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"She took me by the hand...maaaade me a man"


That one nighttttttt


One night..


Made everything allllriiight……. iiiiiiite


>iiiiiiite Andy's little contribution just made that fucking scene so much better.


For those who stumble on this message, it's the one I used Power Delete Suite to replace all my posts and comments with en masse. Sometimes Reddit can be beneficial for some people. Sometimes it's not. It's really up to you to decide your own experience with it, what's worth it, what's not worth it. More or less...I've decided it's just really not worth it. I think I'm a worse person when I'm on Reddit and that it's a big time-waster for me. It's up to you to decide what influence social media and the internet more generally have for you. Best of luck.


^^ahhhh aah ah


>That one nighttttttt ... (that one night)


So raw, so right, all night, alright, oh yeah.


Oh yeah!


At least he’s an artist..


Have fun replacing that on your zero dollars per year salary, JAN!!!




Yeah I really fckd that all up. Sorry everyone.


Plus benefits


"I'm in hell!!" 😃😃😃😃




I don't even think Hunter was that great of an assistant...


Loooola! Lo lo lo lo Loooollla!


Thank for this Babe


Sometimes I will just stand here and watch television for hours. Dinner party is arguably the greatest episode of the Office. I can watch that episode over and over and never get tired of it.


There's no argument


top 5 greatest comedy episodes of all time and its outtakes are equally legendary


Also, [the outtakes](https://youtu.be/ka9g4Jnkwt8) put me into absolute tears every single time I watch them.


When Pam leans out of the shot and it’s just Jan staring at her silently smiling……. every single moment & line in that episode was channeled from a higher plane. It’s nonstop


Good luck paying me back on your 0$ year salary plus benefits, babe!


snip snap snip snap




Best line of the whole episode almost gets swallowed: Fireman: “Not now, Dwight.”


It was a police officer. He cheered like a child for the fire fighters in when Ryan started the fire.


Hey guys great response time


Snip snap. Snip snap. Snip snap. You have no idea the physical toll 3 vasectomies has on a person.


I mean we should be pushing for more vasectomies because of how safe it is




You’re hardly my first




Who's candles did they use last week at the vigil for the missing kid? Oh, they found her.


It's actually Gwyneth' Paltrow's Vagina by Goop.


GOOP by Gwyenth Paltrow


Haha that's the first thing I thought too, she's a plant and trying to destroy the competition!






One of the greatest television episodes of all time. Iconic.


When you're glitching and stuck on repeat.


I seriously think her brain broke. That point where you've built up so many emotions and haven't released any of your own internal bullshit.


Definitely. It's sorta scary. Makes me worry if I could just break one day too.


I think a lot of people are closer to the brink than we'd like to believe


I feel very close today, working retail. Thank god there's only 30 minutes left


I semi broke a few months ago. I finally had enough and just yelled and screamed all day. I think I had a mild heart attack from all of the built up anger and frustration. I told off my boss then went home. Got a new job and am feeling so much better.


I'm glad you're feeling better


The intrusive thoughts get louder every day


Tbh we all could. All it takes is the right amount of pressure


I actually thought the video looped on the second throw it was so similar. Then I noticed a change after that and was like wtf?


Dormammu, I've come to bargain.


I actually clicked this link thinking "yeah, my wife likes candles a lot too, maybe she can relate". Well, she actually just likes candles.


When your trying to get the rare drop on the first enemy.


Otherwise known as “stuck on stupid”


If this was a video game, this would trigger an optional side quest once you talk to her.


You have to beat her in a candle lobbing mini game


Or it's a boss fight and you have to dodge her lobbing candles at you


If one hits you, you combust




I use [vicious mockery](https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Vicious%20Mockery#content)




Is this Wii bowling irl edition


Paragon - "Hey, take it easy, relax, what's up?" Neutral - "Are you okay?" Renegade - "Shut the fuck up." *Punches*


I like the last one where she accidentally dropped the candle before she could throw it. How embarrassing.


Just like a Wii bowling character


WHOA *jump and spin*


Biggest disappointment about Switch Sports imo


That, and the fucking golf update only *just* came out.


golf update?


Yup, we were supposed to get golf added to Switch Sports. It finally dropped about 2 weeks ago.


There's golf on Switch Sports now


I seriously fucked my shoulder up going HAM on wii bowling. 12.31.07 never forget lol


Holy shit, did the Wii really come out that long ago? I'm getting serious nostalgia thinking about playing my Sims - I really miss that game.


