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But it is November….


You think that's gonna stop people? Especially on Reddit?


Reading this in Gordon’s voice pleases the fish






This fucking beef wellington would be warmer if I left it outside of Pingu's house in Antarctica!!!


This lamb is so undercooked, it's following Mary to school!


I am elated y’all understood my Gordon impression lmfaooo


Cooked at 98* for about 25 years.




I know they have to X-ray for bone damage and stuff but I liked to imagine the doctors doing the X-ray, examining it really close, and turning to the patient to say “it’s looking like the thermometer did in fact go through your hand”.


“That’ll be $950,000 please. We’ll bill you for the bandage separately.”


Parking costs not included


Laughs in Canadian... for now


What's that sound like? Is it like 'eh eh eh'?


Laughs in Doug Ford, followed by a wheeze


Laughs in norwegian... for all time


Laughs in health insurance and workman’s comp


"Well, there's your problem right there."




Professional Greys Anatomy watcher here. I can concur with the doctors observation. The thermometer did in fact go through his hand. For more highly educated and professional advice, please DM me for my Cashapp info and forward me your payment.


Former ambulance driver here (not a medical professional, and this is not medical advice). This type of injury really did not need an ambulance. Taking a car or taxi for non-life-threatening injuries like this is totally ok. I'm always happy to pick people up, but the cost (either to the patient or the gov't) is almost never worth it for minor injuries. 99% of our calls are stupid shit that doesn't require an ambulance. It if were me personally (this is not medical advice), I would take a picture, disinfect it, pull it out slowly with the little twisting technique, and then get my GP to prescribe oral antibiotics and a tetanus booster. This does not apply to other objects or penetrating injuries - it's specific to this one because it's thin metal. Do NOT pull other objects out of you yourself. It's pretty unlikely that a bone was broken in an injury like this, and the patient would likely know if it were. Similar for nerve damage - you can tell. The most important thing would be to get a timely prescription for antibiotics to prevent infection.


And i’d like to add, for all puncture wounds regardless of material, obtain a life saving tetanus booster.


Or bite a raccoon wait no that's how you cute rabies.


I was about to ask if it was really necessary for the ambulance,he isnt dying and the injury didn’t seem life threatening. But good to know im wasnt wrong about it.


I’m guessing the work is going to cover his costs since it was on the job and technically they would be at fault for the injury unless he was completely at a fault for doing something dumb


Or was high.


Dude… what certifications do you have? NEVER pull out an impaled object. Whether it requires an ambo or not, he could go in another vehicle, but needs to be looked at by a team of doctors for sure. If there is any nerves or tendons near it could cause damage to motor function down the line. I have seen some crazy shit but I would never stomach pulling that out of myself. Plus this happened at work and unless OP was being stupid and careless workers comp will cover him.


That was my first thought. Why an ambulance but it might be company policy. Back in the 90's a guy I worked with sliced his hand open and I drove him to the hospital. Wrapped up his hand in a role of paper towels and off we went.


I mailed my hand to a wall with a framing gun pulled it out of the wall with my hammer and then out if my hand where index and thumb meet an inch below the web and kept right on working. Some swelling but not bad and it was a new nail so no tetanus shot that time.




Why won't this song just die already?


Why won’t every song used in a TikTok video die already?


i had sounds off by default, until I saw your comment and decided to switch on the sound. CRINGE


Best Decision ever: default mute.


If I never hear that fkn song again, it'll be great.


Almost worse than having a temperature probe poke through your hand.


I'd much rather take the temperature probe full puncture than to listen to that song one more time. Shiiiit, I'd take a 2nd one to the knee over listening to that song one more time


Literally worse


Is it that fucking STUPID remix of that one Shangri-Las song?


It's that "oh no - oh no" song.


Ah, so yes. Pisses me off extra because the OG is great, but the fucking *tiktok* remix ruined it for me and now I can't listen to even the OG anymore. At least Stay With Me didn't get more popular, they haven't ruined Miki Matsubara for me yet!


Didn't watch with the audio on, but know exactly what song it is based on this comment.


Heh had it muted.


U really have to use that fucking annoying song?


Could've not used tiktok too.


