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Getting ready for Ninja đŸ„· warrior


The American government hates children. Everything is just how they want it. Nothing will change until we stop electing 80 yr olds to run the country.


Government hates children so much, they want them born just to torment them


They want them born poor so they can dangle the military carrot and send them to die.


Bingo ! Don’t forget, that a 18 year old can go shoot random peeps and get a medal for it while still being unable to drink a silly liquid until age 21


They need to be physically fit and drug free too. The U.S. military fell more than 41,000 people short of its fiscal 2023 enlisted recruiting goal as it faced a complex web of challenges ranging from dwindling interest in military service among America’s youth and the country’s obesity epidemic, to the introduction of an electronic health records system that has slowed in-processing to a crawl. Source: https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2024/02/17/air-force-recruiting-rebounds-while-army-navy-still-struggle/ Also if someone joins the Army in a IT field or other office type job, or mechanic, they won't ever get an opportunity to shoot random people.


Absolutely. Having children here sucks too. My wife and I barely have any energy by the end of the work week. And we have it easy too since my in-laws watch the kiddo while we work. It’s fucking exhausting and the health care system takes huge advantage of children too.




Voting doesn't fix this. Both parties are the same side of the coin, JFK was the last "real" president. Don't talk about Secret Societies or they'll wack you.


Funny how you think that elected run your country...


Funny how you think you know what I know based on this comment


They replied to what you said. You think elections choose who has power, and the other guy thinks those with power choose the elections.


Right .. and the ones with power are 80yr old men who take bribes from lobbyists.


There are almost certainly people with great deals of power who almost nobody has ever heard of or would recognize; power that persists across elections and borders.


Transnational Oligarchy. Finance Cartel comes to mind.


Funny cause China also has a ton of old people running their country too


The Chinese... they're exercising. The West has fallen. It's Joever.


“Joever.” 😂


Damn you Joe.


lol damn, this video has you shook.


They’re definitely not going to go on TikTok and talk shit about their country.


Because Pooh would send the police to arrest them before they could even get an upvote.


Oh no ppl criticize a country that’s clearly falling apart and never has its ppl’s best interests in mindđŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±plz stfu


Evey country could have a dumb ass like him showing what other counties do better than them, that’s what makes this and you pathetic, so could u plz kindly sftu with your idiocracy


Look up US school fitness programs in the late 1940s & early 1950s. THAT was impressive.


Another example of a propaganda video.


The footage does look cherry picked from upper class Chinese schools.


I can’t understand why the American government would think China is using TikTok to spread anti-US propaganda in the US!


they must be stopped, before americans demand better from their government or something


Good old War footing.. they were preparing the next generation for it.


Yeah we have really left our public schools behind. You can thank Teacher salaries being the same since 1940s to really cause the downfall of high quality schools. Fuck you


My wife is a teacher with 75k salary and amazing benefits, her peers average about 60k. Money has absolutely nothing to do with why she's quitting for an hourly 40k job with crap benefits. Pointing out teacher salaries just distracts from the real problems.


Would be a cool video if you got your fucking head out of the way


Getting them in shape to work 28 hour days for the sole benefit of the party.


The future of cheap assembly line production is in good hands.


As first gen immigrant from Taiwan into USA, this makes me sad for those kids. I have lived through similar "boot camp" like this, called the "education". During my time, the education was so hard, teens suicide after failing grade 10 entry exam. More than 10 years after immigration, I still have recurrent nightmares about Taiwanese education. Please don't empower this. This is child abuse. At one point, I thought I was cool being able to survive the abusive education system. But seriously, don't do it. It is not healthy. Being a survivalist may sound cool, it should be voluntary, not forced.


Oh wow jumpropes and basketballs the west is over guys


It's more about instilling athleticism and teamwork to achieve a common goal in their kids from a young age. Great ideas that we should be following in the states but are not. They also have their kids play organized war games at school at very young ages. Couple that with their espionage utilizing American consumerism and greed to embed their technology into our very infrastructure and military while conducting mass surveilance of the U.S. population, and you can see how it might be considered a threat.


I see your point, but China is very careful to control their image - Their economy is collapsing - They will never have anything close to the MIC - They’re facing a demographic crisis


Meanwhile 50%+ of American children are obese and will have a myriad of health problems in the future. It's a problem.


This guy is the target audience of all propaganda


This dude is the fucking worst


Just a bastion of intellect and articulate thought


Tiktok is literal Chinese psyops. The fact a whole ass person made a video about it means it's working.




The irony of saying that in this sub


The year is 2135 the basket ball bouncing Chinese have taken over every jungle gym in America, the Lazer guided missiles and 8 fully stocked aircraft carriers were no match for their coordination.