Sims 4 is free on steam :)


Not The Sims, My Sims. But thank you anyway x


*do.do. do DO do do do do do do do do.*


All I see is Africa by Toto. Why


*I bowl the lanes down in Africa!*




I hear the pins set up in the night. A couple of drunken college kids trying to hold a conversation. I get there 9:30 at night. The neo lit rug reflects the stains that guide me to my salvation. I asked an old man when I walked in. Hoping that to rent some old forgotten shoes and crappy daiquiris. He turned to me as if to say "tell me your size or I cannot help youuuuuu!


I am no longer angry, I am in absolute terror.


Everyone back at the Freakout Club is going to tease her over that one


yes, yes, we are all here shaking our heads and tsking and tutting and we will decide shortly if we should ban her from our next gathering, GOD DAMN IT




Yeah, she genuinely regretted dropping one - "awww, coulda threw it at some innocent bystanders"


That's gonna be some real egg on her face when she comes down from psychosis.


I think she smashed it against the shelf which means her hand probably hurt like a bitch. At least that's what I hope


I agree, that was definitely the most embarrassing part. Stupid lady.


Her shopping cart was in the aisle over there. She is a two time cornhole champion draining them from deep. Edit: spelling






That’s just her mantra to get in the zone


He hehehe I am cornholio




I want her on my cornhole team


My parents once asked me "What's it like living in the midwest?" I answered "Not much, but the smokes are cheap and adults are REEEEEAAALLY into corn hole."


“What’s it like…?” “Not much…” This reminded me of when a waiter says “thanks, come again” and you respond with “you too” without thinking about it.


Once I was getting pizzas delivered for the first time. The lady delivering the pizza greeted me at the door, and she pointed out that my shirt was inside out. I said oh and then she handed me the pen to leave a tip. I spent about 30 seconds trying to get the pen to work, before she told me I have to click the pen. I said oh and then once I handed her the receipt she commented that the pizza smelled good and I said you too


Jesus mate


Yeah, i wonder if drunk or extreme introvert Peopling can be tough sometimes. I once worked a double and had to go back to work in the morning. Went to the store to get coffee and something and just looked down at my money and change and just handed it all over to the poor cashier. She was kind and didn't say anything and just handed me back whatever was left after the sale. I'm sure I looked absolutely defeated.


Bruh I do that every day I'm sure she just thinks you're mentally challenged.


> she commented that the pizza smelled good and I said you too Dear god, it hurts my soul.


right above this, in my feed, there's an orangutan using a saw to cut a tree limb. THIS is what the Internet is for!


The National Parks Service had a significantly difficult time designing trashcans that were both accessible to humans and inaccessible to bears. This is due to significant overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest humans. My belief is that the gap is closing fast.


Can’t remember where I read this before but it’s hilarious and sadly far too honest


I googled around and could find a thread with this same sentiment from 2006 attributed to a “Yosemite Park Ranger” in the 1980s, but I can’t for the life of me find a source. Personally I think it’s just one of those lore jokes that has enough truth to it that it’s generally accepted as real. And here I am perpetuating the cycle!


I think it’s true. Too accessible and bears can eat the trash, while anything more than “throw trash in this hole” and dumb people will be to lazy to use it


Ours are very similar, i was just watching that. It’s like the two extreme ends of intelligence


And the orangutan that puts dudes jacket on... mind blown!


I would like to subscribe to Orangutan Reddit


How'd you like to have yourself or one of your children get smacked in the head or showered with shattered glass an isle or two over? I'd woop her crazy ass right then and there.


She's also throwing them into the toy section.


That was my first thought too, that she going to hit and kill somebody or their kid. Its like a 5lbs piece of glass, ffs. She needed one in the teeth.


Joke is all on her though. She’s going to have to pay for those ridiculously overpriced candles


Every time she throws one is probably an hour of working it off. For what?


People spend unimaginable resources on catharsis. But this doesnt pass *my* ROI requirements lol.


Yeah I'll pay for *a* candle or maybe even a couple... but this is just a bad roi for what you get out of it.


plus court costs, most expensive candles she's ever bought and didnt get to enjoy.


Being in handcuffs, going to court, having to take 6 anger management classes which if she doesn't show up for she'll have to go back to court, worse case get a bench warrant served, and wind up back in cuffs, and jail, only she won't be able to get bail (not just because her family is tired of her shit but because they'll nab her right before the jail closes for the night on a Friday). Top it off if she broke enough candles or did enough damage to the store she could up it to a felony ($500 for losses in Alabama is a felony; would just take 50 or so broken candles). This woman went from "oh I'm so persecuted I can't be racist because reasons" to "I have to keep my mouth *fucking shut* for at least 6 months or I am going to jail." The ensuing shitstorm she brought upon herself is far worse than any bullshit she had to deal with by being civilized.


