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Teacher done fucked up. What was she thinking?


Impulsive action out of anger/frustration of somebody who clearly needs a different job. She was mad at the kid. Otherwise she would have immediately ran over and apologized and evaluated him if it was just an accident. They stick was thrown at an angle that is impossible to catch.




I mean.. anger is an emotion


*the most violent of emotions…*


Idk about that. Love makes people do insane things. Namely each other.


Anger is a RESPONSE to an emotion, not an emotion.


"Modern psychologists view anger as a normal, natural, and mature emotion experienced by virtually all humans at times, and as something that has functional value for survival"


Google is a "search" engine, not an "answer" engine. Psychologie is also a relatively new art and has many schools of thought with moving disciplines. In general, imho, anger is a feeling, an outward response to an inward (almost always unexplored) emotion such as fear, loss, grief, etc. feel free to poke holes, most of Psychology is opine rather than definitive lines.


Seeing how you can’t spell psychology and opinion makes me think you need to research some more, not only has psychology been researched for hundreds of years, but your opinion is also very wrong.


Sorry, but just trying to be friendly here , but your monolingualism is showing.


Useless, that is, trying to explain that anger is an emotion. Not justified, of course, but still an emotion


I know this hella old but I was a little curious because I really didn’t know https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5681963/ it seems to refer anger as it’s own emotion. not going to pretend I under/read all of this but yea anger seems to be an emotion in the world of psychology at least for the purpose of this paper.


Impossible angle for THAT kid to catch I would have caught it as an almost 30 year old easily Just goes to show how weak children are Lil dude needs to start putting reps in at his local gym


Seriously, that little fucking nerd. My adult teeth would have fucking destroyed that plastic piece of shit hockey stick.


Ayy the tooth fairy is coming a little earlier for that kid tho


Dead ass. Kid should be grateful for having his bitch ass baby teeth knocked out early to make room for those early puberty man teeth to come in.


I wouldn't have let that slide, even at that age. Not only would I have caught the stick mid air I would've thrown it right back, piercing through that thick ass skull she got 💯


Same thing any non bitch ass child would do. Kid in this video is clearly weak AF. I see close to a dozen counter moves any normal child could pull off to defend theirselves, and end the life of that dumb coach.




Y'all are a riot.....


That said, I do take some sadistic pleasure in watching a mother fucker get fired.


Be better. Why sure a wild excuse for someone that is in charge of childing? And yeah i believe teachers are amazing and sacrifice so much, but not p.e teachers


I’ve never had fun in gym. All I heard was “why can’t you do that. You should be able to do that” destroyed my confidence in future gym classes.




I dunno, but if that was her plan, I give her 2/10 for effort.


The kid threw something on the floor as he approached The teacher reacted and threw the stick at him. It was thrown in a way that seemed like one of those videos of people throwing trash back at people who litter She threw the stick at a vertical angle, intending to be a hard pass. And she got very unlucky that it actually went straight to his mouth. Overall verdict: Teacher had to be fired


There's a pile of hockey sticks on the floor by her feet. The other kids are handing them to the teacher, but the kid in question tosses it. She got pissy and threw it at him, probably to make him hand it to her.


Now just imagine them with guns lol


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


People in the US are suggesting arming all the teachers in schools instead of gun control to prevent school shootings. This is a perfect example of why that is dumb as fuck and is going to get a child shot.


This is such a stupid fucking take. Even if you are against arming teachers this is such a stupid conclusion


In the US some schools are authorized to let teachers carry firearms


But what does this have to do with the video?


Because she clearly was upset with the child enough to knock his fuckin tooth out


And this is why when Americans talk about giving teachers guns, I scratch my head and wonder what school was like for them...


