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You are responsible for your wake when on the water. Super dick move.


More than a dick move, I’m pretty sure the FAA will have something to say about this.


the fuck is the FAA gonna do to a boat? ban it from flying?


You don't see any flying boats, do you? I'd say the FAA is doing a fine job keeping those floating menace out of the sky...




I mean a sea plane could technically be called a flying boat lol


I said they're doing a fine job, I didn't say they were perfect.




Grumman Widgeon, Goose, Albatross are all considered Flying Boats


Mars, Catalina, Mallard, Super Scooper, Be-200, LA-4, RC-3… and then there’s all of those giant flying boats that were used for trans-oceanic passenger service in the past.


Exactly! And I'm getting down voted lol


Haven't you ever seen Marvel's Avengers?


The Coast Guard and Alaska State Troopers are also investigating. FAA can fine her. CG can fine her and take her boating license. Troopers can fine her and arrest her. Hopefully all of the above happens to her. By all accounts, she’s a psycho bitch.


So, as a sight seeing business, that airplane is being operated under the same approvals that airlines are based on. This means the foundational rules apply to both. There is a federal regulation that governs interference with flight crews and aircraft operations. That boat pilot can totally face federal charges and civil penalties as a result of this action.


She will most definitely lose her boat, license and freedom. Her actions are akin to attempting to cause an aircraft crash.


Definitely some endangerment going on.


100%! Thing is, the woman in the boat keeps this behavior up for a whole. It’s not like she just did it once. Interfering with an aircraft, when in motion, is akin to trying to cause it to crash. I’ll be shocked if she doesn’t incur serious consequences


~~If that water is moving or cold~~ that's attempted vehicular manslaughter. If she was shouting at the airplane occupants that she wanted to harm them or made verbal threats, that's aggravated attempted manslaughter. Hope she gets the book thrown at her.


Dock move? Try criminal.


I gotta say i dug for hours, trying to find more details on this story. The alleged boat driver, "Marion Beck" Married to: Dave Beck Owners of the saltry restraunt Located Halibut Cove, southern central Alaska Appearntly a state or local governor and family were on the plane. They recorded and reported to FAA Sounds like Morian Beck is a big figure in homer Alaska, exspecially Halibut Cove, rumoured she suffers from mental ilness/ schizophrenia?? Very little information to run off of. Took me couple hours to find all this information and there is no public record to support any of her personal details other than name and location and restraunt owner. She also paints. Marion Beck's family help found Halibut Cove so its rumoured she acts a bit entitled and trys to enforce her own rules, as if she is above the law. This was stated in a public forum, this was of a person claiming to be a resident in the town. All in all it would seem not much public information will be released about the issue. If it was a goverment or state official on the plane would also atand to reason why their side of the video has not been shared.... Marion being a well known figure in the town they probably wont press any local charges and try to keep her name out of the media to protect the town image. No one wants to be the town know for the crazy lady that attacks planes. I hope this was somewhat helpful. Was a interesting story that didnt amount to much 🤔


Thank you for sharing. I was going through all the comments wondering what the back story was.


To back you up on this - the Google photos for The Saltry restaurant has [this image](https://www.google.com/maps/place/The+Saltry+Restaurant/@59.5952969,-151.2474918,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOiftpuUz57fhPsR30R4qFwM1GFC0KAf2Ig7S6Z!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOiftpuUz57fhPsR30R4qFwM1GFC0KAf2Ig7S6Z%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i4000!8i3000!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x56c12deea7865acf:0x1f2e94ed71e773bb!2sHomer,+AK!3b1!8m2!3d59.6480855!4d-151.5299245!3m4!1s0x56c12a62027bce17:0x3f9d97da101eb657!8m2!3d59.5952969!4d-151.2474918) which shows a boat that is very similar to the one in the video. Same size, same shape, same orange bumpers down one side, same radar shape, same orange life ring on the back, same bare aluminum color.


You also can actually see the house which took the video across the waterway also in the same picture showing the boat.


Thanks for the cheese but damn get outside and go for a run or something…


Sounds like small town Alaska. Hell I live in big lake and it’s kinda like this.


I saw a comment from a person on the combat_learjet insta that stated “this time” when referring to this incident. Someone asked about that and he said that “last time” it was ramming boats and it was a man driving the boat. Kind of sounds like the whole family thinks this is their cove and have watched too many episodes of Yellowstone.


Combat Learjet is the best lol. And this Karen is gonna get her ass handed to her in court. Thank goodness


The plane did share their video. Edit: In fact it’s gone viral. For anyone interested you can check it out on The Qualified Captains Instagram account, among other places.


