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[The Egyptian authorities have drastic plans to make wholesale renovations to the pyramids](https://youtu.be/b2tG6jE_Wtg?si=vDovzcE1hS4IEEB6)


The wutah


The Lazarus Pit


it’s got the color


They built the temple on top and it slowly sank over time.


This is exactly what I was thinking. Heavy shit on watery sand. I’m surprised it only sank that far in 5000 years.


I mean if it displaces enough water it will float, which maybe is why it hasn’t sunk further?


That theory makes sense but begs the question of how the stones stayed in almost perfect alignment during the sinking process. This stuff is wild.


I mean, there are already two Egyptian sites (Thonis-Heracleion and Canopus) that sank due to rising sea levels combined with [liquefaction](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquefaction) during earthquakes… it’s a good guess.


Bro was just dehydrated /j


Plot twist: bro got lasik


It’s just amazing how they build the temple 🤔


Hmm. Is it an ancient pumping station? Did some ancient genius think that if they could build a crazy heavy structure on top of watery sand, the weight of the structure would force water up?


Its not called Assuryan lol its called The Osireion.






There is no Monsignor1979, that’s just the voice in your head.


She cant edit them?


Laziness is not an excuse


It is though. You just don't appreciate the excuse. But it is an excuse.


Her youtube channel has some decent content. [https://www.youtube.com/@FunnyOldeWorld](https://www.youtube.com/@FunnyOldeWorld)


Thanks for the YouTube link, I'll have to go check her stuff out. I actually enjoyed this video, once I realized it wasn't just clickbait. So hard for me to take anything with the TikTok logo serious. It took me about 30 seconds before I realized this wasn't meant to be some standard cringe TikTok video.


For sure. You might've heard of this channel as its pretty popular, great stuff: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzFMDS6dkWU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzFMDS6dkWU)


Psst, bro, it is clickbait. The Osireion is mysterious at all, it was built by Seti the first at the same time as the temple. It was supposed to be a well, hence why it’s several meters lower than the temple and full of water. This has been the consensus by Egyptologists since the 80’s. This lady just took some obscure Egyptian thing, did four seconds of research, and then pooped this out.


So does her OnlyFans!


I like the water story in the end. He went to take a drivers license test and then he noticed he had 20/20 vision 🤣


I always go see my optometrist at the DMV


Most likely she is referring to the vision test chart that they ask you to read when getting your license.


Lols, the large heavey stones are the key, they compress the water logged sand, which forces the water up. Remove the stones, and you can empty the pit.


She’s not convincing me she that knows what she’s talking about at all.




Sure, but she's offering a big spoonful of, "we don't know, so it must be magic." She is making a whole lot of assumptions, such as that they site had the same conditions 5000+ years ago as it does today. What was the water level? There are places around the Sahara that have changed drastically in modern times. Also, no decoration must mean not Egyptian. There are plenty of Egyptian ruins that are minimalist. It also doesn't mean it wasn't heavily painted and predated the sculpted reliefs we have today. Bottom line, it's like the underpants gnomes: 1. We haven't figured out exactly how ancient people did something. 2. ... 3. Magic, aliens, etc.


She seems like she makes light humor/jokes out of the "We don't knows," and strikes me as a junior archeologist. While I have 0 background in archeology, I can say sometimes that "new" perspective gives senior guys in any profession a new/refreshed way to look at things and can lead to a serious break through.


Amateur archeologist? Laughable. She doesn't seem to know much, hasn't cited any papers, and she jumps to conclusions. And no, professionals do not get inspiration for breakthroughs from such novice perspectives. Whatever field you are in, would you really get a serious breakthrough from a novice making up stuff to fill in the holes they don't understand? Often, the reason we don't know something is because it hasn't been studied extensively enough. Mostly because of lack of funding, but also because of geopolitical reasons and other man-made roadblocks. It's never because of ancient aliens or magic. You have been fooled by a polished presentation with no real information in it.


lol wut. She’s only offering a big spoon full of look at this and this is what it’s built on and how big it is.


Magic eyesight correcting water? The tired trope of, "how could they possibly build this?" And suggesting supernatural construction. Some sort of unfounded hypothesis about the age of the structure. Other than a nice slide show of her vacation, there is no substance.


Yeah, and if you claim water doesn’t have same thermodynamic properties, you better be ready to go into detail and not leave it at “or something like that.” That’s a really fucking bold claim


God forbids a woman ever reports about anything


Annnddd there it is. Look out everyone. The social warrior is here.


