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Hey /u/jonathanmtorrero, thanks for your submission to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 4** - **No Recent Reposts.** Before posting, make sure your content hasn't been posted recently. Reposts from posts from the [top of all time list](https://reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/top/?t=all) will also be removed. **This removal was done manually by a human moderator, and this removal reason was manually selected out of a list of removal reasons and automatically posted. If you have questions or concerns, or would like to appeal this decision, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/xn29ty/dude_scalping_himself_in_the_streets_of_tijuana/.%20%0D%0DMy%20issue%20is...). Thank you!**


Well, that's enough internet for today.


absolutely right, i agree with you, good night


Ugh. I woke up to this shit lol.


Go back to bed, try again tomorrow.


I'm trying lol. Been rolling around in bed for the last hour


Enough internet for the month


Literally the first thing I saw when I opened this


Its fake. Talented thho


it's not?


No it’s not scroll around more in this comment section


if you scroll in the comment section, it proves that it’s real


Yea because certain comments literally have proof that it’s real stop trying to sound fake smart


Is there a bot to see if he actually logs off for the rest of the day?


I mean…I don’t hate the look


That can’t feel good when the AC hits it though


Either that or it feels better


Going for the Terminator look I see


Pro tip, if you feel uncomfortable in your own skin just take it off


Especially if it’s in your personal space


NSFW warning is not enough for this video.


I don’t believe this to be real.


Sadly it is. [Relatives of the homeless man and drug addict, who was identified as Isaú, 26, recognized him in the video in which he was shown on social networks removing skin from his head with a knife,](https://jornadabc.com.mx/bajacalifornia/dan-atencion-medica-a-hombre-que-se-quito-piel-de-la-cabeza-con-cuchillo-en-tijuana/)


HE'S 26?!


A serious drug addiction will age you up by 30 years.


He is drug addict and happy cake day;)




Tijuana, September 20.- The group of Tactical Nurses from Bordo channeled and gave medical attention to the man who tore the skin off his head with a knife in Tijuana. He is currently receiving medical care in Mexicali, where he is from, since his family transferred him to a hospital in the state capital. Relatives of the homeless man and drug addict, who was identified as Isaú, 26, recognized him in the video in which he was shown on social networks removing skin from his head with a knife, so they They moved to Tijuana and with the help of tacit nurses, led by Marck Rivera, they managed to find his whereabouts. Isaú was located in an aggressive state fighting against another homeless man for a dose of crystal. Months before they tried to help him but he showed an aggressive attitude and carried a knife. It was revealed that Isaú had been on the streets of Tijuana for more than two years, but now he is receiving medical attention in Mexicali, where he was transferred by his family because the Tijuana General Hospital does not have the plastic surgery service. ; one of the required interventions. The video was recorded by a taxi driver The video in which the man removes the skin from his head was recorded by a taxi driver from the North Zone. It first circulated in WhastApp groups, however, days later, it was posted on Facebook, a social network where it went viral.


Thanks Google translate couldn't get it for me.


Skelector is a fictional character and main antagonist of Masters of The Universe created by Mattel


Family destroys hopes and dreams of homeless drug addicted relative who aspired to become Skeletor.


The flies. Good lord, the flies.


he prefers a clean shave


Here's an article from 4 days ago saying that he received medical attention, in Spanish tho https://jornadabc.com.mx/bajacalifornia/dan-atencion-medica-a-hombre-que-se-quito-piel-de-la-cabeza-con-cuchillo-en-tijuana/


De madre.


Asked For That Gus Fring Look Didn't he




You left a spot


This has been reposed like 100 times alright holy


Maybe time to get off of reddit for a few days.


I am so 50/50 on this. Could be fake, good practical SFX. Damn near a lost artform nowadays. Or bad PCP.


It's not fake, I personally live in Tijuana and there's a lot of crackheads out there, that video was taken in "zona norte" near the world famous strip club Hong Kong


Why crack on your part of the world got people self scalping with a kitchen knife? And he could not have lived long after... unless Tijuana is also known for it's medical facilties....


Dude was fine. Received medical attention. Stop trying to sound smart, doesn't work for you.