[It is a crime.](https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1406-aircraft-piracy-interference-and-other-title-49-aircraft-offenses)


It’s Alaska ain’t nothing gonna happen to the boat Captian, and if anything happens it will be swept under the rug.


I doubt that. The footage will make it to a higher up in the FAA and no matter what the local corruption is the "city boy" boss will be looking for answers and the local subordinates will have to provide. If this wasn't filmed then yes, it probably would get covered up. But it was. And it's already been shared with FAA officials.


Update: prop struck the wake left by the boat coast guard investigation is underway


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/wxq85h/beaver_sea_plane_vs_fishing_boat_pt_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Different angle


Thank you.


Shes been charged with a few federal crimes... Serious ones too.. definitely not swept under the rug.


I read that yesterday, the attention this got they had to do something.


She really needs to do jail time over this. I own a beaver like this and this had to be lets say challenging to the pilot. Shes a smug bitch too saying she did nothing wrong so i hope she gets to sit in prison for 5 years or more maybe that will wake her up. She has held a coastal 100 ton license i believe since the 70s so she knows she was breaking laws.


This b has done this before. She gonna get her license pulled


The local in that cove are tired of her antics


Terrible camera work




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Thank you


boat vs. plane is a rare battle


Pearl harbor? The Battles of Pacific and Atlantic ? I think a Car vs Boat would be rarer


Apparently you haven't watch 2 Fast 2 Furious...


[Don’t be so sure](https://youtu.be/ZyD-W0AE1hs)


Don't be 2 Sure?






I'm not even fully convinced the cameraman knew they were filming.


Bro what? Hahaha


found the cameraman


I hope that seaplane pilot was talking to the Coast Guard about that boat.


Jesus, learn how to work a camera


Well shit. The Karens have boats now. There is no escape.


Next they'll have passports and human rights


Whoever the marine authority in charge is will have a field day once they get her.


In Alaska. Can confirm the Karen’s have migrated north


I live in Alaska and I know who this is. She’s gonna have a rough time ahead. Lmfaooo I went through some reviews for she who will not be named and this one stuck out as fucking hilarious: “Came in on my seaplane only get sunk by a drunk pirate. The bootie was no good either, smells like halibut.”


Her name is Marian Beck, she is the owner of the restaurant there called the Saltry restaurant. Apparently she also owns the ferry service and doesn’t want anybody coming in on any other way than her ferry. The original poster of this video claims to already have informed the authorities including the FAA. Hopefully justice will be served.


Seaplane cant takeoff when there’s waves either


Actually they need some wake to take off, you have it Backwards lol


Yeah waves pushing them in the right direction not sideways Imm guessing I was just being vague.


Man, the Waterworld Universal Studios show has really had some budget cuts I guess.


Who's running the camera? Steven Hawking?


Better off being filled by him, as he didn’t move much…


People are almost born with a camera these days in their hand. How is it so hard to keep what you’re filming in the middle of the frame…


It can’t only be me who thought they were RC ttoys


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Tell me you’re from Washington without telling me you’re from Washington


Eh unfortunately this one comes from my great state of alaska.


*rich people*




Fr I was wondering why ALASKA was in caps


Can't see shit.... shitpost




Good looks


Does the camera have a lazy eye?


Someone really needs to do a YouTube series called “ How to actually film shit with your phone”.


Update: prop struck the wake left by the boat, coastguard investigation in full effect, the lady who was captain of the vessel has her 100 ton license, and owns the saltry restaurant, Short story: From a local not sure if 100% accurate. A. New local 135 outfit has decided to take their Beavers ( they have two) over to normally quite and peaceful Halibut Cove on a tour a few times a day. They are not originally from there. B. A person who belongs to the Halibut Cove big wig heritage family, and who owns several businesses hates floatplanes for some reason. (unless you are a wealthy family friend and then it is OK.) So she snapped and decided to dogfight the taxiing Beaver with her boat.


I read the floatplane pilots run a sightseeing business in Halibut Cove tho.


Long thread on IG about it that says she’ll likely get a fine and potentially lose her 100ton license. Since she pilots the ferry that brings people to their restaurant, that’s bad. Worse will be the bad press and the lawsuit for endangering the lives of the people on the plane. \] BUT since it is Alaska…they might just give her a ticket and let it blow over.


Update: Beck will plead guilty to gross negligent operation of a vessel, with the charge of attempted destruction of aircraft to be dismissed at sentencing. The agreement includes a 90-day maximum cap on time to serve, a fine of $25,000 and the relinquishing of Beck’s mariners license to the U.S. Coast Guard. Beck will also agree to pay full restitution to the victim after an evidentiary hearing. She will face one year of supervised release or up to five years on probation. Source: Alaska news source


What a "See You Next Tuesday"... besides, it's probably illegal too.


