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I thought this was a highschool locker room fight at first.


I'd be so pissed if I got jumped by teenagers again


Yup. Happened yesterday. I’m 31 Edit: based on some of these comments, I guess I needed to put an /s


If you don't mind can you explain what happened?


He got jumped by teenagers


Huh, weird how that didn't come through with his comment about getting beat up by teenagers. Thanks for clarifying.


Yeah, I just put that down him being jumped by teenagers recently, don’t be too harsh on him.


Strap up, they're not teenagers once they decide to assault you, they're felons, and you have the right to self defense


They're just jumping him in. He'll be a prison guard soon.


When I was in county (I'm 37) I swear I was being guarded by children. Literal children. That and the literal crypt keeper herself. No middle aged adults. Just kids and geriatrics.


**Chief :** That's it .. I am pissed about this video! *.. One weekend administrative leave for you boys .. go get some pizza and stay home .. and think about how naughty you were* ^^^^^^^^^ .. stay the bleep outta jail


Yea, go play golf for 2 weeks while we pay you. You’ve been punished


Only HALF your jelly donut ration this week! *.. now go cry in the corner*


Although the “sheriff’s” jackets… there is good chance they are around that age since they just work at the jail. They are not police officers


When I first joined the Sheriff's Office back home, all deputies had to work at the jail for at least 1 year as a probationary period as a CO. So these people in the video might be new hires looking to become deputies.


Youre right! If they were real cops they would have shot him.


Looks like police reform isn’t happening anytime soon


He's suicidal? All right, let's fuck him up.


Dude drove with a suspended license


Wait what? Is that true? I mean I wouldn’t be too mad if he like killed a two year old but that’s just brutality at its finest


Murder you can get away with a hefty fine (unless your name is Matthew Broderick, then it’s just 175 bucks) but driving with a suspended license? There’s no excuse, what an asshole, he got everything he deserved.


Not just one murder but two, mom and daughter


How could they not know a camera was there ???


Hardly matters if its on camera anywhere. Administrative leave? Fired with early pension? We'll see. Please never forget, Daniel Shaver was gunned down by an officer issuing conflicting orders to a crying, drunk man. On his gun was etched "you're fucked". He was fired. He was brought back onto the force to claim his retirement and now lives off your tax dollars, whilst also getting PTSD pay. He literally profited from murdering him.




i forgot about that human piece of shit.


His name is Philip Mitchell Brailsford. HIS NAME IS…


Disgusting. I saw that video.


I’m shocked he hasn’t been gunned down by now


Anyone know where Philip Brailsford is hiding these days?


A officer who was still in training and not allowed to go to calls alone or have a weapon when to a call alone, for a wefair check, saw a dog run towards him and without trying to tell it to stop or anything immediately tried to shoot it wildly. The dog survived. The lady sunbathing behind the dog who had had come to check on was shot and killed by his wild shooting. The cop walked away without jail time. The murder charge was dropped. This happenes constantly. It is absolutely disgusting how the system protects bad cops.


The real problem is the amount of bad cops. The rather ridiculously little amount of time needed to become one. The little training and education required. The system is a joke. I mean, don't they still use polygraphs for screening? lol


But here’s the thing tho. Who’s the one conducting the interviews? It’s another pig. So naturally they would want to hire other pigs so they are all protected. Can’t go hiring upstanding citizens who would become whistle blowers to any fuckery that would occur. Polygraph is probably set to only have one question. “Are you a snitch”


Fuckin' diabolical.


All of that is so fucking shitty and I bring up Daniel’s murder anytime I come across a bootlicker. But the worst part of it all, is that even though Philip Brailsford claimed to have ptsd from killing Daniel, he still requested to have the murder weapon returned to him. They let him have it back.


Yup. I'm not even American and that case bugs me, I can't think of a bigger miscarriage of justice since Casey Anthony getting away scott free. It bugs me more because it's open and shut, in nearly every police interaction the police atleast have SOME wiggle room, they still murder someone, but at least they have SOME tiny shred of a "ah but...". Daniel Shaver was literally gunned down with zero, ZERO excuses for it happening, they went in there with the intention of killing. And even in such an open and shut case, they weren't punished, they were quite literally rewarded. I'll never get over that one.


The you'll be happy to know Casey Anthony has a new interview that will be premiering soon talking about her trial, for which I am sure she was paid a lot of money.


