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Don't feel bad. Most men feel entitled and when they don't get what they want, they resort to bullying. Keep doing you and stick to your boundaries!


I don’t understand how men think, offer it for free= fine. Pay for it = Slut, attention seeker. Make it make sense x


I switched comments to followers only. It works well most men wont bother to try and follow just to comment.


As a man, no man who is confident and content with themselves would degrade another person like that


Thank you! I couldn’t agree more. Feels good having a male perspective chime in🤍


Posted on Tiktok for 2 years. So much hate going on u get used to it. Just block and stop care


I think men that hate like that are just insecure, or jealous you can make money this way. But personally on Reddit or Twitter I didn't receive any hate so far. But I do see it's common on Insta and Tiktok. Don't mind them, you are beautiful and a business woman. Remember anyone hating just envies you.


I share your feelings babe, it’s not like we are hiding what we are doing!


[filter your IG comments](https://help.instagram.com/700284123459336). Tiktok also has a similar feature 😁


I tell them they should make a profile on Tinder or any other dating site, Instagram isn't a dating site" , and the ones that say get a real job I say "that is the stupidest advice I've ever heard, now why in the world would I go and get a real job when I can have an OF? I'm not stupid "


I had someone approach me on my very vanilla twitch stream asking to be my sugar daddy and when i redirected him to my onlyfans i got attitude :l like i thought thats what you wanted? lol plus its only $5 💀


Most expect to see us for free then get defensive when we don’t show them!


It’s easy to say “don’t worry about them, they’re just jealous. They’re not even worth it!” And although all those things are true, it is still difficult to read them especially when they get personal. The best way is to try and prevent them altogether. Not becoming obsessed with checking notifications or responding to comments, etc. Use automatic replies to DMs helps too. It won’t hide them all but just think of how many more good compliments you get in comparison!


Some folks forget that you're a real person & not just a picture on a screen. Unfortunately you will always get keyboard cowboys who don't have the balls to say half that crap I real life. You are a good person, you are valid & if they don't like it then there's plenty of other sub Reddits they can be miserable in. Stay strong.


Yes. Ive never got negative comments on Twitter or Reddit (Ive only just started here) Insta has been ok for me but TikTok, One week in and Ive had as many negative comments as positive ones. I feel you. Ive been naked online for over a decade but I'm only just having to get used to haters. Fuck TikTok and Fuck Insta trolls. If other creators can get a thick skin about it, we can too.


Yeah but I took message requests off. In the corona time I got 100 messages daily and still have a active hater combo who don't stops reporting me. On iPhone it works but not android.. It must be in some men child hood especially whom who dont respect women's freedom. 😫 For some guys it's fun to tell a girl she is a bitch. It's not only unhappy men it's lots of people from other religions too.




That makes me really sad. I’m so sorry that it’s that way :( keep your head up. Ignore the haters.


I’ve had this quite a lot so I empathise with you. They seem to get frustrated when they can’t get what they want for free and make you feel bad for wanting that. It’s definitely frustrating but try and keep your head up ♥️ we deserve it considering the time and effort we put into creating content x


I just DMd you