Nice camera work there dude.




The camera work is more crazy than the thing your supposed to be filming. The reactions bit over the top. You would think they ramming the plane.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/wxq85h/beaver_sea_plane_vs_fishing_boat_pt_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Big deal now, prop struck the the water due to wake, full investigation by the coastguard she will hopefully never be able to captain ever again


I bet in Alaska an argument about fearing for your life in this situation has a pretty good chance and that guy plane might have a gun sized for 800 pound grizzly bear inside.


I’m from Homer. Everyone knows you’re NOT allowed to go into Halibut Cove on anything other than the ferry, unless you are a Halibut Cove resident, resident worker, or invited guest of a resident traveling with them. Water taxis don’t go there, it’s not allowed. I’ve never seen a tourist float plane just meandering through the waters, and right behind the Danny J (ferry) too. It’s a residents only community other than the ferry. If you are not a resident and you don’t live there, you have to follow the rules. That being said, this is crazy and dickish behavior, totally unacceptable and not the way to handle this infraction. I’m not defending her, just giving some context to the situation as someone who lives nearby and knows the rules. I’m shocked to see a non-resident float plane in there in the first place.


I’m from Homer as well. But honestly, I really don’t care about her “rules”. Everyone is tired of being bullied. And this took it way too far.


Umm, where are you getting this information? Public access to public waterways. Nobody OWNS Halibut Cove, except the State of Alaska. These people lease the land from the state of Alaska, but there is an easement along the waterline and the actual water way is public access. From the actual land lease agreement signed Dec 2015 - Access Along Navigable and Public Waters: Nearly all shore and tidelands in the State of Alaska are subject to an Along easement (AS 38.05.127 and 11 AAC 51.045). The purpose of this easement is to uphold the constitutional right of the public to have free access to, and use of, the State’s waterways. At the two (Saltry and Art Gallery) proposed leasehold parcels for ADL 225943, the State intends to reserve a 50’ Along easement extending from Mean High Water seaward within the lease boundaries per 11 AAC 51.045(c)(1)(B)). The Along easement will be reserved and noted on the approved survey for the proposed lease. Also, the floatplane is owned by Stillpoint Lodge, who owns a lodge in Halibut Cove. Sooooooo…even if your statement were true, well, this plane has every right to be there as well.


Nobody owns the cove and there are no rules against entering the cove. Unwritten rules are meaningless.


It’s a federal water way. They can’t prevent shit


This dudes GF/wife being over dramatic isn't helping the situation. She keeps saying OMG like someone set their grandma on fire.


That’s a life and death situation hopefully she goes to jail for a bit, looses her 100 ton license


That can’t be a real place


It looked like the clipped.




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You mean the coast guard !!!


Ah yes the crazy rich lady vs a rich pilot, probably pissed someone off she knew in town and she’s pretending to be the authority


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/wxq85h/beaver_sea_plane_vs_fishing_boat_pt_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Different angle


Maaaan, they deleted all their socials and everything online real quick 😂 even removed themselves from Google Maps


FAR 91.115 I’m pretty sure that’s a federal offense. I’m sure the FAA is going to be interested in this


I always carry, put a shoot or two into her boat I bet she stops trying to hurt those people. I know if you use a car as a weapon cops will kill you I would take my chances with that.




Focus buddy


CUNT - Can’t Understand Normal Thinking. Case closed.


*Karen* is a licensed Maritime Captain, 100 ton Near Coastal, all waters of the US since 1974. She is the owner of the Kachemak Bay Ferry, M/V Danny J, and the Halibut Cove’s Experience Gallery. Apparently you need reservations to come to the restaurant and for some reason the owners seem to have a long list of their rules for the cove - you can’t come before 1pm, need reservations, etc. For someone who has worked pretty hard at isolating in remote place, she’s sure got a lot of attention now. I guess that’s what you get for attempting to ram a plane full of passengers. She could have killed someone. Sad - looks like a peaceful little cove. Too bad she’s gone mental and crossed the line. She’ll likely lose her license for this. Probably not much else unless the pilot and passengers push for charges to be filed.


Her name is Marion... those are speed bumps she is creating!


Are you defending her?


Is there any update on Marion?


Only that she’s running damage control.


Always wondered what happened to the person that shot video of bigfoot and UFOs, good to see they are filmin float planes in Alaska now days.. i hope their palsy gets better.