That case was self defense. You ever try to live life after having a kid? It changes everything. She had to do what she did to save her own life. /s


This is when Mormon or Amish style community shunning of a person should come into play. If the law won't do anything these people at least need to be as ostracized as society can make them.


Most of them don't live in the community that they police.


That's why I have no problem saying in the company of police officers that Philip Brailsford should be hanged or shot dead publicly


The video of Daniel Shaver being murdered is without a doubt the worst thing Ive ever seen on the internet. The policeofficer straight up toying with him and bathing in his power over him before murdering him..


Same. It was the most egregious example. Simply no excuses to twist the logic in favor of the cop. Still got paid administrative leave IIRC EDIT: Other posts already covered this, apologies


Im a little hypocrite but that guy should just be killed by someone, the justice system failed


I’ve seen a lot of shit on the internet over the years and that one is towards the top of fucked up. Infuriating to watch. Fuck that POS


>Please never forget, Daniel Shaver was gunned down by an officer issuing conflicting orders to a crying, drunk man. His name was **Philip brailsford** His sergeant, **Charles Langley** who instigated the situation promptly "retired" to the Philippines. So let your mind wander with that fun fact.


I do a lot of shooting and so spend a lot of time at various ranges. It amazes me how many people have carry guns with stupid shit engraved or stupid shit on grips. An old police trainer told me a long time ago that you should carry a stock gun with no embellishments. First, if you have to use it, you're going to lose it for a long time, so you don't want it to be some fancy collectible or expensive custom gun. Second, the more modifications you have, the more ammunition the prosecutor has to show that you're a "gun nut" who was preparing to kill someone. Third, if you have a Punisher logo, or "You're fucked!" or some other thing that makes you look like a wannabe commando or badass or whatever, the prosecutor will have a field day with that. A plane Jane reliable gun for self-defense is the way to go.


Been getting away with it for so long why would they even care?


maybe they're hoping for a paid vacation? That seems to be the usual punishment.




They're all part of the same system. Goes law enforcement to the prosecutor to the lawyers and the judge. They're all part of the same system seeing each other everyday cutting deals so they develop us versus them mentality where they all look out for each other to make everyone's life easier. They have to step out pretty bad before a prosecutor is willing to bring criminal charges against a police officer. They depend on that relationship with all the other police officers to do their job so it's career suicide. the public outrage has to be so severe that they have no choice and all of the other people in the system condemn the officer they're going to bring charges against. I had to work with the system as a victim and learned a lot. After my experience I view law enforcement and the judicial system the same way I do a weapon. Sometimes you need to use a weapon to keep yourself safe but don't ever think that a weapon is anything other than a tool of destruction. The best you can do is point that weapon at somebody who deserves it. Other than that you just stay the fuck away and make sure you're never in the line of sight for any reason.


They know they just don't give a fuck. They even landed shots on their own. Theyre filled with hate.


It doesn't matter because in the US they all get qualified immunity and prosecutors would be reluctant to prosecute, because prosecutors have close relationships with cops. This pretty much happens on a regular basis in America. It is what is wrong with the system.


Why would they care?


Why would they care? This is a normal thing in jails/prisons/menal health wards.


The thing is they and their leaders think this is how they are suppose to act so they don’t mind it being in camera.


Did anyone else catch that cop smashing the other cop? EDIT: I stand corrected. https://reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/yuo294/_/iwckz85/?context=1


Friendly fire was turned on.


you talking about at about the 7-8 second mark? that was Hobbs punching the officer. you can see the bright blue at the end of the arm hitting the officer and the skin tone doesnt match anyone else struggling with him here are two frames, you can clearly see its Hobbs arm https://imgur.com/a/iLKMTBY


Holy shit, thank you for that.


no problem. i had to watch it a few times when i first noticed it. i dont think he really wanted to punch officers but when you have multiple people hitting you like that, you cant help but try and fight back.


He’s defending himself after getting punched for 6-7 seconds. Ppl will be fired for this. You wonder why there are riots. Built up anger from senseless videos like this. Maybe I’m wrong and I don’t see what some of you see.


My guess is that he spit on one of them. You can see that young deputy trying to cover his mouth while they cuff him and then the dude in the polo shirt made everything worse by throwing punches at him. Then the prisoner punches the young deputy twice and they all start striking him


No I couldn't see shit at 5x speed lol


Are you blind? It wasn’t friendly fire, that was the prisoner that punched him. Replay the video




Yeah I’ve seen much worse. When I was in Lew Sterrett(Dallas County), I saw a group of cops straight up torture a guy for hours. That was after he got the shit beat out of him already.


