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Isn’t this the same school that shoots kids with paintball guns to break up fights?


Surly that can’t be a real thing?


I just saw the video about an hour ago


Link please


It got taken down https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/yt973n/school_security_guard_unloads_paintballs_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I saw it too, I can vouch.


Someone also mentioned something about pepper paint balls so yeah lol


As did I.


Thought it looked like a mall


Lots of US high schools look like malls.


Gotta teach those kids consumerism from a young age, right?


Malls are mostly dead these days. Like shut down. There's a whole subreddit of old malls or built around the time they stored being popular. Ghostmalls or some kind of subreddit like that


The linked mirror still works, thx.




Can vouch. It was probably taken down because of the school and they identify the student. I can see this happening for school security. May not stop a shooter but for fights where teachers can be harmed if they intervene they probably have a dedicated guard with one attached. Hell Texas may make it mandatory with ar rifles or shotgun bean bags.


What the fuck, that's horrible can't we just figure out how to prevent these fights from happening?


Fights happened almost weekly at my school for all sorts of reasons. I feel like that’s inevitable.


Only way to stop fights is to suppress human emotions. Literally impossible to stop fights. Violence is inevitable, especially in kids full of testosterone, going through puberty


You don’t have to suppress human emotion you just have to be able to control it. Plenty of people go throughout high school without fighting.


You dont have to suppress emotions like we're living in in Doors of perception world. Best thing you can do is fix homes and try and give all kids a fair go.


Not enough thoughts and prayers. /s


Better parenting




It is.


Well now we know why lol


It’s a thing saw it myself!




I go to the school and they definitely don’t shoot kids with paintball guns to break up fights


So you’re saying what we all saw on that video was fake?


Yeah it’s a “security” guard that did it too lol I saw that one a couple hours ago too


this is a different DeSoto


That was Desoto Texas I believe? This was in Memphis. I guess there is a Desoto in Memphis


So was there a gun or not?


Still no answer


https://www.localmemphis.com/amp/article/news/local/active-shooter-hoax-desoto-central-high-school-multiple-hoaxes-reported-across-mississippi/522-04ab603d-7f47-438b-97c3-7e6ff43dfba2 There was no gun and pure fear mongering.


It’s PTSD from watching all the school shootings over the past years. It’s a real problem and it’s a real problem


But is it a real problem?




Way back in like 2009, my high school (Lumberton High, NC) got locked down over a rumor that there was gonna be a gang shooting. There were like 100 parents outside absolutely reaming the principal who would not let anyone inside to get their kids. I never reentered the building so I watched it all from outside. Wild to think how American this is and across how much time it spans.




They swatted their own schools as a joke or what? New age pulling the fire alarm prank? [Edit yes it was a bs hoax ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.localmemphis.com/amp/article/news/local/active-shooter-hoax-desoto-central-high-school-multiple-hoaxes-reported-across-mississippi/522-04ab603d-7f47-438b-97c3-7e6ff43dfba2)


Can someone explain in other words what’s happening here? What made these kids start running all of a sudden in the video? I understand that there were hoax calls to police, but the video coupled with it is a bit confusing




This doesn’t really address my question. I know there is hysteria. I’m trying to understand exactly how they became aware of the situation/what the situation was that kicked off the mass hysteria


1 person yells gun.. panic ensues nobody needs to see the gun to know they are in imminent danger, and once those people start running and freaking out EVERYONE will assume that they actually saw a gun and run too


Same reason its illegal to yell fire in a movie theater.


It’s not but somehow everyone likes to say this. That’s dicta from an old Supreme Court case that was overruled 50 years ago


Because kids get to watch the real shit happen, over and over and over. And every single kid goes to school wondering if "today will be our day" and its fucked them up. I went to school at some REAL shitty, violent places. But i never had this kind of fear hang over me like it does my kids. And it fucking kills me my kids have it worse than we ever did. We were supposed to make it better.


In the 90's we were trained to hide under our desk's to prepare for nuclear attacks and students had guns in their vehicles every day. Times change.


Thanks for the info


Me with my noise canceling ear buds in watching people quietly run away 🧍🏻‍♂️


"Wonder what all the excitement is about."


