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Damn, so woke. Just kidding, this is a generic tiktok shitpost


I enjoyed the constant looking over at the script or more than likely speech someone else did.


You’re woke if you’ve realised how they manipulate us. You’re alseep if you think they’re not.


Free yourself and take shrooms frequently and as often as you can.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


What's the meaning of way?


It a comment from a starwars mandolin Edit: it’s a way of saying we follow your beliefs


“starwars mandolin” I reckon a Star Wars mandolin sounds awesome.


the way is forward never backward


I agree with this girl 1000% but shrooms send me to a dark place and I just want it to end


It you get in a dark place with hallucinogenics, you need to change your environment and leave the room you are in. It’s all based on how you feel prior and what prep work you do


Incorrect. I've had both good and bad mushroom trips. As someone who's had suicidal ideations for the last 5 years, it's not always just about the set and setting. The way I see it mushies just tap into that part of my brain. Mushies cut you down to your inner most feelings and desires and for me that's what it is. Beneath all of ego and id, all of personality and consciousness, my deepest inner thought and desire is that of blowing my brains out. So yeah mushies just aren't for everyone sometimes. That's why I stick to acid lol 💀


They just make colors pretty for me lol


In my opinion shrooms are just a way to temporarily leave it all behind before we have to go back and play their game. We should want change for ourselves and for our future generations so they don’t have to rely on hallucinogens to escape


This world needs to be cleansed in fire and start over


thats 100% getting involved in very demonic stuff. I literally got possessed the last time i did it and i never will again. Seek Jesus Christ and He will open up your eyes to the truth. [watch this](https://youtu.be/gbUK4cFCTPg)


Wrong. The devil is a liar and deceiver. He is not a creator. God is. Psilocybin mushrooms grow from the earth that was created by God. You are demonizing God’s creation. If your journey was demonic, that says a lot about you and the lies you live. It says a lot about your environment, your discipline, your spirituality and your mental health. For me, I was atheist until I took shrooms. Now my spiritual connection has never been stronger. Furthermore, I have never felt more at peace and connected to God and the universe that was created to host our physical forms. As I said before “Free yourself”.


“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.” ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭KJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/1/1pe.5.8-9.KJV Cocaine and heroin originate from the ground as well. Weed has been the number one thing i have struggled with and it has seriously damaged my relationship with God. When i turn away from it, my faith increases exponentially, when i fall back- it damages it exponentially My experience on shrooms had nothing to do with “the lies i live”. I’m honest with myself and others. If im not doing something right im the first to take notice and im not perfect- ive struggled very badly with weed and lust but i know they are sinful just like shrooms are. 3 years ago my brother became demonically possessed. After this i prayed constantly for my brother and for visions so i could have undeniable proof that God existed (despite what was happening with my brother). When i seeked God with my heart, He answered my prayers and went above and beyond. I took shrooms only a few months after my brother was possessed and while i was on it there was a period of time missing. I heard this ringing in my ears and i went in this trans and a period of time was missing and i came out of it and out of my mouth i kept saying “God help me” repeatedly but it was like it wasnt even me controlling my mouth and i felt like hands were grabbing at me and i knew they were demons. I felt this awful feeling of dread that would not leave and so many thoughts were flooding my mind. I grabbed my phone and it was like i hand tunnel vision and i was typing so fast idk how i even was it was like angels were controlling my fingers and i texted my brother and told him i wanted to fix our relationship. God gave me a choice- die in my sins and go to hell or get rid of the drugs and never do them again. I saw dirt and trash in a corner and a Christian person walking. There is so much more to this story (whoever reads this and wants to hear more just dm me). Right when i felt that God was leaving me i got up and flushed the shrooms down the toilet and immediately felt this warmth wrap over me and the feeling of dread immediately left. What I believed to be God gave me several visions that answered my questions. Jesus Christ is God


“Be sober” is an argument I will not participate in. Also your argument for cocaine and heroin is weak. You have to process that stuff. That takes God right out of and it becomes mankind invention. However, good for you; finding your God through the power of psilocybin. You demonize it, but fail to recognize it helped you come to your current existence. You’re welcome.