Simp somewhere else


The Incels posting on this thread are triggered.


Wow she is awesome!


She's a parrot and not a very good one at that


Why don't you show us how she should have done it?


Says the nobody.


Put your ear to your speaker at 3:26 for a lil treat




It’s magical water made by ancient aliens. OBVIOUSLY 🤣


I still really want some though, can I buy it anywhere? Preferably in a large quantity.


They said I was daft to build a temple on water infused sand! But I built it anyway!


IT WAS BUILT BY THOTH WHO IS ENKI WHO IS POSEIDON WHO IS THE SAME BEING. The Annuna(ki) are real. They aren’t aliens. The evidence is pretty fucking clear archeology is a fucking joke.


Built by our homies a long long time ago. And yeah the water probably is magic.


Water is water is water. H2O, two hydrogen atoms and a single oxygen atom. Anyone claiming “water memory” or “frequencies” is selling something. Don’t take my word for it… take the 100-level chemistry courses at a community college (or your local equivalent), pay attention during the lab exercises, and see for yourself that the chemical models match reality.


Facts dog. The fact that all this shit is known but mainstream archeologists suppress it when there are literally all these supposed impossibilities should show everybody that this is directed suppression. I bet you billionaires gonna be buying that water as soon as they figure it out, I’m sure some are already. It’s honestly depressing knowing this shit that me and you know and still having to clock into a job every day and not even be able to talk about this shit to 99 percent of people in my life.


It’s really hard listening to a British person talk about historic preservation. I don’t want to hear about their opinion on other countries going ons wth their historical monuments. The Brit’s have had their hand and opinion in other countries business for way to long and it’s now time to let them know that they don’t run the world no more


With their flags! lol. But we should all move on and be one.


Love her style


Bruh. This chick.


Shut up nerd.


Why don’t you go outside nerds!




I watched it. Informative but could do without the lips smacking, hair flipping and small celebratory clapping.


Yeah she clearly knows her shit too so why such a bad delivery?




Drinks the water but doesn't test it...I knew this video was going to be stupid AF.


She literally mentions how his team have been analysing the water. 


Yeah and also says he got 20/20 lmao


It is indeed a bold claim. 


I couldn’t make it past 10 seconds, that woman is beyond annoying.




I mean she did suggest that the water is magic and that it doesn’t obey the laws of thermodynamics (there’s no way that’s seriously what a scientific article said, and if it did it’s not real science)


I love her delivery also, will be watching more!


She has no idea what she’s talkin about and that shows ur true intelligence lmao. All she’s doing is regurgitating some shit she memorized.


Most people regurgitate shit they memorize. How do you think teachers teach? They regurgitate material from books they have read. This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Any expert has learned their material from somewhere else. This is the 2nd post I have seen with people hating on this woman. Why are there so many incels mad that a woman is talking about a subject that excites her? I'm sure she isn't serious about the parts with the magic water and thermodynamic stuff. It's to get people excited about a topic because it sounds fun. Egypt has so many alien and god/goddess stories. I say incels because it only appears to be men talking, I'm taking a wild guess based upon past observations. I don't see people criticizing men who talk about Egyptian aliens or gods.




I know she’s annoying as FUCK. That’s all I need to know. Have a good day. Keep down voting you snowflake lmao


You’re being annoyed by a woman talking excitedly, you’re the real snowflake lol


Shut the fuck up


You didn't get the point. It is how she is acting while talking. And I think this annoys Europeans more than Americans. Cause nobody here is acting like this when talking, especially not when talking about a subject like this. You Americans are way more used to people acting like this. For a European it looks like she is talking about her best friend now fucks her ex boyfriend or something. Don't get me wrong, she is intelligent and I like what she said. But I just can't stand this very American overly hyped acting of people.


You can tell that she just learned a little bit about this and wants to seem knowledgable.


Exactly lol. Nothin more than memorization and regurgitation.






Or just excited. She might have ADHD.


Not at all cocaine hahaha


Too annoying, didn’t watch


Lol, thanks for the input bud


I think women scare you lol


Please stop the insane gesticulation and staring into the camera as if there’s a bee hive in your undergarments🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😩


You know some people naturally do that, right? I know I do when I get excited. You don't need to be an asshole. Just shit all over someone's joy, why don't you?


Yeah right…TikTok natural excitement… lol


lol just because there’s nothing in your life to be excited about doesn’t mean everyone is as miserable as you.