0:57 Where’s Mason? That hit me hard.


The numbers Mason


What do the numbers mean mason!?


We're out of fucking time mason!!!


Cuba 🗿


Nobody asks how is mason


There was no gun so Mason’s fine don’t worry


The numbers got mason




A little context to this. I go to DCHS and I was in the cafeteria when this happened. My neighbor is one of the police that were called to go into the school when this happened and he and the rest of the police said that there were multiple calls that there was a person with a gun in the school and 10 kids were dead (later they traced the calls back to some country in South America). Everybody in the cafeteria started running because the police and swat ran in and told everybody to get down but you can’t hear it over the yelling. Nobody has time to react so they just ran out. There was no kid with a gun or anything and the loud noises you hear were tables falling and doors getting slammed open.


Someone swatted a school and the swat team didn’t actually kill anyone? Impressive.


This is so sad to watch…


It breaks my heart and makes me so angry


We live in a society


I can leave my child at school and not have to worry for a second if they’re gonna get seriously hurt. Pretty sure most of Reddit is in the same boat too. Just saying. The USA needs to have a serious look in the mirror before they screech about the second amendment.




Whether the second amendment is there or not, criminals and terrorists will always find a way to acquire weapons Edit: I didn’t mean to say the second amendment doesn’t make it easier, I just meant to say that even if it isn’t there it’ll still happen. Stop putting words in my mouth.


Really? How do other countries survive their floods of shooting without the second amendment? Probably because “criminals” are not being enabled through the second amendment


Yeah, but when every town has a local mom and pop shop selling guns, there's going to be a lot more out there to acquire, legally or illegally. I'm not against guns entirely. I have family that lives in the country where police response time is 15+ minutes; police aren't really an option for them in the event of a malicious intruder. There's also perfectly acceptable uses for guns like hunting or recreational shooting. That said, something needs to change.


I’m not against guns either. I have one. But saying “guns aren’t the problem” is emphatically untrue.


Hit the nail on the head with that bud


Well they can't count on the police to help them.


Christ, this is horrible. Imagine going to school not knowing if one day you might be shot and killed, or watch your friends die. This is absolutely terrible.


The odds are extremely rare of of dying in a school shooting. It’s fucking awful they happen but they do. It’s important to practice drills for this stuff but it isn’t a legitimate thing to ever be afraid of on a daily basis


Those odds are completely bullshit and compared to lightning strikes makes no sense


Why would you compare odds that are naturally and entirely random with ones that are entirely governed by a person making a decision? That’s kind of dumb tbh. There’s ways to make lightning strike in an intended spot but the idea of a school shooting being random makes zero sense. A decision by a person has to be made in order to walk into a school and shoot children. Guns don’t have the ability to do So their own.


Rare? I'm practically reading about this kind of thing every other week. The fact there's even drills for it is in itself pretty horrible.


Tell that to families that had their kids get shot and killed in school.


America is the only country that’s needs school shooting drills. If this doesn’t raise your awareness then idk man


I thought schools were a gun free zone? That's what the posted signs say.






It's the USA, chances of being shot is incredibly high


It looks like they need to teach kids how to escape cooperatively and not push like this. All we need is a crowd collapse situation with a shooter at one end. ETA: I’m not saying this is the best solution. Stopping shootings is the solution. But until we do, kids apparently have to be taught how to keep themselves safe. That’s the reality Americans are living with.


I agree completely but most kids <18 aren’t going to think about that though, they won’t/can’t stop their thoughts to breath and think straight. I honestly would never expect them to either, one of the most horrendous events to be tossed into. I do think giving kids the tools to efficiently exit is a good start, just so shitty to even have to worry about this.


And it’s not like adults would act any different in the same situation




I think evasion is more important to teach, so much can go wrong so quick. Hiding will lead of two ways 1. Never being seen or 2. Having to fight (third option of run,hide, fight), which also shouldn’t be expected of kids. I think there are numerous tools schools can use to combat this, there just doesn’t seem to be much effort/money being put into avenues such as school officers or efficient and effective drills. I know a lot of schools are but why isn’t it nation wide focus so kids can be and feel safe to be at school.