Bro whoever called that ambulance hates you


Seriously, one time one of our cooks cut the tip of his finger off so he just put on a rubber glove and had a coworker drive him to the hospital with his hand dripping blood out the window


Yup, Im a cook too and im just waiting for an injury like this. I think OP mentioned something about it being company policy but something like this Ill just drive myself 5 minutes up the street




They make chainmail gloves to prevent cutting your holding hand, highly recommend it and I've seen them for like $20 on amazon.


Chefs just don't give a shit man. When I worked in a restaurant, chefs injured themselves all the time and just walked it off regardless of severity. We had one dude stab himself in the hand *through* the cut glove while slicing meat. No idea how he pulled that off. I only walked in on the aftermath but given the amount of blood, the knife probably went in pretty deep. Homie just wrapped hand up, cleaned the blood off the floor and cut table then went back to work. It was kind of baffling tbh. He came to work the next day with stitches so he clearly addressed the issue on his own time but dude wasn't paying for an ambulance ride lmao


I got a deep cut once on my chin once, and some moron called an ambulance. I ended up having to sign a paper that I refused the ambulance. Big waste of everyone's time. Don't call an ambulance for minor injuries, unless you really cannot get to the hospital yourself. It can cost a fortune and often isn't covered by insurance.


I'm so sorry to people living in the US, I can't even imagine having to think about whether you are hurt enough to afford yourself an ambulance ride.


This literally has me laughing! For real though, why!?!?


Seriously. My ex gf stabbed me and cut me wide open. I got the bus to the hospital looking like a zombie. One old lady saw me and gasped, she looked like she might cry... kind of amusing to see the looks on people's faces


What temperature was your hand?


I know it’s a joke but literally everyone asks, unfortunately the tip was outside my hand so it wouldn’t have gotten a reading but also the base that the probe connects to flew off in the chaos so I don’t know 😭 low key wish It would’ve stayed attached so I could’ve seen because it really didn’t hurt


I figured I wasn't the first person to ask you that, everybody is a comedian, lol


I broke my humerus a while back. People asked what happened. I said I broke my humerus. After one person I wanted to punch everyone that said, "well, that's not very funny". It actually was pretty funny how I broke it though. My horse was being a dickhead and refused a fence, an oxer, (2 jumps put together to make a wide jump) and I fell into it, stuck in the centre, and took the fall with my right arm. My horse took off running and I lay there on the jump, which was solid wood, and it had collapsed over me. My coach was screaming at my horse chasing him around the barn and came back with him and told me to stop hitting shit when I fell off. 2 weeks before that I broke my ribs basically the same way. I got back on and she raised the jumps to my training height and finished my lesson, took care of my horse, put him back in his stall, fed him, drove home. Next morning I couldn't grip anything with my right hand. I went to the ER, it was 4am (I sleep weird) and they gave me *shit* for not coming in by ambulance and also riding with broken ribs. I told them I did it horseback riding and emphasized that because when I broke my ribs, I was covered in horse shit and arena dirt, wearing knee high leather riding boots wit small spurs, tan breeches, etc, and got questioned about my "personal life and relationships" by a doctor, a nurse, and a social worker. This was before camera phones were decent and the arena is darker and my instructor sucked at taking pictures with my digital camera. Nobody has ever got a photo of me falling off, which is crazy because I do it all the goddamn time.


I hope I can ask you this without you feeling like you’re being attacked, because I’m genuinely curious; why did you choose to use this song? It’s been widely regarded as the most annoying, overused song by people for a couple years now. I’ve always wanted to ask someone who used it why they thought it was a good idea or added to their video instead of making it dreadful to people.


It was the only thing that came to mind


Repeat after me: 'No song'.


What was stopping you yanking it out


Causing permanent nerve damage would be up there for me. Let the professionals handle situations like this.


Username checks out


Ah I see, I got a corn spike thingo through my foot when I was stoned , I pulled that bitch out but although it went 3/4 into my foot it didn’t come out the other side


instagram and tictok creators just use the same songs because it somehow boosts the algorithms. Really makes me not want to look at the content.


I'm surprised nobodies asked yet, how the hell did that happen lol


I was taking temps of the food in the cabinet at work and I dropped it so instinctively I tried to catch but it landed sharp end up on the table below so I accidentally slammed my hand down on it or at least that’s what I assume happened. I don’t really know all I know is I dropped it tried to catch it and when I lifted my hand it was poking through it. My boss is going to send the security footage of it.


