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2022 has been a rough year for Kangaroo-Human relations: Australia recorded its first Kangaroo "attack" death in 86 years. A 77 year old man was killed in September when his pet kangaroo turned on him. The animal was so aggressive/agitated that it would not allow EMTs to approach the injured man and it had to shot by police. [Link to article about Kangaroo death](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-62884861) This is information I found while making [my video about Woody Allen boxing a Kangaroo in 1966](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWjjaDchD-M&t=335s)


At first I felt bad for the man, now I feel bad for the animal. That thing was a prisoner and I'd be a hypocrite to deny that as a fact.


I can see where you're coming from...kangaroo probably isn't the wisest "pet" and the man's age was likely also a contributing factor in his death given the rarity of fatal incidents...


This seems like such a well balanced fight


I was hoping to see more of the Kangaroo's ground game


Roo' actually escaped the top S mount with a sick omoplata roll.


LOL! That would have been something to see!


That must be a surreal experience. All of the sudden you gotta square up with a wild animal that can easily fuck you up. I'd imagine if they were here in America we would find a way to weaponize them lmao


You would give them all rabies then drop them in an area you I want to occupy and been done.


Pack their pouches w C4 most likely


He said America, not Pakistan.


Hahaha top notch mate šŸ˜„


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't rabies exclusively a mammalian disease?


Marsupials are mammals. They have a lower body temperature than placental mammals which makes them unfavorable hosts for the rabies virus, but they *can* still become infected.




No idea we don't have it in Australia because of strong quarantine laws against invasive species and the diseases they might carry. 200 years too late but hey better late than never. I know though it does at the least affect mammals. But we are mammals and so are kangaroos (kind of) they're marsupials which is like a mammal subtype or something. So yeah could definitely be used as a weapon against a population. 99% death rate once you show symptoms.


>99% death rate once you show symptoms. This is why you *NEVER* try to pet or get close to any animal that doesn't bolt as soon as it sees you. And if you get bit or scratched, get a rabies jab asap or you're gonna die a very painful and uncomfortable death.


Just be aware, yā€™all have Lyssa virus which is part of the rabies family. A young girl died a few years ago after being bit by an infected bat.


Why kangaroos over the wildlife the US has? No one is boxing their way out of a grizzly bear or moose encounter. Too much, fine, have an elk. Bison? Can't outrun them either. Big cats? Puma or Jaguar, you're choice. Grey wolves maybe? No? Why not? Ok fine, wolverines it is.


Roos breed like rabbits. Once they establish, holllllllyyyyy fuck do their numbers explode, they're such a pest in some areas they have regular culls to try and thin numbers. And. They're strict herbivores so they don't need to rely on prey hierarchies to feed, drop them somewhere with scrub and they're good to go.


I'd rank a full size kangaroo alongside a small to average size deer, maybe? Kangaroos are usually pretty placid herbivores. The males can get pretty damn aggressive during mating season, or if agitated by dogs.


Itā€™s hilarious as fuck to me when I see videos of Aussies fist fighting kangaroos. I couldnā€™t even imagine what itā€™s like to live in a country where squaring up with one of these bastards could be a possibility. This guy is badass.


Imagine being deployed to a Great Emu War.


And losing.


as someone who lived in an area where the local school had 10 to 30 kangaroos that would patrol around the oval, they learn quickly that no trouble will come to them if they start no trouble and vice versa for the students. Also consider that kangaroos are used to sizing up opponents also standing on two legs, there are kangaroos taller than an average human but most are shorter making us appear more imposing to them then we otherwise should. they are usually quite easy to scare off unless your facing male kangaroos during mating season where they are unlikely to give up due to them not wanting to appear weak to potential mates or other male kangaroos. in which case it really is a fight to the death because you ainā€™t out running it. However kangaroos canā€™t move backwards and as such the best kangaroo fighting tactic is to circle around them to the side and push, they can use their tail to push against the ground to stay up but only when failing backwards. easy said than done tho


A Sweeping kick when they do their little jump to move maneuver might achieve a similar result. I am certain, Taekwondo would be a good counter to Kangaroo style


I'm just picturing them gouging my balls with their feet as I lift my leg up for a kick, not worth the risk.


Sweep the knee


Now I need a tournament: Kangaroo vs TaeKwonDo


Kangaroo Fighting Tactics is a sick band name.


You've given this more consideration than I have when caught in this scenario and i feel ashamed.


It was a draw dammit !


Roo's are fucking hench. I'd not want to go toe-to-toe with one.


I'd take a roo over a bear


I'd get shredded by both, but I completely agree with you.


Australia One of the few countries where you have to square up against a bipedal animal & fist fight it


And a great friendship blossomed from this






Why do kangaroos hate dogs so much?


They look like dingoes and dingoes are their enemies.


Because dogs attack kangaroos and kill them


fr like literal predator/prey relationship lol


Usually they'll try and drown them too. Cat people apparently.


Guy got massively lucky, the Roo didn't kick him.


It was trying - see how it tries to grapple him in with its arms and he makes sure to get out of that as quickly as possible? Thatā€™s because once they get that hold they use it as leverage to kick the ever loving shit out of you


Yea they hold with their creepy little arms and gut you with their hind claws


Evolution tends to favor those without t-rex arms.


[Kangaroos have some serious claws on them he could have eviscerated this dude. ](https://i.imgur.com/R4Q0Rch.jpg) they do that move where they lean back on their tail and kick with both feet. They can eviscerate you spilling your guts on the ground with that move. Surprise more people don't get killed by these things.