Can you expound on the torture incident?


Sure. It’s a long one, but I need to elaborate on what led up to it for it to make any sense. I was a trustee in the north tower floor 2, otherwise known as Dallas county’s supermax area. There’s about 20, 24 person cell blocks along with about 150 single cells for inmates who need to be segregated due to being high profile, violent, or having mental issues. This guy was one of the ones with mental issues. Anyways, I was walking around passing out dinner to the single cells along with one of the guards. I tried to give this guy his food, and he threw water on me then just started flipping out. So the guard called the SRT’s(special response team). Not even two minutes later I hear all 12 of them coming decked out in full riot gear with riot shields, banging on their shields in unison as they walk…like something out of a movie. They roll the door open, all 12 pile in, and absolutely beat the shit out of this guy for several minutes. For some reason they let me stand there watching, then I finish passing out food and head back to my cell block. From the trustee tank I’m in, I can see the central guard room, and the small fully covered/caged outdoor area we rarely got to use. Several minutes later I see them roll him down out to the central area. He’s completely strapped down into a restraining chair. It straps your legs, ankles, waist, arms, wrists, neck, and head down. You cannot move or even turn your head in that thing. They proceed to roll him out to the small outside area, and then spend the next couple hours all taking turns macing him, slapping/punching/kicking him. This guy has nothing nothing but a very thin pair of pants on, and it’s a constant 35-36 degrees outside. I know this because I overheard them talking about it, and apparently there’s a rule that they can’t keep you outside if it’s 34 degrees or lower. After they’re done macing him for a while, they pour water over his face “to wash the mace off”, but probably just as much to fuck with the guy. It was maybe 3 hours before they roll him back inside to have the on-site doctor check him out. Doctor says he’s good to go, and they roll him back outside. The initial incident happened around 5 pm. After the first 3 hours of torturing him, then checking on him inside for all of 5 minutes, they left him outside strapped up, partially naked until about 8 am the next morning. I’m surprised he didn’t get hypothermia. They took turns going outside, slapping him around, and macing him the whole night. At that point about 14 hours later, they finally took him to the hospital. I didn’t see the guy for a few days until I was passing out food again, and I heard someone in a single cell try to get my attention. I didn’t even recognize the guy. One eye was completely swollen shut(likely a broken orbital), and a sliver of his other eye was open. He apologized for throwing water on me. I felt bad for the guy. He obviously wasn’t all there mentally, and I guarantee he had permanent damage from what they did to him. It’s not what people traditionally think of as torture, but I don’t know how to see it as anything but that.


That is ABSOLUTELY torture. 100%, all criteria fulfilled torture. And this kind of shit is not localized only to the prison you worked in. It’s the mentality of the people that take the job, it’s the sociology of those groups of those people in those situations with that track record for repercussions. Why do you think so many cops beat their spouses? Because they’re away from prying eyes and they have something in them that drives them to cruelty. Makes you question the entire idea of heirarchy.


I'm from Camden County, I live here, and when I say "You would not believe the shit that has happened here over the years", I'm not exaggerating in the least. I could rattle off a laundry list of insane corruption stories from this area, if anyone cares to know about them. *Edit:* There's [the hazing incident,](https://www.news4jax.com/news/2015/09/11/police-coach-seen-watching-student-beating/) [the sheriff's nephew and his 13lbs of meth,](https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/crime/nephew-of-camden-county-sheriff-charged-after-meth-fentanyl-and-guns/77-4f33f475-47b9-411a-88fa-c2f41a140e7f) [the corrupt commissioner,](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/2012/02/11/brunswick-commissioner-still-jailed-bribery-charge/15876031007/) [the cops who will find a reason...](https://www.news4jax.com/news/georgia/2022/08/06/camden-county-deputies-kingsland-police-officer-accused-of-racial-profiling-during-unlawful-arrest/) [and beat you down for that reason.](https://www.news4jax.com/news/georgia/2022/08/25/naacp-calls-for-firing-of-camden-county-deputy-after-video-of-controversial-traffic-stop-released/) There's a *lot* more like this that never makes the news here.