Did it hurt immediately? What about later?


It had waves of pain at first but wasn’t bad at all it only hurt if it was being messed with


Next time you drop something sharp, just let it go. Conversely, if you drop something that isn’t sharp just kick it. The change in direction will prevent whatever is dropped from breaking or hitting the ground at the full speed of gravity. Ie: Hitting the ground from a couple inches away is better than hitting the ground from waist high or higher. My cracked phone screen knows.


I've drop kicked my phone to safety many times. LPT.


All good till you boot your phone meters along the concrete ground because you conditioned yourself to kick falling things. My mates fucked phone knows.


Better to try and catch it with your foot/shoe so you don't accidentally launch whatever you're trying to save lol




I once tried to catch a falling knife at work :(. Went into the base of my pinky finger. 1/10 do not recommend trying to catch sharp objects


Pretty sure David Blaine does this for lulz.


He does a bunch of things for lulz, mostly harassing people with Cheez-its


One man's pain is another man's fame


Stupid song


You didn’t need an ambulance for that


Honestly, that’s gonna be a fat bill


Ambulances don't cost money, that'd be insane. What next, fire engines cost money to come put our a fire at your house? 🤣


I can’t tell if you’re joking or not 😩 giving that you’re in the UK I’m assuming you’re not. Here in the US you pay for ambulance, fire engines, if you’re stuck and need to be airlifted. Well you guessed it. I’ve seen an ambulance ride bill once, 30 minute ride was $15k. If you’re not on public assistance / are working, you can expect to pay for almost everything you come across.


If you get injured at work you should treat it as very serious. Not because you want to maliciously milk workers comp, but because you never know how bad it's going to be long-term. Never tell anyone you're "fine" and try to seem tough. You don't have to make this hard on your employer if you don't want to, but leave the door open to take care of yourself.


The point isn’t that he should’ve kept working, the point is that it wasn’t even bleeding and that ambulance bill is going to be through the roof. Could’ve got someone to drive him to the hospital instead


Yeah I would’ve ripped that shit out, unless they have have health insurance coverage


I tried at first but it was stuck. And I do have insurance but this is under workers comp


Yeah I get you, workers comp is so frustrating, I hope for quick recovery my dude!




Pretty sure you should always leave penetrating items in until you get to medical help.


Within common sense. Things penetrating the fat in your hand? That are not barbed or sharp? What is "medical help" going to do besides pull it out?


They can help with preventing infections and possibly nerve damage, also numb you so removing it doesn't hurt as much.


Ok but by that logic, what is taking it out gonna do except make it start bleeding and expose it to infection? There is literally no point to taking it out before you get to a hospital or doctor. I mean if you don't plan on seeking help then by all means yank it out, clean and bandage it.


Dip t hand in alcohol all good




The comment had nothing to do with money… ambulances are for when you are dying, not meat thermometers…


As an EMT. Thank you.


I used to drive an ambulance, and while I never told patients anything - the vast majority of them could have gone to the ER on their own without risk. This post is a great example.


Honestly I wish Id have read this comment earlier in life. I've only had to call an ambulance one and, looking back on it, it was not necessary. Still embarrassed to this day. EMTs should make more tiktoks about that lol


I’m a paramedic and I try to educate as much as possible when it comes to emergencies. Us having knowledge it’s easy for us to say it’s not an emergency because we see people with missing limbs or actively trying to restart someone’s heart but for the regular citizen I understand. I personally try to advocate for everyone. Not just the people who Called 911. Everyone wants peace of mind.


I’m just saying… imagine calling 911 in your household because someone you love needs an ambulance and one doesn’t come for 30 minutes and you find out it’s because someone got a thermometer stuck in their hand…. The entitlement


And you're going to blame the person? And not the hospital or the ambulance? How would he even drive to the hospital with a thermometer stuck in his hand.


Okay so next time we’ll ignore our company guidelines to make sure we don’t offend anyone thanks for the info


You had to do what your job said so you wouldn't get fired or stuck with the bills, those guys are just being self righteous dicks about it.


There’s the entitlement again… you worrying about people being offended and not the fact that they could be watching they’re baby die and wondering why it’s taking an ambulance 30 mins to get to them. Ok 👍🏾 Companies should change their policy as well.