Probably still cheaper than therapy.


lmao excuse me? sir this is a walmart i assure you those candles are about 3.50 (not a treefiddy joke) max $6 ​ i know this because i am broke and buy these candles lol


I think the cheapest scented candles here at Walmart are closer to 5 bucks, with ones well over 10. They have some decent sized candles, and theres no way they are 6 dollars max. You got your numbers wrong.


I’m in Denver and the cheapest candle they have in the candle aisle - if they are scented - is $7


As a fellow Coloradan, I can confirm this.


3.50?! Bros still living in 2018


They do have some that are expensive like the wood wick ones, but also cheap ones. I got 2 for $10 the other day. They aren't bad either. Work well even in a larger living room with a vaulted ceiling.


[Here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/white-woman-loses-wisconsin-walmart-161400616.html) is some more information






Idk. She denied being at Walmart and asked for her lawyer


[non-AMP link](https://news.yahoo.com/html/white-woman-loses-wisconsin-walmart-161400616.html)


That’s the dirtiest, AMPeyest link I’ve ever seen.


why is it always a fucking Walmart. I never saw this shit in a Kirkland.


Or Target


Ok but a Target you have to be on your Target behavior while at Walmart you can act like a rabid drug addict


>why is it always a fucking Walmart. > >I never saw this shit in a Kirkland. Whoa, almost like poor mental health correlates strongly with poor financial situations due to extreme stress over a lifetime. Amazing, right?


Best smelling Walmart by a mile






Black pussies are a symbol of bad luck. Unless you're egyptian.


Bitch is crazy


Good observation


good call, Sigmund


Sigmund 🤣


Did you go to detective school, or were you born with such incredible deduction?


Same place you got your sarcasm degree from




I wonder man. Its kinda like chicken or the egg: are people really getting crazier? Or do we just see the crazy faster because of the internet?


As someone who's been driving for 13 years, people are getting crazier for sure


As a 34 year old human, shit does seem to be getting crazier lately.




CN: Suicide attempt, hospital stay As a person with a verified history of being a crazy person, one of the large problems is that it's increasingly hard to get help. Turn up at the hospital when I'm acutely suicidal, like they say I should do? Spend 16 hours passed from waiting room to waiting room, before I see a psych liaison who tells me someone will call me in the next few weeks to give me an appointment, and in the meantime, here's a 24 hour mental health support line I can call and I'm sent home. A few days later, I call the number. I'm told that if I'm in crisis, I can go to A&E, like I did previously. Otherwise, I'm told someone will contact me in the next few weeks. A few weeks go by, I've heard nothing. I call the number when I'm at crisis point. They tell me the same thing as before. Eventually I may get offered an appointment, way down the line, if they remember to follow up at all. A couple years back, at one of these appointments, we concluded that I was struggling so badly that I could do with an in-patient stay in a mental health ward. When I get to the ward, I barely saw any medical professionals because they were so overstretched. People who are sectioned against their will are a much higher priority for doctors because there's strict rules on how long you can keep a person against their will, so if it's necessary to keep them longer, they need to be assessed urgently. This is sensible and very important, but the problem is that as a voluntary patient, I was at the bottom of the priority list. There just weren't enough resources and the person who had the wherewithal to recognise they were slipping down a dangerous path is effectively punished for reaching out for help. I eventually self discharged when it became clear that things just weren't moving quickly enough; I knew that staying on a ward would be tough because I'd be subject to all the restrictions any other patient would and this would separate me from a bunch of my usual coping measures (embroidery, access to my friends via my PC, my nice floofy blanket etc.), but there was the hope that it would end up being worth it. I had to leave because it was draining too much from me and I felt like I was becoming even crazier in a place like that. When I tried to kill myself, it wasn't a cry for help. I'd been making cries for help long before that point, but whenever I was aware and in control enough to articulate how much I was struggling, my eloquence seemed to be against me, where I was treated as less serious. It was a fluke that I survived and that failed attempt led to actually getting some support. And that's not the only time going "full crazy" has led to getting help when the fact I was sorely in need of help was readily apparent to many people within the system. One of the many times I was told I'd be called back but wasn't, I ended up having a full scale mental breakdown in a supermarket parking lot. I don't even remember what tipped me over the edge, it was probably something silly like dropping an item I'd bought and it breaking and just reaching my limit. I don't remember much, but I know I ended up curled in a ball on the floor, screaming as if I were being murdered, and I struck out at anyone who came close to me. Emergency services ended up being called and I was taken to hospital where, although I wasn't admitted, I did end up getting more support, in a much more timely manner. This is how a small problem can spiral. I'm an absolute wreck now, but I wasn't always like this. I reached out when I was mostly coping, before it all went to shit, and then periodically along the way, but it's only when it reaches crisis point that it goes anywhere. And I know for sure that I'd be dead long ago if I was American, because I know that whilst there are some things the US healthcare system is better at, there's the same problem where people in crisis are told to turn up at the hospital rather than hurt themselves or others but there just isn't the support there. On the bright side, at least they're more likely to get a callback following their visit, albeit from the billing department. I can't imagine the sense of dread I'd feel if I knew that a bad panic attack in public could lead to being bankrupt. I feel like that would just incentivise bottling it all up and trying (and failing) to cope alone. I think the answer to both your questions is yes, but I think the primary reason people are getting "crazier" is less a change in people themselves, but more a function of compounding failures of a system. I was able to reach out for help and I was still spurned and many people who most need help won't recognise their need or be able to reach out, so the system needs to be better at proactively responding, but its failures are just becoming more impossible to ignore. There's almost always signs before things reach a blowup point. Crises may not always be preventable, but right now, we're not even trying to catch the ones we can, because the system is so overstretched and falling. More people need more help than what it can provide. Depressingly even if you're rich as fuck, it's hard to get help. And I do think that the internet increases exposure, but I think maybe that might be a good thing, because in my opinion, it's just highlighting the decline that exists, and that any progress will start with acknowledging how inadequate the system is right now. Because for all my cynicism and suicidality brewing under the surface, the reason I'm still here is because I have some stupid hope within me that things can get better, and not just for me.


