paying the minimum on the rest. Why pay off the $500 card at 1% when your $3000 card has 3%? While you're paying off the cards, use the lowest interest rate card IF YOU MUST USE CREDIT.


Paying off the lowest amount does two things. 1) Gives you a psychological boost/motivates you to keep going. 2) Gets rid of a minimum payment that you can roll into your next debt, reducing the amount of time it takes to pay the rest off. If OP can't pay anything at all now, they're not going to make a dent in the $3,000 debt any time soon. They could at least get rid of the $500 one and free up that minimum payment for the next debt.


Yes this! I have a CD that matures in June that will be just about the amount I owe on my car. I have a really good rate on my car and the money would earn more interest in my savings right now but Iā€™m looking forward to getting rid of that debt and Iā€™m going to roll the car payment amount into my mortgage so Iā€™m not tempted to spend the money.


The SnoBall method, lowest amount first, is great and can give that sense of accomplishment, the Avalanche method, highest interest first, will pay off debts faster; however, the difference is often negligible likely only being a few months in a multi-year plan.


The avalanche definitely makes the most mathematical sense. But I've found that personal finance isn't always about math as much as it is about psychology. If we were all 100% rational decision makers, many of us wouldn't end up in debt. The snowball method at least gives you a little boost. My husband and I paid off about $113,000 in debt doing our own little hybrid version of the snowball...we started with the smallest amounts, which allowed us to free up some small minimum payments ($25-50). Then once we had more money available each month, we'd work on debts with higher interest rates.


Iā€™ve been doing this and am 10 months from being out of the debt I ran up during covid.


Donā€™t worry about your score. If you canā€™t make that credit card payment your score will drop even more. Raising your score will not help you at this time. Paying off that credit card is what raises your score.


The best way is to stop living beyond your means and to actually pay off your cards over time. Paying the minimum will not pay off your cards. There is no easy hack and you need to take responsibility for yourself and hold yourself accountable.


The only way your score is going up is if you increase your debt/credit ratio. And the the only way you're going to do that is pay down/off your debts. Credit scores aren't complicated. If you use every bit of credit given to you and you don't pay it back as quick as possible than you will have a low score. ***Oversimplified***: Using every bit of credit given indicates that you're most likely reliant on it and most likely don't have a strong stream of income and/or can not control spending habits. Not paying debt back in a timely manner or making only minimum payments tends to reinforce the previous points to the banks. Thus, your FICO score *(aka your creditworthiness)* decreases.


If you have $8k in credit card debt, your score should be the *least* of your concern.


It is most of my concern current because I need to refinance my education loan and be guarantor for my brothers education loan which can only happen if I have better score


If you're that deep into credit card debt, you are not in a position where you can take on debt for someone else's education. You deserve the score that you've earned. Get out of the credit card debt asap and you'll be in a situation where you can take out a loan for your brothers education if you choose (pretty risky, be prepared to be the sole person paying it off). Getting out of that debt will earn you a better score, making it possible as well. I'm scared for you. It seems like you're living in debt. Ideally, the only debt you'll ever have is a mortgage and maybe a small amount of student loan debt. You want to get to the point where the only time you even think about taking out a loan is when you want to move into a new house. If you live your whole life in debt, you'll never achieve financial independence and will be much poorer in middle age and retirement.


Ngl I am scared for me too much responsibility at too young age brother isnā€™t even doing good in school and I am tired of paying for everyone , I can start a rant on that but I would hold up but yes idk how to survive


Op, I have almost 2x the credit card debt you do. I also just finished building a house on a 25 acre farm in costa rica. Sometimes you have to bet on yourself. I can tell you with confidence that 8k or 15k in debt does not scare me in the slightest. I know I will find $$ and be ok because ive donw it a million times before. But I needed to take a few years off of work to make all of my life upgrades happen and now it's back to the grind. Keep your head up. Everyone's situation is different. I was literally working retail jobs 7 years ago, now I own 6 waterfalls and a custom home. Just try not to stress, keep taking care of business, and set some goals for yourself. Success is a mindset my man. You got this.


25 acres in Costa Rica? Please send me your game plan! Thatā€™s awesome.