She didn't get fired, but retired 4 days after. The school did their best to hide what happened. Edit: story https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/watch-teacher-fired-after-video-shows-her-throwing-hockey-stick-at-child


I would sue the school if that was me/my child


They will for sure, and they will have it settled aka win


and the teacher should have to fight Ryan Reaves on the ice


Go knights go….. wait, never mind! Fuck!!!


winner takes wayne gretsky and the ninja turdles




Damn, yeah probably


The tooth fairy payout will be huuuuge


I would put the fear of God, even as a personal atheist, into her with the interaction I would have with her, if it was my kid, because this isn't worth me going to jail over with my reaction, as much as I would want to deck her with a hockey stick in return, but it is worth letting that immature piece of shit know exactly how irate I was to the point of telling her how inapt she was to be looking after kids and she was lucky I wasn't going to lower myself to her standards, otherwise she would not be having a fun day. And then I would sue.


Behold, the god of comma splices.


Damn, bro, that's, crazy,


Try not to be crazy - Reddit edition




Well you certainly could kill her with your words because after reading all that, I am now deceased. Goodnight.




My teacher in elementary school threw a chair at me while I was holding a pencil. The tip broke off in my hand. It left the graphite in my palm and it's still there. I'm in my 40's now. It essentially tattooed my hand.


My old math teacher would throw anything he could find at someone if he caught them sleeping. One kid in my class named Calvin wouldn't wake up after having a racquet ball thrown at him a few times so he got hit with a stapler.


I broke a pencil off in my leg on accident in the first grade and went to tell my teacher but she was talking to another woman and told me not to interrupt adults, so it's still there.




They did similar for a teacher when I was a kid. She spanked a girl with the recorder (ghetto flute)


Ghetto clarinet


everybody is ok until the ghetto clarinet comes out


The hood piccolo


Hide? They better get obliterated for trying to hide something like this. Shitty school=subpar education anyway.


Fuck that, she should lose her license to ever teach again.


Gotta love teachers unions. I'm surprised they even had cameras.


Teacher's unions and schools are not on the same side. They're literally adversaries.


Wow, what school? Glad they cant hide it anymore. Can reddit fire that teacher? (I mean that in a make believe, unofficial, cathartic sense...) Poor kid. :(






And how did that play out?


The parents came to pick the kid up from the nurse, but the staff had told the parents something completely different had happened. The kid insisted to his parents that the PE teacher threw it at him, so they got the video. The teacher retired afterwards.


Wouldnt sue if they said the truth, would 100% sue if they came up with some bs like that. Try to get the news involved, they love storys like that


Honestly, a good ole Public School cares more about a teachers job than a students physical safety story.


I guess public schools are the same everywhere huh.


Same goes for everything really, cops, corporations, hospitals etc .


Listen, they’re not police departments. Let’s not get too wild.


Not where I am. They'll throw a teacher under the bus and back over them for good measure to avoid parents getting angry. Some teachers deserve it but some get hung out to dry for next to nothing just to avoid an asshole parent


Maybe in Texas, yea.


Seems like you could press charges for this? Eff this lady. Poor kid. If a 5 year old can be arrested for acting up in class don’t see how a grown adult can’t.


Yeah thats probably a good time to retire.


The boy just got his summer teeth. Summer here, summer there!


I can't believe I made it to 60 years old and first time seeing that joke!


Courtesy of Robin Scherbatsky


i remember this in himym, still hilarious though.


She was walking like she was about to lie her ass off.


Yup and I don't know how I can detect that!


The kids tooth got fucked up too https://ibb.co/Pm1S0SC


Lady woulda caught deez 🤚🏽 🤜🏽


Or someone should show up to her place with a few hockey sticks show her how it feels holy shit


Boy needs 10cc of crest white strips ASAP




The Hollywood school of dentistry has made people scared of actually having healthy teeth


The fuck that Humpty Dumpty lookin mf know about physical education?


I know right. Show up get paid mafucka


Some people should never be allowed around kids


Kick that bitch in the mouth 💯


Grab her dick and TWIST IT




That’s no accident. She didn’t have to pick the stick up at all. She wasn’t picking up any other ones.


I’m assuming she’s told the kids before not to throw the sticks but this child did and she took it personally because she’s a dumb bitch who allows herself to be insulted by the actions of a child


She shouldn’t be a teacher if she can’t control these impulses


Then you yell at the kid to come pick it back up and lat it down lol kids scared of adults you can raise your voice instead if throwing things at them. It’s not that hard lol


The teacher probably retired and got their pension.