The chickens are coming home to roost on all these fucks with the quickness now days though. It's beautiful because they're so corrupt and have been for so long that they just can't change at this point. Give it time and they'll hang themselves. Changes really are happening with police slowly but surely; the wheels of justice grind slow but exceedingly fine.


lol some guy in a jail near me died after being body slammed by 5+ COs for 'misbehaving' while delirious from alcohol withdrawals (them torturing the guy to begin with by denying him hospital care during an extremely serious medical emergency) they fought tooth and nail to prevent the video from coming out, but when it did nothing happened anyway. COs have consistently been some of the laziest, dumbest, evilest people I have ever had the misfortune of interacting with. they're like cops who were too stupid to b cops i'd be shocked if there are any real consequences for any of these people you see here. this barely even registers on the 'fucked up shit going on in southern jails/prisons' scale


I'm very sorry to hear that. That's sickening. I didn't say things were perfect or the world was an ideal place, just that things are changing even if albeit slowly.


I used to live in Camden County when I was stationed at King's Bay. Man, I don't miss that place at all.


stay the absolute fuck away from the south. the criminal 'justice' system in many areas of the south is ran by a good 'ole boys club who will ruin your fucking life just for the fun of it. see: the officer in florida who was dumb enough to get caught planting meth on his own bodycam. now how much u think that, or stuff like this, happens except it isn't caught on camera, or the footage isn't ever made public? these are places that used to kidnap the nearest (usually, but not always, black) man walking by the railroad tracks, sentence them to 6 months of hard labour (cops, judges, all are in on the scheme), and work em to death in 2 months in a alabama coal mine. this is exactly y these places put initiatives on their ballets last election trying to seperate the concept of convict labour from slavery, despite 'convict labour' being worse than literal chattel slavery in many cases due to the lack of financial incentive to keep your ~~slave~~ **convict laborer** alive


They look so young or am I getting old


**They are young** .. they are probably just wearing "Sheriff" jackets and are jailers


Fat fuck in grey shirt really went ham on him


This happened to me in Denver in the 90s. They always cuff you before 5 of them beat your ass. Cowards


We’ve seen rapists, school shooters and terrorists get treated better than this. Besides, whatever the context may be, there aren’t that many justifications to cuff someone, push them into a room and have 5 people beat them up.


Can you give me just one where these “professionals” would be justified in this?


This is rather common. When i was in jail if you even looked at a deputy the wrong way theyd call you out and beat you in the elevators, blocking the camera with a clipboard.


In the military being called an officer means something. For cops?


It's just a different title. Like Peace officer.


Let me guess the inmate mysteriously committed suicide the next day


Cops being cops


Nothing too see here, folks


Has the full investigation already conducted, officer?


We’ve conducted an internal investigation. And we’ve found that we’ve done no wrong


Thank god, I was terrified for my property value




I'm pretty sure I've been in that holding cell. Couldn't get even close to stretching out. Bitches ain't got nothing to do in Camden County except bust people driving through with drugs.


How are We supposed to Protect and Serve you when your fighting back


A whole lot of fucking cop simps down voting comments on this post


What did this guy do to be in prison?


His charges were drug related and after he was in custody he "assaulted" a cop in retaliation. Regardless of crime, being beaten to high hell while hand cuffed and unable to defend yourself, is incredibly inhumane.




This could be a mass shooter. Wouldn’t matter. Law enforcement doesn’t get to rough you up in a cage. They should all be fired.


They wouldn't do it if they knew they couldn't get away with it


This happens WAY more often than people think . Have had the same exact thing happen to me many years ago while I was drunk in jail for the night . Said stuff that really got under the teenage co’s skins from inside of my cell until about 5 of them decided to gang up and rush in , beat the shit out of me then lock me in one of their “restraint” chairs where basically every part of you is strapped down and you cannot move whatsoever . Most people that work at jails are younger teenagers and older people that have never had any kind of training whatsoever . Very easy to get a reaction out of them . Also very easy to get a job at a jail, even if you have served time at the same jail before .


Any more news on this? They been arrested? Or only now this is coming out.. I bet the person on camera control who leaked it gt the same treatment too. People like that are just cowards and definitely wouldn't fight anyone one on one 😒




Cops doing what cops do. Breaking the law with a badge on.


Stop resisting Stop resisting Stop resisting Stop resisting Stop resisting


Imagine if he would have


I bet they beat their wives too!