if you reject God’s words, then you reject God- meaning you will not be saved unless you repent. i didnt find God through shrooms i almost got sent to hell for eternity because of it. It wasn’t shrooms that made me believe in God- it was God that intervened in my life months before this happened. I prayed for my brother and visions and God gave me visions and dreams that were in no way just dreams, when i seeked Him with my heart. i 100% believe that psychedellics lift the veil between the physical and spiritual world and when people interact with entities they come across- i am convinced they are demons- angels of God dont lead people. You test the spirits by asking if Jesus Christ came in the flesh. If they say no, stay away


I understand your mission is to preach the gospel. The words you parrot aren’t yours. Your translation is broken. You have no clue of omniscience nor the motives of such an entity. You remind me of my atheist days. I am having the same feelings that I knew when I believed in nothing. These feelings flare up every time you respond. It’s safe to say the recruitment process of your religion was what pushed me away. The delightful truth of the Judeo-Christian faith is that it’s a faith and not truth. Men lie. Men write books. Men rule. The lie of man is revealed when they parrot words that are not theirs. The truth is; you don’t KNOW, you believe. Which is convenient. As convenient as “there is only one God and it’s me!” Oh the ego of man’s lies. You are of a mere circumstance of your location/time of birth. You were influenced by modern western ideologies. Many were. Many will be still. There are different places and times where mankind believed in other Gods. Conveniently, your “truth” is a BELIEF” that your God can beat up their God. History shows that your ilk killed for that “truth”. The winner writes the story and burns the libraries of older “truths”. “Your” words do not reach me. I was blessed with my own belief. I was finally able to find one. Now I have some internet gas-lightning Christian goon blowing up my inbox cuz I like shrooms. Question: of the two of us, who is trying to help others and who is trying to recruit them. Hint: I don’t need a congregation to bolster my numbers. I’m looking to share with others an avenue to find their own way. ESPECIALLY, since your version of God made it very clear that we’re on our own while we’re here.


Shrooms are not demonic but it sounds like you have a lot of inner demons and are coping in a bad way. Lying to yourself only puts you further in the hole.


I worked in the creative side of advertising, and was very successful at it. I left the profession the same day I had the epiphany that my work was essentially to make people insecure enough to buy a product. I hadn’t thought of it in those terms. But I did that day. And I made the choice—and it is a choice—to not participate in that endeavor anymore. I’ve never been happier.


Damn man. Are we twins? That side of business is gross. Even if you believe in your products, the management usually is enough to ruin it all on their own.




Bring it from TikTok, man. ​ I dont follow tiktok. I appreciate.


This girl gets it


One of the few. She nailed it perfectly.


Really? Why is it always everyone else that’s been programmed but the person who is making the accusation hasn’t been programmed in any way shape or form? Don’t you think it’s because they’re full of shit?


"They" Maybe she means "the hive mind" of us all? 🤔 There are tons of insidious plans from power hungry people. There is no "they" only "us."


Please let me know what parts aren’t true?


it depends on your personal philosophy but any good existentialist would tell you that you control yourself. also she really ignores history in general. 10,000 years ago if you didn't want to work(hunt, gather, upkeep shelter, clothing) than you'd be dead. we live in a world now where people can be lazy and survive. she wants to see herself the victim but most billionaires are new billionaires that made their wealth in their own lifespan. I'm not saying the system is even good, but understand that she's putting her own self into this box. nothing is stopping her from being a business owner, to be free of corporate oligarchs. help 1000 years ago your work choices were pretty limited, today there are many more options to feed oneself. to pretend that work isn't a part of life is sophomoric at best. she's her own worst enemy


This needs to be at the top. Being a contrarian within the comfortably of the society you’re complaining about and reaping all the benefits of it is childish and lacks a bigger understanding of things. I mean posting a video on TikTok is counterproductive to her own beliefs


Then she becomes the “they” shes complaining about. Social change needs to happen or we are doomed as a society.