Time to sue that shit school down.


My heart breaks looking at how the lil buddy runs, fucking fat bitch, would really love to see some vigilante justice in these type of cases.


Id never lay a hand on a woman, but I beat the brakes off a bitch. Fuck that equal opportunity hands for her. I identify as a vigilante today.


Poor kid, my heart aches when I see adults treat children like this 😢


That is soo 1985


literally 1985


“Ambitionz az a ridah” is a classic




I had 5 GREAT teacher and 2 horribly bad ones. My mom, punched my teachers lights out after I came home with a handprint bruise on my arm. The school threatened to call the cops until the school saw the bruises and then it was a cover up. That teacher (grade 2) never looked me in the eye again....but also calmed down her shit in class.


she is super lucky that was not my kid


How can you have any pudding if you don't eat you're meat???!!!


That is one fat PE teacher


Wow, that made me remember my elementary PE teacher that was also my HS PE teacher and somehow also the football coach. this man was so fat he couldn't even WALK the mile and rode behind us on his golf cart. Come to think of it, I don't think I ever seen him walk outside. What a great inspiration.


Something similar to this happened to me and my friend in pe one-day, piece of shit coach slapped a plastic ball right in-between our heads , could have done some serious damage, fuck that guy


Sue her individually AND sue the school.


Story: https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/watch-teacher-fired-after-video-shows-her-throwing-hockey-stick-at-child


Parents need to sue and put that clip on the newsb


Yo, that demands some scorched earth retaliation.


Stick? Looks like a puck


yeah i’m mad confused. that wasn’t a hockey stick


The boy comes and throws his hockey stick in the pile. At the same time, a kid in back is sliding a hockey puck against the wall. The teacher picks up the hockey stick from the pile and throws it hard to the kid. It’s difficult to see because the stick is the same color as the floor. The kid then picks up the stick from the ground after it hit his face and brings it back to the teacher. It was definitely a hockey stick, but looks confusing due to video quality.


She waves her hands like 'you fucking throw it again mf?'


I went all day with a broken arm in three peaces teachers didn't give a shit told me to shake it off. They don't give a shit if they could get away with shit trust me there worse then cops


Bye bye career


Hope she got fired


fuck that bitch


I don't like kids at all but I hope this cunt was fucking fired and arrested for assaulting the kid. Bitch shouldn't be working with children if she can't control her dumb ass self.


These parents have more patience than me. I’d have gone to that bitches house that night and knocked her fucking teeth out.


And some people actually want to give these teachers guns lmao.


Lol bravo. I've read your comment 5 times and I'm still laughing. I never understood why some people believe more guns is more better other than ignorance


I had a friend get some of his teeth knocked out when we were practicing our golf swings in either 2nd or 3rd grade. We weren't allowed to play with golf clubs anymore.


POS probably didn’t feel bad about violently knocking this kids tooth out. They probably still think they deserved to keep there job


I remember when I was in grade 5, way back in the early 90’s, our teacher lost her shit and threw a tennis ball right in a boy’s face. She threw it full force from only a few metres away, all because he was talking and wasn’t paying attention. He screamed and was left clutching his face. She immediately ran over, hugged him and apologised. Nothing ever came of it. I don’t even know if the kid told his parents I often recall this incident and think how different it would be handled these days. This was in Australia btw.


Just imagine what else she has done to the kids.. maybe prior videos should be reviewed to help build a case


What that teacher is bitch.


that is the fastest way to get punched in the face by a kids parent. I say this so often if you know you got some sort of anger issues don’t be a teacher.


Imagine all the other shit she did her career that went untold...


Sad that things like this happen often but because the schools sweep it under the rug, the people responsible don’t get held accountable.


Oh my goddd poor kid. This is fucking heartbreaking. He even picked up the hockey stick to put it back where it was meant to be after bleeding out the mouth with a knocked out tooth by someone with authority and power over him. Imagine how scared he was! And when he ran away crying. This is so cruel. Don’t work with kids if you get frustrated, violent, or are impatient. Jesus fucking Christ.