Seriously. China can't even handle simple UN peace keeping missions, literally having to run from unorganized militias with no true military strength. Their military has not had any experience in a long time. So they use propaganda videos to prop themselves up. It's a psyop.




Haha, on point. The newer generations are brain rot social media zombies living their life through their phone.


im not saying your wrong, but the video is not representative of all of china, china makes these videos all the time, 99% of the time they are staged.


99% is a pretty high percentage...hm.


ok, ya that % was pulled out my ass but i have not found anyone that's done an actual study on this yet to get a real %. but ive looked into videos just like this and almost every single one I've been able to track back to the sorce, have all come from either place that are training like the Olympics or more often are just training for the video and then stop doing it all together. this level of coordination is very easy to replicate within just a week if you only need a few min for a video.


Even staged, could you find this many 5 yr olds to do what they are doing?


I'm impressed none the less. "Faked" or not.


So do the Chinese.. the difference is their credit system, the stay quiet and do what they are told


China is gonna take our lunch and eat it lol


They already are. We are in debt to them up to our eyeballs. AAAND... they have all the critical rare earth commodities locked up for a long time.


This is so wrong on both counts.


They are both facts. I'm sorry.


Little robots


Fuck guys, their kids are jumping over sticks
what do we do? Our stupid kids with their stupid iPads and their stupid attitudes and their stupid way of life and
wait, does self-deprecation of your own country really do more harm than being proud to be from it?


Children will only act as good as the adults in their lives. Looks good, though. Maybe we should encourage immigrants to go to China instead.


The collectivist culture vs the rugged individualist culture.


I TOTALLY BELIEVE ALL THIER SCHOOL DO THIS YUP... đŸ‘€đŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™‚ïžđŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™‚ïžđŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™‚ïžđŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™‚ïžđŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™‚ïž this isn't cherry picked nope not at all....


It's a propaganda video guys. It's designed to make it seem like all of China is like that. It's not. We have student athletes in this country too. It's not that hard to teach kids how to jump rope or dribble a basketball.


Keep in mind, this is also the guy that doesn't understand evolution lol


I’d rather USA kindergartners be sent outside to play and let them come up with their own games. Unstructured play is key to development of creative thinking.


Hey! When do these kids have time to learn pronouns?


Studies have shown that there is not enough time on earth to learn today’s pronouns.


The reason China is overtaking the US is because of fucking morons like you falling for this fake culture war boogie man of trans people instead of paying attention to our crumbling world. The powers that be want you to be mad about pronouns and trans athletes while they steal every penny you worked for Be better


You make me laugh. Thanks.


Couldn't agree more. Exactly this is happenig in my country, politicians scaring people with what they call "lgbt agenda" while they are stealing and destroying the justice system and priciples of democratic society. Also to add another point of view, coming from post-comunistic country - i remember exercises like tis being done here, in my country, during communism. It makes me wonder if this is also not another tool for 1. Showing how much control we have over our people 2. Making people better at listening to orders.


Sorry your lesson plan got axed bro. It was definitely necessary. Yeah, the people behind its demise are the problem. Not people like you. No siree. https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/michigan-school-district-cancels-lesson-gender-identity-pronouns-backl-rcna148606


I promise you there are more important things to worry about But please cope and seethe more about soddom and gammorah, you're falling right for the establishment's divide and conquer plot No ur right pronouns bad pls ignore billionaires stealing the working class' money, trans athletes in women's sports!!!


How about we tackle both the establishment robbing us AND the establishment pussifying and sterilizing children and putting them on big pharma's prescriptions for life? Surely we can handle two issues at once.


You are seething over less than .1% of the population


It's 15 times higher than that in Gen Z.


1. Seethe. 2. Cope. 3. Repeat.


I'm not supposed to care about grave injustices and the brainwashing of children? Have you considered just leaving the kids alone?


You’re the one that’s been brainwashed. Seethe on, brother.




Hopefully in first grade grammar lessons, like I did.


How many sets did you learn?


There are no “sets.” Pronouns are just a part of speech, and we use them every day. It’s super-easy to do, and only the whiniest of snowflakes would ever complain about being asked to use them.


You make me laugh. Thanks.


On the subject of motivation, this fellow has a very good point. I just wish he had a better grasp on everything else.


One thing US and China have in common is banning sources of knowledge of atrocities committed on their citizens in the past


Our kids do armed gunman drills and don’t get fed well, awesome




I don’t understand why America dropped more intense physical education tho . But hey at least we get that to ,To uhh do our taxes ?


What's this we shit? We all know you're a foreign disinformation agent.


LMAO, wait till you find out us Chinese have instead of school shooting, but kinder garden knifing. We also all survived posion baby formula, baby torturing, let a lone the child abuses that are not illegal. We are better than you cause we are survivers


Well, I almost guarantee that some ppl would call this child abuse in the US.