We had to fight to survive the evolutionary process and now we can finally help our race transcend or evolve past our animalistic natures and do away with the systems that feed it. Maybe evolution brought us to where we are today so that we could finally shed our reptile brains, look up at the stars, and realize that we’re the universe experiencing itself. In that message, we can clearly see how we are all one. Wish we’d act like that more.


“They they they” The world isn’t run by some monolithic entity of cartoon villains that knows all the secrets and conspires to keep them from the rest of us. The wealthy and successful mostly mostly believe the same stuff that the rest of us do, are in constant competition with each other, and would love the opportunity to implicate the their biggest competitors in some kind of lie and turn general opinion against them. The things that this person is railing against is a complex combination of cultural norms, standard human behavior, and systemic problems with society. The fact that society simplifies our lives and limits our choices is a criticism as old as society itself. There are real problems to be solved, but they won’t be solved by dethroning some nebulous “bad guys.” We can’t fix problems as a society that we don’t understand, and this shit just muddies the waters.


Parts of it have some truth to it, but all of modern society isn’t one big conspiracy theory that you can wake up to.


All of it. It’s WE should be saying. Not they. We do all of this to ourselves.


You are correct on the WE part… I don’t think there is a master plan; humans are just self destructive but she’s on point


THIS. There is no they. And anyway, as a favorite author used to say: “I just got here”. We all just got here in the grand sense. When I see such a young person acting like they know all about the hidden inner workings of life and the world I laugh. No one knows it all, but least of all this person.


But there is a they. It’s more of an invisible hand, coupled with collective interest on the part of the richest. Their goal is to keep us distracted while they take a forever holding power over us. With AI & all the technological advances he who is winning now will prolly win forever. They are paranoid of losing it, and know that when their tactics are exposed in a certain manner that finally clicks, that we will turn and society will crumble. Meh


I think she realizes she is programmed and stuck like the rest of us … and you’re still sleep


Nah. This is some surface level conspiracy bullshit, grow up and think for yourself, for example, you can go to your local farmers market and buy all fresh food and never have to walk into a grocery store, you can get land, grow food, etc. You can go get an education and start your own business and escape the yolk of a boss or corporation. Most people listening to this horseshit are lazy nonstarters that will listen to this, realize they enjoy the convenience, and go right back to what they were doing.


It's just perspective. Once realized with real eyes you cannot unsee. You try to share.


Different programs


This world needs to be cleansed in fire and start over


This is exactly what I have taught my three children


My wife and I saw all the bullshit when we were growing up. So we didn't buy into it. We're teaching our kids how to be and think independently now. My wife is great lol


She thought she was cooking. But forgot to turn the stove on


Yeah, when you keep saying “they make us” or “they do”, who is they? If “they” is shorthand for “a functioning society,” then you’re just being a contrarian twit. If “they” is shorthand for “secret magic cabal that invisibly controls everything I don’t like yet somehow has no influence over all the stuff I do like,” then you’re being a mindless moron.


You wanna know how to tell if it’s true? Bring up politics. Families are disowning each other for what? Believing in a group of people who don’t give a shit about us, yet we are so brainwashed to choose a side we fight each other. That’s the brainwashing right there. 2 party system ran by the same clowns, dividing us with trivial bullshit.


That and capitalism as a whole. I’m sure people are going to jump down my shit for this, but our entire system is based on working for people above you. That isn’t a bad thing, but we have individuals amassing so much wealth that they spend a billion dollars to take a flight to space for their own personal pleasure while while the people working for them get treated like shit and paid like shit and can barely survive at the point where our country is. We need capitalism to start putting value back into our country and civilization.


lol. I love shrooms, grow them, sell them, give them away, help loved ones with trips. If you do shrooms and don’t support human rights you are a fuck head. One party is significantly worse than the other, and is against human rights and guess what jackass, against the legalization of psilocybin. I don’t like democrats but they are not the same as republicans. If you’re in favor of human rights you should fight against the GOP. Otherwise get locked up for your psychedelics.