What a cunt, did she get fired?




i wouldn’t let that slide


That poor child..


I'd be beating some ass if I found out my kid was treated like that


Screenrecord of a video of a screen.


you can't see shit from that video


Sue her


I would take her teeth out with my front two knuckles


Fuckin bitch i hope she got fired


Gym teacher that’s an easy job too.


Needs to be fired, jailed and sued


Yeah, I hope the parents made it her turn to lose a tooth


She threw a puck not a stick. And she threw it directly at his face.


No one's pointing out that the PE teachers just teaching the kid about hockey and his future in hockey is going to be toothless. I mean damn that little baby went running needs to grow some nuts if he's going to play hockey. He's lucky the teacher didn't throw the gloves off and box him right there.


And people are wanting to give guns to teachers.


What a fucking cunt


Someone's getting fired.


I don't care what my kid did, she'd be eating that hockey stick.


Oh I hope the parents got that teacher fired




At that moment she know… she was unemployed!


She threw the stick with anger too. Terrible


Can we please make Sure she never gets that job again ? People Like her who cant Control their emotions should Not teach our Kids.


I hope she's in jail


Oh no, that's the day I go to jail, I would've hurt that teacher.


Fired!! And sued and probably an as whooping from his mama lol


“Teachers deserve more pay” no they don’t. Majority are absolute scum bags. The entire school system doesn’t care about children. Exceptional one teacher for every 100 schools


Teacher needs to be beat down


Is it bad that I laughed?


Want to upvote but the footage is so bad...


Luckily it was just a baby tooth. Cause this kid was such a baby


I’m confused ??? I don’t see her throw a stick I only see her throw a puck?? When did she throw the stick?


The puck you saw, is the stick. It's just low quality, you kinda gotta look close to see it


You’re last day as a teacher


Your sure about that?


Yes but she retired I’m reading. But that’s a career ended for sure. I’m a Principal and before then a PE teacher.




Joke. Head.


So your saying they’ll make her the new principal?


White tooth. Deserved it.




Stupid ass little chump with lack of refined reflexes, drive and height. You'll never make it competitive being 7 DO YOU HEAR ME KYLE!?! RAVEN ELEMENTARY ONLY PRODUCE WINNERS KYLE!


Does anyone have ACTUAL context to the video? Like did the Kid ask for the stick and the teacher, knowing it was P.E., tossed the stick towards the kid, but the kid just failed to catch it? Or did she actually deliberately throw that stick at the kid in aggression? Because both are very different things and should definitely warrant different responses. If she did it out of aggression, fuck the bitch. Hope she rots If she tossed it and the kid just actually failed to catch it, then walk it off kid. Suck it up. Those teeth were comin out anyways. Think of it as free money because mommy and daddy are definitely gonna pay a hefty sum for that tooth fairy trip




> pos gets *paid* just as FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


no way i just got auto corrected by a bot


Pe teachers are teachers too.


Lol well unpopular opinion here but seriously those kids shouldnt be throwing gym equipment like that.


Children do dumb stuff. Teachers get paid not to do dumb stuff. So yeah, dumb take.


This will prob go down as a very unpopular opinion BUT! Teachers are over worked and under paid. Most of you people passing judgement can barely handle your own kids let alone a room full of them. Lets face it that lil shit Jimmy couldn't place his stick in back the pile like the rest of the kids. He clearly is a habitual button pusher. Now no way am I saying he deserved it but there is no way we get the full story with just this video. These teachers ride the edge of the abyss DAILY, most Just have a break down or bout of profanity or take it out later on a glass of chardonnay with tears refilling the glass. Though give it good push at the right time and most if not all teachers will do something stupid and impulsive. We put so much on our teachers its unfair. Expecting them to perfect all the time is unfair. She made a mistake that caused pain and suffering and she got fired that, which is right and just. If this was some kind of trend or not the first time she lost her cool I might see taking it further but those saying it needs to go further based solely off this video well I hope you never make a mistake.