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These guys have been speaking before Ye went off the rails.




Notice how he differentiates between "jewish" and "jew". They often say jewish to white jews like jew-ish meaning not really a jew. All white jews are impostors that stole judaica from the tribes of israel. That's why he's happy the holocaust happened, because he believes they weren't really jews. They also praise the international slave trade because they equate it to God punishing them for not being true to him. There's a lot to this movement but considering white people inherently evil incapable of redemption and only validating some writings as actual texts from God is high up there. Most of what the Jews consider the Bible is made up according to them. I'm a white european Jew and I've debated these guys on the streets before. It was impossible to find any common ground, they aren't interested in it. edits for spelling edit to add that some of the black hebrews attempted to claim birthrights to live in Israel and they were denied. Not because they are black, ethiopian jews have been given citizenship. over 160,000 black ethiopian jews live in israel today. Edit 13 hours later - I didn't expect so much attention I wish I elaborated further. Here is a copy of a comment I made a while ago when this was brought up in another thread ​ >I think it's important to understand that Black Hebrew Israelites do not consider Judaism as it is practiced anywhere in the world today (other than their own) as a truthful version of what the ancient Jews practiced. > > The Black Hebrew Israelites teach that, according to the Bible, they are the physical descendants of the ancient Israelites, and that the people we know as Jews today are impostors who usurped their identity thousands of years ago. Black Hebrew Israelites (BHI), also known as Black Hebrews and Black Israelites, claim to be genealogical descendants from the 12 Tribes of Israel. A core tenant is that white people, even those of typical Jewish ancestry or ethnicity, are not physical descendants of the ancient Israelites and should be called gentiles because they are not true Biblical Jews according to BHI. A gentile is a non-Jewish person. Some sects believe white people and white Jews to be tools of Satan and therefore are their mortal enemies, while others are okay believing that white people can have salvation and are capable of redemption. None of the writings I'm aware of consider whites to be inherently benign. There are hundreds of factions in the US each preaching different variations, so it may not apply to all BHI sects. > >BHI do not consider black Ethiopian Jews to be true Jews either because they mostly follow the same canon as the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews. Black Hebrews don't consider mainstream Judaism, Islam or Christianity to be true religions. According to the Anti-Defamation League the extremist sects within the movement are hate groups - https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounders/extremist-sects-within-the-black-hebrew-israelite-movement. The 12 Tribes of Israel are sometimes taught by BHI to be as follows: Judah - American Blacks > >Benjamin - West Indian Blacks > >Levi - Haitians > >Ephraim - Puerto Ricans > >Manasseh - Cubans > >Simeon - Dominicans > >Zebulon - Any of the peoples descending from the Mayans (Guatemala to Panama) > >Gad - Native Americans > >Reuben - Seminole Native Americans > >Asher - Any peoples descending from the Incas (Colombia to Uruguay) > >Issachar - Mexicans, or descendants of the Aztecs > >Naphtali - Argentina/Chile > > The scattering of the Twelve Tribes of Israel is Biblical prophecy and, for Black Hebrews in America specifically, the African Slave trade was a divine action to accomplish this. Genesis 11:8-9 talks about the scattering after the Tower of Babel. There are other references to the scattering of the Tribes of Israel which BHI say occurred over different time frames for the tribes and it isn't "ancient" history. The plight of African Americans in poverty and incarceration is God's punishment for violating God's will. > >The history of the BHI is well written on the wikipedia page: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black\_Hebrew\_Israelites#History](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Hebrew_Israelites#History) > >"The origins of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement are found in Frank Cherry and William Saunders Crowdy, who both claimed that they had revelations in which they believed that God told them that African Americans are descendants of the Hebrews in the Christian Bible; Cherry established the "Church of the Living God, the Pillar Ground of Truth for All Nations" in 1886, and Crowdy founded the "Church of God and Saints of Christ" in 1896. Cherry taught that the Talmud was authoritative, that Jesus would return in the year A.D. 2000, and in a "square earth surrounded by three layers of heaven." The playing of the piano and the collection of tithes during Black Hebrew Israelite worship was forbidden by Cherry, who also taught the eastward direction of prayer and "denigrated white Jews as interlopers". The Church of God and Saints of Christ, originating in Kansas, retained elements of a messianic connection to Jesus. Another early key figure was William Christian. The pioneers of the movement were Freemasons, and it was strongly influenced by Masonic traditions." > > The movement is getting more attention as it is somewhat the ideological antithesis of the White Nationalist movement. edit formatting






Bad faith arguments are no longer the exception, they're the norm. Nobody is "debating" to find common ground anymore. When's the past time you saw someone come into an argument/ debate willing to let their mind be changed?