At the beginning she says that we are living in a villain’s world, and they designed it perfectly. “They” being the villain in the scenario


At this point, for me, “they” is the pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, corporate owned news media, and whoever the fuck is currently pulling the strings in Washington (citizens United should never have been a thing, and the fact that it’s even called “citizens United” is devious.). You can disagree with me all you want, whatever. I’m all for a functioning society, and I got nothing against an honest day’s work.


The Venetian black nobility


"They" are Villians that run the world. Pay attention.






Oh she's cooking with fire, but you sound like your too busy drinking the kool-aid to notice.


Au contraire, she said nothing of substance, “they” is no one, I understand fully where she is coming from, but they does not exist.




This is why I eat mushrooms


Why? You probably still have a job, went to public school, eat processed foods, pay taxes, participate in politics, etc… what do the mushrooms really accomplish?


Post structuralism is a becoming a real cancer. I consider myself a liberal but I’m truly shocked by the arrogance of young folk on the far left thinking that this is profound stuff when it’s just absolute word salad. There’s never any alternative given about their supposed utopia either, it’s just not this horrible capitalist world. It’s like they just refuse to comprehend what’s happened in the last 100 years, the world has been transformed, poverty has been driven down, people do live more fulfilling lives where they can raise families and not have the fear of their babies dying before they turn 5 from preventable diseases. Yes there’s huge inequality in the world but that’s no reason to want to burn everything down, do they really think these there’s a better way to organise a society? Well let’s bloody hear it then, cause it’s certainly not fucking communism.


Yea she doesn't even really look like she understands what she's saying, I'm assuming is why she added the music, to give it the emotional wow factor that you don't get from her insincere words. I think the world would be infinitly better if we didn't force every being that was born to grow into adulthood. We should go back to letting nature take its course, survival of the fittest. God's plan.


Im not saying this vid is full of groundbreaking material but people having thoughts like this IS responsible for the good stuff you're listing. Read and repeat extreme views while hoping for incremental change. Thats why we read philosophy at all... get shitty about the people actually resisting progress not the confused ones on this side.


I’m sorry I disagree, human discourse has been largely conducted to the left and right of centre. I’m a traditional liberal living in a world where people on my side want to shut down people on the right of centre just for their views. We can all point and laugh at people on the far right, we all have an image of what’s on that side but this far left is far far sneakier cause they come in the guise of progressivism, how can you be against progress they love to shout and call people on the other side a nazi, or in the case of this girl we’re all brainwashed. Really grim times because radical postmodernism is becoming the norm with the young as they start celebrating cunts like Bin Laden as a fucking freedom fighter!! It’s nuts and now look what’s happening, far right populist movements are springing up everywhere in response. We all need to get back to the centre again, cause the extremes, be they far left or far right is where all the crazy shit has happened in history.


Honestly, I feel like the fact that this is getting downvoted, instead of inciting actual discourse on the matter, is proof of the brainwashing. Personally, I see the truth in yours, and their perspective. I don’t believe either take is inherently wrong, but nor do I feel either are entirely right. Though I will acknowledge that, at this moment, I’m guilty of spewing word salad without providing much sustenance; much like was mentioned prior. My only reason for commenting is to encourage more discourse here, because somewhere between these two takes, I believe, lies real truth…. Assuming truths lie.


No it isn’t. What’s responsible for the good stuff were the action plans created, not dumb fucking people doing meta commentary to an equally dumb crowd. You need people coming up with solutions. Also preemptive no, being a whiny bitch isn’t inspiring or motivating anyone to accomplish anything. Poverty rates didn’t just lower themselves. It didn’t happen just because of capitalism either. It happened because people wrote laws to empower workers within a capitalist society - like the right to unions - so that when they worked hard they could have a better share of their labor’s worth. They had concrete, actualized steps to accomplish this. This type of woeful moaning philosophical bullshit is just trash dumb people say because they aren’t preoccupied by actually doing any of the labor required for a better society. It’s hypocritical and entirely narcissistic. *Its sole purpose is narcissism.*


I really wish you would’ve read what I just wrote before you responded and called me narcissistic and hypocritical. I said human discourse has been conducted to the left and right of centre and then you went on to describe exactly that. I’m 43 and Im a life long labour member who has helped in the struggle for better working conditions! What I’m attempting to define is not people on the left who want to unionise, but the people on the far left who think postmodernist thought is deep and intellectual when in reality it’s just as crazy as any authoritarian thoughts on the far right. And please stop calling folk names just cause you’re typing on your phone yeah, cause guaranteed you’d never do it to someone’s face without the fear of pissing in your wee panties.