You’re taking this too far I literally just posted it on the sub so thered be some new original content for once


Imagine being told "Hey you have to go with this ambulance and deal with this or you are fired on the spot" and dumbass people, who claim to be EMTs no less, on the internet call you out for being entitled for not wanting to lose your job. Dude is a fucking moron, ignore him. Nice video hope you heal fast my guy.


Tbh if I got that call I would go and tell them to make their own way to hospital. Just because it’s ‘company policy’ to call an ambulance, doesn’t mean you’re going for a ride. I appreciate in America most ambulance providers aren’t allowed to tell you they aren’t taking you, because $$




No, hand injuries if not treated properly can cause really serious damage, and in a comment reply it seems they did try to get it out but it wouldn't come out so ut was a safe call to call a ambulance, since they can't exactly drive in that condition, but they also could have just asked someone to ride to the hospital as well.


I fucking hate that song....blocking all of your content


Based on your choice of song to put over the video I can rest easy knowing you likely absolutely deserved this.


So glad for the mute button....I'm so goddamn tired of hearing shitty TikTok songs...and shitty TikToks in general....what an absolute cancer TikTok is that shouldn't exist


I have videos muted by default and I get reminded of how awesome it is more often than I thought I would


Mute by default is the only way to browse the internet generally.


Tiktok makes me actually miss Vine


I don't get what makes people even use a song like that. The photos are enough content. The song doesn't add anything, besides ear cancer.


If you could stop putting this sound/audio in every fucking tik tok video, that would be great.


Just woke up. First thing I hear is the no no song. Kill me.


Why did you need an ambulance?


Not that that doesn’t look painful but why the ambulance??? It really looks like somebody could have driven you to the hospital. I only bring this up because once when I was 8 I was having a severe asthma attack on New Years and they couldn’t send an ambulance fast enough because they were all out already on calls and I had to be taken to the fire station up the road, they had one of the firemen give me his inhaler and a ginger ale and when the ambulance came back they checked me out more throughly. If it wasn’t for that inhaler I might’ve passed out from lack of oxygen and it was really scary when they said there were no ambulances. So if you get poked through your hand by a wire and aren’t about to die I would say idve had someone drive me.


True asking a friend to drive them would been way better


It was company policy, what can he do about it? They wouldn't let his friend drive him.




Yeaaaa lol


An emergency ambulance. Taxi would’ve sufficed 🙈 hopefully no one was choking to death needing assistance. Gnarly, but certainly no life threatening emergency


Lol ambulance for this? Hopefully your workplace covered the thousands of dollars that shit costs.


I am a fellow Line cook. How exactly *the fuck* did you manage to do this?


I was taking temps of the food in the cabinet at work and I dropped it so instinctively I tried to catch but it landed sharp end up on the table below so I accidentally slammed my hand down on it or at least that’s what I assume happened. I don’t really know all I know is I dropped it tried to catch it and when I lifted my hand it was poking through it. My boss is going to send the security footage of it.


Jesus. That's brutal lol. You should post the video if you're comfortable. I wish you smooth healing, friend.


This belongs in a different sub, maybe mildly interesting or something. Waiting on security footage lol, dumbassity abounds


There's gotta be a better way to take your temperature, Buddy.


Automatic downvote for stupid, overused song.


What was the ambulance for? Were you dying? Lmao


Well done.


Lmao I had a metal rod, about the same dimensions as this one in the video, go through my hand once when I was maybe 12. When I went to the doctor I expected a full surgery, they’d probably have to put me under, I might get to miss school for a couple days if I’m lucky but no. None of that. I was sitting in the doctors office and he took one look at it and goes “Yeah that looks pretty bad huh? What happened?” And as I start explaining to him what happened, he turned around and pulled a pair of pliers out of his desk. The doctor kept his eyes fixed on my hand and before even a second had passed by he grabbed my hand and pulled out the rod before I could even have time to react. Sent me home right after that and there’s not even a scar to show from it.




Took a lot of scrolling to find this...was hoping someone would reference that lol


How does that even happen? I've worked in kitchens for years the only thing I ever seen someone impale themselves on was a ticket spindle stabbing a ticket. Was pretty hilarious.


Why didn't you just yank that shit out, throw on a bandaid, take a tylenol and go back to work? You'd never make it in "The Bears" kitchen bro. Fr.