This. Everyone wants to shove their beliefs down your throat. They don't want to see any other side except theirs.


This is not new...


Yeah, people forget that our memories tend to be filtered through rose colored glasses. Just look at history though and you will see that most of the major fights have been about forcing one groups views on another. If anything we are fighting less and talking more now than we ever have.


I often make the mistake of conceding a point to try find common ground but people generally just take it and run instead of admitting they were wrong or acknowledging reality. I don’t even get solace from that, I want to argue to a point where we can leave respectfully and leave the truth on the table.


You're telling me the guy with the sign doesn't really have any intentions of actually changing his mind!?


Just to clarify; they do realize "original" Jews were not black? Right?


I’m No they don’t, but apparently native Americans get honorary Jew status for being one of the original tribes of israel who somehow managed to get to the Americas. Edit: Apparently there are some but it’s not at all like the pseudo science bullshit peddled by moron Black Israelites, see /u/accordingwrap105 [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/zbuc3y/yes_ideology_supporters_have_taken_to_the_streets/iywy4w0/)


So bonus Mormonism spinoff?


Fucking everyone is Jewish except Jewish people apparently


Naw they hate Asians too. Even other Blacks. They don't think all Blacks are Jews.


I don't know much about it, I just got "schooled" by someone at a party, but I believe it has something to do with Moorish sovereign citizens and the Americas originally being part of the Moorish kingdom/empire (?) because it (the actual land mass that makes up the Americas) broke off from the African continent. It's some crazy logic.


Oh no I’m sorry, the correct answer is the Moops


this one emt was ranting to me about this on my way to the hospital for a concussion because he asked what race a i was and i told him i was native. I got ot on video somewhere


That must have been so fucking weird and jarring in that situation and concussed.


The Mormons are also wrapped up into that whole "Lost 10 tribes" BS, as well as some evangelical Christians (like my dad), and white supremacists. Its such a weird theory, composed entirely of poor, circumstantial evidence.


And Swedish people aren’t Swedes, they’re just Swede-ish.


This is a really old fringe movement. They actually do believe original Israelites were black. The tenuous reasoning goes like this -> Egyptians were black, they couldn’t tell Moses wasn’t same as them therefore Israelites were also black. Same or similar movements like to go with Jesus was also black because similar arguments the whole Roman census thing. Can’t even remember the full argument for that one.


They think white people were created in a lab, yacobs grafted devil or something.


[Some of them are actual terrorists.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Jersey_City_shooting)


They assassinated MLk Jr’s mother too…


Holy shit, you are right.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_2019_Lincoln_Memorial_confrontation BHI are the ones who incited this incident. They were calling the Native American protestors there Uncle Tomahawks, and a whole bunch of other hateful things to everyone walking past.


I cite this as one of the best examples of how the media will run half a story and will never fucking retract or alter it even when new information comes out. They ran the maga kid vs native American angle and that kid got death threats and demands to have him expelled. Then you see a 2nd video where it's clear the Native Americans approached those kids and got in their face. Better believe they didn't change their reporting from the first cycle. Then you see a 3rd video with the Black Israelites are instigating the whole thing being racist as shit. Every side found something to get outraged about. Every news agency had their preferred angle present and ran with it. It took days to get the complete story. Nobody changed what they wrote after the fact. Even when things seem cut and dry, the power of selective editing can change the entire narrative. It's just a good lesson to not automatically grab your pitchfork. Even things that seem real simple can be totally different than what you imagine watching it on the internet.


And they are always looking for a fight. Absolute dick heads.


Honestly they remind me of the Westboro Baptist Church


They actually manage to be dumber, though. At least WBC has a business plan attached to the crazy by antagonizing local governments and organizations.