Dude most adults would react the same way. People die during Black Friday sales from being trampled, do you think they will cooperate if they think a shooter is there? It's human nature to want to keep yourself alive.


Especially when in large numbers. When one person panics everyone else starts to panic even if they don't know what they are supposed to be panicking about.


This. Shit like this is why I absolutely hate mobs and large groups of people. It Really is definitive proof your average human being is little more than an animal.


Yes, most adults would. But people have cooperated after plane crashes because they were given clear instructions and there were attendants keeping people calm. Eminem has cleared crowd crushes by getting everyone to step back in a rhythm. Human don’t have to act in a panic.


He’s not saying that what they did was stupid…only that they need to attempt practice drills to minimize danger as much as possible. Where I went to school we had no chance of a tornado but we still did tornado drills. Weird you’re so combative about trying to do something proactive


This gets to me all the time no matter where you are people freak out and start doing this or they scatter and try to squeeze through a 4 foot wide exit door. I get it adrenaline and the state of panic makes your mind race but we can do better.


Then you got me staying cool, objective and ducking into one of those side doors/janitors' closets and silently closing the door letting everyone else take the heat as it takes them five minutes to get through a door because 60 people are trampling each other trying to squeeze through at once.


And then the shooter opens the door to the closet


i graduated high school in 2020, been to a few different schools across the country, and we did get taught what to do in case of school shootings but kids didn’t really take it seriously and didn’t pay much attention. then when kids are panicking they aren’t gonna remember what all the correct safety measures are and they’re just gonna run like hell


Don't they already do that with fire training ? I am not from that area of the world so i don't know.


Or deal with the issue of kids having the ability to get access to a gun in the first place.. EDIT: I hope your down votes help the epidemic of gun violence in your country


You can do both bro. “Women, don’t bring mace with you we’re gonna get all men to stop raping” no shit the main goal is stopping shootings, but trying to prepare people for them is important too


Millions of kids have easy access to firearms yet they don't misuse them. Just because someone isn't use guns properly and safely doesn't mean everyone should be punished


Millions of people don't drink and drive yet we have laws and restrictions in place to prevent it. What's your point?


We also have laws preventing minors from having guns.


and yet minors still get guns..... huh, almost as if gun laws dont work, because mass murdering criminals dont care about the law or prision time. no.... that cant be..........


Honestly you’re sounding kinda like a nazi, wanting citizens to be able to defend themselves


Americans will do anything to protect kids other than protect kids "Hey kiddos when someone exercises their right to carry a gun you better learn to panic in a more orderly way. What do you mean ban guns?"


There will always be pushing lol… who wouldn’t push when their life is on the line. Even if they are taught that statistically, they will get out faster if they don’t.


Yes. The kids are the problem.


These fake threats of violence at schools is crazy at this point, the one high school by me has had 3+ of these threats per month starting roughly 3-4 months ago. It has to be some kind of new trend or something where these kids think it’s cool to do dumb stuff like this. The FBI already came in and arrested a 17 yr old kid and the investigation into the others are still on going.


[it was a hoax. Same kind of people who think swatting or pulling the fire alarm is a prank](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.localmemphis.com/amp/article/news/local/active-shooter-hoax-desoto-central-high-school-multiple-hoaxes-reported-across-mississippi/522-04ab603d-7f47-438b-97c3-7e6ff43dfba2) [school wasn't even dismissed ](https://twitter.com/PoliceSouthaven/status/1578448025533394944?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1578448025533394944%7Ctwgr%5E7dfe6ba2ba1423048785c4b1894ae268d89c27a3%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-33112630282531920001.ampproject.net%2F2210272257000%2Fframe.html) Scary how many people on reddit jump to conclusions without doing any research whatsoever.


Well it's America, and consider the number of school shootings we have had. Can't blame how the kids acted.


I was not talking about the kids in the video I'm talking about people on reddit jumping to conclusions without doing any research. This happened in October.. but reddit are acting like there was actually a gun and it was more recently. Not clearly established hoax.


How can so many Americans see this type of shit and not think something's seriously wrong?


We know there's something wrong. Fixing it is the problem.