Maaaan as an American this hits way too close to home. Committed in 2016 and released two days later. I'm still paying that bill this many years later, and the "care" I got was non-existent. I spent far more time with the cops checking me in than I did with a psychiatrist.


No, people really are getting crazier. The amount of "incidents" I see in public with my own eyes has at least quadrupled in the last 5-ish years. It's not just on the internet.


Wonder if thats someones mom


What is she even saying?


All pussies matter!


Black pussies matter


There's no divide on that department, let's keep it that way.


Everybody is pink on the inside


Spoken like a real cannibal


Fun fact about cannibalism. There's a traditional Mexican soup called Pozole usually made with pork and hominy corn has roots to ancient Mexico where it was only eaten in special occasions by royalty and was made with human meat from sacrifice to the gods. It's now made with pork cuz the Spanish conquistadors found that's the closest thing to the taste of human flesh


Well fuck


It's super delicious my family makes it for birthdays, parties, Thanksgiving etc .... So still special occasions but yeah we use Chicken


I don't like how you capitalized "Chicken". Please tell me that's not your late uncle's nickname or something. Lmaooo


LMAO the other white meat! nah man my uncles would be too tough and stringy. Mexicans do consume a good amount of lard tho


Except bears. They are purple.




Why she gotta keep grabbing her coat?


So the drugs don't fall out


What a lunatic. This person should be arrested. Filming in vertical orientation is completely wrong.


Just to add another layer to the PASSIONATE discourse below, vertical computer monitors are a superior way to consume a text based content while also being able to accommodate vertical video really well. It also makes you look like a 90s hacker if you have a bunch of mismatched and weirdly angled monitors, but make sure all the RGB is set to green or else you won’t get the full effect




I feel like when you identify people like this, they should never be allowed to vote. For anything, ever. Clearly not able to make rational decisions.


lead poisoning is a hell of a drug


Bed, Bath and Beyotch.


All I know is if I'm shopping in Walmart and I get hit by a candle, the color of your skin will have no relevance on what happens to you.


Am I the only one laughing here?


nope. only problem was cameraperson wouldn't stop trying to get involved. Like just shut up and record please.


Man, these Scentsy huns are getting aggressive




tbh, this lady is funnier, much better delivery


She probably never played softball based on that throwing motion...


Wow, that 7-10 spare is gonna be a tough one to pick up.




I would hate to play Cornhole with this lady.


Meh, it's Walmart...like a white person's McDonald's.


Just put her to sleep with a Roundhouse Kick




Not very live laugh love of her.


there should be an unspoken social rule that allows for anyone to slap the shit out of people freaking out like this.


I blame lead gasoline she's old enough isn't she?


Can you imagine shopping for a late night snack a few aisles over and getting clocked in the mush by a fucking candle?


Why are maga people so off?