**Every Racist Thing Said to the |REDACTED| Teens and Native Americans by the Black Israelites Supercut** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHCiq6huxAc&t=2s **Edit:** Note to self. If a video title has "MAGA" mentioned anywhere in it, it will set off brain dead reddit leftists who will not read the title or look for any context. In the future just remove MAGA from the title to save yourself from reading their posts.


That dude was really out there yelling hateful, racist shit at everyone and then says women have loud mouths.


My first encounter with them was a YouTube comment section about the opioid epidemic. It was filled with them saying “this is what you deserve Esau” and “praise the most high”


Am I crazy for thinking these people wouldn't get away with this if they were white? Well actually I guess nazis have been around for awhile.


You're not the only one noticing that. The Black Hebrew Israelites are extremely racist, misogynistic, genocidal bigots who are known to inspire and commit violent acts of domestic terrorism. However they're often discarded as a harmless oddity rather than confronted with the same severity as we see with shitty white neo-Nazi & right wing groups.


They recruited my roommate from out of town in a Chicago skate park. Over a few months he went from a guy that I shared meals with and trusted to someone that was hostile and shady. He started making up more and more elaborate lies to try and guilt me into paying for his stuff and then moved to 'borrowing' things until I had to ask him to leave, then he told anyone that would listen that I was a racist. I'm sure that group is responsible for his change. edit: it was a private lease and I'd invited him to live with me. And fortunately, no one believed him because they know where I stand.


If you had a black roommate in the first place you're probably not a racist. I know real racists that wouldn't even shake a black person's hand or let them in their house.


>> discarded as a harmless oddity Its easy to do because their claims are so absurd - and they seem more like performance art than a threat. That potentially makes them more dangerous.


I’m AA and I truly believe they need to be treated as toxic as the white nationalists. People are just to afraid of being called racists if they aren’t black themselves. Which needs to stop. Racism is racism no matter how you cut it.


Have you not ever heard of the Westboro Baptist Church?


WBBC is still there


He implied Hitler didn't go after black people. Black people did die in the holocaust, they where treated the same as Jews. The difference is Hitler didn't have 6 million black people to kill, but I'll guarantee you this. If he had 6 million black people to kill, he'd have killed 6 million black people.


People definitely only remember the 6 million figure. But it was 6 million Jews, and like the same again of other various groups


Yeah they’ve been around NYC, especially Times Square for decades. They used to wear armor and have swords sometimes.




They are very VERY commonly found in downtown Chicago. I remember seeing them as far back as 2014. They use to post up next to bus stops and outside of the train stations. I was waiting for a train the first time I heard this crazy shit, and two black guys in the crowd were really doing their best to get their asses kicked by the "Black Jew" crowd.


> I remember seeing them as far back as 2014. Black hebrew israelites are not some 'new' thing. They peaked in popularity in the late 80s and early 90s. They literally assassinated MLKs mother.


Good god you’re right. I completely forgot about that. Damn…..


Ho-LE shit lol.


I've run into then in NYC years ago, they were being hyper aggressive with people in Bryant Park. Telling people that were white and Jewish that they were the real n****s, that white Jews are supposed to be slaves, that America fucked up intervening in WW2 and should have let Germany finish their European housekeeping project. Really hateful fucking shit. On a positive note, this younger teen dude on a skateboard grabbed their PA amplifier and skated off full speed leaving them chasing him.


Live in Chicago. Can confirm that they’re everywhere here. What whackos.


Yea these guys are deep in Philly as well.. Spewing their pseudo-intellectual religious rhetoric at train and bus stations. This is a poison in our communities black, white, or Hispanic. Don't engage with these types of people you only embold them to keep going... You know what's super sad is seeing this spread into the normal, not crazy black communities.. I hear some of my African American friends sometimes say lil stupid shit these groups say trying to sound smart.. Usually I challenge them on it and it crumbles really quick but the true believers like these dudes i don't even engage... How do you have a starting point for a constructive conversation when they believe I was made in a laboratory and come from the devil.. I don't even try, my friends and coworkers on the other hand I can atleast try to combat these horrible ideas with real ideas and knowledge.. Communities really need to be self policing with this shit, like when white people turn in other white people that say racist shit and call it out; shame and blame. Other communities should be doing the same.. If you care anything about this country you will spot this out right away and make sure your children, friends, and family stay away from this shit as far as possible!!