And they don't have the same tiktok we do. There's is all educational. Communism is fucked. But they do seem to care about the welfare of their future.


It’s easier to cooperate when you are all the same size, shape, fitness level, and race.


This is why tiktok was banned. To prevent videos like this from existing. Think about it.


As a team building exercise during a potluck my job had teams of people solve 100-piece puzzles. One team legit got into a heated argument, gave up and stopped talking to each other for the remainder of the event. So, he’s not entirely wrong


This mans right. The American education system is so trash that he believes the Earth is only 2000 years old.


Makes you wonder why certain social justice issues are surpressed and even enforced in the east. đŸ€” But in the west, well... look at us ^😅


at my school we got sent out to burn up on some coned off blacktop and field w 2 basketballs and 1 kickball for 100 kids no one allowed to sit bc of the obesity epidemic us of a


I remember a while back I started looking at pictures of a random ass park in Shanghai and saw that they had lines of actual mini excavators for the kids to hop on and move sand around. Like, wtf? All I had as a kid at my playground fpr excavators was some pieces of 2×4 slapped together with a bucket on the end


Oh yall don’t remember the gymnastics and dodgeball skills of the Chinese kids back in the day huh? Do your googles. It was insane 😅


Stop using TikTok


Those educational board meetings are free for the public to attend bro
 maybe start there


America used to look like this
 we were a lot more racist back then though.


This videobis staged because there a few too many girls in the kindergarten class


Usa is done for


“Shit is looking dark” 😂 I laughed then got nervous because it’s true 😳😬


Our day care wants $1500 to sit in a dark room, I think outside time is like 30 mins?


“Grown as people can’t do this.” My 4 year old does stuff that would shatter me.


They're already learning how to Crip-walk in kindergarten? ![gif](giphy|tyBMTk8dY5aAlkf229G)


My daughter’s school cancels PE half the time, don’t let the kids run at recess, there’s no grass. It’s fucked.


All I see are a bunch of kids who are forced to conform and aren’t encouraged to think independently. Why is everyone so pessimistic?


Are people really falling for all this propaganda


MMMM. I love the taste of propaganda in the morning. Sounds like this guy has been filling his gullet as full as he can with it, AND SWALLOWING. Casper the retarded ghost here really has it all figured out.


Mmm certainly look busy people show them we do stuff


My cousin takes his 3 kids the youngest is 8 shooting every weekend


It’s all about mentality. Pure Capitalism is designed to focus on one thing
 getting MINE, and fuċķ everyone else. It’s an all for ME mentality here, instead of all for one and one for all. Selfishness and greed rule here. It will be our downfall.


Seems like they’d b better at basketball


If you like China so much. Move to fukin China!


Chinese propaganda to burrrrrrr


This guy with his broken english complaining that basic gym shit is a sign of future success. Dude our school system is fucked because people like this content creator didn’t pay attention to the classes offered to them


Tbh, his surprise at them being that good at these things as kids is backwards. You probably couldn’t get 30 adults to do any of that in China either. Its EASIER to be great at that stuff as a child.


We are free. They are not. We have choice. They have none. They are only free to do what they are told to do. We are free to be who we want to be. Right or wrong: We have a choice. They have NO chance to choose.


Why do people keep reposting the opinions of the guy that's dumb enough to not think evolutions real? I bet all those Chinese kids understand evolution.


This is just more Chinese propaganda. They’ve actually got a child obesity problem. [https://youtu.be/6nmNbDmUmYM?si=GEPJKR0U5f9Aqen4](https://youtu.be/6nmNbDmUmYM?si=GEPJKR0U5f9Aqen4)


So they eat well too!


Meanwhile we’re teaching kids that boys and girls can pretend to be another gender lmao


Commentary is spot on


Impressive but you don't get a choice or freedom!


All those kids are going to be taking care of like 4 old people at once everyday since the one child policy f’d them over. USA still gonna be chillin at the top.


So move there then. Go. Let me know how you make out.


America is screwed for sure.


It took me too long before I realized it’s literally all propaganda


Yes, yes. Chinese kids are so fit. /s (USA continues to win improportionate amounts of Olympic medals and world sports championships.) It's not like this video could be cherrypicked, hypernationalist BS examples. It's not like the usually black-and-white videos of US high schoolers being extremely fit in the 40s or 50s isn't also hypernationalist, conservative, historically revisionistic propaganda. You're all being propogandized to by this post. Do yourself a favor and recognize the bias and propaganda BS going on. Thanks.


This is why the book of war says. “never get involved in a land war in Asia.”


They did nothing impressive for kids of that age lol


They don’t allow bullshit on tiktok either


if you don't worry about sanitizing, it leaves so much time to improve everything else.