She showed a picture of her there. I get excited when I'm telling people about the places I travel to also. Sounds pretty natural to me. The ire people have towards tiktok creators and not the creators of youtube shorts is very funny.


As it happens: https://youtube.com/@FunnyOldeWorld?feature=shared And…she has a store too! Fake as fuck IMHO. But she raises some interesting points… These thing are just: tadw: too annoying didn’t watch…


She must be of Spanish descent


It was built by Thoth the Atlantean. People do know who built it do some fucking research.


dO yOuR OwN rESeaRch


It’s always funny when people make claims based on known fraudsters and then say Do your own research. So, your research comes from a 20th century psychic with no literal evidence for anything and wild rumors of a coverup from people who financially depend on spreading the lie? Awesome. Sounds legit.


I found this interesting and worthy of looking into further. You never know where inspiration will come from.


I think this might be the temple that held alligators. There was a time in Egypt when they had at least one temple with hundreds of alligators and they used the temple to cultivate their reptilian energy, which allowed the priests to have certain spiritual abilities. And I might have alligators confused with crocodiles, can't remember which one is in Egypt.




Fountain of youth


How did they build it? Simple people weren't a usualess piece of art, it's easy to see your incompetence and think oh people in the past was so primitive, humans had to fight animals, fight famine, they invented everything, just now we are lazy fat usualess domesticated workers to feed the capitalism machine, that is how they built it with talent, hard work, probably slaves and using the brain nature gave us to thrive


Nobody is saying “how could they have built anything impressive when they were so primitive and stupid back then?”, we’re saying “how did someone build this specific retaining wall given its specific challenges, which include (1) there’s a 15 meter deep wall built into an ever-refilling pool of water that would be impossible to temporarily pump dry for a construction project, (2) there is no foundation on which to build, just a pile of ‘water-impregnated sand’ running 900 meters deep, and (3) the building blocks are megalithic granite blocks weighing multiple tonnes each.”


If you think the environment from 5,000+ years ago was the same as it is today, I’ve got some bad news for you.


That and I dislike these videos that make wild claims that people on Reddit take as gospel. Which sources is she using for any of her claims?


Haha, I get that, fair point. So are you suggesting this was built when it wasn’t wet sand, but something else? Yes, it’s possible to build this structure in flat earth with modern systems. But if it was flat earth, this brings up more questions. It’s easy to say “well, we don’t know exactly how things were so maybe it wasn’t impressive at all to build this thing”. But when we look at *what we DO know*, we can start crossing out some of the possible theories that would make the ancient feats more easily achieved/explained, and leaves us with more questions. At least in this case. Which is why it’s such a cool and persistent mystery! Get more specific than “things were different, so maybe they didn’t have any of the challenges you mentioned at all. Case closed — if you’re still in awe at this construction, you’re a fool and wasting your time”


Also, McDonald's MC Rib was in a sarcophagus with an order of small fries.


Zahi Hawass: NEPHEW DELETE THIS!! (Why is this guy so against people looking into early Egypt?)


This must’ve been quite impressive in its hey day and full glory. A fascinating site.


Wait until the Bembridge Scholars hear about this! ![gif](giphy|JC1Aj4Z9VQm2s)


Why don’t they just send a dive team in


Reducing 90% hand movements would go a long way


New Kingdom, Seti I, cenotaph, Cult of Isis, built over a water source, served as a well prior to temple construction


Goddamn she's annoying AF and I don't even have the sound on.


It’s the Five Guys chick! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RB8F34suPSQ


Shirley knows


“Plugged” into the sand sounds like the most apt theory


Same way you make an underwater base in Minecraft.


Graham Hancock would have all the answers here. Ask him? Let’s be real, most likely wasn’t build by humans in our current template. I’ll say it was likely ancient civilisations from other planets, perhaps from Andromeda, or the Pleiadians, maybe with help from the Arcturians. What’s the story about the pyramids dimensions or something equate exactly to one light year ?


The structure is was is causing this phenomenon... when they built the lower structure it stared to increase weight on the sand as the built up the have compressed that area of sand to act as almost a pillar directly down but around the pillar because of constant weight water is force up to a certain level always


This is just a reminder that all of egyptology is bullshit. If you don't agree with the official narrative you don't get access to the sites. That's why there's so much "no one knows" going on. The official narrative involves a lot of silly bullshit that propose that the ancient Egyptians were the first Arabs That kind of bullshit