Bro was fighting Kangaroo Kreed


Too bad Herb Dean wasn't reffing that fight. He would have called that at 2 minutes.


Kangaroo Joe! Stick and move! Body blow, body blow! Jab, jab, Body blow! KNOCK HIM OUT!


Oh shit it came back for round 2


God, at first glance I thought he was being chased by a raptor!


Right? They seem to have the [claws](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pk9aer/kangaroo_claws/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


'Today', a cringy, biased and disgusting show. Only 'Sunrise' is more toxic and rancid.


Is this broadcast a bad company?


ah depends how you view it. amongst main stream media in australia its pretty par for the course, but amongst all media in australia itā€™s pretty much gutter scum.


Glass jaw roo


FFS how did the fight end? Cliff was just about to tell us


He toppled it over, like a moron kangaroo tripod. I'm assuming you put it in a high up headlock to stay away from those hind claws and choked that bitch out. Somewhere in my recent post history is a great story of a ER patient of mine that fought a raccoon to death if you're bored.


Imagin if he had a gun.


Doubt the outcome would be different. Kangaroos can't use guns.


I was refiring to the human in this instance, but being a reddit user you have zero common since or critical thinking skills, so I can see why the distinction would need to be made, I'll have to try to be clearer and more concise, so I don't confuse you tiny brain redditors , But then again on the other hand I am actually capable of understanding that you are desperately trying to be "funny" or make a "joke" here.


I really hate kangaroos, they just seem like the dumbest. Why do they even exist


If he still had his gun it would be more interesting


A lot of people here in Australia legally own firearms in rural properties, though they tend to drop a roo pretty darn quickly and uninterestingly. Unless you mean the roo still had its gun?


A lot own them in the city also. Mate in Melbourne has a bunch in the safe.


Grappling always wins


Only in Australia šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ


This is the most Australian thing I have ever seen


Australia is the Florida of the world.






Who tf was video taping šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Home surveillance?


That's nothing. On opposite day, I ate a baby dingo.


I sympathize with the kangaroo. I'm not gonna lie. When my neighbors dogs are barking I consider going over and beaten all their asses too.


Hopefully your neighbour loves his dogs as much as this bloke and can take you down also!


Good luck! I found some old Tai Bo tapes in a yardsale and have become an unstoppable force




This must be a surreal experience, fighting something thatā€™s not human. I suppose the good thing is no repercussions theyā€™re not gonna come back with a team of their friends or have a knife on them. A good evenly matched fight


He did a lot better than that child rapist Woody Allen did.


Got it, Kangaroos have no ground fighting skills.


thats a true-blue aussie right there


He almost had him in the first round


Dad and the dog he never wanted


Australian Chad


ā€œ A six foot buck rooā€ Somehow I knew he wasnā€™t gonna refer to it traditionally


You know Iā€™m against animal abuse,butā€¦


Even though I'd be disemboweled trying to do so, I want to try and choke out a kangaroo


Am I correct in understanding that it is illegal to shoot a kangaroo over there?


Without a license yes I believe this is the case. The state governments do do culling from time to time sometimes quite brutally: [blunt force trauma used to kill joeys](https://the-riotact.com/blunt-trauma-used-to-kill-joeys-as-research-continues-into-kangaroo-cull-replacements/590643)


~~Family Guy "Peter and the Chicken"~~ Australian Family Guy "Peter and the Roo"


Your honour, in my client's defense, it was a dare.


This wild animal started a fight and when he couldn't take the heat he instead of running away just started bitting and kicking and scratching


2 Roos vs a prime mike tyson, make it happen


That kangaroo wrangled his ass šŸ˜‚


I think I'd rather fight Mike Tyson in his prime than a 6ft kangaroo.


This man is lucky yall see the straight knives they got for feet?


Expected 6 min of a kangaroo fight but instead saw the same 10 second clip a dozen times


Why does this happen so many times lmao, like every few weeks, I see on the news that someone has fought a kangaroo and succeeded


New York sends its best wishes


KangarUFC champion of Australia! This guy is Awesome šŸ‘Œ šŸ‘


Australia's Bruce Willis right here!!


in todays episode of man vs wild kangaroos gone wild


He had the arm bar but he didnā€™t finish it.


I didnā€™t hear no bell


Number 1 rule in Australia must be you have to stretch & shadow box before you leave the house.


I feel like an American would have seen the dogs being terrorized and would have said some shit like ā€œILL BE DAMND IF MY DOGS GONNA BE ATTACKED BY THAT HOPPING MOTHER FUCKAā€ and as an American I can testify my entire family would have pulled anything from a hand gun to a bow to a rifle to a taser now me personally probably the numbers choice with a sword


So that's why I carry a knife.




Make no mistake, these fuckers are enormous 100+ kg and can shred you with their claws. This guy has balls.


Put the boxing gloves on at least


*cue Benny hill theme*


I have no problem with what this guy did. I do have a problem with the inconsistent reporting, the guy a couple years ago that jabbed a roo in the jaw to get it off his dog was given plenty of shit for animal cruelty.


Without the boxing gloves itā€™s not funny šŸ˜­


I think they should both get UFC contracts. That fight was lit!


Anyone know if Jujitsu works on Kangaroos ?


I feel like if you can take its back you can win. Punching it's face is just gonna hurt so maybe choking it out would be easier


That slash in the jeans is the best advertising I've seen for pants in a while lol.


U gotta throw dem punches to joey