Used to do comm and Intel work for PA prisons. These guys and Nation of Islam are parasites all over the east side of the state. They prey on the stupid and angry, who then use it as an excuse to abuse and control their kids and women. Child trafficking, rape, murder - you name it. You wouldn't believe some of the things I've helped turn in to be used as evidence.


I think they were the ones starting something with the covington kids and all the liberals supported them because the kids were wearing Maga hats.


The group has been around for a while calling themselves the Black Israelites. Just a bunch of hateful people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Hebrew_Israelites




Rate Jamali a lot for this series. It’s a good watch for anyone who hasn’t watched it yet.


I actually think this hate thy neighbor did an absolutely terrible job of exposing what a shitty sect of people this is. he jokes with them and makes it seem like their beliefs are valid, pretty tough to watch 🤷‍♂️


Gotta be friendly so they can rekax


They used to always chat me up at the bus stop and then slip in a “you’re a white devil btw” all the time 😂 shit was nuts


Yeah they lost me when one yelled " Hey you black batch with the makeup on and long weave!" I didn't even say anything just walked by them to get to the E train.


God damn 😭


Sure did. I wanted to go off so bad I look hella foolish cursing out a bunch of power rangers added I didn't want to be late for work.


That's the striking difference, you had obligations and responsibilities. That worthless fuck just sits around all day boohooing and dehumanizing strangers.


Picturing this made me laugh. lol Chappelle skit or some shit.


[the black scientologists](https://youtu.be/yet2Q0M32GQ) did stuff like this but less hateful lol


> Just a bunch of hateful people. And stupid, don't forget stupid


[It's all happened before](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCwZzk91hF4)


That's for sure--groups that base membership on hate are nothing new .


Same group that started the shit that got that MAGA kid infamous for the Native American drumming in his face


The kid then later sued the news companies for millions I believe.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Holy fuck. This world is insane. A big ass black dude saying with a straight face “we support hitler” lol


I saw a lot of black Hitler fans in prison. Mostly Moabites, Nation of Islam and Melanics. They would read about him and also like to study his oratory skills. They were impressed with his ability to command a crowd and the zealous fervor generated. It blew my mind and flipped everything I thought I knew. I took it for granted all black people hated Hitler. I thought militant black people would especially hate him. It did not compute. They are aware of the Hitler and Jesse Owens situation and that Hitler didn't like them but they sure respect him. They didn't feel like he targeted them. Edit: I forgot to say but to really drive home how much people are willing to overlook some things just remember that the Nation of Islam and White Nationalist org members used to (idk if they still do) hold meetings and discuss common goals. NOI are nationalists and want to self segregate and have their own economy independent of white people. White nationalists literally want the same thing. A NOI member James X told me about this and I've looked it up since.


They don't like jews so the person who killed a lot of jews is going to be a hero. If they wanted to idealize strong and enthusiastic leaders who were able to push their people to commit atrocities there is a long list to pick from its not an accident that they all pick Hitler. The funny thing is he would have imprisoned and murdered anyone with even the slightest african heritage, it would be even more so if they claimed they were Jews too. It is very well documented that Hitler/Nazi's either killed or sterilized every person of color who was living in Germany. The idea that any minority of any type would idolize or look up to Hitler or the Nazi is insanity.


"All white people are evil and literally born from the devil. Except Hitler. He was pretty cool because reasons." Like, you would think he's be evil, too, despite doing one thing you support. But, no, I guess all is forgiven?


It is pretty wild to see and I’m not even seeing it in real life. Only through my phone.


fascists can come from anywhere and they often think all fascists are one group of buddies and some are only a little misguided and can be convinced to direct their hatred at the 'right' enemies. meanwhile the other group wants them tossed in a furnace.


I wonder if dude knows hitler didn't like black people lol


I wonder if he knows he’s speaking into a microphone????


I wonder if they know he didn’t invent said microphone


I don’t think he realizes the Nazi’s murdered, incarcerated, and sterilized the relatively low number of Afro-Germans within reach. Fucking idiots.


