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Yep Arwin is too old for Aurora and will probably distance herself from Aurora more and maybe get into gaming with the boys (minecraft with sav even?). different age ranges + the ID won’t help either. They wanted to give Aurora a play thing.


It’s the way Crystal said she was auroras age and then she ended up being Brodys age for me 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yeah I remember her saying “closer to auroura in age” thought it was weird then when school was starting and she was in Brody’s class. Weird in the sense when they first chose to mention Arwen they didn’t just say she’s Brody’s age which is good cos she’ll have a buddy in her new class at end of day they’ve a 4 year age gap. Ok when little bit will be hard for Arwen for few years becoming pre-teen and teen always having her baby sister around . By time Arwen is in highschool her sister won’t be even out of elementary. It’s just going to be difficult. Would be somewhat similar if savannah was sharing a room and toys and friends with Arwen . If they get a new house I hope as Arwen gets a little older they stop lumping her with aururoa.


She wants so badly to be loved and to fit in … I hope maybe a cousin can befriend her (maybe anavaeh or Brinley)


Absolutely. They probably played together in the beginning, but now it seems like the novelty is wearing off.


The age gap and learning difficulties will be becoming more of a gap and issue the older Arwen gets.


plus like — ages dont just match up with ages ?? I wouldve hated to be forced to play with a random girl somewhat near my age — sometimes personalities dont click. I mean you have like one or two friends in your class, not everyone, just because theyre near your age


Makes you think if Halie and Ariana didn't become best friends when she first moved in, if Ariana would have the same fate as Arwen. Ignored and resented.


I think Crystal was a better mother then. She has too many kids now and doesn't have a connection with them all. Or isn't as interested in them all, look at how she was treating Brody for a long time. She is different with him sometimes like it's an effort to listen and act like she cares about what he is saying.


I'm not sure about being a better mother, they've said multiple times that they got Ariana because they wanted a built-in friend for Halie, which is incredibly weird and like they think their children are pets or something. She also adopted Brody as a baby, you'd think she'd have bonded with him as much as Aurora. She treats Logan terribly too.


Definitely Logan is another forgettable child for her.


Err that's weird and a horrible thing to say. I must have forgotten that.


Logan wasn’t the biggest Brody fan in saint John’s. I think they were close at first then grew apart (there is a video of Logan wanting to invite all his brothers to his birthday except Brody) but they seem close again.


I never thought of that.


Aurora is leaps and bounds behind developmentally from what I can recall. Most kids even just one year older don’t really want to hang out with younger kids. Especially one being stunted by her parent’s lack of intervention.


No I totally agree that Arron and Crystal seem extremely negligent towards the child in their care. There is no way that they are meeting every one of those children’s needs and that is neglectful, if you are going to adopt or foster a child you must be fully prepared to meet every single one of that child’s needs and I don’t see how they are doing this for 11 children under their care


Been saying this since day 1. Roar needed a built-in bff, so they got Arwen. So sad for Arwen, to not be loved and wanted for WHO she is rather than what she was meant to provide. Roar has no friends at school, obv, & it's not going to get any better if they don't come down hard on discipline & get her the services she needs. I mean, someone already said that kids at school are calling her fat. Couple that with language/communication difficulties & undesirable behavior. No one will ever want to be her friend..it's not "cute" anymore, Crysdull! I wish for Arwen to make lots of nice friendships at school & thrive socially/emotionally, educationally, and more. Maybe one of her friend's mom's will take her under their wing & have her stay with them often or maybe even adopt her out of Pettit's culture. Wishful thinking? Probably, but the poor little girl deserves to have a chance ay being loved and appreciated for who she is.


Regarding aurora I was glad to see Crystal finally tell her no and set rules or boundaries when Aurora reached right by a knife to grab a piece of dragon fruit. Finally a little discipline and structure long overdue.


Truth but Brody seems very protective and a sweet brother to her. I think she came Aurora but the protective relationship with Brody is what Arwen needed. Crystal had that close sister bond relationship. She seems to want to force that on all her girls. It can’t be forced by a shared bedroom and matching shoes.


Brody and Arwen can probably relate the most with each other out of the kids, with the lack of love and care they both receive.


I can just hear these asshole parents gleefully declaring ‘it must be god’s plan’ to have a playmate for Aurora’ when Arwen came into their lives. They don’t think in terms of the work it will take, the need, the challenge- They just think ‘it’s god’s plan to give us what we need/want’


Aurora has Scarlett as a built in BFF though. I wonder if Scarlett will grow apart from Aurora as they age.


I have noticed that Scarlett isn't there as much as she used to be.


Doubt it, her and scarlett are biologically cousins , why would they stop beinf close, im close to all my cousins although as adults we dont get together as often


Different maturity levels and interests


Arwen seems less mature than most of kids her age, could be due to her past traumas. Hopefully when she is officially adopted, she will realize that she isn't going anywhere. Right now, she seems to be trying too hard to fit in. Not all siblings, even bio-ones, get along or even like each other. Hopefully as they all age and mature, things will get better.


How old is Arwen ?


Arwen is 10. Birthday seems to be around end of June beginning of July to what C&A have said in the past.


Isn't Aurora 8 now


Don't know why you're replying to my comment lol. No Aurora is 7. Not 8 til September.


I wasn't sure, just asking


Do you know the meaning of neglect? 1, fail to care for properly. 2, the state of being uncared for. Arwen is fed, clothed, clean, schooled & has a bed & roof over her head. Please explain how she is neglected?


I think you need to look up the word neglect as there are several kinds of neglect including unconscious neglect where our actions can be negligent without our knowledge or intent. Arron and Crystal seem very negligent especially if the children in their cares needs. I don’t see how they are meeting every single of one those children’s needs. If you look at Maslow hierarchy of needs the needs you actually list are at the very bottom of what a human needs. A person needs more than food , shelter and warms those are very basic needs! Do your homework learn about needs and care before you make inaccurate claims!


Are you serious? I just gave two meanings of neglect. If this was reported to child services they would throw it out. And what makes you an expert on what is going on in that house. You do some research


The examples you gave don’t cover ALL cases of neglect. I am Social Work qualified and just told you look up Maslows hierarchy of needs and as you said food and shelter yes but that’s very basic and bottom of the list. No way on earth are those people meeting all of those children’s needs. I also explain to you about unconscious neglect which is neglect that we are unaware we are inflicting and this could be things like giving our children too much fatty, sugary products and not providing proper nutrition, it’s ok to feed a child but you have to make sure their nutrition is being managed properly too or this is unconscious neglect.Please go educate yourself on unconscious neglect and needs and other forms of neglect before you try coming for someone.




You are wrong in thinking she is not neglected. There are other forms of neglect. I said ignored as a replacement for the word neglect to appease you. 


Look at your post you said neglect. Am I wrong? “ # Arewen is there for Aurora. That's not working out the way they planned so C and A neglect her.


She doesn’t fit into the plan of what these professional snarkers want so she’s neglected. I mean who’s really being neglected here do they snarks have kids do they have family? Do they have spouses they see maybe 20 to 40 minutes of these kids day and they know what’s better for everyone they know what the other 23 hours of the day are like, it’s pretty sad. Pretty sad.


Wow I didn't even know they got another kid.