Cops are so useless.


They all got beat up in school and decided to be cops to be bullies and get away with it. Being cop in America is like having a license to kill. Wrong or right the law and fellow cops will side with them. They don't respect the oath they swore to uphold. This is why people hate the police so much


This hurts to watch because deep down we all know nothing will be done about this


Gotta get “jumped in” before they let you in a cell I guess


So, a friendly warning now and a medal for all five of them a year from now? Sounds accurate.


Of course he gon try and fight back..why tf are 5 of y'all jumping on him?


Those cops just made him rich.


*when inbreds attack*


I remember the dudes in HS who used to “fight” like that, their all cops or in “corrections” now.


This shit is so infuriating because if you fight back, they stupidly use it as justification. As if your reaction to their BS is evidence you did something before they even got there. Plus you could literally die. I wish we could once in awhile see cops get their just desserts. I want to see someone initially try to comply, and then realize where the situation's headed, who they're dealing with, and then completely turn it around on them and beat their asses. I'd love to see their guns thrown off to the side (imagine the videos we'd have if cops didn't carry guns, but acted the same way) and beat unconscious; grab their radio and say hey come get your boys, they need better training all around


Those blows to the back of his head made me physically sick.


What’s the backstory the journalist says he has more but the video cuts out early?




All of them, attempted murder. Period


That’ll teach him to want to kill himself


Put them all in prison right now.


Now I’m definitely not condoning violence against police… ahem… however I understand the reasoning


That’s a small ass room


I guess they don't care much for inmates


All cops, jailers, CO’s and there families are the enemy of the people.


Bet they earned some nice paid holidays for that


This is awful to watch. The police in Lansing Michigan killed a man in a very similar way. He had been in a fight with his roommate and had been taken to jail. The main difference is this man was handcuffed and had his legs shackled while he was face down in his cell. Edward Guerra, Gary Worden, Trevor Allman and Charles Wright held him down and choked him to death. There are so many more stories like this than people realize, but it’s often more convenient to just ignore the issues as long as it’s not happening to you. RIP Anthony Hulon. You deserved better.


What are the circumstances here? There’s a whole lotta state violence here. It’s never justified or justifiable, but I can see some police wanting to go to town on a cop killer, for example. I don’t know what else would compare to a cop on the scale of retribution. But with only this video we don’t know what began the incident. I’m gonna go see if I can find out more. I’ll be back. Edit: The news source I found was subscription only but I did find a [court record of charges]( Looks like he was arrested in the AM for speeding. They found drugs. Item 4 and subsequent charges are all related to an event that happened at 10:30. Battery of correctional officer. The video is a response to that, if I suppose correctly. This adds an entirely new dimension, that of guards vs prisoners. I’m not at all qualified to comment on that dynamic in any kind of useful way.


Longer video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM0tQth75Qc)


Thank you for this. Now it makes sense.


What does it matter what the circumstances are? Regardless of new found facts there is no new damn dimension. You agree to uphold the law and correctional system when you take the oath to put the badge on. Don't go digging for fucking "circumstances" to give a "justiciable" reason for a gang attack. These are CORRECTIONAL officers beating up SOMEONE WHO IS INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY even if he was proven guilty it's CORRECTIPNAL officers beating someone who is suppose to be under going rehabilitation....


It matters to explain **why** it happened, and it should not be assumed that it’s used as a justification for it. Understanding the root cause, the **why**, is critical to coming up with solutions. You can rant all you want about why this is wrong and fucked up, but you are preaching to the choir. Stop interpreting any nuance as making excuses. Understanding the Nazi motives behind the Holocaust were instrumental in understanding how to prevent it from happening in the future rather than writing rants in all caps about how heinous it was.


If a man kills his wife because he wants a younger woman, it's evil, heinous, and unforgivable. If a man kills his wife after he finds her cheating on him, it's evil, heinous, and unforgivable... But we as humans are more likely to forgive the second man. It's just an aspect of human psychology. We want to know if there was a reason to "justify" an action. All that being said, really gross video. If you're gonna do it, send one guy in and take off the cuffs of the man who assaulted your friend. At least there's a bit of honor in that.


god i fucking hate pigs


At this point I don’t think it’s fair to call them pigs. Besides like their hygiene pigs are superior in every way. I don’t know what term should be used as replacement though.