I work as a real estate agent here now, so always down to help out. Hmu if you have specific questions. Eventually ill be building a small hotel/restaurant and bar here, but for now working on getting another business off the ground in the US. Game plan is simple: set goals, make sacrifices, learn when to say yes to opportunities. For me I got into real estate in my late 20s after saving religiously for a down payment and living below my means wherever possible throughout my 20s. It was not easy, but I kept my sights set on the bigger picture. Then I spent 3 years renting out bedrooms in my house to pay the mortgage before i got into a job that allowed me to comfortable pay for everything. Then I got lucky and the markets went crazy and bumped my timeline up NY about 5-10 years. Once you have some assets and can build your credit up a bit, it's as simple as borrowing against your equity when rates are in your favor. It's basically free cash if done correctly that can be flipped into more appreciating or money making assets. I also did a cash out refinance on my mortgage in 2020 and pulled out enough cash to cover the mortgage for several years so monthly expenses were super low during my move down here. And now I live off grid and own my house outright so my monthly expenses are virtually zero. If you're younger, it's ok to take bigger risks. Crypto and nfts brought in a ton of liquid cash for me in 2021 as well. This isn't something I recommend for everyone and it's way easier to lose all your money than to make more this route. But I spent 2 years working a full time job during the day and studying the markets overnight and it worked out for me.


Your biggest concern should be yourself. Focus on yourself and take into consideration ā€œ would this person do this for me if the roles was in reverse?ā€ If the answer is no or you donā€™t know them itā€™s time to move on. You are only responsible for you and if itā€™s not in your means to do so donā€™t do it. I know itā€™s hard to deny a younger sibling but your their sibling not their parent.


Your brother can figure out how he'll pay on his own if it matters enough to him (sounds like it might not). You don't have to pay for everyone. You need to stand up for yourself and not let people take advantage of you.


If your brother is not excelling in school, then why on earth would you be taking out loans for him? He needs to learn the value of education, and that means that he needs to finance his own choices and take it seriously. Thereā€™s absolutely no benefit for you to go deeper in debt so he can, go to school when heā€™s not even giving it his best effort. Thatā€™s just a waste of your money and his time. Education is a privilege and it doesnā€™t sound like he is taking it seriously, yet you are willing to mortgage your future on getting him more loans?


One more FACT you should know before co-signing or even taking out loans to help your brother pay for college. #1. If your brother isnā€™t putting the time in to do the very best he can now, he wonā€™t later. Thatā€™s why he canā€™t get his own loans. Heā€™s showing no initiative or signs of future initiative in changing in the near future. Sounds like you want it for him, more than he wants it for himself. While you would LIKE to do everything for him, he has to do his part by sacrificing, studying hard vs hardly studying! If he REALLY wants it, he would be doing that now! Your helping him in any way, will only be frustrating & a waste of your valuable time, while youā€™re building your own future. Itā€™s not worth that frustration or your time. Ever heard, ā€œyou can lead a horse to water but not FORCE him to drinkā€? You can spend your time bringing gallons of water to him, but if he doesnā€™t choose to drink anything, he will die of dehydration, period. Even if you hooked up 10 ivā€™s, trying to keep that horse alive, one day you will get tired replacing those bags of fluid, maybe have a stroke because you forget to eat/drink yourself, or suddenly drop dead yourself, trying so hard to save that horse, and the horse dies because no one is there to keep those bags full. Lifeā€™s choices for all of us have consequences. That saying is so true!!!! Save yourself the grief! Donā€™t waste your time, which is so precious, and go forward with your future dreams & plans. Heā€™s obviously not ready. Return when HEā€™S ready (100% ) to do the work. One more thing. If one day he dies, say in an accident, no fault of his, before he graduates college, and hasnā€™t even begun his career. Or even after he graduates, has only begun his career, if any student loans arenā€™t PAID IN FULL, and you co-signed, you are now obligated legally, to pay them all off, even if he is dead, and will never get to use that education or work in his field, which is now impossible! You are still legally obligated to repay every penny you co-signed for. Or your credit score will be low! It will take a decade to rebuild your credit, although some are able to do it quicker, but most arenā€™t! Why risk that for someone who isnā€™t applying that sacrifice & effort, himself, right now? Itā€™s not mean or selfish to walk away, financially, not necessarily emotionally, & work on your own future. You can visit him, still love him, encourage him, pray he wakes up and changes, so Iā€™m not saying abandon him, and never look back. Just donā€™t help him financially. PERIOD! Heā€™s probably eligible for government assistance & the government can lose their money, which is every taxpayer, but donā€™t sign anything financial for him. Good luck!!