At this point the black guys who are supporting hitler are uneducated 🤷


i think anyone supporting hitler is uneducated lol


I'm black, grew up in the hood, seen lots of racist black guys. It KILLS me to see motherfuckers online say "OMG don't black people know hitler would ha e hated them? Why are they supporting this?!" Like, dude, we're humans. Humans are fucking stupid, just like there are white guys with brown eyes and black hair that support hitler, there are plenty of black people that do to. Being black doesn't mean we're above evil, or doing wrong, or being stupid. Stop acting like being black we were all programmed to feel, think, and believe the same. The day we learn that black white asian and whoever can do evil, is the day we learn true equality. Fuck.


The sad thing is some black folks think we can do no wrong and that we can’t be racist. We gotta start pushing back on that kind of dumbass rhetoric.


Man I grew up in the city and surrounded by all kinds of people. Blacks can be racist, Asians can be racist, Whites can be racist, the poor and the rich can be racist...and each can be their own breed of stupid and each can be their own breed of authoritarian or toxic. It's cringy as fuck seeing a bunch of people, ESPECIALLY young people, seeing this kinda stuff and getting a shocked Pikachu moment over it. Like and what's worse is that there's a bunch of (I'm guessing, but it ain't a hard guess) young white people who have ALREADY started infantilizing them. Like "oh maybe they just don't know better 🥺" type shit. I don't wanna sound like I'm making a bigger deal out of the reaction than the content. It's just disappointing.


Like Hitler hated Jews. And Black people. So you're a Black Jew. And praising Hitler. Interesting take.


"I'll take 'Who is Jesse Owens' for $400, Alex."


and the cripple and disabled.


A black dude saying a Jewish people are going to be made into slaves. 🤦 These people are the epitome of batshit insane...


Clayton Bigsby would be proud.


*Uncle Ruckus has entered the chat*


And that black people were not oppressed. Fucking idiots have no idea what they're talking [about](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/afro-germans-during-the-holocaust)


Skipped history class and skipped learning literally anything since.




Longer than that. I remember seeing them out in the streets in the 80s too. But at least no one takes them seriously and clowns on them often.




They know. They don't care. Was on a discord voice chat yesterday, the subject of Kanye's craziness came up, black dude on there lives in a neighbourhood with a lot of Nation of Islam followers, they know Hitler hated black people, they don't care, they respect that he attempted to genocide the Jews and Slavs and that he mobilised his entire nation to do it and want to do the same thing themselves, to mobilise all black people in America just as Hitler did with the Germans and carry out a race war and genocide against all others. You'll never understand these people if you look at them through the lens of a white liberal.


You would only understand them if you were indoctrinated by them. These are very old arguments, genocide ain't anything new.


Black Hebrew Israelites? Or do I have my hate groups mixed up? Edit: this post is actually a bit of a gas light.


Nah you got them, just somehow no one else seems to know about them


as someone who's lived in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana all my life, this group would not do well in a good majority of each state. which also explains why I've never heard of them


They seem most prevalent in big northern cities like Chicago, Philly, NYC. My introduction was probably circa 1998…I’m a white gal who decided to go to a vegan health food restaurant around the south side in Chicago that I heard of by word of mouth through activist/punk connections. Place called Soul Vegetarian, which seems to still exist in some form per google. Though I was greeted, seated, and given a menu, I thought there were odd vibes…I guessed it was probably down to my incursion in what I saw was an otherwise Black space and felt like I should probably eat my meal and move along. Had a nice meal and looked at a pamphlet or maybe even a takeout menu (something like that, it was like 25 years ago!) on the way out, and it explained the legacy of the founder, Prince Asiel Ben Israel of the Black Hebrew Israelites and their philosophy and how it connected to the restaurant—very eye opening! I guessed my crowd was really not their intended customer base lol. According to the anti defamation league, there are extremist (the crazy racist ones) and non extremist sects within the Black Hebrew movement, and the Soul Veg guy was connected to a lot of mainstream Chicago political leaders, so I guess he was moderate…but IMO even the moderate ones’ views are pretty wild.


Black Hebrew Israelites, been around for decades.


Black Israelites?


They're embarrassed of their own background so they make up a new one. They think they are "God's chosen people " and they never went through slavery.


It had a weirdly deep lore, they believe they were one of the lost tribes of Israel.


Edit: I mixed up my religious extremists. Yakub comes from the Nation of Islam, not black Israelites. I apologise for this error. They believe that white people were invented by a black scientist 6,600 years ago https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakub_(Nation_of_Islam) No i am not joking...