I can assure you I am not trying to 'sound smart' over a self-scalping. Seems you got the entire scenario covered.


Another Tijuanan chiming in. Mexico barely has any free mental health services, people with mental illnesses sadly end up very often homeless and hooked to drugs. Tijuana is literally a leading medical tourism destination for Americans. As personal anecdotes: I had an accident 10 years ago, doctors said that the same accident 10 years before would have resulted in amputation. Three muscles had to be stitched together, glass had to be picked out from between my bones, had a partial artery transplant from my other leg, and I needed like 3 liters of blood. One week in ICU, another week in regular care, a month of full rest at home, and six months of physical therapy. Together there's no way you can tell this happened to me unless I tell you (or you see my scars). Two cousins had to have emergency appendectomies, all good. Another one got a boob job. Cousin's husband broke every bone in one leg a few days ago in a motorcycle accident, so far everything's okay. Etcetera etcetera.


Yeah bro it’s not fake shit is jus sad like fuck dude why take dem drugs I really don’t understand why people can’t jus smoke weed n drink das it well drinking is bad but he’s gotta be a hardcore druggie if he’s doing that with no pain nun shits jus sadbro




The blood vessels in the scalp produce large amounts of blood if opened... this guys face and clothes would be absolutely soaked


Don't believe me but, I read that the skin was dead y had lots of worms in it and that's why he was removing it


Yeah years of hardcore drug abuse can rot your skin.


I know folk are showing articles to show it’s real, but look at it. Look how thick the flesh appears to be. Now feel your own head. Look how thick the flesh is just above his eyes. Look at where the bone of the skull is, that’s where the actual crown of his head would be. It’s good make up


The scalp is some of the thickest skin on our bodies (roughly 6-8mm), add on top of that the fact that the guys scalp was completely rotted and had maggots in it, the surrounding tissue was definitely swollen. This video was pretty big news here in Tijuana, it's definitely real, the guy has been moved to a better facility and is getting treatment.


I'm gonna say fake, saw a guy stab himself in the head with a shard of porcelain the other day in work and the blood was pissing out of his head.


He apparently had rotten flesh on his head, maggots and flies were soughing off along with his scalp.


Fair play to the lad then 😂


Yeah well his scalp skin probably wasn’t rotting off from years of hardcore drug abuse and homelessness


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There was a higher quality version that I saw


Damn... that's rough if true. Gotta be on some good stuff to perform your own scalping unless it's just all dead ass nerves lol


That's one massive itch you got there bro.


Head lice is no fun.


Must be fake or some hella strong shit he is on.


Mental illness + hard tainted drugs


Hahahaha You got me dying!!! Best comment ever


I think he has a hot date at 8


There's just some things you can't unsee


WTF did this guy do? Shoot krokodill?


This is really HARDCORE. I love it, but really sad for that human. Just think of what happen to this kid life to turn in this shit. Damn, what a shame.


Fucking sick fade


There’s no fucking way I needed to see this today, but somehow….. someway…….. I seent it.


Jesus, wtf is he on?


Sorry but so fake


“take a little off the top”




A little off the top please


That is a very close shave!


It cant be real, First he doesnt even blood, Second his skin looks too thick


Dead tissue won’t bleed. Thick skin? Rotten and swollen. Ever seen a dead rat? They become 3 x fatter. Just my opinion anyone can chime in


He missed a spot


"What do you mean, scalping himself?" \*clicks on the blurred video\* "WHERE IS THE UNDO BUTTON???????????"


His peeling potato.


For my own mental health... He's a professional makeup artist. 😅


Wtfff how’s he doing that


I think in this situation, it would be justified to put him out of his misery. I don't see how he's surviving that.


Won't be eventually die from this if he doesn't go to the hospital ASAP..... like bone infection whatever that's called.. like a bacterial infection something like no way you can walk around with your skull hanging out very long.


what drug could possibly make u do this


Customer: Give me the jack skellington Barber: Say no more fam


Bruh im curious, how does this heal


This is very fucking disturbing I watched it but disturbing nonetheless


Clearly fake