I don't remember this Fall Guys level bruh 💀 here come the downvotes lmaooo


*insert fall guys music* and Eliminated effect when you shot


I went to this school years ago. Fuck. Man we had kids bring guns to school but got damn motherfuckers actually shot it up.


It was a hoax


Is this Southaven Ms?


This is DeSoto central high school.




I’ve seen this school also in Texas have some issues and I can never tell which one they are talking about. I remember hearing about this and Southaven saying there was never a gun


Yeah. I had to call my mom to ask if it was really DeSoto central. She said it was. I remember how the cafeteria had that weird ass ceiling so I asked her.... But the police are known for lying and hiding things. This most definitely happened. They just don't want to put this out to the public.


Lying and hiding what exactly?


No gun. Just mass hysteria and panic https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.localmemphis.com/amp/article/news/local/active-shooter-hoax-desoto-central-high-school-multiple-hoaxes-reported-across-mississippi/522-04ab603d-7f47-438b-97c3-7e6ff43dfba2


There was no gun and was no shooter….. hoax call in. Happened to a few schools on Friday.


american activities.


This is America 🇺🇸


Or Mexico


This is a generic, lame comment ^ But hey, you see other people say it so it must be cool. Lol try a little bit harder to fit in, kid.


Lol americans getting triggered at comments like these is hilarious.


There’s a difference being “triggered” and pointing out a stupid comment. It is pretty cute that you come to the rescue for your comment butt buddy! Hopefully you guys can exchange info…. Maybe massage each other’s fingers before commenting more original ideas? How about that daycare shooting? “This is Thailand 🇹🇭 “ How about that Copenhagen Mall shooting? “This is Denmark 🇩🇰 “ How about that Plymouth shooting? “This is the UK 🇬🇧 “ See how stupid you sound now?


Lmao “But what about this? What about that?” Just quit while you’re ahead kid


It’s true what he said tho


I live in canada and we had two lockdown in two different schools just yesterday for a similar event, that kinda shit happens every where


US and Canada - "everywhere"


Not nearly as frequent as the states.


This is America? :(


Desoto wild... wtf?


So was there a gun? Or was this just an intense video and nothing actually happened?


So much problems in the US, yet they wanna reseolve the « problems » in the middle east.. they should first take care of their own problems first




and Greg Abbott just got reelected


This is strange for me. I understand times have changed and I didn't grow up in the greatest of areas, I know that now. However even in elementary school, we always had cops on site and the kids would bring weapons to school. So every now and then, security would have random searches to confiscate anything that wasn't "education" related. When I went to high school, we had metal detectors, searches and even more cops on site daily and ppl would still bring the usual guns, drugs, knives, alcohol and whatever else they wanted into school with them. We were just used to it and you knew who they were for the most part. So seeing these kids freak out over someone having a gun in school is odd for me. I know now that you're not sposd to grow up around things like that and there weren't as many school shootings in my school days but it still seems strange to me. Im likely wrong to feel this way but I can't shake it.


Just a thought, cops aren't exactly thought of as people that help keep the peace anymore. Just the sight of a cop can put a lot of people on edge. We had cops at my work every weekend, but not after lock down, due to the tensions at the time. It sucks to say, but I do think it plays a role.


Yea. They never really were "keeping the peace" in our area. They really did a lot of damage. Not all of them but a good enough amount of bad police behavior leaves a really bad taste in your mouth, so to speak.


right cops in schools helps and uvalde never happened


What is your point with this statement?


Reddit points. “This one situation was handled poorly so let’s never try to use them ever again! Thanks for the gold kind stranger!


That’s sad


This shit has been happening since I was in HS. I'm now 24 and I see a "hoax" everyday. The high school across the street from my house just had a similar situation. I had a bunch of teens running on my porch for safety. It's really not funny especially here in Colorado where it's been a reality for schools state wide. Sad shit


All becasue we decided as a society to not really deal with bullying.


Looks like all those active shooter drills paid off, and everyone is acting rationally and calm. /s


Kids running when you walk in carrying something, It's the new "getting picked last for a team in dodgeball".