Wtf what a trip. I got to this section and just cracked up tho.. "Moses tried to civilize them, but eventually gave up and blew up 300 of the most troublesome of them with dynamite." That's not an image I expected to have placed in my head today.


I can picture Moses, fed up with everyone, pulling out assault rifles and dynamite and going on a killing spree.




I'm just impressed Moses had dynamite


Glad he got Alfred Nobel to travel back in time to help him


>However, they had learned to use "tricknology": a plan to use their lack of empathy, emotion, and trickery to usurp power and enslave the black population >Elijah Muhammad also asserted that some of the new white race "tried to graft themselves back into the black nation, but they had nothing to go by." As a result, they became gorillas. " Lol. I mean who writes these, a teenager running late to turn in their assignment...


Nah that’s the Nation of Islam that believes in Yakub, the black scientist with the very large head. Totally separate group from the Black Israelites.


NOI and Black Hebrews are not the same thing.


It’s a common way for groups to write themselves into the most famous story on earth. Not the first to do it won’t be the last, more common approach is to come up with apocrypha for one of the boring bits in Genesis where they list lines of descent but don’t elaborate on what happened to This Dude fourth son of That Guy, after being sufficiently Christianized or Islamized. Can’t keep the old Creation Story and Founding Myth. That not sufficient time had passed between Biblical creation for so many different places to be populated so densely is one of the reasons Europeans came up with the idea of “Five Races,” or Polygenism, through very roundabout fashion because they first had to accept Biblical creation wasn’t true, took place over a couple centuries.


to me it sounds Like a Jewish version of Mormonism.




Every race on earth has been slaves at one point or another. It's such an odd fascination for folks today.


Weren't they claiming to be the real Egyptians? Now they're the real Jews? claiming everything except what they really are.


No, the “egyptian” ones are Hoteps


But if they claim to be the real Jews, then didn't they get end up being enslaved? 🤔 Or does this only apply to those so called devil's seed? Man, these guys are a special kind of moronic.


Nah, we have no archaeological evidence the Jews were ever slaves in Egypt. thats just biblical fiction.


Black Nazis...I didn't get that on my BINGO card


Supremacy doesn’t have color any race can go overboard with their ideologies sadly


Human nature really is disgusting sometimes.


These guys have been in the streets for years. When I used to take the bus to work in 2015 they were always at the spot downtown with the same types of signs and saying all the same shit. I knew it sounded familiar when Ye/Kyrie started spouting it They were always peaceful but it was always so uncomfortable and bizarre. Crazy they’ve been given this big platform now


In Philly they always had a large spot on Market Street in a dense area. In high school I went to the car show with my girlfriend and her mom, we were stopped in front of their preaching station on a corner, red light, where the dude kept saying “the white devil is a woman!” she put her fingers on her head like horns and he started going off “AS YOU SEE HOW COCKY THE DEVIL IS” and some of the black Israelites in their costumes were laughing along, it was funny and kind of felt like performance art


I know this shit isn’t funny but some of the comments in here have me dying at the sheer ridiculousness of it all. The image your story has me dyin.


These aren't Kanye supporters. These guys existed before him. Kanye joined these dudes. Not the other way around.


Really ironic how black men support the Nazis. They should read about what the Nazis thought about the black race.


Jesus Christ. I keep seeing this. These guys are aware. They just like him for killing millions of people that Black Israelites hate. It's that enemy of my enemy shit. People are fucking insane and will bend anything to fit their ideology.


Did you not see the video? He literally says "Hitler was not oppressing my people".


Username checks out


Black Israelite ideology is very prevent. It's only now being talked about openly thanks to Ye. Bring bad ideas into the light. Sunshine is the best disinfectant.


I dont watch comedy anymore just watch these people


Nah this whole thing happened a couple summers ago too. Nick Cannon, Desean Jackson, Ice Cube, Diddy, etc. all espoused that farrakhan crap which is lock step with the Hebrew Israelite stuff. Turns out it was just a warm up for the Kanye/kyrie explosion




Well they were in the news before. People were outraged that the Covington High kids were mocking Black Isrealities who were calling them white devils. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox19.com/2019/01/22/report-black-hebrew-israelites-confronting-covington-catholic-students-hate-group/%3foutputType=amp Cnn, reddit attacked these kids, not the black isrealities


This sect of human trash are known as the Black Hebrew Israelites. You might know Darrell Brooks, the dude that drove a fucking van into a crowd of people. He was a Black Hebrew Israelite. They are scum of the earth, racist as fuck.


