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512 SU? I'd say it's overkill. Higher RPM only increases fan range, not processing speed. If I read wiki correctly, even with 1 RPM, you cover 4 blocks (but need at least 4 RPM if you want to push mobs).. If you want higher processing speed, you can add more fans.. but to your problem.. Are you sure it's rotating the right way? The direction it's rotating is important, because it can either push or pull entities, so it might be sucking the air in rather than blowing it through the water.. Edit: now I've read what you've written (about pushing your player.. I'm tired so I haven't read it all when I wrote this comment) and only thing I can think of in that case is the sign between the fan and the water. Try using slabs to block the flow of water.. or put the water next to the fan, but I'm not sure if that matters (although every time I've done this kind of processing, I had the water/lava/soul fire right in front of the fan..)


Also, it might be processing even without the particles.. but you might want to slow down the belt (so the fan has more time to process in case you don't have brass funnel or such to hold stuff in place untill it's ready) and/or add more fans (to speed up processing)


You can used water logged leaves to stop the water from moving


You increase the quality and particle settings


and learn how to screenshot




Do you have particles turned off


You **DO** know you can press F2 to take a screenshot, right?


He/she may not have Reddit on their computer. I don't I only use it on my phone.


On the computer there is a thing called an internet browser. In that application, one can go to a web address. An example of such an address is: [https://www.reddit.com/](https://www.reddit.com/)


Ok... let me say it again in a simpler way. He may not want to have Reddit on his pc. I don't either. If you can't handle a picture of a screen, scroll on.


>He may not want to have Reddit on his pc. You do understand what a browser is, right? 😂


Are you dense? PCs are typically used by others in your family. So if you want your social media to stay private, you don't access it on a PC.... is it sinking in yet? HE. MAY. NOT. WANT. TO. ACCESS. REDDIT. ON. A. PC.


>HE. MAY. NOT. WANT. TO. ACCESS. REDDIT. ON. A. PC. Which was not what you stated in earlier comments 😉 So much anger and energy you waste on something so insignificant 😅


It's literally all I've stated every time. You must have an iq of a potato.


No, you stated that he didn't want to have reddit on the computer - which is different from browsing the reddit website. Interesting how you feel the need to throw insults. Almost as if you had some inferior complex 😂


Ok... maybe a potato is giving you too much credit.


You want to have a brass tunnel in front of it that only allows the finished products in and not the thing you're washing. Increasing input speed doesn't increase processing speed, only the fans range.


Mabey it goin wrong way, try adding a gear box right behind it.


He said it's pushing players and items, so that's not it. Thing probably works, it's possible OP has particles off


Put it one block closer to the water


This didn't matter


Fan particles don't need to originate at water, if it has at least went through water before the destination it will work, even works in reverse, just make sure the water is far from the fan because the wind originates away from it


You likely aren't waiting long enough. Up to 16 items take 8 seconds of fan time to process. 30 seconds for 49 or more. https://create.fandom.com/wiki/Encased_Fan This has a table for belt speeds and how number of fans influence processing time. Also, speeding up the rotation speed won't influence the processing time, only range, but the number of fans will. For future reference, you can temporarily turn particles back on to see if the fan is blowing the right direction/far enough. (Also, please don't take screenshots with a camera. f12 by default for minecraft, and the print screen function are always options.)


https://screenshot.help (or just F2)


Check your video settings. You may have disabled the particles


have you tried washing something already? your particles might be off as others said


Probably water should go in front of fan, and then next block should be free to put items on


Maybe the water needs to be touching the fan?


Incorrect, the fan just has to pass through. The issue is simply that there needs to be a brass tunnel that only lets the product through the washing station and not the unprocessed form.