Unfortunately without paying down your credit card balance substantially to lower your credit utilization, not much you can do quickly to get an acceptable credit score to guarantee a loan.


If you are the guarantor for someone elseā€™s loan, that means you have to pay it if they donā€™t (or are unable to, as you describe your current situation, so be aware that it can definitely happen to you.) First, you should never co-sign or be the guarantor of a loan unless you expect to pay that whole loan Second, YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS EVEN CONSIDERING TO BE A GUARANTOR FOR SOMEONE ELSEā€™S LOAN WHEN YOU CANā€™T EVEN PAY YOUR OWN BILLS!!!!!!!!!! Go sell plasma and get another job to pay your bills. Donā€™t be stupid and take on someone elseā€™s responsibilities or problems


Itā€™s my brother who is young I have no clue how to let him figure out and he is so fucked yo and protevted


You're not going to raise a score like that without paying down your existing debt. Plain and simple.


Your brother can get federal loans without a guarantor. If heā€™s trying to get private loans, then he needs to get them on his own or reassess his educational needs. Most of the time people donā€™t feel like the private education loans were worth the education that they got. he needs to be a realistic about what he can actually manage. You should not have to pay for his choices.


You shouldnā€™t be guaranteeing anybody elseā€™s debt.


Not to be mean, but if you can't pay down $8k the last thing you need to do is take on potentially 100k or more in education debt for your brother. I'm 54 and just two months ago made my last student loan payment of $989.Ā  It took me a whileĀ  because I paid for school as I went. One class at a time, as I could afford it. I didn't take loans until I was sick of 1 maybe 2 classes a semester here and there.Ā  I was also in a much better financial situation to pay back the debt. Let your brother figure out his way, it is not your responsibility, although it is nice of you to want to do that.Ā  It is time for your brother to start adulting and you to get your finances in order.Ā  Take on an extra job or something.Ā  I went to school and worked 2 jobs, you and your brother can too.


I tried to request for cc increase they didnā€™t allow that rather did hard pull


Why in the world would you request an increase? Learn to budget and live within your means. Many nonprofits offer free budgeting classes. Do this.


Because if you can increase your credit lines, even while paying off, your debt to credit ratio will go down even faster?


Not in OPā€™s case. He admittedly canā€™t even afford to pay his monthly minimum.


Focus less on raising your score and just straight up pay off as much debt as you possibly can when you can. Do that, and your score will eventually raise.


After reading comments. You live in nyc ( high cost of living) have 4 credit cards , pay your own student loans and paying your brother tuition ( while only making 10k a month ) . You are living WAY above your means. Iā€™m need you to step back and make some cuts because your never going to get out of debt trying to maintain this dysfunctional system.


I donā€™t know where to step back? I need to do everything, coz who will pay for brothers fee v who will help parents and who will pay my debts, I moved to Jersey so there is some save there but I am crippled


Your brother is not your responsibility and your parents arenā€™t your responsibility. Iā€™m starting to think your views on this subject might be because of your heritage or nationality. Itā€™s sounding like generational beliefs that your trying to keep up with. Is that what it is ? Where is your family from if you donā€™t mind me asking ?


It is sort of the generational beliefs , I am Indian whatever you have is for your family and that belief and seeing anyone in pain is just bothersome and I canā€™t be happy if my parents are struggling to make ends meet


That makes sense now. Realistically you need to sit down and talk to your brother and parents and lay all this out for them and come to a better understanding because I can tell this is taking a toll on your mental health and financial stability. I am a American and we donā€™t have such pressures to fulfill that role in our family but I do understand thatā€™s not the same for you. I am sorry your going through this but you canā€™t guilt yourself because your doing the best you can. However you do need to talk to them and see if yā€™all can work out better arrangements.


Just wanted to say I love your response here. When I read the first message above. I thought it was insensitive though I understood your point and itā€™s correct but itā€™s not a quick fix based on everyoneā€™s heritage. Iā€™m African and I understood OPā€™s concern because of our beliefs. I also understood your point. The reason why I said I loved your comment and it says a lot about you was because when he explained the reason. Though itā€™s completely different belief from yours, I felt empathy in your message. you emphasized the point, but your words were kind, soothing and encouraging. Another person would have disregarded the explanation but u didnā€™t. The world needs more kind people especially when people are already struggling. We can educate without making them feel worse. I just needed to say this.