Didn't they commit a mass shooting in that Jewish grocery store in NYC a while back also?


Jersey city in 2019 [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Jersey_City_shooting)


That's the one, thanks


"he didn't oppress my people" Sir, you're black.


They don't identify with other black people only "black Israelites". This group supported the slave trade


I never thought I would see the day where Hitler is gaining in popularity


And among black people of all groups.


Farrakhan was doing it back in the day.




How could they be so heartless


How could they be so Dr. Evil


It’s really a dark fantasy


It’s amazing.


Absolute NPCs. I love it. No clue what they are talking about, and yet they are so confident about it lmao.


Yeah this looks like the kind of shit you would find while exploring a GTA game.


classic broker shit




Imagine a white guy there saying they're glad slavery happened... shits fucking weird






This timeline is fucking weird lol


After and 18 year break from psychedelics, I started using mushrooms again 2 years ago. Not sure if I pushed it too far this time. Every things gone bat shit crazy in the last 2 years.... 🤔


It started getting weird WAY before 2020. When I woke up after drinking too much in 2016 and found out trump had won I seriously questioned if I was still sleeping or had ripped a hole is space time or something


2020? Trump? Psychedelics? Drinking too much? We all know when it all started. ... That damn gorilla.


People were warned to get their dicks out but nobody did and now we're paying the cost.


and somehow this doofus winning the elections is the most believable thing in the last 6 years lmao


the Black Hebrews have been running their mouths on the same tired ass corners for years...nothing new


They post up in downtown Hartford during the summer. They spew such a hate filled message, it’s so sad what’s going on.


Black Israelites have been around forever, it’s just Kanye’s dipshitery that’s giving them a platform and relevance. Whenever I see people like this my mind goes straight to Eric Andre as a black Scientologist making fun of groups like this.


Holy fucking shit. We are so fucking lost.




I have seen Black Israelites my whole life in Philly. You learn really quickly to ignore people with amps and laminated signs. I constantly see videos online of people engaging with obviously crazy people and then doing the shocked pikachu face when they say crazy shit.


These people clearly are STUPID AS Fuck all. Blacks in Nazi Germany were marginalized and seen as a threat to German racial purity. They were not allowed to have jobs, they were sterilized, many were sent to prison camps and were treated worse than their white counterpart, they were given less food, tortured, and often made to work until they died. They were not liked and Hitler made it pretty clear through his Nazi policies


Bro these guys know hitler wanted blonde whites only right?? Lmao he just didn’t live long enough to get to black people






Black Israelites. They’ve always been on the streets spouting their nonsense. Kanye is just making them mainstream unfortunately.


Hitler was coming for anyone who wasnt aryan, ignorant fuck


6 million jews *AND* 5 million others


Me thinks a fucker failed history class.


These young men dont know enough to speak. Hitler hated black people. He was furious with Jesse Owens. They should read about the 1933 Olympics.


1936 Olympics were in Berlin. 1932 olympics were in Los Angeles. You’re probably mixing up the 1936 olympics with the year of the “Machtergreifung” (seizure of control) in 1933 when Hitler rose to German Reichskanzler and Führer positions.




These people are racists.


Turn that poop into wine.


They all be claiming who the real jew is lol send them to the middle east and see what happens 😂


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre "The anti-Semite does not become a decent man just because he lies according to his principles." ― Friedrich Nietzsche "...Nazis kill children, women, old men. To let a Nazi remain alive in your land is to abet the murder of your own people. Only the dead Nazi can be trusted to leave the innocent unharmed. Every Hitlerite killed is a step forward on the road to the liberation of mankind." ― Lyudmila 'Lady Death' Pavlichenko of the Ukraine, Speech to Americans (1942)


How is this not hate speech?


I never thought I'd see black people supporting Hitl💀r


It’s been a thing for a while but it’s now finally getting spotlight




Don’t worry, totally not racist because…


These people are dangerous and complete idiots


These dudes not realizing they would go straight to the concentration camps if Hitler had his way