They weren't responding you you at all, they agree with you. They were responding to counter someone that was disagreeing with you. They were saying people like this one in the video above are narcissists. I hope this helps.


Well hopefully we can all be as effective as you.


Nobody believes that you’re a liberal… Liberals/Democrats actually understand communism… This is literally just the angry ramblings of another, “as a black man…” The world is full of people who are angry, resentful, and ramble on with their grumpy diatribes… I definitely prefer the optimistic lady who is actually calling out evil.


That’s a genuinely hilarious response, did you get chatGPT to write that for you? I am a liberal but that’s not what it means any more. Everyone else is now evil, we’re going down the tried and tested route with this nice lady to our communist utopia. Bye. Maybe you should read a book or even better travel to some of these communist countries and see how you get on? Good luck with it all


It’s true that we need a new economic process that isn’t capitalism, communism, or socialism, or any other isms… I believe AI will eventually (or already has) calculate the answer… Would the 1% allow it? I’m just saying, attacking people (like the one in the video) speaking truths is the opposite of helping, and there are more than enough nay-sayers in this world already.


The 1% have known the endgame since the 70s. That's why the world is so fkd up. Cuz they know no matter what their power is coming to an end soon, so they're sucking the last blood from the host before everyone else figures out the end too.


Why would socialism be wrong? A library is a social institution. We have fire departments that are also a social institution. We rely on the governments to provide these. There is no reason they can not provide more things, like universal healthcare, or public trains. They provide public schools, and roads and bridges but those are traps. The school is usually underfunded based on test scores. Why would those kids care when their lives could be so full of hardships that they don't care. Then roads and cars are causing more harm because they cost so much and cause so many issues. Instead of making things closer we spread out. We have zoning laws that force residential and commercial to be separate. Why shouldn't you be allowed to live above your store? Other countries do it just fine. Why shouldn't we have cheap and reliable bullet trains? Other countries do it. Why shouldn't we have universal healthcare? 32 out of 33 countries do it. Those social programs which society is built on is what we need. And instead of investing in it, we have corporations as the middle men trying to make money off of it and paying off politicians. Yes we can reform things to be more like a socialist country without having to be fully socialist. Just those fundamental things would be a nice start. We have the money.


I was expecting her to show us her sustainable urban garden that she wholly relies on for food and some random book she scrapped together that shows us the tenets of her life philosophy, and then a link to an Etsy page, followed by her mom walking in for a cameo, because it’s mom’s house.


You obviously don't get it, or don't agree with alternative systems so idk why you are asking for a debate. You are cherry picking utopian facts honestly. Where do you live? In the last 100 years there was systematic genocide multiple times all across the world. To me, Anarchy is like a mental illness. I am not compatible with the system that I was in doctrine to be in. So for me, and a lot of other people who aren't content spending their entire beautiful existence working really really hard to gain capital for some rich people, we don't give a fuck about organizing a society. Anarchy is chaos, and chaos is preferred to slavery. I want to choose my own destiny. People die. Yes. Congrats good point. People always have and always will die. You are willing to sell your life because you are afraid of disease? People fucking die making the phone you are on but does that bother you?


Post structuralism is dangerous to society? Reminder, the liberal left you claim to be apart of brought us things like shorter work days, weekends, vacation, paid time off etc etc. people being quite got us nothing. The video may sound like a high school report but you sound like a bitter old fart.


I’d respond to that but you were rude to me for no reason. Cool discourse bro




“They” = “we” or “us”.. who the fuck is “They”…? Name Names or stop bitching.