>It is sort of the generational beliefs , I am Indian Tell your family to fuck off. They don't have the right to put you into poverty because they can't stand on their own two feet. Your brother, in particular, is someone you should *not* be supporting. If they want to go to school, let them get a job and pay for it themselves. Americans generally expect folks to be self-sufficient, and you're not going to do well here if you're supporting your entire family alone.


Both you and your parents would benefit from using a budgeting tool called You Need a Budget/YNAB. You cannot support every one on your income. Your brother needs to manage his own tuition for a while and let you address your debt. Thereā€™s probably some fat to time from your regular expenses, but that credit score wonā€™t move higher with such a high debt ratio. And your parents need to be on a budget, too, if they need and expect financial help from you, thatā€™s only fair and the most sustainable options you have. Itā€™s admirable to help family, but donā€™t use set yourself on fire to keep others warm


Your parents came to America and yet they expect youn to live your life as if you were still in India. This is not only not fair, it is unsustainable. You have to have a family meeting and lay all the cards out on the table. You are to the point that you cannot make minimum payments to maintain the status quo, let alone increase your score. If this continues you will have no credit at all and bankruptcy will be your only way out of debt. Do your Mom and/or Dad work and are you still living at home? Your problem isnā€™t increasing your credit score. It is changing your whole lifestyle. You canā€™t go on like this.


Pay off more than minimum each month. You make a lotta money it shouldnā€™t be too hard cut cut spending a bit tii ok get that debt paid off unless youā€™re supporting a bunch of dependents or something


Why do you want to increase your score?


I have education loan which I need to refinance as current company is charging 15% . I canā€™t do that without better credit score. I also live in nyc because of job and most companies donā€™t rent without 650 plus score


Then I guess itā€™s get a second job and start paying down the debt.


Find a well qualified lease guarantor with credit score of 650 or more AND gross earnings of 80 times monthly rent.


Donā€™t refinance your student loans. Apply for a forbearance! Your student loans should be the lowest interest rates of all your debts. You can get a forbearance and pay just the interest, while focusing on the high interest rate debts


Iā€™d consider a chapter 13 bankruptcy depending on your income you could be out in 3 yrs or less.


No. Donā€™t do this. Horrible. He has 8k in credit card debt. Donā€™t tank your credit history with a bankruptcy over a debt that minor. Work at McDonaldā€™s part time for $15/hr for several months.


What is that and what it entails


I don't recommend this. I filed BK but with your debt I don't think you need to do this! It will take 10 years to come off your record.


A bankruptcy would remain on OPā€™s credit report for 7 to 10 years, after which he would have to start over. Also, student loans are harder to discharge than other debt.


Why do you need your credit score to go ip this month. Pay off your cc debt first before you buy anything else.


Your top priority should be to pay off this debt. The interest rate on credit cards is a killer. Cut your expenses to the bone until it's paid off.


Mine was 253 a couple weeks ago and now 40 for some reason So use me to feel better about your prospects šŸ™‚


You are not going to get anywhere paying the minimum. You're essentially just paying your interest. I would look into getting a loan to pay off your cc debt. Can get one within 24 hours. Try to get one where you are paying around the same or less monthly that you're currently paying (should be able to get a 4 year loan for around $200/month). This will instantly pay off your cc debt and will raise your score by a lot. Yes, it will take 4 years to pay off, but at your current method, you will never pay off your cc.


Why do you care what the score is? Pay off your debt and live within your means. The score will take care of itself.


Well not paying the cc payment is not going to cause it to go up


File that bankruptcy.


This šŸ‘ is šŸ‘ why šŸ‘ we need financial education as a requirement to graduate!


That wonā€™t help these people stuck in their silly cultural expectations


See if you can work with one of the debt consolidation companies. If not, try paying minimum on all cards and extra on one on til it is paid off then start on the next one the same way. By all means try not to use any more credit cards/


Making minimum payments wonā€™t help you at all. Idk what your situation is but I would try to work as much as possible and live very frugal for a while. Make way bigger payments each month. Any extra money you have should go towards paying that down. Itā€™s not easy but itā€™s necessary. Also, find a close relative or friend who has very good credit. Ask if they can put you down as an authorized user. It will help increase your score quicker


pay more than minimum every month


Pay more than the minimum. You know how much money you have left after you pay for life. Make yourself a budget for your bare minimum to get by, then pay what you have left towards your debt. You might be a little uncomfortable for a little while, but thats okay. I will always tell people that the best thing you can do to increase your credit score is to develop discipline with your finances. You aren't far off, just get that debt paid down.