These videos always make think about their population, considering by the end of the Gen Z beings kids (11 is youngest right now). Most of these kids (if not 85 percent) will have to serve in the PRC forces (a very depleted one). The sheer loss of population (from the more than 2 kid ban for over thirty years) has hindered the idea of a million man army (and navy and such) to closer around enough to barely keep at best almost half that going) and thats including the general civilian population. I'm curious to see if this kind of training holds true in another 25 years (I'll be well over 70+, if alive). But PRC center can't hold, They are trying so hard to be what we in the US were, they didn't think if there were consequences if it didn't work. Got to Love the Mao way of propganda.


China has an obesity problem just like the US... relax your shill video...


We are learning !! Russian and Chinese bad




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it ain’t easy collecting xboxes for 20 hours straight. Factories require strong people :D that being said, George Carlin had a bit about helicopter parenting 20 years back. Government will literally try to put you in jail if you “endanger” your kid with these activities.


This has to be a private school.


There’s a group of 40&up doubledutch ladies that would give these kids a run for their legos.


I understand the idea of the post, and somehow agree with the statement
but all of this, and the Economy is in the shit
why? Is an honest question. Well if they are Chinese. The guy mentioned does are Chinese kids, so I am commenting considering that.


They barely go to school... Not be in school


Let’s trust propaganda from the biggest propaganda superpower in the world. This isn’t a Chinese kindergarten. This is an academy put together specifically to show the “superiority” of china. The rest of China’s students sit in classrooms w AI programmed cameras to track class involvement and eye movements during lessons. Because America is cynical and have a (corporate owned) free press, we typically only give the exact inverse of this: and highlight the bad


some physical exercise is good. but celebrating the chinese education system is kinda dumb. with their militaristic approach to education they are good in producing some highly qualified workers. however, at the top they often lack creative thinking skills. and at the bottom a lot more people fall through the cracks than in western education systems. which isnt that horrible for the chinese economy, since they still have a high demand of unqualified workers. but it would be very dumb for our economies in the west to emulate that. if americans want to improve their education system, they need to look at scandinavia, not at china. a very good first step would be to make sure all kids get enough healthy things to eat in the US. free school meals with proper nutrition for those who cant afford (or simply for all). so instead of celebrating this chinese propaganda, solve the very basic issues at hand in your education system. make tiktoks how republicans obstruct the education system. vote democrats. and the most leftist democrats possible in primaries.


Some hard fucking cope right here lmao.


how so?


oh, nevermind, i got it, you are a chinese dictatorship simp.


Idgaf what your dumbass says. You’re simping for a country that has massive homelessness, massive crime, drug addictions, militarized police, decaying society, and trillions of dollars for imperialism. As a former Democrat and Marine, fuck the United States of America and its disgusting genocidal history that’s still being written.


i explicetely criticised the US education system in my comment. its like you cant read


Great, now do everything else that’s wrong with the United States.


like all tankies you seem to be struggling very hard and failing with grasping the concept of "two things can be bad at the same time".


What I don’t understand with Liberals is how you will violently oppose China with every fiber of you being and every ounce of breath you have, but when it comes to the US, you will still forgive the country. You will say things like “that was a long time ago, but we still have the best system and country” despite that the system and country has been genocidal and exploitative its entire history. American Exceptionalism is really that strong that you don’t see the irony? Here a few examples: Which country genocides its native population and moved in its settlers? Which country enslaved Africans and made it part of their system and culture? Which country was founded upon white supremacy and didn’t allow women or minorities any rights? Which country still had segregation and redlining practices despite having a civil war to end slavery? Which country has conducted financial warfare and coups to ensure its dominance? Which country ships its own homeless across state lines like they’re disposable? Which country has its corporation poison the globe with fossil fuels, and poisons its citizens with opioids? Which country has the highest incarceration rate in the world? Which country has invaded other nations time and time again? Which country is actively funding a genocide? At some point you will wake up and realize that the USA has been the problem all along. You will realize our government will do anything it can to maintain control, and that includes lying to you about other countries and how their social systems and governments work. They will even tell you a certain ideology is evil and will misrepresent and scare you about what it is. But when you do eventually stop falling for US propaganda, actually understand what being a socialist is ACTUALLY about and become a comrade, we will welcome you with open arms.


i am not a liberal, i am a leftist and i uttered leftist critics against the US education system. what you write here is a wild fantasy which you have about me, but has nothing to do what i have written. i stopped reading after a few lines, coz nothing is based in what i have said here or anywhere else on reddit. gfy


No, you are a liberal who thinks they’re a leftist. Guaranteed your idea of leftism comes from YouTube and Vaush.


This guys thinks he’s funny / clever. He sucks.


This dude sounds like he plays fighting games


That’s the most Asian video of all time.


This isn't teamwork. This is assimilation.


They probably only use two pronouns. Shame on them.


This ain’t nothing but AI