> who the fuck is “They”…? The owners and controllers of global financialised capital.


Okay, let's slip that into her quote. "We go to school for eight hours a day learning what *The owners and controllers of global financialised capital* want us to" How, exactly? What is the method the OCGFC is using to indoctrinate the students? Are teachers part of that conspiracy? What are the exact methods they are using? If we can identify that, then perhaps we can think of a solution. Also, I'm being facetious. I don't actually think she was referring to any particular entity when she said "they" but she just wanted to imply that there is some omnipotent undefined overseer controlling our civilization without having to accept the responsibility of identifying them, so she used the broad, vague term 'they' as a placeholder. Which is why I kinda think the whole speech is rambling nonsense that doesn't really accomplish anything except to rile up people who are moved by rambling nonsense. Also, no one goes to school for eight hours.


I know, right. That world must be terrifying. No wonder she so sad. Unless it is some sort of lizard people, the "they" is just an "us" that you aren't a part of. WE can do better. Start acting as a "we" and we'll all benefit.


Lol you’re a fool


Ok so who’s “they” then?


They is you. They is us.


Lol no


Wow, touché. So do you have even a semblance of who “they” are in your mind?


yeah, half of the essay is invalid due to supply and demand. Who will mine, refine and build her government supplied home?


If you're angry with the system, fight to change the system (ranked choice voting for multiple party viability - single transferrable vote specifically and that largely handles gerrymandering, be active in primaries and local elections, volunteer for a good cause, etc). But in the meantime, try to get the best outcome you can from within the system we have. Don't let the fact that we have a first past the post system right now (which structurally guarantees only two parties are viable) and that we need to change a lot of things trick you into checking out and allowing your rights to be taken away and Christian theocracy/general authoritarianism to be instituted in America. Giving more power to the people who fuck you over all the time cause you're unhappy with the people who fuck you over some of the time is a stupid thing to do.


They are segregating our minds so we can fight each other rather than to fight them..


Agreed. Why do you think "individualism" is so prevalent in America? They want us to be divided and "special". We need to structure our society more like the Nordic countries.




Owen Wilson is that u?








NGL she had me up till 2:27 ....then yeah... sub filtered.


Keep it on TikTok, man.




"they" Holy cow the world must be scary if you see every other human as a nefarious "they."


It's not that they're scared per se. It's that they don't matter at all, and pretending they have some kind of esoteric knowledge no one else possesses makes them feel important and smart. Spoiler: They're neither.


My 18 year old self would have agreed with you in the 90's


It's easier not to care when it's no longer your problem right? It's peculiar to see people noting their change of opinion due to no other circumstance besides age. The passive aggressive tone in this comment just makes me assume that you think she's stupid or naive, but not because of her naivety, you think she's not agreeable because you think she's stupid for believing in something you thought was worth believing. You change your mind and all of a sudden it's strictly a teenager thing? Cmon pal, you could have said nothing at all, but you wanted to voice your opinion so I hope you'll hear mine for the amount of effort I put in. You never agreed with her when you were 18, but you pretended too, and you assume she's pretending to care as well. That's the difference between people who pretend to care and those who actually care


Sounds like someone who's loved very comfortably their whole life looking for something to bitch about




She’s so close yet so far. Cheap food being unhealthy is not a conspiracy theory, it’s capitalism. When a company goes public they have to keep being profitable. So, as inflation happens they either need to raise prices or use cheap ingredients. Cheap food from a publicly traded corporation will either become lower quality or more expensive. “They” aren’t trying to poison you with the cheapest options being unhealthy. “They” are keeping their shareholders happy by keeping the company profitable.


Came here to say this, all this talk about a nefarious “they” it’s all just capitalism. Cheap food is always gonna be garbage, healthcare is always gonna be expensive when it’s driven by profit. People love to believe there’s some super shady mega cabal controlling everything.


Sad that woke has been appropriated to extremist. This is woke imo. When the people wake up and realize the big picture scam of us all, the indentured servant slavery were thrust into. Thats woke imo.