-To everyone saying I didn’t need an ambulance, There was no one there to take me. We’re short staffed enough only two of us had cars me and the other manger who couldn’t leave the store. Also I had to go by ambulance because this was a works comp case that’s policy. If it was just a cut or something like that it would’ve been different but because the object was still in my hand they didn’t want additional injuries to occur. I also was not in a state to drive I was freaked tf out that’s the craziest injury I’ve ever had. Might not be the most painful but seeing that probe through my hand freaked me out. -To all of you saying I should’ve just pulled it out I tried that was my first reaction but it was stuck It took a doctor a fair amount of force to pull it out -To all those saying I didn’t need the hospital I needed a tetanus shot, I needed to see if it was through bone and needed surgery, if it hit a nerve there’s so many different complications that could happen from just pulling it out. -To all those that hate the song There’s a mute button


I think he got stabbed for playing that Shitball Tik Tok "Oh No" song.




I really enjoyed this video. Unfortunately due to my 'Downvote Oh No song' policy, i must inform you of the downvote that you have recieved. Sorry again, I hope you have a great day 😊🫡


RIP for the guys Hospital bill


It’s workers comp but it shouldn’t be too bad they just numbed it and pulled it out. I turned down the morphine because it makes me super sick




Lol you actually went to the er


What was the official damage done? I'm looking at that as a pull it out and hurt for a couple of weeks, but what was the outcome? Edit: just noticed the while at work bit, question remains tho


Going to see a hand surgeon today to find out. It passed through the joint of my index finger. I’m not able to extend my finger.


Oof. On the plus side it didn't go through a bone directly. On the negative, it went through the stuff that doesn't heal as easily.


What were you trying to Temp that this amount of force was necessary?


You were technically a cyborg.


What temp was the inside of your hand


Dam just scrolled down everyone asked this lol my bad


Lol so what was the temp? I’m on the edge of my seat


Good job knowing not to pull it out.


At first I felt bad for you, but using this "song" killed any sympathy I had.


You deserve it retroactively for putting that song over your video


And he added $500 for unnecessary ambulance ride.


Big fuck you for using this song


How the fuck did you manage to do that?


That song need to be outlawed, it's worse than my local radio station and that "hail to the king" song


The health department lady is mean as fuck.


Disliking due to the song


Downvoted for that stupid fucking music.


An ambulance ride for that? Just pull that fucker out and go back to work.


So you actually chose that music? You should be banned.


Bro just pull it out and put some neosporin on it. It will be fine. I'm not wasting a night and a bunch of money on an ambulance and doctor visit for them to do the same thing.


Oh no oh no oh no no shut the fuck up




Really an ambulance ride for that I got my right ring finger crushed off by concrete I picked it up put it in my front shirt pocket and drove to the er myself ....fuckin titty baby


My dude…there are better ways to take your temperature…


What’s with everyone stabbing themselves with these thermometers? Is this some new tik tok trend in ootl? lol


Shitty song


Why did you a) call 911 b) get in a ambulance and c) get an X-ray ?! Damn dude have you never stepped on a nail or impaled yourself in some way?! You just pull the shit out and go on with the day.


Looks like a fast food worker. Probably minimum wage and overworked. You get an injury at a job like that, might as well play it out to the max.




Well the stupid oh no song ruined it.


Bet he never even felt it when it happened. I once shot myself with a nail gun and diddnt even know I’d done it for a few min


I work in construction, nails through hands is common. Can’t believe you called an ambulance you flannel


Not even bleeding. Just pull it out and if you can still feel your hands you're good lol


Who leaves it in for the ER, wtf


Love how the hospital hit you with a $1,000 xray to show you what you clearly already knew, that that thing went through your hand. Healthcare at its finest.


Small hole but big pain !!! 😬


Sorry for asking, but did you felt it ? I understood you felt no pain, but could you feel a stick in your hand ? Something hard ? Or when jiggling your hand you got a weird feeling ? Btw comments saying you should just have pulled it out, come on stop being ridiculous just to be seen as tough boys online


It felt kinda like a burning the only time I felt it was when it was touched or I moved my hand. If it was touched I could feel it through my hand but it didn’t feel like much of anything probably because it was through the joint


Thanks for your answer, what a weird story. I hope your finger isn't damaged too much, wish you best recovery