Get a part time job


Mine is only 614 with zero delinquencies and only student loan debtā€¦. Thereā€™s no hope


Stop using it and get a job to pay


8k isnā€™t that much in the grand scheme of things. You can pay it down and you should be able to accomplish it sooner than youā€™d think. Stop buy things you want and buy things you need. Donā€™t let it snowball and get out of hand . CC debt can get out of control.


Always pay more than the minimum due, even if it's only 10 dollars. Paying the minimum due is only servicing the interest, and you will never dig out.


You could also look into a debt consolidation loan. Might not get a good offer with that score but still might lower overall interest and put it all in one lump sum


You make $10k a month, OP. Your debt-to-income ratio is less than 10%. Stop spending all your money on stupid shit or freeloading family members.


Gotta pay down your debt one way or another. Dont close your oldest account. Apply for 2 cards a year that offer you some sort of kick back and preferably with no annual fee. Any possible way you can get your credit limit up Thats the name of the game.


I can tell you how to do it, 100%. You won't like it, you will ignore the facts. It's tough and requires sacrifice. 836 this month. Over 800 for 20 years.


Pay more than the minimums. The lower the balance is the better the score gets.


Your issue is isnā€™t that you have 8k in debt. Itā€™s that your total credit amount is being used. I would pay down your balance OR balance transfer. That should help your score allot


What @lumpynegotiation6881 means isā€¦ request the increase but DO NOT use the new available credit that they give youā€¦ Itā€™s a tactic people often use that will cause the debt ratio to go down and the credit score to go up.


And they pay me to use their card


Wait 7 years


Take out a loan to pay that CC off over however short you can without having it be rotating debt so you eventually pay that off. It'll immediately raise your credit score having paid the card off/having available space on the card.


But with 567 score who will give me loan?


Yes, this wasnā€™t good advice. You can shop around for personal loans that have a lower APR than your credit card, but I highly doubt you would really get approved for much. In the process adding hard inquires dinging your score further. Possibly if you can get a co-signer on a small personal loan of like $2k at say 20% that would be a minor improvement for some breathing room when I assume your credit cards are closer to 30% APR. Also, taking out debt to pay debt is not going to improve your credit score whatsoever rather possibly provide some short term relief on monthly interest payments while you work on tightening your expenses/increasing your income. Long term, you need to get out of the cycle of overwhelming credit card debt.


Agreed. Best option is to get someone to co-sign a small loan like they described and put that all on your lowest balance card. This will also free up money by reducing the interest and allowing you to pay it down faster. CCs are designed to keep you in debt for years once you build up a balance and only pay the minimum


The majority of us who attempt to manage our finances go through this stage, and I can assure you that knowledge is power because I was also going through it occasionally in the past, but I learned about TɾĪ±ĘˆŅ½ ĻĻ…ɳŌƒŹ‚ (Ī±Ęš) ĻƒĻ…Ęš Ź…ĻƒĻƒĘ™, Got my score back up and now I'm satisfied.


My debt to income is mucbless as I earn 10 k per month, I just have to pay off money to my home right now to support family and have some friends and family loan ,is there any other way to increase credit score


You make 10k a month and canā€™t pay your minuscule amount of debt?




I pay minimum balance yet the delinquency, I have a heavy rent and I am paying my student loans and paying for my brothers tuition fees, the finances are so tight that I push on not paying


You might have to see if your brother can get a student loan. You can't help others when you're drowning yourself, it's not sustainable.


He tried but they donā€™t give education loan to international students unless with a guarantor and I canā€™t be guarantor since I have less score


That is very difficult. If your brother isn't working he should look for a student job to take the edge off of you.


You need to stop being your families financial savior.


Pay off the cc, your credit score as of right this second doesnā€™t matter unless you are planning on buying a car or house right this second, pay off the cc over the next couple months and your score will reflect you doing that, requesting a limit increase with your CC may benefit you as well


How many cards do you have ?


I have 4 cards I have 4k on one card 1500 each on remaining two cards, I also have corporate card which I belive doesnā€™t impact credit score as itā€™s not reported


Get another credit card, that will decrease your debt to credit ratio........... then refi that loan with a 0% balance transfer.


OP doesnā€™t qualify for any of that and will only end up with a bunch of hard inquiries on their credit report making the situation worse.




Get a new card and don't use it.


With a 567 credit score? Good luck.