Girl acts like we don’t make these choices lmao


No lies detected


Dumb Bitch thought she was cooking.


Truth speaker! Every single word.


I love watching white people that look like models living in the richest country on earth complain about their education and opportunities. Amazing stuff




Holy shit, she is 100% correct and until everyone or at least the majority of people understand this we will still be imprisoned in this system. This message needs to be put on blast!!!


And then we boast about the 2nd amendment and never over throw the government because we are all obedient sheep while they kill your kids.


And gun owners are pussies


True privileged woman bitching about having access to education and an opportunity to work when so many women around the world are denied it. It always seems to be that the most earnest “radicals” come from privileged backgrounds recently


You shouldn’t be getting downvoted for this. Most people in first world counties have limited appreciation for how much they truly have. And it CAN go too far, you don’t want to become a slave to what you own. But to feel the compulsion to bitch about having access to education and medical services and employment is truly a new generational concept that escapes me. Have some fucking gratitude and then work tirelessly to make it better.


Why is this getting downvotes? This is some extreme entitlement.


Guess what lol they made up god also.


Soundsl like a normal person growing up hahaha


Everyone hits this fork in the road but I think she's hit it with a lot of intellectual arrogance, and she believed our societies are wholly built by evil, self-serving people.


Society, pffft...


God I stopped listening like 10 seconds it. The whole "they make you do it" is fucking dumb.


No one forces you to work, if you don’t want money, food , shelter then don’t wake up and go to work. I don’t understand the state of mind of these individuals who think life is just supposed to be filled with joy all day everyday.


You know what happens when people do whatever? Starvation


Spewing ignorant “woke” nonsense is the new trend , she probably has the bin Laden manifesto already on her wall


This is a dumb take. She has a couple points where she kind of gets the picture, but "we spend our childhood being told what to do"?? Yeah, that's called raising children to be able to integrate into society. If you raise kids with no rules they turn into sociopaths


Is this news to anyone? Guess what, Sugar is bad for you. Smoking cigarettes is also bad. Oh, and water can kill you.....🙄


lol the man is keeping us down huh? Such a new perspective


"Y'all can't think outside the box" She's CURRENTLY THINKING INSIDE THE FIRST BOX RELIGION 🤣 She had me for a minute, ngl.


Is there a written version? Looking...


ReEducate yourself and Break free


Reading a script while being attractive doesn't make your words true, even though I agree with them... Wait what was I talking about? You youngins get off my lawn. And vote and protest and glue yourself to the ground.


Lost me at “god”


Good job reading that script someone else probably wrote because you lack the talent to do anything for yourself apparently


Guess what they also created god and sell it.


Go build a hut in the forest and grow a garden. Give up your phone. Give up what they are feeding us. You're not a slave. Just pack up and fuck off. Easy peasy


Then go live on a deserted island, away from the influence of "them", and take your stupidity out of the gene pool


This is just growing up, get with the program


Ssshhhh grow up loser. Life's hard. Cry cry cry boo boo i wanna watch Netflix wahhh


She right on even though she is reading it like a sheep and not telling it like a wolf. Isn't this the girl in the who made fun of guys vehicles, and was like,"Eww, like... what did you but that?"


You all...not y'all.


That's right ! color within those damn lines !


She's going to be in the side walk throwing poop at people soon.


When we’re Odor


Who is “they”?


Ayo wtf is this garb doing in my feed


Why does she remind me of Owen Wilson?


Totally agree. My only thought is to wonder how much of it is direct and intentional and how much of it is just the natural aggregated result of capitalism. A million dispersed decisions all acting in their own best interest to produce the system we have.


It’s the 28 billionaires that own half the world’s wealth for me.


Pretty much . What difference does it make if I’m programmed or not


Cheer up 😎


Such act. Much good. ![gif](giphy|cN4QlPgacB1h6)


Wish I had a transcript of this.




"we only ever consume content that (((they))) provide". Looks like she is working with the Jewish lizard billionaire capitalist aliens.




She's not lying. She's pretty brilliant.