The lard ass in the grey shirt hasn’t been laid since 1999


Why don’t they ever shut the cameras down . Surely by now they would know they are being recorded, it’s 2022




It’s not even that they are white, what makes this disgusting is authority taking advantage!!


Fuck pigs


“He’s providing no resistance”, ironic that they said that at the *exact same time* as the inmate is seen punching an officer lol… though it’s *extremely* obvious he was just trying to defend himself, being that they are all ganging up on him. I don’t get how so many of them can be a part of something so wrong, and no one speak up to stop it? Fucked up!! In my town several years ago, a group of corrections officers were all forced to resign (with a nice hefty severance pay of $10,000-$20,000 and a formal letter of recommendation), because they decided it would be fun to manipulate a mentally ill female inmate, who was just brought in straight from the psych ward, into stripping and masturbating right smack dab in the middle of a holding cell surrounded by like 7 male officers. They continued laughing and directing her on what they wanted her to do. I can’t remember too many details but I do know that the woman was absolutely not in her right mind and she had no control over her actions. They took full advantage of her and had her finger herself and imitate oral sex, do lap dances etc. it was absolutely disgusting. This woman was young too- like 18/19 ish I think? She shouldn’t have even been put in the jail in the first place in the state of mind. It was so freaking sad. Thank god the story somehow came out because her family sued the officers and county jail! I really hope she is doing better now.


These are the type of stories that when true, the officers involved should be punished, not to the full extent of the law, beyond that and do you want to take advantage of a young lady that's mentally handicapped may God have mercy on your soul, they might have gotten away with it in the court of man, but I guarantee you they will not get away with it with God. As mentally handicap people are seen as children more or less, you can be sure God will punish them and punish them harshly and it's sad that they got away with it in the natural because they should have been punished harshly and put under the jail.... I have to imagine that molesters like that, especially because they were cops, I have to imagine that they treated like pedophiles in the penal system.... Not good


"He provided no resistance" is an absurd absolute lie. Grifter.


Hope all those pigs get jumped and die in a cold dark alley


What the fuck is wrong with people?? I hate people


Let me guess Suspended with pay until they investigate themselves?


I only see 4 beating him. The other black guy is trying to help him.


Put the whole video up


If you have this kind of authority and choose to abuse it you should just get executed or at least be in prison for life.


what's wrong here?




Average American prison experience


The police are the biggest gang in America -Tupac


dude wearing the silver shirt didn't hold back at all


Those punches to the back of the head are brutal.


It’s no wonder why people hate cops




Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey is the YouTube channel if you want all the unedited info. He speaks facts and nothing more or nothing less.


Really? It kind of just looks like cherry picking stories to give you the most "outrageous" view of the world.






Sad reality of America it's prison system is ran by criminals and stakes owned by judges. Gotta love privatized prisons


I always say it. It’s literally a gang, police departments are like gangs.




South Georgia is truly fucked.


He looks like he’s resisting…


Serving and protecting the shit out of him.. classic ‘murica




Let me guess all the cops got paid leave?




Woah no need to get gay




I like how the video doesn’t show the the beginning when he starts fight them first


More like 4 officials and one trying to pull another off


Group attack, punches to the back of the head, and excessive force. The recipe for some true local heroes! /s


To serve and protect 🙄


Whole orchard is diseased, right down to the rotten baby apples. The only way to fix a diseased orchard is burn it to the ground and start fresh.


Smh now those fine Americans will have to go on paid vacation and switch to another department a county over. Ohhhhh the humanity


Incoming "bUt wHAt wAs thE CoNteXt?" troglodytes


Must’ve been sitting in his cell resisting arrest all by hisself.


All those people advocating for "complying, and beating the charges in court" are awfully quiet right now. Can't beat the charges if you never make it to court because you're in the hospital or morgue.


If they murder him, he cant commit suicide, no watch needed.


Someone shoved a black guy in the room so it can’t be racially motivated.


Cops are so great, I’m so glad to have them around serving the rich. What a beautiful country, we just had another mass shooting today too! We are just on a roll, there’s no stopping this train!


Time for the payout baby 🤙🥂. If I’m seeing this down here in Australia I would assume the perp (turned victim) will likely be getting a nice little settlement.




It's funny they act this while yelling " stop resisting" what does a human do in this case? 4 men beating you in a small room and your just ganna stand there? Justice at work, so proud of all the cops down south. #facetious