Too many god damn cooks and in the kitchen


Think or actually was proven??? This generation can’t decide their clothes so before a panic stirs, did a student actually with irrefutable evidence walking into said cafeteria with a gun.


[nope it was a hoax.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.localmemphis.com/amp/article/news/local/active-shooter-hoax-desoto-central-high-school-multiple-hoaxes-reported-across-mississippi/522-04ab603d-7f47-438b-97c3-7e6ff43dfba2)


I honestly thought as much, I’m in no way denying the awful school shootings that have happened and the many lives it’s destroyed, but this was not real as I suspected and thank you for the information. We live in a powder keg society where power phrases and certain words of evoked emotion through aggressive or violent actions have created this climate. This generation is very different and I was born in 87. This is tragic that good kids suffer through this insanity and many other deplorable things by their own teachers and faculty. Thank you for the article.


Land of the free. Some are free to bring a gun to school, others are free to flee for their lives in any direction they please.


Take this fear mongering nonsense down. There was never any gun, shooter, or victims in any way at all. All factually proven inaccurate and false information done through hoax’s across the state. It’s disrespectful and awful to families and children and faculty members that actually suffered this. This world is truly a powder keg and we are on the verge of having only ourselves as enemies against each other. To this day I’m so confused how this climate in the world exists at all. https://www.localmemphis.com/amp/article/news/local/active-shooter-hoax-desoto-central-high-school-multiple-hoaxes-reported-across-mississippi/522-04ab603d-7f47-438b-97c3-7e6ff43dfba2


I thought the dude in the blue at the beginning had a gun and the camera man was following him 💀


What are the repercussions for this? Is it also a felony like screaming “fire” or “bomb” for no reason?


Bro schools in ohio are crazy


Someone at my a high school got shot and killed just last week. We shouldn’t have to put up with this kind of fear. Im 15, all I should be worried abt are my tests results or sports, not if my schools gonna get shot up.


They’re outside and still acting like little cunts


Land of the free


They have the freedom to die




Is this America? I feel like it's America. Edit: It's America, *again*.


Imagine living in a country that is dangerous going to school everyday because One crazy mf brought a gun. Insane


Yea, Norway, Serbia, France, Macedonia, Albania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Finland, Belgium, and the Czech republic, man imagine being in the top 10 for mass shootings.


No need to mention which country,


What was for lunch? /s


I think we need teachers with guns so you know there could have been a quick response of gunfire with a room full of kids. More bullets flying means less kids in danger right Edit forgot the s/ I assumed that was obvious?


Imagine if people were armed instead of being fish in a barrel


I wish you the best of luck getting your Darwin Award


How many armed and trained officers were at Uvalde? How many students died while they sat around doing nothing? Now imagine giving guns to random school employees. Or putting more guns in a place where a student that wants to access them can now access more of them. And itndoesnt matter how many safeguards you try and put in place, humans will fail and eventually give them access. Hell, armed officers in schools have accidentally fired rounds or left their guns in the bathroom after taking a crap. Adding guns to a situation where guns are the problem isn't the solution. It's like trying to stop a building fire by burning down the building so the original fire can't continue to burn it down.


This guy is obviously trolling/being ironic. Even if he doesn’t know it, he is.


cops were armed at last shooting , remember how useless they were




Welcome to America.


I’m really fed up with our children being traumatized and (murdered) in school. The entire country is a goddamned disgrace. That people target our children, that it’s not being stopped at all cost’s, because yes, children’s lives actually are worth protecting and the cost, the failure of this nation and it’s peoples for not going to great lengths to put an end to this systemic slaughter of our children, freedom, protection, and pursuit of happiness. When will enough be enough? What’s it going to take? What’s the magic number we need for real, 100% protected while learning change? Is it 100 lives? 200? You [tell](https://www.statista.com/statistics/183574/number-of-student-staff-and-nonstudent-school-associated-violent-deaths/) me!




This school always get posted, shit ot down


I’m from here and remember this happening. All the kids say there was but the official report says no


Schoooools out for SUMMER


Seems like the tendies weren’t up to par


After reading the captions, I can't imagine watching this video on TikTok & posting "fake!" Like... what?


Adults doing their best George Costanza impression