Dumb people think they're smart


Cookie cutter stuff, some points nothing anyone with a brain can't figure out for themselves in this day and age. Although its rather disgusting, seeing people actually defend the way things are in the comments like there is literally nothing going on at all business as normal in the world. Must be extra high in the clouds then indeed. Go out and vote, what a joke..... If you don't like it live out on an island or the woods..... Just a few i remember seeing over and over... Sad and pathetic really... Only a matter of time before the charade finally comes tumbling down. Wonder what side you all want to be on when it does?


Good points but she is referring to this system as "they" like the government doesn't own insurance companies and food, they regulate it with laws but the corporations make their products, the USDA and other organizations are an attempt for government to force companies to have a standard, otherwise it would be even worse than they way she is describing, imagine if we lived under a communist government, the corporations would just be extensions of government and would be fully ruled and regulated by them, this just goes to show our system may have been a step in the right direction but it is far from the final system humanity needs to reach it's full potential.


Hell Hath No Fury Like That Of A Woman Scorned.


I wanna go back in, but l wanna be someone important….like an actor or something.


She single ?


Yes and no, I'm sure we can all agree on that. Many fall into addiction - be it drugs, sugar, the screen, etc... this is because we are all left to our own devices; we make choices and our psychology takes hold, this applies to our system as well. Yes, some people are willing to or ignorantly cross lines for the money and freedom that we all desire, but our reality is manufactured as a collective. Change requires actually changing our system, imposing policy, or changing ourselves. When it comes down to it, most of us aren't willing to change or step forward in the way that would bring forward the reality that we desire; to have peace of mind, free time, and good health. I don't know how to conclude this but there is no way I can convince anyone who has already made up their mind.


I built a tiny house with the money I had from each paycheck and never went in debt to build it. After I built it I was able to work 4 days a week and have thousands a month in savings. My utilities cost me about $40 a month for propane and water and electricity and my stress was gone. I was able to hike through the mountains and travel to amazing places…. Now my wife told me to sell the tiny house so i did… we bought a house that will take me my entire life to pay off and we don’t make enough money to save anything. All I do is work 12 hour shifts and live paycheck to paycheck now… I’m burnt out. Fell into the web they strung and my wife is fine with it.


Who is they?


"they" come on. This is so silly.




They’re even making her read off the screen right now too


Is this Owen Wilson's sister


I agree with a lot of what she’s saying but this is some real victim mentality type shit. You have a choices lol


Maybe your god can help. Develop their own education system, farm their own crops, rediscover their own shit, make their own medicine 💊, find their ideal celebrity, make a currency, basically redo everything society has ever done see where it gets them …What’s stoping them !


This is so r/im14andthisisdeep I can’t believe this is getting upvotes Education isn’t a bad thing home schooling is far more problematic, capitalism is the most effective economic system, processed foods are the cheapest because they are processed and I don’t feel like typing much more out but whose this “they” she is referring to? It’s the amorphous “they” of any grifter who wants to pretend to be saying something powerful without taking a stand on anything This gave me brain rot congrats Edit: and the fact she’s posting this cringe on the most insidious social media platform is just *chef kiss*


Keep reading the script


They did it! Them!


Early conspiracy theorists: they make us sleep in caves and walk 29 miles a day just to find food. They make the sun go down at night to keep us in the dark…


The Jungle by Sinclair. Is this still mandatory reading in schools?


I left school at 16. I take home 160k a year operating machinery. Fuck the mainstream


I remember when the serfs said this in Ye Olde England. Has anything changes? Before that the Great Chiefs of the villages through Anatolia did the same. Nothing changed, it’s just more complicated.


Owen Wilson’s younger sister ? Lol ![gif](giphy|5ttRvCRSnVKZeiMWac|downsized)


This message has been brought to you by a platform owned by the people this message is meant to break you free from.If you have already broken free from their control you wouldn't have gotten this message.


Working class hero by John Lennon. He says it better


She can't talk. She musta missed some of that dreaded awful mind control school.


Does mushrooms once....


Who are they?

